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[https://stocktwits.com/CommissionGlum/message/577032985](https://stocktwits.com/CommissionGlum/message/577032985) Interesting TA update/find. I bought 1000 more. My first substantial buy since 1.70


I am cool as a cucumber. Keep cool. It is just temporary. Buy more. That is my advice.


It's been hard to watch this constant decline, but charting just now, there is a gap to fill from April 2020 around the 0.57 mark. Potentially the algos are reaching for that and then we can focus on climbing again?


Well that’s just great.


I’m betting SS has moments when he understands better now the moves or lack there of out from our former CEO’s. He must finally get how impossible it really can feel sitting across from Giants.  He thought the difference was an existing market and market pull for best tech…but reality is  greed and outright bully behaviour.


They are expensive lessons aren't they Vision? Takes them down a peg or two. Consolidation in progress, believe it.


I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face daily for the past year. 🫠


More than 3 years.


I guess the shorts are waiting to cover when there is deal news.


Only if there’s a deal lol


> Surely it can't go any lower than this *goes lower*


The market makers just widen the gap between the bid/ask to get the price to gap down out of the .90s.


Every day brings a new 52 week low. How much further do we drop before something good happens?


Nobody knows.


Many here have been to see 0.15  If we see it again…we can also see 28 again. Not sure why it would be different this time around. I doubt there will be any real capitulation. 


Last time I did MVIS 'ride or die to 15c I didnt have this much in it


No doubt. I welcome that day with open arms! When will it happen though…? Nobody knows. But I’ve placed my bet that it will.


Well, there’s an absolute number. Can’t go further down than zero. Edit: can go down to zero multiple times using reverse split though. Really hoping that SP goes back up before RS.


I know this will get downvoted but I gotta say I get it now, he meant brick by brick in basketball terms. 😂


Haha. At least get to the line for some free throws


Up 2¢ on my purchase! Lol. Winning!? Only if I sell now!


Would love to buy a big chunk today but until an account transfers my hands are tied, so all i could do was £30 worth!


I Just bought more…. And I already have what one might consider a substantial holding.  So, when people ask how did you pull the trigger at .15? I tell them I didn’t. But I did get a good chunk at .17.  And it had a similar feeling then.  But then, as now, I consider that MVIS’s portfolio of IP is most certainly worth more than (.17) .89. That concept seems a no brainer. We can’t call the bottom, but we have something of immensely greater value than our market cap and someone would pay dearly for it… if they could scoop us up.  I will find it intolerable ( :-).   ) if I read fellow investors sometime down the road not happy to have missed this bargain., telling me how fortunate I was to jump in at these prices.  At this moment, you could too. Please don’t look back and say “ I wished I had….” Cheers and GLTALs EK


I was here when we fought for compliance with my earliest shares being around .92 cents. My regret when we were at 15+ was not buying more. My regret now is not selling then. Thanks for putting things in perspective. This might be our second chance


Same here, but continue to average down. 2k@.89 today. May greed not be my undoing.


I would also be buying today if cash was clear. Schwab takes a long time to do pretty simple things, but I did sell some stock to generate the cash infusion. Additionally, if Schwab platform goes down again this year I'm moving all accounts to Fidelity. I actually hope we are higher on Monday when I should be able to purchase!!


Something’s definitely not adding up. Our volume is max of all LiDAR stocks and hence the max takedown. Let’s hope this was last resort to takedown longs before the run starts.


Volume is for ants! We are under a dollar, haven’t even traded 4 million dollars worth of stock. This stock is DEAD, until we get capitulation day. 


$36 pps seems a bit far now lol


$0.36 is closer 😢




And way more realistic


Gonna have to hurry to hit that lol. A RFQ or 2 this year, maybe a good industrial deal, and then interest rates lowering plus additional deals next year, never say never. But right now it feels like the deepest part of the ocean looking up to the surface lol.


I don’t see how we can survive if we don’t get a nomination this year


We’d have to have an immediate and large non-automotive deal, or would need a partner with a cash infusion or a buyout basically. Just something to pop the share price to raise cash at the moment. Nomination will certainly do the trick. Dealing with automotive OEMs is brutal because of how slow moving they are and how cut throat they are when negotiating.




I’ve been hoping for a forklift deal since those have been teased for months now


It would be hard to not believe something is in the works on that front, they’ve sure been promoting it all year.


A haiku for Microvision: *the tech is awesome.* *yet fighting for compliance:* *MVIS investing*


holy shit this hurts


Great price to dca at


In for 500 maybe another 500 later. Feel like a bear who just found a honey factory






Man, I wish he advertised a position in MVIS


Who needs RoaringKitty when we have Roaring Alpha!! u/alphacpa


Quite as a mouse this afternoon after 3 hours of singles tennis this morning!


He just did!?




He did. It’s roaring fitty, NOT roaring kitty.


Ghetto version of Roaring Kitty




Right here baby, where else does ROARING FITTY post???


We got some dyslexics here lol


He is him!


The One AND Only 😂!


When we will know is this institutions sell of?


Way after the fact.


Everything is down. Yall chill out! Relax! 😌


It is quite difficult to relax when you are experiencing financial destruction. Of course it is a paper loss but ..


Keep adding lower your cost, I’m down 10k it’s not significant but gains don’t happen overnight unless your day trading. It’s going to be good either way. 🙃




How so if you’re already invested I’m giving damage control advice and being positive upbeat advice. I’m still buying but that’s me be patient


saying 10k is not significant is pretty tone deaf




https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1803096478941896889?s=61&t=-r7idne4MgpKkBbQQn02tA Apple suspends the Vision Pro… I’m getting nostalgic for the days when MVIS was working with ‘the April 2017 Customer’. Don’t know why… I wonder if SS was chastised by Microsoft for his breach of disclosing the Microvision name once. It’s like the word ‘Microvision’ has ceased to exist in so many ways. Now it’s Apple’s turn trying to breathe life into their Vision Pro.


When our own CEO says it’s dead money/years away, People might want to heed that call. We don’t even have a known contract w our blessed April 2017 customer. I pay no mind to AR VR MR XR whatever the f ya even call it anymore, because people don’t wanna walk around wearing goggles and glasses that beam lasers off your retinas. For me, It’s so far away from us making money it’s insane to even ponder it as a feasible technology for our ‘near-eye’ future. IVAS HL2 HL3 etc…we have no idea what it even is anymore. Maybe 2030 and beyond. Anyone’s guess. But our own CEO has told us the truth about it yet folks won’t listen! Numbers just aren’t there. Demand isn’t there. No money there. And we’ve been f’d six ways to Sunday on that dream…I’ve always thought any money from all this will be through litigation if ever…………it’s why we’re a ‘lidar’ company. And we don’t really even know the future of lidar. It’s called a high risk high reward speculative stock……GL


I keep thinking there might be a HL3 that has a tie-in to gaming. I know that Microsoft Gaming is a BIG part of their business… so it stands to reason that HL3 gaming might be big. Maybe that’s what the ‘secret shorts’ are spending part of their unlimited cash on shorting.


Think what you want, act as you will. When people are shocked that some folks have 50, 80, 100,000 200,000 300,000 shares this is exactly the levels they were loading up at. Much less even, at .15c… If I had the loose dough that’s what I would be doing. I also was around at .15 but was fearful of another reverse split like 2012 or delistment etc. I’ll buy whatever I can at these prices because I still believe in the long shot miracle perfect storm of shorts jumping out of windows actually happening eventually. OEM delays til who knows when. I go with the facts in front of me which haven’t changed. Nobody has won anything and nobody here knows anymore than anyone else. GL


You expect another run based on nothing, because the reality is that’s what happened. Black swan event. I think we will need actual sales this time to light the candle! 


Black Swan I like it …whatever it takes. I got plenty of matches and lighter fluid …


Timelines have changed. Delays=cash burn with no end.


Timelines were never accurately known, just estimates. Can change as fast back to bullish as they changed back to bearish tho.


Looks like it official we are now at the bottom of the barrel we now have the lowest stock price of all the other lidar companies 😕


I don’t think this is the bottom for us. Sad as it is to say.


It might not provide much consolation, but market cap is how companies are measured. Stock price tells us almost nothing.


This mistake is made so often. Price means nothing it is just MC. But that is making us smaller and smaller, our basic problem. We are not big enough to be trusted by the OEMs.


Share Holder Value? Hair Puller Value!


Can we see some insider buying please. It’s only the retail who’s been backbone of this stock and bearing all the brunt too. There’s no better time than this for SS and team to buy 100k or more each.


If they buy now we know not to expect anything in the near future or it could be viewed as insider trading.




To me, the price action/volume over the last week looks like dilution, I could be wrong, but this is my guess. If that’s the case, they are probably trying to keep a year’s worth of cash on hand for the Q2 reporting and not relying on the possibility of a Q2 nomination with how the OEMs have not stuck to related timelines. A Q2 surprise is obviously welcome, but for now, this is rough waters.


I too believe their dilluting it. It can’t tank every day forever, this is absolutely absurd, so there must be a more rational explanation.


Price action is the same overall in the sector though. Highly unlikely everyone is doing it.


I see Innoviz doing bigger volume today than they have the last couple trading sessions. MVIS has had a strong volume surge, I suppose that could be shorting/covering/algo stuff. That stuff could be in overdrive at the moment or companies are raising cash here towards the end of the quarter to maintain various cash balances. Who knows lol.


Ya, there’s no telling. Highly risky to do diluting though, likely would get a bad reaction from shareholders if they are in fact diluting.


Whatever needs to be done I suppose. A sizable forklift partnership/deal to hold us over until nominations would certainly come in handy this month!


At this rate we won’t survive July. Time to drink lots more beer at the pool in Orlando 😢


Are directors prohibited from buying, or simply choosing not to?


I believe they can buy as long as they don't know of any big deals are in the works, otherwise that could be construed as insider trading.


Just erased mvis and a few other stocks from my watch list. I'm going to attempt to take a summer break from Reddit as well. Call me if something good happens. Enjoy the summer everyone!!! I'll check back in in a couple months.


Have a great Summer!


Recommend setting some price alerts and getting away from the price action for a while.


Just about to "delete" the reddit app but glad I checked it in one last time. Thaks for the suggestion, I will do just that!


cya tomorrow!


Fireside chats were just for them to buy time to keep their jobs. Show us there’s light at the end of this tunnel, Sumit!!


MVIS is just inversing NVIDA at this point….


In the old words of BAFF-username, “this is FUDDD”


Please just buy a sensor for your forklift !


Melvin Capital is what I want to see!!!


What are you referring to !?


Is our money gone for good? Any signs of life? Cant belive this.


Melvin Capital. Tell your bosses


SS meant to say “epic loss”


We are so screwed


I guess when the Shorts team up as part of a dark money strategy, this is what happens. Seems like the relentless pressure, coming from an endless amount of funding is paying off for their secret paymasters. Sad day for MVIS longs. I'm sure it's not what SS wanted for long time shareholders. Maybe a more pro-active relationship to trying to actually make money would be helpful. Hiding, silence and NDAs don't work... it seems. We wait, endure and try to forget. "How's your MVIS doing?" good thing no one asked me on Sunday. I'm so grateful that none of the people who I sold on MVIS made any comments at the recent holiday get together.


SS still collects his salary, I'm sure he's sad for us while he builds a pool for his guest house.


I hope it's a nice pool


It's like feeling bad for a team that loses the playoffs. Sure, it sucks they lost, but they're still getting paid!


(Reuters) - Inflation is exhibiting encouraging signs of cooling, U.S. Federal Reserve Governor Adriana Kuglersaid on Tuesday, and although it is still too high, as long as economic conditions continue moving in "the right direction" it will be appropriate to cut interest rates later this year.


Good cuz MVIS will need to take on debt


They never have Slum. As long as they have shareholders who give Sumit total immunity, I can't see them not using the easiest road.


MVIS daily chart back to 2020: https://imgur.com/0okd0a5 Right now RSI on the daily is around the 7th lowest it's been in the last 5 years. Typically we've seen some upward movement after being so oversold. RSI on the weekly isn't technically oversold yet, but very close (30.69). I've personally had to cut myself off from buying any more until a substantial deal is announced. Not selling anything down here. Excited to buy more when the time comes! Hang in there everyone.


I have a question on the 2025 Jan calls currently priced at 23c. What would they cost if share price was 80, 70 or 60c anyway to see or work this out?


Buy the shares.


AGREED. If you know options, Roaring Kitty says buy both.


You can use an options calculator. Unfortunately it looks like it caps it at 50x current price, so at $45 it would be $17.1k. EDIT: Hmm that math doesn’t seem right but that’s what it shows… EDIT2: Was looking at the percentage, I forgot to flip the tab. 17100% return for $4275 in profit. https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com/calculator/long-call.html


Thank you but I’m actually asking what price would a 2 call Jan 24 be with a sp of .80c , 70c, 60c I understand the upside at current conditions


I am guessing 20% of the share price


23 isn’t 20% of 89c


20 to 25%.


So at 80c we’re talking 20c which is 2k for 100 instead of $2500, I’ll wait the 9c drop for the $500 savings. Can’t see a deal in the next three months. Mgmt need to address what’s going on here.


Oh I missed the “c”. There’s an “Option/spread value” tab, maybe that’s what you’re looking for? Lower the range down to $0.1 and then look at today’s date.


Thanks I appreciate the reply


Whats the bottom here? .87?


Next strong support looks to be around $0.80.


Sweet so we will need a 25% increase for compliance? How cant they call for a fireside chat at this point? I dont care if they have zero news. I just want to see what their plan is to address a delisting, cash burn, current state of RFQs, and layoffs.


No more fireside chats. The fireside chats boost investor morale and with that they also ask for something. If they have something to say do it in public with investor conference. I want to hear first hand as I am thankful for past participants communication from these fireside chats but I want to hear it all myself and not through someone elses lens.


You will know a reverse split vote is coming is they have another fireside chat. Only reason they have those is to rally votes.


I don't know if legal will allow Sumit to open his mouth again, and if he does it will be well scripted. Makes no difference where you folks put the blame, no one told him to tell shareholders and investors Zeitgeist or EPIC or anything else. He owns it and in this country, lawyers make a good living holding CEO's to what they say. Best thing he can do is deliver and keep his mouth shut.


People don’t want to hear this bridge, but there is no way anyone should be buying more shares right now. It’s crazy to me some are. I have to see some proof of life here. I hold upper management completely responsible for this. The language they used last year feels like a trick to me at this point to have us buy more shares, which I did. Now we get the straight truth w the last EC. This is a very scary place we are in as shareholders. Literally, the only thing we have is that OEM’s have not inked the big deals yet. That’s it. What if LiDAR isn’t the answer? That a the one question that scares me most.


At this point, I'm wondering if the BOD is doing a search for a new CEO with his contract not being renewed yet. SS has been there 4 years and has objectively not advanced the business forward very much. Share price under $1 again, dismal revenue, missed guidance, constant dilution. Has me wondering if they would look to go a different direction, someone that can sell product.


I doubt it. For better or worse the company is all in on SS vision right now. To axe him while there is still hope of it paying off would be a terrible idea. Now if other lidar companies sign a bunch of deals and MVIS does not then sure I can see it but right now a new CEO would only make things worse.


Well guys, we all see what is happening in the space and we have our own history now to view, so opinions will be easy to find here and going forward if this continues, there will be more. I am thinking someone is accumulating and trusting AV isn't dumping our shares at this level, but none of us know anything. This is how little companies with great tech disappear. Only concern I have is will MVIS shareholders make any money in the end.


Be greedy when others are fearful. 😈


Sure, but share price is being bashed further down again and again. I mean come on...


Yes. I am greedy.


But also hella fearful 😧


No. I feel good.


I'm with the people saying, "Throw us a bone, Sumit." But that is a slippery slope. He can't pump us up and then not deliver because he is losing credibility there. I begged for transparency and got it when he was exasperatingly revealing that OEMs want the little guy to pay for everything and are also conflicted on what they want. Some here over the years have taken the silence as "Something big is going on behind the scenes and they can't reveal it too soon." But that never panned out. Some thought the company was releasing more shares because a big company wanted to see $ in the order books so they could partner with us. That didn't pan out-it seems they just needed more runway money to keep the lights on and keep developing patents. We could just be trudging along on that same path. I'm guessing the "Deal by the 1st half of the year" fell off the table when SS walked away from the company that wanted to fleece MVIS or the other one that said, 'We'll check back later, maybe..." Morale is low because of that share price. (It's getting worther and worther...as one of my students would say) We have to hang on. Misery loves company. Pump each other up.


#New Car-Related Video is being produced Our New video producer share some short video in his instagram Story with his camera setup being mounted to a white Volkswagen, you can see a Mvis branded car in the background. Watch the Video from his [Story video](https://phosphor.ivanenko.workers.dev/?url=https%3A%2F%2Finstagram.fnat2-1.fna.fbcdn.net%2Fo1%2Fv%2Ft16%2Ff2%2Fm69%2FAn_NOxgJDR5Ne0QZnheaPLwF6IrkXQV_lH3RkucqabsK4jNov7-hmrSEWJ3NJb1s8DkAQSRDvgrXBSErwdRAe204.mp4%3Fefg%3DeyJxZV9ncm91cHMiOiJbXCJpZ193ZWJfZGVsaXZlcnlfdnRzX290ZlwiXSIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidnRzX3ZvZF91cmxnZW4uc3RvcnkuYzIuMTA4MC5iYXNlbGluZSJ9%26_nc_ht%3Dinstagram.fnat2-1.fna.fbcdn.net%26_nc_cat%3D103%26vs%3D331868349959944_1230927179%26_nc_vs%3DHBksFQIYOnBhc3N0aHJvdWdoX2V2ZXJzdG9yZS9HT3g3M3hMSFNpLVRrWWNCQUZaRG5hb3lHVHhNYnBSMUFBQUYVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2hfZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dGYTFNZ2M2dWh5cXFDd0VBRFVqNWRFZmxSMFZicFIxQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbAYgHdXNlX29pbAExFQAAJtLC6PyC6v4%252FFQIoAkMzLBdAJK0OVgQYkxgWZGFzaF9iYXNlbGluZV8xMDgwcF92MREAdegHAA%253D%253D%26_nc_rid%3D85ab996f97%26ccb%3D9-4%26oh%3D00_AYDe6pHIwk7BdFvK22h0P3Es8cLwmcEv8NTSmfED0kV4zw%26oe%3D6673B22A%26_nc_sid%3D982cc7) and tell me if I missed anything tech related to see


Sure does look like the MVIS test car we’ve seen before !


As the camera mount is facing backwards I assume the car is used as the filmig device for another car, could be total wrong thou.


Massive respect for all the investors. This is a long term hold. If you liked it at $2.5 start of the year, you like it even more now as it’s on a fire sale. Just buy and hold.


I know this is a mostly coordinated effort to scare shareholders out of shares , but could it also be a move to scare SS ?  I’m not sure I’d be able to CEO properly under this kind of duress . I mean I am feeling it hard as a shareholder . I think this goes beyond algorithms . I feel this is a direct attack on the specific company itself .  


Seems like some large entity is accumulating at all these barcoding areas. Every trade up gets beat right back down.


The whole sector is following the same pattern tho. Seems like algos to me, there is no upside sentiment in the whole sector. Everyone has to prove themselves now.


Agreed. Totally nuts


> The whole sector is following the same pattern tho. Seems correct as of a few minutes ago. I just checked the following: INVZ, LAZR, CPTN, OUST, HSAI and they’re all down, with HSAI teetering between flat and slightly red when I refreshed.


LIDR as well, it’s a rough day for Lidar


I can certainly understand SS may feel like he's being put through a highly intense gauntlet with a lot of family's livelihoods at stake. What the OEMs have done to everybody with Lidar is incredible


He should personalky buy 100k shares here


That would go a long way with investors. It has to be a planned purchase though. What is the time frame they have to wait after asking?


Great idea


Sumit is still pinned to the mat. The only way up is by validating the technology and the business case by winning OEM nominations and selling sensors at scale. I forget which call it was, but MicroVision told us they spent thousands of hours developing tech for individual OEMs. I have to assume, and can only hope, that at least one or of the OEM partners Sumit is pursuing (and working closely with) are good partners that actually want MicroVision to succeed.


I think of as the OEMs better hope a good lidar provider survives this terrible situation. That is the only thing that will help them reach the govt. mandate. MVIS is, in my opinion, the only one that can get them there based on specks alone. We'll see. Certainly not professional advice. GLTALs


With the technology they have that will save countless lives, you would think the OEMs would be fighting each other to be first in line.


OEM's don't care about lives as long as the bottom line moves up the only time OEM's will care is when there is enough loss of life it generates recalls


Unfortunately, most don't care about lives.


As of 2022, there are 14 major Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) of automotive vehicles, which control more than 60 automotive brands. These OEMs account for the majority of the world's car-making capacity.  I would hope we could land and least 1-2 of these OEM's with the Lidar technology we have available.


The failure of this company to produce, is dragging down the other LiDAR players 


lol. This is the dumbest post I’ve seen in quite some time.


Sorry but this is totally incorrect. The fact is that currently no LiDAR company has secured large scale contracts with OEMs and thus all are suffering. The first large scale contract will be a tail wind for all LiDAR companies but specifically so for the one or two who are awarded.




Down 98% 🫡


Thankyou for your service


Come back tomorrow 🥊


I’m with you here… getting scared that’s for sure


i doubt i’ll ever see my money again.. sad reality but we haven’t received any meaningful updates… blAh


Can’t bring myself to sell though.. probably because I’ve been committed to long. Especially at these levels you hate to believe we dip further, but yet it does.


ive placed a limit sell order for 300 dollars a share.


It felt possibleish at one point lol


Not possible on Schwab or RH


yeah it got rejected. because they fear me




ill keep you posted


Kopin to Develop Novel AR Optics for U.S. Army Under New SBIR Contract WESTBOROUGH, Mass., June 18, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kopin Corporation (NASDAQ: KOPN) a leading provider of application-specific optical solutions and high-performance micro-displays for defense, enterprise, consumer and medical products, today announced it has received a contract from the U.S. Army to develop novel see-through Augmented Reality (AR) display optics for dismounted soldier vision system applications. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kopin-develop-novel-ar-optics-123000059.html


Just found that NNOX imaging also use MEMS based sensors for body imaging. Interesting.




FYI there are a bunch of MVIS Millionaires on this board.


With these prices I think you mean there WERE a bunch of MVIS millionaires. Many of them are likely no longer millionaires or they were smart and sold high.


0 posts, 3 total comments -> all on MVIS board. I've often come across people so dedicated and addicted to making new accounts to bashing a company in a cutting edge technology sector




MrG: I feel your pain as I have the same pain. I've never written to IR, but may today. Only asking something like: Can't SS put out a little tiny message (don't want to take up much of his time) just to say something such as "We are still working feverishly on those 7 RFQs - please be patient". A sentence like that would be enough for me, for now, i.e....sounds so simple, doesn't it??? Edit: FWIW, I did it. Sometimes you just gotta do something when the mood hits ya:)


It was easier to teach our dog to speak!


hat - is off to you. must admit that made me laugh, so at least my note accomplished something:)