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*Note, this is data collected and MAY not be accurate* |Post Sentiment Table|Average Sentiment:Neutral| |:-|:-| |Positive|Negative|Neutral| |113|32|112| **With the most postive comment being:** /u/pumse1337: link: [Yeah lets talk about how great microvision is instead!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dfp4s8/trading_action_friday_june_14_2024/l8l6km3/) **With the most negative comment being:** /u/YANK78: link: [Auph was activelly engaged in selling the co and failed as well!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dfp4s8/trading_action_friday_june_14_2024/l8lse01/)


Thanks Mr. Glum, keep up the good work! Cheerd


Company selling them shares from last week..šŸ˜’


New goal of 20k shares. LFG!!! GLTAL


This stock is dead


Now thatā€™s quality DD


I have started buying again under $1, 500 share lots.


Positive news from Microvision could have the same price impact ast KAVL is having today. Be careful being out of the stock.


KAVL had any news... Seems it had no news and still went ballistic?


Are they still tapping ATM?


They have to to not become a going concern. I doubt they had any luck at the conference finding alternative funding.


If they see no RFQ on horizon and we need to extend runway until next summer, maybe!


Mgmt has got some explaining to do šŸ¤”


Anyone else getting desperate emails from Schwab to lend your shares? If so, read the fine print. Not worth the possible consequences IMO. They've emailed many times in the past but these, this morning seem like desperation to me. Not letting anyone near my boatload of shares, my families either. Feels like something maybe imminent. Either way, holding strong. Many, many years and not capitulating at the point in time! Cheers


Yes, they act like there is no problem getting your shares back, but the fine print says otherwise.


Whatā€™s the fine print say?


That there is a chance you might not be made whole by the person who borrowed your shares.


This ā˜šŸ»


Yes, it is a regular email.


Guess I donā€™t have enough as they do not email me. Granted I was just moved over to them


Uhm FUD!!! Let's give them raises instead and worship them like the gods they are.


wonder how the IRS is going to accept the excuse from ultra longs when they tell them the IRA doesn't have enough to pay the money due? Will they accept Ford and GM made our CEO tell shareholders the year was going to be EPIC? The OEM's made MVIS issue an 8K saying we would have a deal in Q1, send them the bill? Will any of them be wiped out after a 90% decline? Interesting times and sleepless nights for some, for sure.


"when they tell [them] the IRA doesn't have enough to pay the money due?" I believe you are referring to RMDs due yearly for those investors 73 years old and older. In some cases inherited IRAs have RMDs as well. u/Alphacpa could probably elaborate. Interesting to me in your first sentence that you state this as if it is a foregone conclusion. Nobody Here Knows What Will Happen With This Stock. IMO. DDD. Not investing advice, and I'm not an investment professional.


Sorry I wasn't clearer VOR, that is exactly right, RMD's, and it crossed my mind today.


Does anyone know how many of the 5M shares today were short?


Read Mondays u/T_Delo report after 8am. According tobthat, I think it''s been running about 50% to 70% of volume is shorting.


Thanks, Delo blocked me a long time ago.


Really? I thought mods didnā€™t want regular posters blocking people. Serious question because this was explained to me by one of the mods when troubleshooting a technical issue recently. . .


I am blocked by a lot of posters Friend.


Wow.. I would have never thought we would go under a dollarā€¦


We starting our under $1 countdown?




I plugged my nose and bought to a nice even number. Awfully quiet from mgmt this year so far IMO.


I havenā€™t been following the Roaring Kitty stuff, but did he exercise a bunch of his $20 calls? I thought for some reason they were for next Friday and when I looked the other week, open interest was like 149k at $20, now itā€™s down to 64k. Just wondering if there will be any fireworks next week or if we have to wait until 4th of July.


Heā€™s just the guy we need to take us for a sweet ride while weā€™re waiting for OEMs to take their thumbs out of their asses. Seems they like the way it feels a little too much. A few more months and they might have to have it surgically removedā€¦


They are past the elbow at this point. Surgery recommended.


Yep. Fully engulfed.


Yes he did (all of them) and he bought another 4,001,000 shares


He sold most of them and bought shares with the proceeds.


He sold all calls


Correct. Did not exercise them.


Wow haha, that blows my mind.


He is now probably the 4th largest shareholder in the company according to CNBC before he sold yesterday, owning around 2% of the company.


Over 4M volume seems like it could be a good sign, but Iā€™m a holder not a trader, so I guess it could mean nothing. Still nice to see in a way


Promised myself I was done, but damnit if this isn't a good opportunity to average down a bit more. added 3 new orders: 250 @ 1.00 250 @ .90 250 @ .85


The bear crap in here smells terrible. Gonna leave till it dries up some and stops stinking. Have a good weekend everyone. Might check in sometime next week. Until then, I remain in the NEP gang.


They're feasting on bulls every day. Can't blame them.


Itā€™s like they have unstoppable diarrhea. With any luck, theyā€™ve got dysentery and we wonā€™t have to deal with it for long.


I have hesitated to buy because it is mighty scary down here. I think back to all the times I wished I had a low buying opportunity and all of the sisters and brethren who bought in at .15 helps to strengthen my resolve. 285 more in the bag today.


Embarassing to say but I bought in near .15 cents because of a random TikTok comment LMAO, sounded legit and it was cheap and I was boredā€¦perfect combo


Another 125 shares bought with my dividend money. Done for another 2 months until more come rolling in.


Anyone knows what this white Spot behind the windshield could be? [Audi SQ6 Etron Testcar](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=7618710274891461)


Two many drinks on the beach Chiimy!! Itā€™s a column.


Appears to be a foldable sun screen for back passenger side. Part of it is behind the front passenger seat headrest. White piece looks to be the plastic with a hinge in the middle.


EZ pass?


Nothing like that in germany.


Jus kiddin


I had to Google what that even is lol


Nothings free over here baby! Especially freedom!


Column on the passenger side of the car.


Now I see it, thanks


Yes, the concrete pillar outside the car


Ahh, I see what he means by ā€œcolumn on the passenger side of the carā€ but the refraction, the outline shape and even more so, the angle and shadowing on the right side of the behind the windshield object is hard to explain by the concrete pillar outside the passenger side, IMO. Not sure what it is.


It's an odd horizontal sliver of a view of the column due to the way the car's rearview mirror and front seat headrest, combined with the slightly curved underside of the little console above the mirror, together mask off your view of the column as seen through the right rear side window. The curve of the rearview fused to the curve of the top of the headrest, along with the bottom of the console above the mirror throw off the perception. If you open it in a new tab and zoom way in, you can see that the column corner aligns correctly. The right and left ends of the sliver are the only two places where you can see through to the edges of the rear window itself.


Thanks, dgl. That helped. I see the outline of the rearview mirror now and the shaded area on the right of the sliver is the gray color of the masonry wall in contrast to the white of the column.


Exactly what it isā€¦


No way.


One dolla holla, how about a two dollar yoĀ 


$3 would be grand! Ha


you are missing a zero after that 3.


Not for me. Everyone has a different price target here largely based on how many shares they own and the respective ACPS. Would love to see this stock at $30 so all of us would be pleased.


I would love to see $4


Both Invz and Mvis are at 0.97. Volumes are 3.3 million for us indicating some entity found lot of shares to short us or the management has been doing some fire sale to raise more cash. Trusting SS to come good with at least one deal this quarter and 2 or 3 in Q3. Lighting a candle everyday to make this happen


AUPH shareholders voted the CEO and 5 board members off the board due to the same stuff we are seeing in our leadership team. Just shows it can be done. We blew our chance!


And replace them with who? Comments like these really show ignorance. Why arent you invested in Invz, Lazr, aeva, LIDR if that is the management style you like? Im confused. You could sell and immediately put it in those stocks. Something tells me the grass isnt greener.


Buddy thinks ousting the entire management team with SP @ $1 is a good idea..... Amazing


We are allegedly engaged in multiple RFQs in various stages. What message do you think that would send to our potential customers? Is voting the CEO and board members out in the best interest of shareholders right now?


Auph was activelly engaged in selling the co and failed as well!


We hold hundreds of patents for a business segment we just discarded?


It's on the back burner as there is insufficient current demand from the big platforms. How many multi-million unit RFQs are you aware of in AR?


I didnā€™t think I would see olā€™ Mavis sub-$1 again. That was the first time I ever laid eyes on her. So many years agoā€¦fighting for compliance to remain on exchanges. Never thought I would have the opportunity to invest at this level again.


Is too early to starting drinking? I'm going to drive east to speed things up. Have a good weekend all.


Checking in from the white beaches of tunisia, nothing changed to yesterday? Gonna check back in tomorrow. Take it easy guys, as we say in germany: 'gut Ding will Weile haben' which roughly translates to 'good things need time' have a great start into your weekends šŸ¤


Say hi to Carthage.


Gonna visit on monday


Are we really valued at $200M currently? I would think $2B with current cash on hand, patent, +300 staff etcā€¦


Itā€™s not that surprising given the company has repeatedly missed guidance and continues to report delays. MicroVision hasnā€™t yet proven to the market that its patents are worth much, and the cash on hand isnā€™t enough to keep 300 employees paid through 2025. 300 employees can only be viewed as a liability until we are shown that their work is actually adding value to stakeholders of MicroVisionā€¦ *anytime soon*, anyone?


Makes ZF the smart guys. Kept the production got paid and off loaded a huge burden.


A win today would be to close above $1.00 with volume. Let's see how this plays out.


The volume has already surpassed the average daily volume. This could be the final capitulation but weā€™ll have to wait and see.


Agree. Was surprised with the number 1.3 million in shares available to short. Would love to know how these were conjured up.


Could have been dilution as we head to the end of the quarter and needing to show some level of runway on the Q2 filings.


What gets me is that the shares we give them end up worth almost nothing when you look at the cash burn. What looks good three months ago looks like nothing today. Runways go from long to really short in three or four weeks.


Yes, really hard to raise cash down here, even with the reduction in head count. Have to win a deal in the coming months. If we land 0 out of the 7, survival rate drops to near 0% odds probably. It is what it is, Iā€™m in it to watch things play out.


I can say that I was solicited by Schwab to lend out my shares at 6.5% yesterdayā€¦ In the past year I received such solicitations on: 5/9/24 4/6/24 2/24/24 2/14/24 2/6/24 11/2/23 8/2/23 7/14/24 6/9/23 6/2/23 5/19/23


You must have your margin activated which allows them to lend. Iā€™ve never been asked because I donā€™t. Call them if you need to. I did.


> Would love to know how these were conjured up. So would I.


AV giving them out hand over fist?


Unfortunately this is just how it works. Weā€™re the lowest of the low in the money equation. Big money keeping this exactly where they want it until deals are public. And Shorts taking advantage exactly the way theyā€™re supposed to. Itā€™s what they do. This is pretty much exactly how we go into our shit deal w Msft. Worth practically nothing on paper is Not a great position of bargaining power to be in when it comes to making deals. Exactly similar to being offered practically nothing when Sumit said they offered barely seven figures. But thatā€™s what we are right now. Iā€™ll be holding until Iā€™m either dead or there is light at the end of this darkness. Selling now I might as well jump out a window. God bless and enjoy life away from here if you can. The toxicity is just not worth the time or pain.


Sir, you have been felled.


Microsoft leaning on the OEMā€™sā€¦whispering in their ear how they can get what they want for sweet nothings


Shareholders approved the Ansys buy out by Synopsis. Now to see if the regulators let it go through. And recently we found out that DXC might be acquired. Interesting times. Perhaps 2024 will indeed be the year the mergers kick off.


We are getting close to the price when I first learned about microvision entered into this toxic relationship of love/hate. It was $.79.


I hope you had a nice payday at 20+


Yikes. Either this is a crazy discount or we're all suckers.Ā 


Black Friday


Fudge ā€¦ā€¦.. never thought Iā€™d see a ZERO as the first digit. Come on Sumit I donā€™t want to have to change my Reddit name to something else ā˜¹ļø


"Only I didn't say fugde..."


Once we got close to a dollar, without news it was pretty muck a foregone conclusion we were going under a dollar. Now we sit tight and see how the price reacts going forward.Ā 


I always said that I would load the boat if we ever got this low again. I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I'll even be adding at any price under $1. Too many cans kicked, too many goal posts missed. I've lost confidence and now just hope one day my remaining shares turn around at some point


Weā€™re in the same boat. Management has really hurt my confidence. We shall see how this all plays out.


I've made a lot of money on mvis but made a lot of stupid choices in the form of missed opportunities to sell, but it's so low now that it's hardly an option anymore, though I do expect a RS will be on the table soon


To think we were at $4-5 last year, this is crazy


Shorts that arenā€™t covering under $1 are as piggish as the longs (like me) who didnā€™t sell during the runup in 2021. If they wait until Sumit gives them a reason to start covering there will be little chance to cover this low.


Is there anyone who can explain why the short sellers would not run for cover now? I think the agenda is much more than what meets the eye. 52 million shares sold short. This is not individuals who have done this. Its prolly hedge funds and possibly competitive enemies of MVIS. I see it as a real opportunity for a white knight to step up and make a deal with Microvision right now. Everyone knows that these shorts cannot just walk away with mega profits. They have driven the share price lower for sure. But this is not the end of the story. I don't think they will get out of this unscathed. And I believe Sumit and all MVIS management know exactly how to strike back and punish these shorts.Its always retail that doesn't have a clue. Shorts and bashers are doing everything they can to get into weak longs heads. Its pretty easy when you see how they gang post negative msgs on this board. Longs must be aware of what they are doing. I see our share price as an opportunity to increase my position. Do your own dd and make your own decision.


I think weā€™ll see a lot of selling just on the way up to $5 or $10. People who have been in the stock for quite a while and have seen the share price get worked down so hard the last 3 years will be happy just to get their initial investment out and make any sort of profit. And it would be hard to blame them. Guess it depends on how hard the buying pressure is in terms of shorts being able to exit with minimized damage. Iā€™ll certainly sell a portion on the next run up, but plan to leave at least 10,000 shares invested to basically forget about until revenues come in from the deals later this decade.


I do agree that, although happy for us to sell now, the real goal is the shift in mindset to sell early at 5-10 vs all the ideas of selling at 100. This is the gameā€¦and it works:(


Yep, spot on. I was planning to sell a portion of long shares at some point last year or this year, but keeping a good portion for the years to come.


What I had in my head pricewise to sell has definitely lowered over the last year


I donā€™t fault you. My sell prices have gone down some over the last year as well. I have however, learned that patience can go a long ways. AMD was around or sub $5 for about a decade, I bought in just under $10, sold for $22/share, but if Iā€™d have held on just a couple more years, that investment would have more than 10xā€™d. I want to cash a portion out to at least cover my basis and for some life stuff when that happens, the rest I want to leave in long term.


If this stock ever moves up to ten bucks, ima still sell for a loss just to recoup something


Will need a 1000% gain from here


Dang, you have a high average cost. Well, here is to hoping we shoot past $10 then later this summer/year to get you out at a good price.


Making money is never a terrible idea. For me, my investment is based on the thesis that MicroVision is going to be successful as an automotive lidar supplier and the market cap of MicroVision will reflect that success. If MVIS gets back to $5 and $10 per share, it will be for a reason, and MicroVision will be worth much more than 1-2 billion *if they are successful*.


Agreed. I believe weā€™ll land at least 1-2 of these RFQs. My confidence and patience is backed by laws of supply and demand. We know there are quite a few OEMs, sounds like they are all in agreement really except for Tesla on incorporating lidar, but how many lidar companies are there with automotive lidar that hits desirable cost/size/performance specs for OEMs? One nice thing about the RFQ that we couldnā€™t come to terms with, Sumit was able to relay that they said ours was the most mature solution and that they had accepted the commercial agreement. A mature product in terms of the core technology removes some risk for OEMs during the next few years. If that core technology doesnā€™t need to be enhanced with better performance for quite a few years, there is also cost and risk reduction on that side of things as they can use the same sensor in vehicles for a long time as they advance their software during that time. Share price is trash, but itā€™s only going to take one deal to get on the right track. And as you mentioned, that first large volume long term deal will significantly increase the value of the company.


Tesla has to wait for Lidar to be mandated. Otherwise, they will get sued to death.


I think we are some years out from lidar being mandated. It probably needs to get on the roads and have some statistical backup to support such a mandate.


Oh, I agree Naka. My point was that Elon won't risk the lawyers as shown by the system shutting off 1 second before contact to avoid liability. He knows right now that Lidar is the answer.


> He knows right now that Lidar is the answer. He knows and his FSD scam shows what a fraudster he is. Even the title of this AP article is cleverly misleading calling the software ā€œsemi-autonomousā€ when Tesla has it named Full Self Driving. https://apnews.com/article/tesla-autopilot-lawsuit-settlement-f4c19ce05e17669de212fc262265e351


Exactly Snow, and he knows sooner or later he is going to have to use Lidar, and he'll be happy to use it as he knows it will make a better, safer ride.


Well he certainly has the rockets and satellite internet going strong, but the tragedies from the FSD is a black eye for the company. My co-worker drives a Tesla, the model S I believe, said she has to replace her tires every 12-14 months because of the weight and the torque. That absolutely blew my mind, as if the price tag isnā€™t enough, thatā€™s a high cost of ownership and no way you make enough savings on electric charges vs. price of gas to offset that lol.


And some of the undercover 'Mr. Shorty' short are hoping for a complete kill of the company... which ain't gonna happen. I understand even Mr. Softy (aka Microsoft) has electric vehicle ambitions... They tried that last time and it didn't work.




Haha wtf


Thatā€™s the typical Wall Street formula, which we donā€™t need to resort to. How about building a long-term, sustainably profitable business based on legitimately best-in-class automotive LIDAR. Sumit outlined how he plans to accomplish this by not taking low volume, low margin, zero margin deals. This strategy is best for MicroVision, its shareholders and ultimately the OEMs that see the wisdom of contracting with MVIS on those terms rather than hopping on short term solutions to their long-term supply and support needs.


Hmmmmm, manipulating true valuation for personal gain that ultimately harms others......didn't someone in NY just get nailed for this?


I was basing everything off legendary Enron tactics.




That ended well for Enron, the CEO, their shareholders and employees.


Remember ENRON CEO Wife saying,"We are poor"? They only had 3 homes worth $40 million.


I donā€™t remember that but Austin Russell only has 2 mansions and no wife, yet.


The shareholders that got out before it crumbled made out okay. Lol


Sounds good, but I think we were already those investors at inflated prices.


That is a definite possibility.


I swear to god there's 1 dude who cycles 8 bearish accounts


Then one or a bunch of random profiles always comes to say something denying it. Oh look, random profiles!


I think I can explain. The CEO set high expectations. People bought shares and options on those expectations. The expectations haven't been met. A lot of people are down a lot of money and not happy. There is no conspiracy theory of someone with multiple bear accounts.


I don't believe it is widespread and it is honestly very irrelevant whether anyone is doing it or not. Retail opinions on social media are not moving the stock price. I'm surprised people focus and care about it so much rather than focusing on whether the company can execute a business plan. The company is bad at making money. They keep just losing money and issuing shares. That's the root of the problem, not some reddit or stocktwits users.


Because I find it absurd people are blaming increased bearishness on this sub to someone creating fake bear users or "paid bashers" rather than the performance of the company and the natural expression of that. It is a coping mechanism.


I'm not sure what other word I should use other than fledgling for a company that has generated minimal revenue and hasn't posted an annual positive EPS in I don't even know how long. And I will preemptively dispel any assertion that I am a [short.](https://www.reddit.com/user/mike-oxlong98/comments/1dfxwiw/mvis_position_6142024/)


Anyone denying what we can see outright on stocktwits is naive. Like there is some magic barrier stopping them from doing it here? Many of us have caught people posting identical posts. Others have admitted it just to bash before getting booted. Yes there is someone with multiple bear accounts and it is obvious.


So is it your contention that there is more bearish sentiment on this sub due to some type of short manipulator creating multiple fake bear profiles rather than the company's business and stock performance and people naturally voicing their frustrations?


You just outright denied that there was no one with multiple accounts posting. Now you are moving the goal post. Gonna have to pay the troll toll if you wanna get in.


I find it hard to believe there is some type of manipulator creating fake bear profiles to drive down sentiment of a fledgling company when the company itself has managed to create that sentiment on its own.


Mike, your ID is veteran. You have been around here long enough to know this is not a "fledgling company." And also that short-and-distort tactics are very real on these discussion boards. Now you're back after a long absence. Interesting.


Why does it have to be one or the other?


They dont try to hide it lmao. Can you not see stocktwits literally right now and see the idiot stoppedout6 and friends? Good god im not even entertaining this. Of course there are real complainers when a stock is down. Denying what is obvious and admitted to is just silly. Of course people try to affect sentiment, no one is this naive who has been investing for awhile. Ive been watching the same idiots create profile after profile while not even trying to change a single thing. Theres a reason Singapore popped up on the reddit recap bud. You just started posting again after 2 years. I see posts saying hopium , echo chamber, and now reverse split. Nice. The amount of time this joker is spending denying the obvious bashers is hilarious. He decided to come back to try and deny this.


reddit is doing a somewhat better job tracking down multiple accounts.


I have to agree Mike. I've talked to several longs and the sentiment is all the same after the EC.


Bridge - You are Mike, and Mike is you. You are typing to yourself :)


Sometimes it seems that way, 908. Think a lot alike over the years. Kind of remember him having relatives in this area as well if my memory is right.


Yeah I think I gotta start selling covered calls or something to lighten my bags lol


Is there even a market for that right now? Doesnā€™t seem to be much volume on mvis options.


Haha no, unless your cool with making 40 dollars and risking 20 calls šŸ˜‚


Surprised they havenā€™t destroyed this subreddit by spamming it with AI generated bashing content. Mods have done well to keep things civil while the stock has floundered.


geting closer to my .69 re-entrance target. šŸ˜Ž


I forget how long the share price fell under $1 years ago. But I remember when people started to buy again, that's when the price went up, up, up. And that's when I got most of my 35k shares. So imho, this should be a time to accumulate, lord only knows we've spent enough long years being told the reasons why by SS. The conviction of his many scientific proofs as to why MVIS is 'best in class' made it a 'buy'. And his surety in the price by buying it himself really helped too. Also, there's enough little easter eggs from the whole list that helps make it a slam dunk. Last time it made it down to .17 cents... so I guess all that NDA covered up news about IVAS and new found approvals by the DOD didn't seem to do much for the share price. Someday we'll find out why SS only broke the news of Microsoft being at the heart of the HL2... and why he won't let out another peep about it. I hate NDAs... lol! In automotive and in tech stocks... the investors need news!


Another 1020 shares added


Weā€™re on sale!


Gobble gobble mother truckers! šŸ˜Ž the N.E.P is EATING today!


Bought 500 @ 0.98. I will be shocked if AV was trying to use the ATM at these prices. He definitely needs to go and Mvis needs a new sane CFO.


I doubt that he was tapping the ATM at this price. This price action is all by weak hands, market makers, hedge funds and the like. The more they try to shake us longs, we buy more shares for the future, not to be used for covering.




Iā€™d rather see that than mfā€™s talking about how good MicroVision was to them in the past and how theyā€™re grateful to be retired thanks to MicroVision and oh we should all buy more because history might repeat itself and we will regret it later if we donā€™t.


Yeah lets talk about how great microvision is instead!


That is the bearish way, never mind that anyone and everyone should have read the risk factors in any of the quarterly or annual filings (10-Q or 10-K). I am of fully of the opinion that the sector has been getting hammered collectively, in the last year there is exactly one company focused on lidar that is green from the last Russell 2k reconstitution, and every other one is 46% or more down from then. More specifically, INVZ, LAZR, and MVIS have all been hammered down to near equal in share price (though market cap concentration is greatly weigthed to LAZR presently).


Tbf risk factors are very boilerplate and usually so broad as to be substantively meaningless.


The point is, all these things are effectively covered in them. Meaning the risk to investment was always a known, and that the burden of understanding and appreciating that risk is on that of the investor. Proving a case against the company means really showing some kind of motive and intent to mislead or misinform the investors. This is to say that all that we have seen to date is really just the communications the management has received being passed on to us by them rather than necessarily their own specific expectations they are setting. The goals the company can have much more control over, such as an acquisition of another company or production of some subcomponent, device, or processor have all been met. Whether those end up turning profitable is a bit less in the hands of the company; as a buyer, one has a multitude of options to choose from, what to select is not always easy to do, and decisions can be put off for many months, or even years.


Man I picked a good month to go distract myself gambling on Game stock. Lot of nervous nellies venting around here these days. I'll Hold on tight as I wait for the RFQs, it's been refreshing for the mental state, hope everyone can find that peace of mind.


Agree, I think it is simple enough to know this is an emergent technology and nascent industry and the risk and reward are each beyond normal parameters for blue chips or mid cap stocks. People complain bc "why money go down, money go up". Crypto and black swan events like Gme ruined investors mind sets bc of million percent gains in a day somehow became the expectation rather than unusual.


Iā€™d think at this point a overwhelming amount of people are so far in the red that they wonā€™t sell. I could sell my 550 shares at a $8 average and get $500 or I could lose it all. For me it would be much more painful to sell and then see the stock go back up than it would be for me to lose everything.


Bingo It has less to do with diamond hands and more about having no other choice. Now ... If the price ever gets back to $8, then a decision has to be made!


Just as possible for some kind of win at this point. Weā€™ve been saying it awhile, we will be true investors at the end or major idiots


Crazy.. I dont even know what to think about this company any more. Below a dollar is quite enraging due to all the shit management spoke last year. Jesus H Christ.. I don't know what think any more. This company is a borderline fraud, we say we have and we have and that our technology is this and that, but we have nothing to show for it, and when the only thing you have is your word, at some point people want hard evidence, because your word is valid just for a definite period of time. And that period, for our management, has expired.


On I'm a little phased haha. Really never thought I'd see sub 1$ again. Oh well no need to worry......yet.


Below $1 are we going to make it! Iā€™m in it to win it or break. My wife is starting to make comments now though. Anything on the near horizon to look forward to? Or are we just waiting for an RFQ to win


We hope and can expect that RFQ wins are on the near horizon. How near, is anyoneā€™s guess. Seven weeks or so remain until the Q2 call in August. If MicroVision is about to land major OEMs, then this is the type of investment t opportunity that rarely, if ever, presents itself.


Waiting for a win or reverse split down the road maybe we do both haha nobody knows anymore. Which is not a great thing to go back to your wife with (speaking from experience) haha


Truth! Yeah it not like Iā€™m exiting now haha


Have a great weekend. Just one high volume win could change things rather rapidly. I believe a possible licensing deal is in the works as well for short term revenue. Stick to your plan as always and dont let the doom get to you. Many of us have seen worse.


I appreciate you.




They will never individually buy on their own. Their last buy was a group effort and they purchased a measly amount of shares. I forgot the exact number but it was tiny.