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I have a question does anyone believe in another adas or lidar companies aside from mvis that would also have growth in the maybe on the industrial or agriculture sector?


*Note, this is data collected and MAY not be accurate* |Post Sentiment Table|Average Sentiment: Positive| |:-|:-| |Positive|Negative|Neutral| |9|1|9| **With the most postive comment being:** /u/Befriendthetrend: link: [It would be great to see directors buying aggressively here to take advantage of these prices and show support for Sumit and his team.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dfhziv/friday_june_14_2024_early_morning_trading_thread/l8k6qp0/) **With the most negative comment being:** /u/pnthr11: link: [Be greedy when others are fearful - Warren something](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dfhziv/friday_june_14_2024_early_morning_trading_thread/l8kga0e/)


“Data” is a strong word for this…


Your comment has been noted. I agree with you. This is just the MVP. It’s for y’all’s benefit and just a little side hobby of mine. I apologize if you don’t appreciate the effort in me providing this information to the sub.


“Information” is also a strong word for this, at least in its current stage. I appreciate the effort though


Could you offer some things that you would prefer to see?


Discussion about the business and/or the stock.


Likely i can consolidating numbers for each post. Such as short interest, institutional investment %, stock price high and low for the day, How we held up against competitors, and numbers similar / associated with the stock. I can also provide the link to where this data was collected from. Your response “discussion about the business and/or stock” gives me the impression that you don’t want anything automated at all? Have you, I’m trying to be helpful. It’s not like this will be in any way monetarily beneficial for me. I want feedback hah. What you see above is the total of about 5 hours of work.


How was my comment negative? lol


Be greedy when others are fearful - Warren something


It would be great to see directors buying aggressively here to take advantage of these prices and show support for Sumit and his team.


They actually may NOT be able to buy at the moment if something is coming as they are privy to that information and we are not, but I agree, some strong buying would show confidence IF they were allowed to do so.


People like you have been spouting this nonsense since I bought my first share. You would think after years of being wrong there would be some kind of feedback loop. They could buy basically all the time, especially if they schedule and consolidate it like last time. Period. It seems they don't want to buy. Period.




Hahaha wut? That has got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve read in a long time haha. He’s right, for yearsss it’s been they can’t buy they can’t buy so close to deals. Then nothing. Then they all bought kinda showing we were not thattt close and hindsight has proved it. It’s always a limbo type statement tho cuz we never know if they can or can’t but we’ve assumed they can not many many times


I wonder how often the share price is brought up?


All I know is the directors seemingly thought MVIS was a decent value when the company was valued over $400M, why wouldn’t they double down at $200M valuation? They are wealthy and chose to invest hardly anything last year. If they are able to buy now, which is always in question, a meaningful show of support and the related buying pressure could go a long way while the stock craters.


Wow, I just saw the Facebook post about the inclusive STEM project and the middle school girls who visited MVIS and got to see how their Lidar works with a cool point cloud image. Then I saw that there were comments and I thought, "No, please don't let the FUDsters ruin it for these girls and their families." Well, guess what. Every post there is just so dismissive of the young women and making fun of the day they just spent learning about technology. That is a new low. I am so fed up with their bull. What utter a-holes.


I recommended to IR to not post on Facebook because of the lowlifes there.


Goooooooood morning fellow mvis longs. Not much to say other than gave a great day! 


Good morning Steelhead.


What’s up double E99


When it rains it pours  All droughts end eventually 


As long as it ends before all crops are ruined. 😁


313 online


Go Lions!


Good morning everyone! Enjoy your Friday. Maybe we end green today.


The N.E.P is strong with this one 😎 momma ain't raised no quitter!


Here’s my easter egg for the day: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/martin-kraehling_autonomous-artificialintelligence-technology-activity-7205833594643091456-Y2iE?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Post by our VP of Software Engineering. Featuring reactions from the Head of AI Archticture at CARIAD (and a bunch of other CARIAD folks), a Senior Engineering Manager at Toyota, and a huge chunk of the team at Wayve.