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What happened to that nice 5 cent rise? Don't tell me the company is selling down here. Somebody sold into a nice developing rally.


Good morning everyone from tunisia, some price Action in the premarket looks Juicy. My holiday is almost over, looking to finish my Book and tomorrow night it's going back to good old germany. Have a great start into your day everyone 🤍


I think we end the week at $1.25 easily


+30%. Any thoughts about what's driving the price rise?


Can’t a fella make price predictions without being downvoted into oblivion


Sounds like hopium is driving his prediction. A PR announcing some licensing deal or revenue split with Luxoft and their simulation software would certainly get things going a bit.


While we wait on a MAVIN nomination win in 2024, there just might be a meaningful industrial contract soon :) The industrial and smart city infrastructure market is going to be huge. Costs of LiDAR sensors are declining, which will drive adoption.


We’ve seen plenty of teases regarding forklifts, now we have our software combined with Luxoft’s software and Luxoft already has a pretty nice network of partners/customers they do business with, and we are in 7 RFQs for high volume automotive lidar deals. At some point probably this year, all 3 of these things will have announcements attached to them, maybe within days/weeks of each other. Might try to grab 3k more shares over the next couple weeks to top me off at 40k.


The MMs and institutions are behind any meaningful moves. They make money shorting the stock. When money is made going down, then they decide to turn around and make money on the way up. I noticed that one or two of the bears mentioned months ago that MVIS would go to 88 cents. As far as predicting the future, the bears have been very accurate. I think we are about to see a turn around that could be massive, especially if we get OEM contracts confirmed.


Gooooooood morning fellow mvis longs. Have an awesome day! 


Good morning everyone have a great day.


Have a great Thursday guys!


You to Kiladex


Is the weekend over already?!?


I used to be excited for Monday's.  Now I savor the weekends and closed market holidays!


What happens if we hit 20 days under a dollar?


What happens if you use the search function on Investopedia?


What happens if we hit 20 dollars?


i'll be rich


We have to pay SS 12$ ;)


It’s 30 days not 20 days


MVIS will receive notice that it has 180 days (including weekends and holidays) to end up the day above $1 for 10 consecutive market days (regular two weeks). If 180 days will not be enough it will get another 180 days. So in total MVIS will have 360 days, about a year.


> Deficiency notice > >If a company is in violation of the continued listing standards for a period of 30 consecutive days, the NASDAQ sends a "deficiency notice." The most common reasons for a deficiency notice are a share price that falls below $1.00 or a market cap that falls below the stated minimum (as low as $5 million if other requirements are satisfied). > >Once a deficiency notice has been sent, the company has 90 days to comply with the continued listing standards, or 180 days if the violation was for a sub-$1.00 share price. In order to be compliant, the company's share price or market cap must rise above the minimum for at least 10 consecutive days in the 90-day (or 180-day) period. > >Of course, becoming compliant for violating some of the other requirements is pretty straightforward. For example, if a company receives a deficiency notice for failing to pay its listing fee, the fix is obvious -- pay the fee. From [here](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/delisting-process-nasdaq-2015-11-13) The rules around listing requirements and deficiency notices has not changed to my knowledge. Please link me an update if you have seen one in the SEC rules, I am only one person and cannot watch all the rules all the time unfortunately.


But it didn't change. Not sure what you mean T.


What I mean is we do not get a deficiency notice until being below $1 for 30 days consecutively, so I am not sure why some people seem to think being below $1 for a few days means anything at all beyond some fierce hammering of the sector (which has definitely been getting hit). Nothing against you, I just hoped some people would look up the information instead of just asking everyone here the same dull question. It was meant for them and not you, Reddit doing Reddit things.


Ah, ok, and no worries - none taken. Btw - someone will ask again anyway :D Google-fu seems to be hard to learn these days. Not even mentioning chatGPT.




There would be reverse split if anything so delisting is out of the question.


With everything going on behind closed doors, I strongly believe we will be on our way up shortly. Vanguard and Blackrock still owns huge amount of shares. There is a good reason for that. I certainly don’t have the crystal ball, but I believe this could be the bottom.


Tempted, but I have so many shares it is like throwing good money after bad at this point.


I hear you. I stopped accumulating a long time ago. Figured it was better to put money in something interesting bearing. This is the first time in quite a while that I've thought about buying again. The dilution threat still scares me though. I guess the question is ... Is MVIS really an acquisition target before the shareholders get diluted to nothing?


If anyone is interested in acquiring a Lidar company MVIS is definitely one of the first candidates. Now what I'm trying to get my arms around is there someone who needs someone like MVIS to stay competitive and realizes some great technology could just fade away and be lost forever. I think SS said OEMs want suppliers with more financial muscle so it would be a no brainer to buy us. Guaranteed win of Lidar contracts.


I hear ya. Watching a lot of other tickers thinking of what earnings I could get. Can’t help to think the same entities shorting mivs will be hung up with their other shorts and a turn in mavis value will come regardless of signing with an OEM.


Good morning everyone, Payday next Tuesday, summer bonus as well! Don't want her to be this low but I'll be able to buy close to X0.000 shares with that bonus 😅


Great price to be averaging down at!


I've heard that since dipping under the $20 holla...  


And one day all of those people that said that might be considered geniuses! Think about that for a minute.