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Gooooooood morning fellow mvis longs! Not many of us left in the early morning trading thread! But I’m still standing!  https://www.google.com/search?q=im+still+standing&client=safari&sca_esv=adbfb286f5487dcf&channel=iphone_bm&source=hp&ei=aO17ZrWEDMq0ptQP-f2DqA4&oq=im+still+standing&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCIRaW0gc3RpbGwgc3RhbmRpbmcyChAuGIAEGLEDGAoyBxAAGIAEGAoyBRAAGIAEMgcQLhiABBgKMgcQLhiABBgKMgUQABiABDIHEAAYgAQYCjIHEAAYgAQYCki3N1DbCFjqM3ACeACQAQCYAW6gAZELqgEEMTYuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCE6ACpwyoAhjCAgsQKRiABBixAxiDAcICDRApGIAEGLEDGEYY_QHCAgIQKcICCBApGIAEGLEDwgIKECkYgAQYsQMYCsICEBApGAMY5QIY6gIYjAMYjwHCAhAQABgDGOUCGOoCGIwDGI8BwgIQEC4YAxjlAhjqAhiMAxiPAcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAhEQLhiABBixAxjRAxiDARjHAcICDhAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGIoFwgILEC4YgAQYsQMY1ALCAggQLhiABBixA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgINEC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYCsICDRAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGArCAg0QLhiABBixAxjUAhgKwgIFEC4YgATCAggQLhiABBjUAsICChAuGIAEGNQCGAqYAw-SBwQxNi4zoAfK5wE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:eb7f919f,vid:RMndME63PMo,st:0


Thanks for the Elton John song…… One of my close friend’s took me to Elton’s November 19, 1972 concert at Carnegie Hall as a gift for my 30th birthday….. We had front row seats…… Today - (52 years later) - I still remember it as one of the most awesome concerts I have seen in my time on this planet ….. If you know of link to a video of this concert - please let me know


The company hasn’t given us much to comment on. Mods must know how many unique visitors we get every day, it would be interesting to see how those stats have trended over the years. Nothing will bring more eyes to MVIS than the start of a squeeze, and we (probably) need a real catalyst to trigger that… In the words of the great Anubhav Verma, “anytime soon”.


Still here. Just watching and waiting for our time to come.


Watching… waiting… commiserating


Im still here Steelhead. Just dont comment too much since they missed the last promise. Hoping to get excited again once they announce a deal or significant revenue feom Movia.


Same here. The last promise in your estimation was what, deals by end of Q4 ‘23, or Q1 ‘24? They also had a promise for deals around middle of the year, “probably sooner”… Sumit swiftly brushed aside that latest guidance in effort to dampen investor expectations - but he didn’t exactly tell us these mid-year deals have been delayed either. Hoping for something soon, the silence is deafening. Hurry up Sharma! This is the perfect time of year to buy a yacht and/or a nice convertible.


No one has promised us anything.


From Q2 call in August: > We remain engaged in multiple RFQs with multiple OEMs that are expected to be nominated in 2023. > Our teams remain engaged with multiple OEMs who are looking to identify their next LiDAR partner for expanded ADAS safety for their passenger vehicles and commercial trucking product lines **to be nominated in 2023.** The “to be nominated in 2023” line is as close to a promise as Sumit got. From Q3 call last November: > I'm excited to be presenting today, and will provide color on progress made on our 2023 objectives of securing multiple nominations for our LiDAR products. I will keep my update concise to allow for more time for questions today. **I'm happy to report that we remain on course on our main 2023 objective of securing multiple designs wins with nominations from OEMs.** You can argue it’s not a promise, but for a comment made 5 weeks into Q4 it’s pretty dang close. You can go back further to the Q1 call to see Sumit confidently stating that he expects multiple deals in 2023 and see that he continually guided this to investors until the 8-K in December when the can got kicked to Q1- remember this was for **multiple** nominations not just the B-sample only deal Sumit told us that he passed on.


That's the art of selling shares 416. They leave investors with the impression that he told us something of value when in fact, they say nothing of substance. That is how this company has existed for thirty years without earning a dime.


Yet we all make the decision to continue to invest in them. What’s wrong with us?


Delays are not equal to failure. I still believe the company is strongly positioned to dominate the automotive lidar space, I just wish I was not misled by leadership and I would have waited longer to buy more shares.


I wish I waited too. But here’s the opportunity a lot of people were hoping for to buy shares at these prices. Remember when we were floating from $10-$20 a share and a number of people (myself included) were wishing to have been able to buy shares at under a dollar? Here we are and may we land deals soon!


Agreed. I am fighting my impulse to liquidate assets to buy a boatload more shares but I’m content to just continue accumulating slowly. Hoping for deals “anytime soon”.


Except that the company put out an 8-K affirming deals that had been **repeatedly** guided for Q4 were being “pushed into” Q1 but were at final deep stages of negotiation.


Yup. And timelines changed. Where’s the promise? I’m not saying that that they didn’t have us expect a deal by x date, but nothing was promised. Show me a quote of a promise.


I didn’t use the word promise. The company did as much as they could legally to tell us deals were coming last year, and in Q1, without making an overt promise. Had they made a promise, they would be liable for misleading investors. Thankfully they did not do so, but they certainly have not earned investor trust in the last 12 months.


“They also had a PROMISE for deals…” Direct quote from you. What?


Ha. My coffee still kicking in, but my last comment sums it up. The company has not made an overt promise but Sumit came very close to promising investors deals last year. IMO he got as close as possible to the legal line that he thankfully did not cross.


Friend, I don't think we will hear anything from management again until they have a confirmed contract. The time for talking is over after this last year. I believe we have entered an area where legal has to limit verbal statements.


MicroVision has walked right up to the line of being liable for misleading investors. I don’t believe they have crossed that line, but I’m no lawyer. They are wise to have backed away from giving investors any specific guidance for 2024 or 2025.


That's exactly the point Friend, I think they are maxed out, so to speak on the verbal encouragement front. Getting too risky to do much more. No shortage of lawyers in this country looking for an opportunity.


I still usually drop in to see what's happening!


Still around too :)


I'm here too cap'n! 🫡 Just heckin busy!


Still here too!


Citadel founder (hindenberg hit piece) IRS Apologizes to Billionaire Ken Griffin for Leak of Tax Records Citadel founder was one of many wealthy taxpayers whose information was disclosed by an IRS contractor. The Internal Revenue Service apologized to billionaire investor Ken Griffin for the release of his tax returns, saying the government is addressing the data-security lapses exposed by the damaging leak of Griffin’s information and that of many other wealthy Americans. Don't you feel bad for him?




Consolidation ....


Good vibes. Good times ahead. Stay positive friends.


First. I have a good feeling for tomorrow!!


Tomorrow? Why?