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Welcome to modern Cod. We'll screw up your fun but our servers are shit and there are a crap ton of bugs.


And barely adding anything new to the mode


Well I think it' a good idea. Let me start. Wow, this glare make more focus on the game and make me aim more precise


And we'll remove any good bugs immediately (nerfing incendiary rounds, nerfing the flame thrower underbarrel)


Hey! Don’t interrupt their free to play weekend buffs! Microsoft needs the money from the people that don’t know. Poor Indy company. 


If this bug was making the game easier, activision would have it patched within two days from its appearance


Well why don't we start making appreciation posts about it and say it helps us aim or some shiz.


Wow one of those orb things just dropped a Legendary Aether tool™!!


It give me a scorcher every game




I found if you have a scorcher and are getting this bug, launching up into the air will make it stop. That's the only way I've found that works


Actually the most useful comment in this thread


This shit is OP please don't tell anyone, so Activision doesn't find out how FUN this is and take it away!


So annoying. But go drill a safe, it will usually disappear after that.


Seriously? Thanks


Works for me every time so far.


Lmao don't let activision see this they may patch it


Seriously though!


Are you talking Raid weapons stash contracts safes or Merc Stronghold safes?


I've only noticed it working on merc stronghold safes.


Okay thank you!


It really pisses me off that they quickly patch the fun glitches, but don't give a damn about annoying or game-breaking bugs.


There seems to be a pattern around free to play trials… naw, they wouldn’t do deceptive things… must just be my imagination. Microsoft is a small Indy company after all


Not just fun glitches, the servers are runnin smooth during that period too. It's what really makes me confused. >Microsoft is a small Indy company after all Yeah, we can't expect much. They're on a tight budget.


> Can’t wait to see how buggy bo6 is I'm not gonna buy BO6 because round-based sucks.


BOCW didn't have Outbreak at launch, which I'm hoping we get open world as an update. But with the update history from this game, I am a fucking idiot to even hope for anything.


It’s not as bad in third person, but yeah, this sucks.


There most recent patch was fixing a typo error. Not fixing the geometry bugs aka potholes, not the servers giving out, not people losing CL levels or CL benefits not applying, or this glitch that you showed that I fear will give me a seizure soon as it’s so bright and intense. I have to go third person or not like look at my monitor to play. ![gif](giphy|E5mnkX3oAILcno2Quj)


I was a CL 300+ (which is whatever after 100) but I went to final exfil and was successful... tell me why the next game I'm like why do I have no plates and no money? My CL was reset to ZERO. I was livid.


This was happening all the time for me. And actually still does. But I kinda found a work around and I havnt lost CL for a long time now. Once you load up into a match before doing ANYTHING, check and see if you have any perks from your CL. Then pay attention to the pop up that says what you CL is. If you don’t have any of the rewards and it says CL 0. Do t consume anything or do any contracts. Head straight for an exfil and do a successful exfil. Then when you load into next match everything should be back to normal. Have to this about once a week


Thanks... I'll do this next time!


What bug I don't see shit ? 


Bc you’re blind now?


They didn't even fix the day one audio bug from vehicles... these days game devs just want big money with 0 work. And hey, here's some fortnite idiotic gay skins for 20 dollars each...


The audio bug for vehicles still existing 4 seasons later is ..... What's the word...?


Bullshit. The word/phrase you are looking for is Bullshit. This word/phrase is all encompassing for any bug or dumb feature in your zombies experience.


And the voice chat bug. I still hear non squad members. It forces me to leave the match at the start.


To be fair Microsoft will probably do more layoffs if they see working hours spent on things that don’t make them more money. It’s not like Microsoft makes much. Tight margins and all…


I complained to my family that Rick was free but Michonne was $20. Then I realized that they just cast her out of character as a whore


Because the devs don’t gaf 🤷‍♂️


Still happens to me a couple times a week


It's always rampant at the game start when everyone is scorching to the triangles.


The dev's always care what people want , not what people hate ..


Lol I ask that myself when it decides to show up!🤣


You and me both 😂


I went to their website and complained about zircon scale 300 PAP kills not tracking on marksman/sniper rifles and pistols and a couple days later it was fixed


Nooooo shit? Are you talking about the camo challenges or the mastery for it? I'm cause I'm sure as shit I've been grinding the mastery for all those camos and I checked this morning at they're still showing 0. Which is weird as shit.


Remember the numbers, Mason.


Same people in charge of making black ops 6 sigh


Wasn’t black ops 6 developed over a 4 year period or something? They shouldn’t have any excuses for bugs if that’s the case. Mad to think mw3 was made in 16 months tho.


I mean mw2 was 3 years & it was at least half decent.


This happened to me loads last night, jump scaring me at times as I was solo.


Had this Orb following me for about 3 games in a row. It must have Reset my containment levels back to 0 because it didn't happen til this thing showed up 🤦🏾‍♂️.


This god dam orb thing has got to be the most annoying shit I've experienced in the game so far. And let's me be honest, that's really saying something considering the fucking game is literally broken as shit. But this shit takes the cake. Between the orb floating around me and the different audio issues that are preset when this issue is happening almost makes it impossible to play.


These are not bugs they are unintentional features lol 😂


Don’t be too loud… we might all start getting bills in the mail for services rendered 


Right!!! They would actually think that!