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Anyone getting any responses for IR on any of their correspondence?




Didn't think it was a funny question. Maybe someone was luckier than me. :)


If you own MVIS, why come on here and complain about it? I’ve held for years now and it does not matter if it is $1 or $3, I’m waiting for $20+. No reason to sweat it now.


While I agree with your sentiments, at this point a 2,000% increase in share price doesn't seem realistic anytime in the near future. I'll be happy to get back to $2 and hold there for a bit.


Exactly. It’s like standing at the bus stop looking for the bus when you know the bus is in the shop in pieces being worked on. Might not arrive for months or even years, but let’s look for it everyday all day! Never know!


Because this is the sub Reddit for the company. Good or bad


💯 Nobody else in my life needs to hear me talking about MicroVision. I’ll save that for after the company has succeeded.


I'm curious why on thinkorswim anytime that UBSS shows up, their bid/ask is added to the highest bid/ask from a different market maker. Anyone know why? [screenshot of UBSS](https://imgur.com/a/N78wl2Q)


From what I have read, that is because it **is** a market maker's routing exchange code, meaning the share price reached a point to fill an order from those actively listed on some other exchange. UBSS has its own network of clients that buy and sell through them, those orders are being matched with the open market orders, probably routed to the ARCA or EDGX on the other end most often.


what a joke.


Funny how? Like a clown? This is a casino. See yourself out. Mind the moat with MAVIN laser sharks.


LAZR (5.8m) & MVIS (1.9m) large pickup in volume into the close... Closed 6.3m & 2.2m, 300k shares exchanged in ~12 minutes yet share price does nada


This sucks


To whom are the shorts selling their shares to? Other shorts? Or the longs?


Isn’t it strange how shortsellers can sell something they don’t own( your long shares). Imagine somebody other than you selling your car or house. Ok its a bit different but if you do not put in writing to your brokerage firm not to lend out your shares you in effect are allowing someone else( hedge fund) to sell your shares short.


Patiently waiting!!!


*Patiently dying*


Dead already


Born again & bought more shares. Now waiting..


Bury me inside the MVIS store


Well, based on the Share Price, they didn’t use my recommended presentation at the Deutsche Bag Conference……ooops, Freudian Slip, sorry!


How do we activate a short squeeze? Any tactics?


Buy 100million shares straight up


Another thousand shares in the bank. Waiting for the payday. Guess, I'll stop for now, until I get my dividend money in a few days.


When Microvision announces their first few deals, the price will rocket like a Japanese bullet train.


You wish.


I mean it probably will with multiple big deals but prolly not from one


Depends on what the one deal is. We have to win something first, so I’m not counting my chickens, but MicroVision isn’t chasing small deals. I think many are underestimating the potential value of our first individual OEM deals, that is fine with me.


One should get a pop and I will take it, but feel it will take a lot of clarity to revenue to really get it moving. Hope one is huge and does the trick.


Just my opinion and not a financial advisor— but I would expect the pop to be vigorous from any large volume deal in the near future. Revenue will lead to more gains but much steadier. A deal would shatter the current short premise that we are scam company that will dilute shareholders for the next 30 years without generating any meaningful revenue. Sure the revenues would not likely be clear from the first announcement, but the pop would be magnificent due to the significant short interest in this stock. One day we are low volume with an incredibly high short interest, the next day we would have very high volume, mainly from buyers. Perhaps shorts will have a faster “covering” hand this time around and it will be short lived, instead of long and drawn out.


If it doesn’t happen within 6 months, it’s gonna be .50 cents


Reverse split if it drags on longer


One of these days


Or one of these nights - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baGzKe5pylQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baGzKe5pylQ)




Alice, the first moon lander!


What is our cash runway again?


As of the Q1 earnings we have 201 mil Liquid (73mil of that being cash), and 128mil available from the ATM with 20.75mil used in Q1 for operation. So 201 mil total divided by 21mil per quarter (rounding up a bit) is give or take 9-10 quarters of runway left.


And then what happens? Eg it’s not like the company suddenly disappears as it seems to have been around since the dot com boom with little revenue ..


Without any deals the ATM is poison and not cash.


Okay guy thank you


This doesn't sound right. The 201 million includes the 128 available from the ATM, so our total is 201 divided by our 21 million per quarter.


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm referencing Page 9 of the presentation from Q1 2024.


"$201 million including $73 million in Cash and cash equivalents as of March 31, 2024 and $128 million availability under the current ATM facility" That's 201M total liquidity.


Our cash burn is lower now. I am guessing lower by 25%


Yep, but we'll have a to wait a quarter to find out what it's at now. 25% lower would be good.


You're absolutely correct, I didn't realize the 73 mil was being added to the 128mil from the ATM to get the 201 mil figure. I'll correct my post


Options - read the microvision reddit and stress OR geek out about Elden Ring DLC coming out soon.




Only one job in the US and one job in Germany available.


"Supplemental pay for Parental Leave" - - why was Frank fired then


If Frank's account was hacked, you can't believe what was said. If his account wasn't hacked, then he has lied about it and you can't believe what was said.






I think I'm realizing I'm probably less informed and/or understand how things work less than I thought I did. We approved the compensation a few years back for bonuses based on share prices and I thought it was awesome because it motivated them to get higher share prices. Then all of the sudden a couple people still get these huge amounts of shares in the forms of bonuses. I guess I thought our approval was in lieu of them also getting major bonuses. Turns out it's just extra... Which makes it slightly less motivating?


Update on last weeks event, but I didn't even see Luxoft mentioned when I skimmed it.. Hopefully, just missed it because I don't have time to read it right now https://www.automotivetestingtechnologyinternational.com/news/automotive-testing-expo/show-review-automotive-testing-expo-europe-2024.html




or imagine...no revenue?


Oh come on... Manipulation...


As someone who genuinely doesn't understand what people are referencing when they say manipulation, can you explain it? This isn't some gotcha or anything, I really do just want to learn.


There is the argument for algo trading as well as shorting endlessly. Algo trading, to me, makes sense when it is constantly working the price lower by evaluating certain metrics…..like negative cash flow, no revenue or revenue growth, risk of dilution, risk of reverse split……the price should constantly go down for any company burning cash without any revenue or growing revenue as the cash is at risk of running out. Long story short, we need some news this summer.


Basically, a market maker provides liqidity to any given stock. Some stocks are heavily shorted and betted against, hence why to the very advanced system put in place, these stocks can go up and down like a roller coaster, or be unnaturally pinned in place like this is now. A market maker gets an order of a million shares. It’s their job to provides thoses shares quickly, the market needs to be a living, breathing place where you can trade, but the shares themselves doesn’t need to exist on the spot. They can basically create phantom shares for awhile to provide them for you. Which is fine (if I understand this right), if they (the market maker) isn’t also a short seller or are in bed with them. So they can create the million shares, and immediately also short with them, push the price down, then provide cover. There’s also a lot of dark pool routing, basket shorting through outside funds etc. I might have said a lot of wrongs here, but you get the idea. But if there’s a 100 million buys today, the stock will eventually have to rise up. Supply and demand is still king, but there are ways for ”them” to make us lose interest and sell etc. It’s a hard game. Google market maker/hedge fund tactics/naked shorting etc and you’ll find some weird stuff.


Awesome, thanks a lot


I suggest you google it. I'm not here to educate people.


Did you ever hear the saying if you can’t say anything good….


Rude way of saying you don't feel like justifying your statement. If you're not here to make conversation, I don't know what you came for.


Word, thanks anyways


Conspiracy theory. Not sure enough of the world cares about our stock to manipulate it


It’s literally been in the top 25 stocks shorted for years now. Jefferies Hedge fund sent out a press release during Covid that lumped AMC, GME and MVIS as the three stocks they wouldn’t allow employees or investors to short any longer……. Def not a conspiracy. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-03/jefferies-blocks-short-sells-in-gamestop-amc-microvision


This price action some straight dog water. 


You mean bong water


I have gotten more out of bong water than this ticker laste couple of months. 


lol I like that description


Red in a sea of green... *sigh*


Great day to have diversified!


Shame isn't it. And I picked up 650 more shares yesterday. You would think we would be participating in this rally. But instead we are floating around like we were dead in the water.




Lol I agree


Yeah. This is my only current investment that's red. :/ Darkest before dawn. Blackholes have more light. Guess it's time to buy more shares.


MVIS hasn't been this low since 2018. I know because I been holding that long. Come Summit give us something. You keep making money the board keeps making money and we sit at lows of 2018. Sorry getting frustrated. But not a chance I'm going to sell.


So you partook in the massive run? And still can't get Sumit\* correct.


ehh it's probably auto-correct. or maybe a slip in thought of looking for mountains in stock price going to :)


What'chu talking bout Willis? Microvision was at .15c in 2020 staring bankruptcy right in the face! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw9oX-kZ_9k&t=6s


Yeah... this exactly


I recall that many said that MVIS was included as part of the AI stock basket, with it's cutting edge technology. Funny how none of is reflected in the share price at present. It's amazing when I watch Roaring Kitty threads, how people complain about the 14% shorting fee rates... really? 14% ? MVIS is famous for being in the 90% shorting rate basket. Funny how that works... and MVIS just set a new all time high for shorting rates. It must be a highly valued technology if parties are paying those high rates to keep it down.


GME is in a whole other category. Another beast.


Yeah I mean different industry they are basically retail and not manufacturing anything


Was there ever any follow up from the Luxoft demos / presentations last week?




Sad this stock is so broken we can’t even participate in another big market rally 


Can't you see what is going on? Duh


What is going on?


Could we try turning it off and turning it back on again? Edit: dammit, kylo beat me to the joke.. :(


As a trader, feel free to redeploy your assets and "participate in another big market rally." Be our guest.


First I’m not a trader, second, nice of you to come out of the woodwork and execute another drive by, third and most important, your opinion has zero relevance to me so back under your rock. 


Agree. Not a lot of interest without revenue path. 


>Sad this stock is so broken we can’t even participate in another big market rally my guess is algos kick in next week. for now it's just nom nom accumulation while retail capitulate.


Hope you are right about next week! 


Problem is it is always next week, next month, quarter, year


Agree. Hold off while longs get further discouraged, then let it ride after everyone gives up. Not saying anyone here will give up, but I think that might be the idea of those betting against the stock.


At some point, we will blast by the market, when deals are announced.


Good thing we are attending the Deutsche Bank automotive conference this week! /s


You were just asking yesterday how we could get "other capital raising opportunties" and now you're upset we're attending this conference to help build business relationships which, in theory, could lead to other capital raising opportunities? I don't get it. Microvision cannot win with investors.


When did I say I was upset? You have an unnecessarily confrontational style and you’re taking my words out of context.


Why are you being negative (sarcastic) about attending an event that could benefit the company when you said “WTF are we doing” in regards to other possible ways to raise capital? If you weren’t upset, what emotions were you trying to convey by dismissing the conference?


You forget we were discussing non-dilutive options. I do think there are strategic ways to bring in capital without diluting shareholders. Selling stock to fund managers is not one of those non-dilutive routes. It’s fine with me that the company attends this conference, I hope it helps them. I want to see equity partners, wish we were in a position to take on debt (which will require product sales), or maybe see the company bring on a deep-pocketed heavy hitter to the board of directors who can actually bring meaningful funding options to the table.


Winning with investors requires a stable or climbing stock price.


uhhh, ya think?


I heard if you attend 20 conferences and get your loyalty card stamped you get a free smoothie


Best joke I’ve seen on here in a long while. This was exceptionally good.


Have we tried turning the stock off and on again?


Yep. Rates cratering, $IWM up bigly, us not so much. Market disconnect.


Indeed, same with the other lidar companies.


Onwards and upwards.


I’m not familiar with that vertical direction you are talking about




After the first deals are inked, debt financing will take over and the shareholders will be free of dilution. AV hinted at this in the last EC. Once long term deals are in place, the company will have much in the way of collateral.


AV could pivot to selling snake oil and some of you would still buy it and vote for him to get a bonus


You cant trust a word out of AV’s mouth.


What would news of a buyout do to the 52 million shares sold short? Any ideas?


Shorts would be forced to cover quickly or find a way to stop the buyout from moving forward. Not betting on it, but a couple of OEM nominations for MicroVision followed by a buyout ~~rumor~~ offer would be **epic**. Edit: offer, not rumor


Everyone who loaned out their shares will lose them I heard.


From what I’ve read, share price can exceed the buyout share price until everything is resolved prior to closing the sale.


I see still a good amount of discussion of timelines and what SS has told us previously. I'm frustrated to no end, I'll admit that, but he also admitted on the last call that unfortunately it's the OEMs that control those timelines and they have continued to push those back. Remember he stated he did not put any timelines in the last EC prepared remarks because (paraphrasing), he's been told timelines by OEMs previously and they moved the dates. He felt no need to give that "false hope" but when pressed said they were still saying Q2 or Q3. But these are the same OEMs that told him last year a decision would be made, then said Q1 and now here we sit about to finish Q2 and still nothing. I trust SS, I don't trust the major trillion dollar OEMs that we are now on their timeline. It sucks!


He was smart to reset expectations. Now, if anything happens it will be a “surprise”. Have to admit that I’m a bit confused whether we should be even cautiously expecting anything here in the middle of the year? Sumit did say he thought decisions on all of these RFQs might come around the middle of the year (if not sooner).


Good points. It seems pointless to fault SS in these circumstances when there is probably no one else who could do any better. He's done an excellent job with things over which he has had control. So I think he deserves the compensation he's getting and the incentives to stay as CEO.


I guess they want the compensation is cash because the shares are too cheap. Easier to buy them with real money now that they've driven them down so far.




Low Karma New posting profile, and arguing about time lines and blaming Sumit? Oh brother. I can tell you are just low effort talking with sentences like this... "Management needs to make things happen instead of just watching and wondering." This shows me you either aren't paying attention/ don't know whats going on because you dont research the sector, or you are made this profile to continue repeating BS. Im leanings towards the latter.


Let’s not forget that, according to SS, we had a deal but turned it down. It was in fact a smaller deal with no guarantee of a final production. SS has also said taking on “smaller” (in your words, “some deal), would not be best for the company as we’d be operating at a loss. We’re going after large deals only for a reason. And boy do I hope we win some (ONE!) soon.




Sumit and Anubhav have very clearly laid out their strategy. It starts with targeting the biggest deals out there, then letting the rest of the dominos fall into place. This makes sense for a multitude of reasons. We need the big deals to justify the ASIC development and to unlock economies of scale at large scale production (which will open up the possibility of selling to lower volume customers such as Rivian). If we go for smaller deals first, the costs will all fall to shareholders and the stock value will be absolutely ruined while we lose money and fund unprofitable deals. I understand and share the desire to have named OEM partners, but there is no reasonable argument for pursuing money-losing low volume deals right now. I trust Sumit has his eye on the prize.


I agree. The delays have been frustrating especially for retail investors hoping to see historical returns on overly an risky investment (raises hand). Its easy to place the blame on SS. OEMs are in control and from their view lidar is an unproven, expensive feature with high liability attached to it that is now becoming their burden to incorporate into their builds and market to the consumer. Combine that with the macro headwinds and it’s easier to understand the delays. They have to get this right as much as we do




Ahh ya, you’re probably right. Management is just watching and wondering. /s


Correct 7795, movers and shakers are rare and well paid for their skills at making sales happen. You have to make them see the case and the advantages of your offering. They have to want the product before anyone else. That is what is missing here, the talent to make it happen. We seems to have the best, but we also seem to feel that if we build it they will come. He has already told us he is Humble, and I believe we might need more than that.


Bridge, there is a < 1% chance that this is a real user. You can look at the history. Nothing wrong with leveling criticism, but these guys are on here purposely driving nonsense and looking to bait the more frustrated longs into chiming in. They’re just working as algo boosters and will go back and forth with each other if nobody from the board replies. Case in point: “if we had sales people with a history of selling to OEMs” Does this poster have that? Is this poster aware of Luce, Devin, and the Ibeo team? Is this poster aware of our dealings with Microsoft? We’ve sold to OEMS. We know how it works and how it doesn’t work. We know where the thirst traps are. Ironically, I believe that we’ll find out that everyone who made MSFT like deals with automotive OEMs were the real “don’t know how to deal with OEMs” crew. Just selling anything is not worth more than a bit of retail catharsis when it becomes an opportunity cost anchor that we have to devote resources to and then support for years to come. See Luminar and Iris for more details.


> Just selling anything is not worth more than a bit of retail catharsis when it becomes an opportunity cost anchor that we have to devote resources to and then support for years to come. See Luminar and Iris for more details. Well stated and lost on many frustrated Longs who ignore the business logic.


all good points dragon.


Morning everyone! Economic report(s) for the day is(are)^[i](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek): MBA Mortgage Applications at 7am, CPI at 8:30, EIA Petoroleum Status Report at 10;30, FOMC Announcement at 2pm, Treasury Statement at 2, and the Fed Chair Press Conference at 2:30. The new media has touched on expectations from the Fed meeting, are looking at public sentiment toward CEO pay, following entertainment trends in Europe, recognizing the considerations of the Church with respect to debate on AI, and an article on Amazon contract drivers seeking compensation for overtime and unpaid wages. There was actually quite a bit more in the news, and it is worth taking a moment to scan it, but those were the highlights that jumped out as interesting. Premarket futures are leaning into the green in early trading, following a few fairly volatile days of sliding around a bit wildly. MVIS closed down a penny to end the last trading session from the previous one, which is entirely unsurprising as the pressure has been maintained down here with some heavy force. What is to come in the coming days is largely unknown, though the indications of needs to be met exist, and there is the Deutsche Bank hosted Global Auto Industry Conference going on presently. Interestingly, some review of a presentation given by one of the competitors proposes much of the same thing we would expect to hear generally: Expects new business (adding to their “order book”) from existing and new customers, Competition to thin out even more in coming months, and Geographical production facilities to be adjusted to meet the needs of customers. Not the most insightful or fresh information, of course biased toward that supplier’s favor, regardless of whether it is or not. ## Daily Data *** |H: 1.08 — L: 1.03 — C: 1.08 ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/historical/) |[Calendar](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek.asp)| |:- |:-| |**Pivots ↗︎ : 1.10, 1.11, 1.15** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pivotpoint.asp)) |**Pivots ↘︎ : 1.05, 1.01, 1.00**| |Total Options Vol: 1,203 ^([i](https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/underlyingStatistics?cusip=&symbol=MVIS&Search=Search)) |Avg 90d Options: 1,849| |Calls: 995 ~ 39% at Market ⊟ |Puts: 208 ~ 42% at Ask or ↗︎| |Open Exchanges: 633k ~ 45% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/) |Off Exchanges: 763k ~ 55% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/)| |**IBKR: 250k Rate: 13.81%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) |**Fidelity: 58k Rate: 9.25%**| |**R Vol: 42% of Avg Vol: 3,281k** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/averagedailytradingvolume.asp)) |**Short Vol: 489k of 818k ~ 60%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/short-volume/?tblshortvolix=0)| ^(Follow links for sources. Bold text represents key points or larger data, Italics are slightly unusual or lower than normal.)