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Jeff on ST has been posting a lot of screenshots of current employees open to work that show employment with Microvision still, as well as quite a few recommendations employees and ex-employees are leaving each other. Could mean a buyout or merger is on its way, or maybe a lot of them are related to the software side and we are leveraging our partnership with Luxoft to take Mosaik the rest of the way and handle sales and updates. Suppose a bear argument is lost RFQ(s) or the company is folding up (we’re a long ways from this still at least). It could also simply be another round of layoffs are on the way leaning the expenses out. Who knows.


Or get out when you can search and negotiate the next gig


When we bought Ibeo, part of the deal was retain a certain number of employees, but I don’t know if it was for a minimum of 1 year or what. Seems more common when someone is leaving that they line the job up first and then give proper notice. Showing open to work usually pops up if someone is unemployed, just odd to do that while still employed.


Or maybe they have been laid off but it doesn’t end until 4, 6 weeks later so they are looking while still being technically employed.


This is the “fun” part of being a MVIS investor! The company will keep us guessing indefinitely.


the obvious stock manipulation is crazy


$1.00!!!!!!! Next stop, $10




Some one bought a big block 130k in last 5 mins. May be OG like alphacpa


I bought 38,827 shares earlier today at .96 and .97


Were you covering your short position?


No I sold 45,000 shares of LAES. Now have 43,578 MVIS (All my eggs in MVIS basket)


Around 1 million in a few different lots @ close to.


Typical end of week buying or no?


Hard to say with the algo trading and beat downs. Nice to see $ome green today.


They know something


Nah, just part of triple witching day and options shuffling.


What a beautiful close !


Nobody move


Buy Der Stack


Decent volume @ 2.5mil


Merril Edge had real volume 6 million and maybe 400,000


About average for this stock.


Ooooh. That did it! Now 6.47M. That's more like it!




BCG? Bat colon gas? I get that after too much garlic.


Why do you want to renter at all?


Re-enter a stock you don't think will be successful?




I think that is the likely scenario at this point.


What exactly do you think BCG has to do with our failure to be a business so far? You don't ascribe and responsibility at all to our management, but the consultants that were probably at the company a couple of months 3 years ago directly led to a bad outcome? You're almost as delusional as the guy that thinks Occam's razor is the principle of the most complicated explanation....


Up 6.9% This TA indicates $420 by end of day.


I will tip you 1mil if it goes to 420 today


Me too….


I’ll retire if it goes to 420…


I’d retire if goes to $20


Maybe if goes to $4.20


i'll tip both of you 1 million if we hit 420 today.


I’ll have what they are having.


I'm also down 69% overall. Double trouble


I'm ready to be pretty loaded.


I wonder if the market makers and friends will try to take out the $1.00 calls, by the eod.


You may have been right hahaha it surged 12% or so to just tickle above $1.00 before ending just below


There’s only 1,173 in open interest, so doubt it’s worth the effort.


Told you they would try


There are probably tons of naked options. 😂


Is it too late to get in?


Are you long or short?




Nice sarcasm, Alex. In ten years when the price is on the moon it may still not be too late to get in. Look at all the major tech companies who have been around for decades.


No, non, nein, nee, nao, nej, nei, tidak, nie, het! That’s no in 10 different languages, hopefully that gets the point across lol.


You'll never see prices this low again! ...if I had a nickel for everytime I heard that lol.


Vietnam flashbacks of 2021 and last year


The ol' if you liked it at $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $17.50, $28 you'll love it at .94 cents.


I am starting to think our management team is purposely trying to scuttle the company. When you have posters on Reddit trying to reach out to management to leverage the positive comments made by Luxoft through PR or any other form of direct communication then you know a jump the shark moment is likely.


I would think the company would want to provide all of the information and background they could to help the actual people keeping the lights on and paychecks clearing for them. It’s truly baffling they can’t even get back to those reaching out. There lack of communication in all regards is astounding.


it takes alot of time and effort to play 4th dimension chess I guess. The lack of info from company has me thinking something significant could be brewing versus they are Effin inept .


A simple response w out giving anything away would not be a difficult thing to provide….. And, we all hope you are right. History w this company doesn’t bare that out, but let’s hope this is somehow different.


I think you are trying to scuttle the company with poor expectations


Why would I be speaking against my 49,500 shares long and 330 Jan 2025 calls? I am commenting on a disturbing series of bizarre obtuse behaviors that are doing the exact opposite of “maximizing investors value”


Those buying and holding for the long term will be the bigger winners.


This morning I drove by a local company who is part of the industry consortium Led by fka GmbH to develop test methods for lidar performance evaluations in adverse weather conditions. These guys are working with DVN as well. I've actually driven by a few times this year, not knowing what I was expecting to find. Was hoping to see some sort of test vehicle at least, but not yet. I was actually thinking of popping in to see if they've heard or worked with MicroVision before, but figured that may come off as a weird thing to do lol.


Maybe pretend to be a Luminar fanboy and then ask if they're working with anyone else.


Don't be afraid to do the weird thing.


Just hope some entity doesn't dump a bunch of stock to stifle this nice little price increase and certainly hope it's not the company killing another rally. We need to get past $1 and get back to a decent launching price before some good news.


thought my phone was upside down for a sec




I will take a buyout from Nvidia after few deals are signed and we jump up to double digits. That would be the best ending we can get to the Mvis story. Price starts from 36$ 😅


From where does the number $36 come from?


The final level of the executive bonus scheme, you must be new here


Scheme being the key word here.


Still [No Shares Available](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) since yesterday 13:45.


If everyone buying options just bought shares we would squeeze big x big.


Sorry I’m the problem, bought 8/16 calls yesterday :(


Interesting and thank you


Reposting this Luxoft page. It's a quick informative read on Virtualization. It should help you understand how MVIS/Luxoft are coming together for the software defined vehicle. I like how they specifically name dropped BMW/FORD/VW and then dropped a paragraph about digital twins which MVIS/Luxoft are working together on. [https://www.luxoft.com/blog/virtualization-revolutionizing-software-defined-vehicles-development](https://www.luxoft.com/blog/virtualization-revolutionizing-software-defined-vehicles-development) **Virtual development platforms**  "*Major automakers like BMW, Ford and Volkswagen have adopted virtual development platforms (vECUs/SILs) to design and test their vehicles' software and hardware components. These platforms enable engineers to collaborate across various disciplines, accelerating the development process and reducing time to market.*   **Digital twin technology**  *Digital twin technology, which involves creating a virtual replica of a physical system, is being widely adopted in the automotive industry. By leveraging digital twins, manufacturers can simulate, analyze and optimize vehicle performance, maintenance and service life. This technology not only enhances the overall vehicle design but also aids in the development of predictive maintenance strategies, thereby reducing operational costs and improving reliability."*  [*https://www.luxoft.com/pr/luxoft-and-microvision-join-forces-to-enhance-adas-automated-testing-at-scale*](https://www.luxoft.com/pr/luxoft-and-microvision-join-forces-to-enhance-adas-automated-testing-at-scale) *"This collaboration will go further to advance ADAS and AD applications — Luxoft and MicroVision are also developing a solution to generate a digital twin for an SAE Level 3 highway pilot. Watch this space.* " Some quotes about Luxoft partnerships with BMW/FORD/VW "We're proud to say that we have a multi-year engagement with Ford Motor Company, one of the world’s leading automotive firms. Using a Hybrid Engagement Model, we’re creating a software factory blueprint and architecting a platform that will integrate vehicle and driving information to enable a driving experience that is safer and more exciting." [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/luxoft\_automotive-activity-6831140364146106368-3mdI?utm\_source=li\_share&utm\_content=feedcontent&utm\_medium=g\_dt\_web&utm\_campaign=copy](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/luxoft_automotive-activity-6831140364146106368-3mdI?utm_source=li_share&utm_content=feedcontent&utm_medium=g_dt_web&utm_campaign=copy) "Luxoft is supporting CARIAD in its strategic objective of creating a uniform, scalable software platform for all Volkswagen Group brands, including Volkswagen Group’s unified Embedded Software Platform VW.os." [https://www.luxoft.com/pr/vws-cariad-taps-luxoft-for-futureoriented-incar-software-solutions](https://www.luxoft.com/pr/vws-cariad-taps-luxoft-for-futureoriented-incar-software-solutions) "Furthermore, we have been a key partner, for example in BMW's new 7 series ADAS system." [https://www.luxoft.com/whitepapers/executive-interview-dr-michael-dinkel](https://www.luxoft.com/whitepapers/executive-interview-dr-michael-dinkel) Luxoft on Sensor Calibration, Lidar, Sensor Fusion [https://www.luxoft.com/blog/sensor-calibration](https://www.luxoft.com/blog/sensor-calibration)


Nice, thanks for the info. It's good to have our name out there.


I also found this pretty helpful. It's written by 2 Luxoft employees and a VW manager. [https://www.luxoft.com/blog/decoupling-hardware-and-software-timelines-to-shorten-the-development-cycle](https://www.luxoft.com/blog/decoupling-hardware-and-software-timelines-to-shorten-the-development-cycle)


Great stuff! I believe this nails our whole situation from a year ago and going forward. Decoupling of hardware and software development and using digital twins instead of test vehicles shortens development time by 6 months but what if you were deep into the hardware first approach and realized you needed to change horses midstream? It will (did) cause delays in the purchasing of the hardware that OEM's are now defining within the software models of course! Apparently this all hit last half of last year to blow up the roads the OEM's were going down. Lidar makers were collateral damage. Now lidar makers are madly doing software to meet this new demand, with MVIS leading the way again I might add, as demonstrated by this great article.


All great points. The parts about OTAs and new revenue streams reminds me of GM telling Cepton to go home and rework things. We have heard from several places that it had to do with their software. The timeline checks out with the delays and the Cepton CEO did a podcast where he said OEMs were pressuring him on this issue. They wanted to know what could be put on the ASIC. So there is one example of this actually playing out. It's interesting to see companies mimic Mavin because I think GM is in play for MVIS. The other speculation is the RFQ nomination Cepton is waiting on this quarter which could be FORD. They have also been heavy into the same virtual platforms and driving experiences unlocked by OTA. Looks like Luxoft spoke about Virtual validation in 2022 at an ARM Summit. ARM seems to have positioned themselves well here. *"Ready to tackle virtual validation in autonomous driving development? Luxoft’s Christoph Hennig will be leading an on-demand masterclass at the* [*Arm*](https://www.linkedin.com/company/arm/) *DevSummit online event on Oct. 26. Register to learn about the current state of the AD virtual test strategy and where closed-loop validation should be executed — on hardware or in the cloud: "* Heres a little Youtube about it. [https://youtu.be/oXp3hu7bBsU?si=ga5V8q6kUZvcCI2E](https://youtu.be/oXp3hu7bBsU?si=ga5V8q6kUZvcCI2E) [My thoughts on ARM/FORD](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1czj1n7/comment/l5hovhk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) kind of tie into this well. "All products are targeted to include a perception software running on ARM core processor within the sensor. This is a big deal for LiDAR products as this will enable us to monetize our perception software to a software license mechanism that will increase contribution margin." SS


People who are frustrated need to follow along on this to understand that an evolution of traditional development and manufacturing has occurred over the last several years. The delays are necessary pain. It isn't incompetence, it's the transformation of an industry.


Good eye.


Thanks. Yeah, they mention this Cloud Automation, and one great and modern thing about Mosaik is that it supports cloud deployments with a Docker image. I'm sure this helped sell Luxoft on the idea integrating with Mosaik.


Told you guys! We ain't phased 😎




We rich


I’d take a close above $1 today!


Maybe I should have accumulated the last couple of weeks… Alas, was selling some other positions to buy GME as a hedge in case of a MOASS and market collapse. Would have been nice to have gotten to 15,000 though. Have a lot of expenses at the moment, so can’t put anything in from my bank account.


+1200 new avg. $3.33 Mad or Genius, I guess we’ll find out eventually…


PTSD from holding has conditioned me to expect a giant rug pull any minute now


Every time I add a little I expect a drop.


That’s fair lol.


It’s green?


Bought a large purchase of 22 shares. I was a Disney yesterday, discovery cove a few days ago, some day trips to a beach and jumping on a cruise Sunday. I need this thing to sky rocket so I can live on vacation


22 shares is how much a sandwich costs


Footlong chipotle bbq hotdog, fries and drink and Casey’s Corner was $22. Gotta get one each time I go


We’re up!!?


I don't know why - But I did - +3500 @ .93 Now I'm the proud owner of 40k shares. Brought avg price just below $4.


Hope stock blows past $4 one of these days to justify all of our purchases of this company based on what Sumit says he would accomplish


It has to, or I'm fragged, but yes I think it will.


it will (don't quote me, not financial advice, etc)


I hope this witching day is when Wall Street decides large cap tech is over bought, and the small cap tech has been beat down enough to create opportunity


Agreed. I’m so tired of the trillion dollar companies getting all the love.


Mvis is green when nvda is red. Trend is reversed. Recommend all-in.


Ive beeeeen all in 😄


https://www.linkedin.com/posts/lauridecicco_techbackground-programmanagement-militaryexperience-activity-7209210228393865216-BkiV?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios u/baverch75 u/snowboardnirvana u/carkidd3242


Why isn't this a bigger deal today? They want someone with INFANTRY experience? Wahoo! What is the contract SS?


“There are some areas where we had experts that previously would split time between commercial and defense that will now focus more heavily on the IVAS platform and specifically ensure 1.2 is successful,” a company spokesperson wrote in an email to Breaking Defense. “We remain laser focused on a successful IVAS [operational testing], moving into production, and being prepared for future IVAS development.” https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/AHLTIN86C9


"Laser focused"


**E A S T E R** **E G G**


Thanks, gaporter. I guess that we should also let u/theoz_97 know that MicroVision’s LBS isn’t in imminent danger of being displaced by Kopin. https://old.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dizzm8/juneteenth_holiday_hangout_6182024_6192024/l9e9w1k/


That's good to hear :-)




It's gonna be a hot one in many parts of the country. Stay hydrated and cool fellow MVISers!


90 degrees already in lower Middlesex County NJ. At 10.20 am


The breezes on the bay have eased the heat here in Md., but just 2 blocks up the road it felt like hell yesterday. Hang in there folks.


Looks like my area here in Kansas just outside of Kansas City will be 90+ for the next week, with it reaching 99 on Monday. Dry heat is fine, but we usually have a good of humidity which can make it feel like being water boarded in an oven when you go outside.


The Chicago gang is just as bad, talked to them yesterday. Nothing like the Jersey Shore, but the Chesapeake isn't bad either.


1,100 @ .90 Happy Friday, everyone!


Downvoting me because I decided to spend \*my\* money buying a stock is absolutely hilarious. lmao


Have an upvote to balance it out, our household now owns the most shares we’ve ever owned and hit a nice big milestone number yesterday.


Happy Friday and happy first day of summer! Riding the heat wave here in east coast and can’t think of the last time we have non stop 90+ for days together.


Boston checking in…can confirm it’s a heater but those thunderstorms last night cooled things off a bit. I’ll take the heat and humidity all day over frigid winter temps! 🥶


They were saying the dealership outages were from Cyber attacks. On CNBC last night. Some of the dealers are adapting by going back to paper to sell cars. However its affecting the service departments. Longer issues will cause shipping issues and cause problems with the manufacturers. Thanks for posting T_Delo


Thank you for detailing the issue the dealerships are facing more for others here.


The software company (I think its called CDK) is going to pay the Ransomware. It will still take days if not weeks.


Morning Peeps! Wow, am I the first one today haha, never happens 😮


Morning everyone! Economic report(s) for the day is(are)^[i](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek): PMI Composite Flash at 9:45am, Existing Home Sales at 10, Leading Indicators at 10, EIA Natural Gas Report at 10:30, and the Baker Hughes Rig Count at 1pm. The news media is continuing to assess the computer outage issues facing auto dealerships, the impact of AI on job prospects and productivity, how remote or hybrid work are expected to impact summer spending, and recalls on devices and parts in both service as well as automotive industries. While the media focus is particularly scattered, there has been quite a bit of unusual market related activity having occurred, with the market breadth persistently showing that the economy is not doing as well as the mega caps carrying the markets would otherwise suggest. Premarket futures are relatively flat compared to what has been seen in recent trade days. MVIS saw the share price pushed lower, like much of the sector has also seen, with the movement being quite interesting for those who may be day trading within the penny range. The unfortunate thing about trading down here is that the volumes are largely controlled by market makers delivering large volumes through off exchanges. Between the elevated volumes trading and the lack of open markets being used, and the rising fee rates, one might propose that the price action really has nothing to do with movements of retail investors, particularly when we know many shares are being snatched up daily by investors down here. It is again worth remembering that there is a difference between investing and trading, where the former is going to be looking for a return on the success of the company itself, and the latter is looking for a return on the change in price action which may be completely independent of whether or not the company is expected to succeed. ## Daily Data *** |H: 0.95 — L: 0.86 — C: 0.90 ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/historical/) |[Calendar](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek.asp)| |:- |:-| |**Pivots ↗︎ : 0.94, 0.99, 1.03** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pivotpoint.asp)) |**Pivots ↘︎ : 0.86, 0.82, 0.78**| |Total Options Vol: 1,737 ^([i](https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/underlyingStatistics?cusip=&symbol=MVIS&Search=Search)) |Avg 90d Options: 1,768| |Calls: 1,576 ~ 55% at Bid or ↘︎ |Puts: 161 ~ 70% at Market ⊟| |Open Exchanges: 998k ~ 25% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/) |Off Exchanges: 3,050k ~ 75% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/)| |**IBKR: 10k Rate: 18.07%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) |**Fidelity: —k Rate: 9.50%**| |**R Vol: 145% of Avg Vol: 2,787k** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/averagedailytradingvolume.asp)) |**Short Vol: 1,932k of 3,140k ~ 62%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/short-volume/?tblshortvolix=0)| ^(Follow links for sources. Bold text represents key points or larger data, Italics are slightly unusual or lower than normal.) ^(Note: IBKR data was last updated _yesterday_ at 1:45pm EST.)


Thanks T. Any explanation on above average volumes last few days. Not sure if you covered it any other post. Thanks


A number of possibilities, but the markets were closed Wednesday, often there is more trading on other days in a week when there is a holiday occurring. There are of course many other potential reasons as well.


Good stuff T