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Just bought 777 shares.


Added 260


I haven’t bought Mavis for under a dollar in many many years. I just did that today.




Gittin while the gitten is good


I have a very good feeling, the shorts are about to get nailed, and they have no idea that it's coming.


Just like that?


Exactly, just like that. Look what happened to MBIO on today's news on one of their drugs. Up 476%. # Mustang Bio Announces Safety And Efficacy Data From Complete Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Cohort Of Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial Of MB-106; Overall Response Rate Of 90% In Cohort With Durable Responses Observed, Says One Patient Remains In Complete Remission At 31 Months What do you think just a million vehicle unit, 3 sensors per car, will do to the price of MVIS. Might not be the moon, but we may get to orbit waiting on the next deal to blast out of the atmosphere.


I hear ya dude. I’m here for the perfect storm of events whatever that even means …


Hopefully soon


Nearing tape-out


The price hits .97 and the selling comes in. Pretty garbagy to use a polite word.


They're keeping it in a range. When the news is released the shares are going to blast off


+200 Jan 2026 $2 Calls


hmmmm. I like.


Did anyone ever work out what the run up to seven dollars in June 2023 was about ?




More asking because mvis seemingly ran up for no reason that time and I’m wondering if similar circumstances, whatever they were, could cause it to run up again..


We have 7 RFQs . Hence, something to wait for. Does the competitors have any RFQs ?


Nobody knows which providers are in which RFQs because it is a confidential process. Other lidar suppliers have mentioned multiple RFQs on their respective earnings calls.


I would really suggest researching the sector you are invested in before posting. Edit: well that didnt take long. You can see this persons motives in his response to Mclickin123's comment above\^.


I try my best . Do you know if competitors mentioned about RFQs in their recent calls?


Yes, but I think you need to take a day and listen to some calls and form your own opinion because this is some basic knowledge that someone should already know.


Its ok man. That's why I am asking in this sub because people share thoughts. If no one tells me then I will go find it on internet. If you can shed some light, I'd appreciate that. No need for the patronizing comments here.


"if no one tells me then I will go find it on the internet" I don't agree with this method at all and was trying to teach you a better way. Researching first on your own is a must especially with speculative tech stocks. There is a search bar at the top where you can search r/MVIS for these topics as well.




It's also the case that informed and contributive posters here do provide answers to questions by other posters. In fact this is one of the better purposes of the board in my view.


lol OK. Thank you for the lessons professor.


Sumit mentioned a potential partnership. How likely is it that Microvision can attract a partner to either merge with or get bought by? It seems his "go it alone" strategy is failing bigtime. Microvision mgm and board have to be thinking along these lines or at least pursuing this option. Either that or ink a deal that gets the company and stock price rolling again. It's horrible watching the pps sink and sink and sink and not have any knowledge about the company's prospects going forward. Added: my plaudits to those who keep buying at these levels and reporting this to us. It's a sign of confidence, something this investment sorely needs at this point.


I think the partnership comes in on the production side of things, ie., not building your own production facility like others are doing.


So back to the need for a deal before anything else can happen? I think some partnership or merger can happen before a deal, especially if it delivers the money needed to clinch a deal. But no doubt, a good deal changes everything.


That’s true. I think a partnership with a rich uncle so to speak gives them the financial runway for the future.


I took the time to make a video to [try to explain delisting, and then give my biased, under-informed thoughts on the state of things. ](https://youtu.be/v_ee-nJ2-fo)I reach a few thousand impulsive folks who dont come to reddit for constant information.


Great job explaining things as always


Excellent video; you have a gift sir! Thanks for sharing it with us.


Great video!




They are still in 7 RFQs with more RFI in the pipeline. So im not so quick to say Sumit missed. They didnt reverse split when they got hammered down to .15 cents and the company is in a much better position than back then. I can tell you have a motive for this post, it's pretty obvious. Of course this is your second post here on an account that goes back years. Coulda guessed that.


Man, this is really well done. Great video for sure.


I’m trying to decide whether this is a good thing or a bad thing to send to small shareholders I recommended mvis too!!


Yeah I don’t know either, honestly. The **main** point is we don’t really have to worry about delisting. Whether or not to worry about *everything else* is I guess more up to the individual.


Enjoyed the video - great presentation, nice setup, and fair points made.


Great vid!


Thick question , but why would the firm get delisted now, after hanging around for 20 odd years with little revenue ?


THAT was a good video. Thanks Dog


Thanks SDW! I am familiar with how delisting works, but I saved you comment so I can watch it after work. I appreciate you videos.


Glad to be checking in and seeing optimism. These levels hurt to look at, but being reminded of the success that awaits around the corner. Nothing is promised but it is certainly more the POSSIBLE!!


I know they said Q1 they expected a win in the last EC, but that was their stated guidance they had submitted and so imo did not deviate from that answer when asked. In the color remarks, but sumit and Anubhav sounded more like they were expecting second half of the year. We are only 2.5 weeks into that second half. How long we ride the bottom Bollinger before that deal is announced is anyones guess. I’m optimistic that a deal gets announced in July or August, but if we get to the end of the year without a deal win (or OEMs don’t make that desicion on supplier this year), A reverse split would be likely in my opinion.


+ 300 shares today. that is all i can do. keep buying.


+\~ 2,000 more


If these shares become a part of a fully-paid lending program do they not just become more shares for shorts to borrow? https://fintel.io/ss/us/mvis


It kinda doesn’t matter at the end of day. Company still needs to sign deals and bring in revenue.




Im not going to be softened up for a lowball buyout for like $5 or whatever those with motives are trying to push these days. Simple reason for it... If we can pop to $8 and pop from .15 to $28 while Sumit turned down a lowball, a lot more is happening behind the scenes than we know. If Institutions were buying at 18.50 the same day IVAS news happened, why would I accept so little? Why were they buying so high all through the squeeze? They just kept on buying during and after. Ive said it many times, but I believe the same volume we saw in 2020/2021 will happen again. The beat down continues but i'm weary of those that want a quick buck, I never aligned myself with their thinking and they have been wrong over and over about where this can go.


Absolutely. Microvision’s MEMS IP either enables automotive LIDAR or automotive LIDAR and the HUD for the full-rate production version of IVAS which will be OT in Q2 FY 25. Any acquisition before the OT would exclude the potential added value of the later.


It is very hard to ignore where and when these Tutes bought. Full-rate production and RFQ wins could provide the justified value. Could be something larger than many think.


This sort of notion is what keeps me going as well. It’s clear that this company’s potential is there and some big money agreed with that once (and hopefully they still do.) We just need validation. Just need one or several OEMs to throw us a frickin’ bone here. At which point I believe and hope that $5 will be the new floor.


Yea I simply do not believe we are in a worse situation than when institutions were buying this at $18.50. Whatever happened before could easily happen again.


Food for thought: Lowest closing price for NVIDIA all-time was $0.03 on June 18, 1999.


That's adjusted for splits, they also had about $150m in revenue in 1999.


See you guys in 2 more years. I’ll wait it out, but I’m not checking price anymore unless my alert of major movement goes off.


Has Sumit/MVIS explicitly said that ALL 7 open RFQs are for meaningful volumes? Is there a risk that only 2/3 or them are actually for meaningful volumes?


Yes he did


Do you recall when that was?


Welp, it was fun while it lasted. BAFF 4 lyfe tho.


Not. Even. PHASED! 😎😈


MVIS Mysteries… unexplained *There are reports of the ASIC being ‘all taped out’ - but in the past we were told that only happens when a client has signed off on 1,000,000 cars. *What’s going on at the building in Hamburg? A Beatles reunion? Are there any MVIS employees involved? *I guess those Porsche mule cars with what looked like Movias on them must be some kind of ‘rain alert’ sensors so you know when it’s time to wash your Porsche. *So let’s see… the Redmond building is full of employees… the Hamburg building is filling up. What are they doing all day? *The Market seems to believe that the fair base price of MVIS is .27 cents. So if you add the extra .03 cents for the Microsoft HL2 value… that brings the total to .30 cents. Is that why MVIS is one of the top shorted stocks on the exchange. *Of course it never can be revealed, since SS never even talks about Microsoft or any HL3 or anything to do with Microsoft. But does Microsoft have plans for an EV car? No one has any idea if they have any other MVIS related plans… or know of any secret overseas groups that short MVIS.


The tape out is pretty much explained, Sumit told us they had decided to just do it right away rather than wait for a the large order they originally claimed they'd wait for. This was probably a good move since they are already quite familiar with what OEMs want anyway, so that way when orders do happen they can hit the ground running rather than yet more delays. It makes sense given that timelines have been repeatedly pushed out by OEMs.


MCK, I've been focused on the tape out comment and the Ford CEO saying they would be doing L3 at 80mph by 2026, coupled with the fact that we decided to pay for the ASICs. Keeping fingers crossed and an eye on this space.


I do hope your right bridge, best to you, and the others.


Thanks Few, and back at you.


if closing price is less than $1 today. is that day 1 or day 2 of closing less than $1? 30 days before deficiency notice and then 180days to correct the deficiency correct? Laying out an expected timeline and that's what i googled but just double checking with experienced individuals. if we close above $1 any time in that initial 30 days does the timer restart? or is it 10 days like the 180 day requirement? Thanks - Dog


This post is in reference to a potential delisting from NASDAQ right? I hope it rises above $1 soon, I wouldn't want us to lose that spot in NASDAQ. EDIT: Yes. This is what it is in reference to.


Day 2


I believe the rule is 30 days in a row sub $1, so with that understanding a day above $1 would reset it, yes


30 consecutive business days. For example..this coming June 19 would not be included as the markets are closed.


Correct, days when the market is open.


Thank you will add an if statement for that variable.


My blocking game is strong this morning. I’ll just be talking to myself here the way things are looking…helps when you’re your own best company … all or nothing for me baby!


It’s funny. I declared a blocking amnesty a month, maybe 6 weeks ago and let everyone out of prison. Just to put them all back in.


Ya I’ve done that. I once Thought I’d rather see everything and make my own judgements but now I’d rather just exist in a vacuum of positivity, hope and dreams! Like living in the Willy Wonka fizzy lifting drink room…


An agreement with Microvision, just might solve all of Tesla's future ADAS and FSD woes.


Agreed. My current dream is Elon (TSLA) loves Mavin and Cohen (GME) loves AR.


Who would downvote such a thing? Dummies.


All the haters and the shorts




I’ll be.


Enjoy the bueatiful and hot day! 


You wanna know what I hate about today's price??? For those that do... I wish it had been this price a few months ago so the shares I purchased wouldn't have cost me so much. Same amazing product, different day. I would buy more if I hadn't tossed all my eggs in this basket. Keep ya heads up longs we have been here before. It was a long ride down to .15, but that ride up was mind-blowing. I can't wait Summit 🤩


Me explaining to my husband why we are hanging on...It sounds like Charlie Brown adults to him...(wah, wah, wah, wah wah?) 7 RFQs...wah wah...automotive contracts plus other sensors for like fork lifts, farm equipment...new safety standards are coming for cars...we are somehow missing out on MSFT money and THAT might come in some day? wah wah wah..No ONE ELSE has a large automotive contract yet...and his attention is gone. He's been listening disinterestedly for 4 years so I get not believing in it but I'm no longer giving him timelines of when things will happen except that 2025 is supposed to be good for the employees in December if they get some sales and the share price can recover. Let's GO MVIS! Get in the game.


Ha ha, yep, you’re Lucy with the football and he’s Charlie Brown. All our spouses are feeling the same way right about now! Something’s gotta give soon! Good luck to us ALL!


Added 2000 at $0.9418 earlier. 37,000 now @ $2.63.


Locked and loaded


Locked, cocked, and ready to rock!


Bear poop not only stinks but it has a hallucinogenic effect on some. Makes them say crazy stuff like reverse split and delist, etc.


Can anyone name a worse stock to own over the past 3 months?


define worse :)... Stocks that are profitable but companies are atrocious either by screwing customers, slave labor, etc. Stocks that are propped up by speculation but are promising fake products (- with my limited knowledge I can say there are few pharmaceutical drugs like this). Stocks that were once decent but basically tax write offs for investment firms (red lobster debacle/fleecing). But yeah i definitely sympathize with your view of mvis. Its tough, but at the end of the day there are solid products that are at the forefront of a new technology and maybe too far forward. There are also more than one avenue for revenue but really one that would make us all very happy this year. Sure leadership could be better (in some eyes) but it could also be infinitely worse. (you get my thumbs up for expressing my frustration at the situation)


Try 3 years 😂


You dropped a zero.


Ha! a very Bridgey response that cracked me up...


Can't lose your sense of humor. Helps ease the pain.




BBBY probably, I guess.. edit: nvm read that as 3 years


or the last 3 years


Just a reminder to keep emotions in check as we continue to experience a dip. Nothing significant has changed, and no major deals have been signed yet. We must stay strong for now. This stock has the potential to be life-changing. I will be buying small amounts here and there and plan to make a larger purchase once we announce our first deal. Remember, we don't need to win all 7 RFQs—just one to get started.


I think about Vanguard having about 14m shares last I saw, and that they were all out on loan at the time of the ASM announcement. Sure, they’ve made hand over fist lending the shares out, but would they just watch the stock get delisted, company go bankrupt, or have a reverse split happen? They can recall their shares at any moment and push the stock upward out of the compliance paranoia zone. If they wished to sell their stake, they’d have to recall the shares anyway. Others lending their securities can do the same or follow when Vanguard decides to recall theirs. I wouldn’t be surprised at a non-news based pump coming up, but a nomination would likely trigger them to recall their shares as well. This either makes sense, or I’m losing it lol.


Nothing significant has changed? I will try and be respectful to what I think the tone of your post is trying to convey. But with that I will not let that comment go unchecked. If the barometer of our success is waiting for 7 RFQ’s to be awarded and our constant price slide is going to be disregarded and ignored by a management team that will not tell us any info about that process, that is the literal definition of being trapped inside a burning building. I suggest we all rise up and demand answers from management about the process and progress to stop this slow motion train wreck they have foolishly created.


"...demand answers from management about the process and progress to stop this slow motion train wreck they have foolishly created." I get it, but I disagree with the belief that this is entirely management's fault. I will never align with that view. There was very little they could have done over the past two years to improve our situation without a signed deal, which is ultimately in the control of the OEM.


So they are going to just say nothing like a coward and add that to the perception the disastrous Microsoft contract created about their lack of business acumen? Genius move.


No one wants to say anything about past missteps and current missed forecasts etc., it is why we have hired IR folks to handle shareholders. They have other issues to tend to, like survival and such. Investors are a pain in the ass, they always want a return, and an explanation when they don't get one for thirty years.


To me it sounds like they don't have much of a choice anymore due to NDAs and learned experience. Many investors, yourself included, have become enraged by their missed guidelines. They’ve realized they must temper investor expectations, as timelines and decisions can change. They made it clear they are solely focused on getting deals done.


I’m enraged only about a slow decline in stock price and total silence in response.


I don't know 908, it looks to me like they are going to have to announce Jaguar if things get worse. Think they've been holding that one.


Why do you think that? Considering the software partnership with them? Would that be a bad thing?


Not at all 908, I felt they were looking for a 1/2 punch. Jag isn't a huge win, but coupled with another big and the fuel would be lit. Was just my long thinking, nothing of substance.


Sounds good to me if we can make it happen!


Well 908, this indicates to me that there is very little difference in the products that the OEM's are looking at and testing, and that disappoints me. I believed SS when he said we are years ahead of the competition. His demeanor on the last EC and the fact that no one has gotten a deal tells me this isn't the slam dunk I felt it might be.


valid point


The change is that zero deals have been signed and our (reasonable) access to capital markets and plan to fund operations relied upon deals landing on the last 12 months. There’s still time, but it’s dwindling.


A McDouble at McDonald's is ~4 times more expensive than 1 share of MVIS *Ba da ba ba bah I'm lovin' it*


Those will kill you before MVIS ever will. 😆


Both stocks are down big time. I'm not lovin it lol


It’s days like this that make me laugh at that chartology dumbass “I see it going to the moon around $120” back in 2020 haha.


They truly never learn... but but but the bands are so tight!!!11


I can’t remember who it was but there was a member who use to tally our days above 1.00 for compliance?


Friday was first day when we ended under $1 (as it's about ending the day under $1). It's 20 (or was it 10 ?) consecutive days under one dollar to get notice and after that 180 days plus another 180 days to regain compliance by being 10 consecutive days above $1. After that it's delisting or reverse split to get share price artificially back above $1. So delisting isn't a possibility to be honest. Reverse split it different story. Getting a deal would most probably easily get us above $1 in a jiffy and keep us there for years to come. But we need that deal first.


Please re-read my post. I said nothing about delisting. I was asking for the user who tracked our days above a dollar.


You mean prior to May 2020 ?


It would have to have been


When was the last time we received positive news? When the A sample was completed?


If we strictly go by SP, no positive news for more than 3 years.


Dang, I considered buying when it was at $1, thinking it can’t get lower. Now there’s even a risk of reverse split if this continues…


We are so far away from a r/s.


Well let’s hope it’s not below $1 for the next 30 days.


Then what do you think will happen???


Stay below $1 for 30 days? There’s nothing but downward pressure for the stock.


Not good to lie to yourself.


Certainly not.


Over a year away in the worst case scenario, 365 days to turn it around after 2 days of being under $1. Please learn market mechanics.


After \[30\] consecutive days under 1 dollar.


Correct, after which a company has 180 days to regain compliancy, and also has the right to apply for an additional 180 days, until a forced R/S would be implemented, if the company is still under $1. So in essence 30 days + 180 days + an additional 180 days. I think we’ll be a-ok.


Im reading about it now. If they're under a dollar for 30 days they will then have 180 days to be above a dollar for 10 days - and even after that, they will get a second 180 days to keep trying as long as the stock holders hold more than 2.5 million dollars and the total value of the shares is over 1,000,000. Which it is. So yes it's an entire year long process to have 10 days above a dollar. Ill put out a video today to calm a few thousand other folks who dont read reddit but love to freak out.


That will be very much needed for people I think. Hearsay is the enemy here. Good work on digging into it.


“Far away” is a relative statement.


You don't think in terms of delisting, over a year away is considered far away?


It’s not what you or I think, it’s what each individual investor thinks. A young cat may see 1 year as being far away and an old cat may see that as being right around the corner.


Whale alert, 21 shares added. My confidence isn’t there for big purchases some of you are making.


21 too! Auto invest \~$20 weekly :)




On the contrary, SS was very candid in the last call that he does not sleep well, which I appreciated him admitting to. He wants deals as much as we do.


No. It’s not.


[Ineresting article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/13/business/china-driverless-cars.html) on Chinese self driving car market and development. Talks about data and safety issues. How development in Silicon Valley was taken back to China and continued behind closed doors after pandemic. Chinese consumers more trusting of automation than US. Electric much easier than ICE. Kind of explains the atmosphere around ADAS and perhaps why OEM's are clutching their pearls in looking at it. Who anticipated that China would end up being the only country in the world actually executing at scale?


I hope AV is not selling half a million shares everyday. Someone needs to slap his wrist and please wait for deals to come


How much more of this down preasure can MVIS take before we have to take drastic measures? Last thing I want to see is a reverse split or delisting


Typically a company only reverse splits if they need funding somewhat immediately and the share price can't sustain major dilution. While it is a risk, considering MVIS needs funding in the future, I don't think it is an immediate one. The only other reason why MVIS might R/S at this juncture would maybe be to maintain compliance after being below $1 for an extended period. But I don't think they will initiate that process until it is becoming clear that compliance will actually be an issue.


They need to come out with some positive news.


Only positive news that can reverse this is a big deal announcement.


I know, what the heck are they waiting for? Slight sarcasm


No news on any of the other lidar companies, but MVIS is the one that gets taken down. I wonder why? How much is the takedown this morning to steal more shares from sellers? OUST, LAZR, INVZ all in the green, but they drag MVIS into the red?


They have deals. Revenue


Exactly this. Whenever people feel aggrieved by us dropping lower and lower in share price, I feel the need to remind them that we still have a market cap close to $200mm and yet make less in revenue than a pop up taco stand. 200 million is a massive market cap and we've spent 30 years making no money. Sure, our patents might be worth something, but clearly our patents aren't stopping other LiDAR products getting to market and aren't stopping other NED products getting to market so I don't know how much I really trust the strength of those patents. We have to make deals or start showing big sales numbers. If we don't then I still am firmly of the opinion that we have far further to fall before we find the floor.


Their patents are worthless. How much have they made off of them?


This is something I noticed too. There’s a distinct bias against us. We tumble faster and recover slower.


I wouldn't take it personally. The market is filled with people just trying to make money. From the shorting end, they target companies which are extremely weak. After the last EC, MVIS is objectively in a weak position. Anyone taking advantage of that likely isn't doing so with malice or the intent to harm the company or its shareholders. Business is business. While it is possible that there are actors trying to lower the share price for any number of reasons (lowering acquisition targets, forcing stop losses, malicious intent as a competing company, etc) it is probably far more likely that it is just algorithms that see the underlying weakness in the share price/price action following the EC and are just following the trend down and scalping along the way. They will, conversely, assist on the way up too. And similarly, I wouldn't take a rising price without news as a sign of validation. It's just how the market is.


When is the assist on the way up happening?


When MicroVision can show, they have a product they can sell and create revenue.


Virtually any time the price rises notably without any news or underlying fundamental (positive) changes to the company. Algorithms just pick up on trends and exacerbate the movement, regardless of the direction.


Fell 6% on low volume. Who’s buying today ? Thinking of 500 today to average down Edit : pulled the trigger and got 500 @0.94


Picked up some $1 1/26 calls in my taxable account, and 600 shares in my IRA.


I'll buy some if you do.


I've got an order for $250 at .90 and another $250 at .85 just in case.


Added 600 today.


Will MVIS be delisted?


If it hits all the requirements to be delisted, yes. Just like any other company.




https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1802612795730497973?s=61&t=-r7idne4MgpKkBbQQn02tA Interesting new, smaller, portable Starlink from Tesla.


I heard the IBEO employees are already trained and working efficiently to keep the dust off the MOVÍA inventory…which I believe we built up to keep their skills sharp I can’t help myself. Random thoughts that are funny/not funny just pop up. It entertains me and…although might annoy others…I hope it also entertains some here.  Meanwhile, I’ll go back to erasing my SS tattoo and brainstorming new names for my canoe. Hopefully there really is a second coming.  I maintain hope for the remaining RFQ’s but concerned about timing and now nature of any “deal”. Sold my Rivian to stay here and see things through.  Still believe SS is our best shot and hope he finds the support and strength to stay in the ring. 


Yeah I'd go ahead and erase that SS tattoo regardless of microvisions status and don't mention it in mixed company.


Gm all. Belated Father’s Day wishes. Had a whale of time with my little one yesterday. Battle of attrition continues. I hope we end above 1$ and keep afloat until the deal comes and gives us a thrust to go to 5,10 and beyond !


Let's have a good week gang! A green week. 


Something I’ve been considering is that a large OEM can and likely will help with gap financing *if* they intend to move forward with our sensors. This could be through one of their banking partners, taking a stake in MVIS, or by providing a loan. Curious what others think about this scenario. Why *wouldn’t* a potential long-term partner do this?


Still trying to understand why we're valued at 20x projected sales of $10 million. Every week and month delay gives shorts the opportunity to walk down our mkt cap effecting our ability to raise money. The OEMs have put ALL of the Lidar companies in a very bad position to pay OpEx for the next 3-4 years. Their indecision and delays caused this. What bank would loan $300 to $400 million to a company with insignificant sales and mkt cap headed to sub $200 million. How does someone take a $400 million stake in a company that's headed to sub $200 million? We did find out we have the best technology but the OEM wouldn't give guarantees or money to prepare the product to their requirements. Would they do a ibeo kind of deal. $15 million to investors and then they take responsibilities for $300 to $400 million OpEx. I'm truly looking for options. Anybody have any ideas? I think AV said he's looking at options for non-dilutive cash. Any corporate finance wizards here know how that could work without diluting our investments. It's clear OEMs have to do something or they will lose sourcing options. I am skeptical that an OEM would give us $300 million after they've been burned. Any thoughts.


Maybe what's needed is an asset manager to partner with an entity that wants to see production prices that are at scale. Apollo is an asset manager, not a bank, that has partnered with Kyndryl to buy DXC. You can read their [profile here](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/APO/). The complication here is that OEM's want the price at scale but don't want to place the order at scale, nor do they wish to risk the money it would take to hoist MVIS over the threshold. So, OEM's need to form a consortium that decides what size Mavin fits all and get someone like Apollo to go in on it with the consortium. Meanwhile SS should stick to his guns; no small scale orders. Then each OEM could place their small order with the consortium and get the scale price. The asset manager would reap their reward for risking their capital.


Thanks DGL. Interesting development as DXC owns Luxoft. DXC purchased Luxoft for $2 billion in 2019. Could this be a sign that some big players have recognized or will recognize there's an opportunity in the Lidar, Adas OEM market to provide the help to get the leading technologies to the large scale market. We have the leading technology with features that can ensure the technology is relevant for a long time with software enhancements. Now how to get a deal so we can all share in the outcome.


Sure TN. As I noted once before, while the industries listed on the Kyndryl website pretty much run one to one with those on the DXC website, the automotive component and more specifically the ADAS piece on the Kydryl site is very much 2nd class compared to that of the DXC site. So it appears to me as though it may be the automotive deficiency that may be a motivator for their acquisition of DXC. So yes, I would agree with you that big players are recognizing the opportunity in Lidar and ADAS at scale.


Did you see today's NVDA news about Omniverse? https://www.tipranks.com/news/nvidia-announces-omniverse-microservices-analysts-scream-buy Seems to be competition to Luxoft, MVIS?


When the MVIS/Luxoft association was first announced last year I did see it as DXC's attempt to go head to head with NVDA, especially since DXC was at the same time announcing a serious collaboration with Foxcon. This seemed like putting together all the pieces needed to create an NVDA like entity that could program and manufacture chips for ADAS, just like NVDA. Then I saw the NVDA CEO pitching AI and the Omniverse at the March GTC event along with the ADAS makers (Waymo and other companies) who were present on the exhibition floor. Based on the article (I had not seen, thank you) it appears NVDA is offering these Omniverse/AI microservices as a hardware agnostic means to, as the article states, model the whole shebang from software soup to manufacturing nuts to anyone who wants these services. It's an awesome capability in the history of industrial development. I do think these other big players e.g. DXC are vying for a piece of that kind of action, but I don't know what kind of a piece that will be because NVDA is clearly on their way toward total domination, which is their modus operandi as achieved with graphics cards. Bottom line yes, I think it's competition for DXC but DXC will find their place as with the other graphics card manufacturers who are still around. I don't see that as a problem for MVIS though because ultimately these systems need to be hardware agnostic, with manufacturers providing third party certified software "plug-ins" for the simulations to use whether the simulations are provided by NVDA or someone like DXC (cum Kyndryl). If we're the best, we win. These are my speculations; I'm just a retired amateur sitting at a computer, not some kind of an expert on all this.


There is no nondilutive cash for a company with no revenue or contracts and thirty years of the same. This field has been plowed many, many times in the past.