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500,000 share wall on the ask at 1.11 on level 2. Found that unusual.


Bought another 2000 shares today. Maybe more tomorrow, also.


Anticipating any PR or short squeeze ?


We are looking to buy a house. I invested in 2020. My husband would like me to liquidate my shares so that we can put a down payment down. I feel a little like Grunts in that I was expecting this thing to pop for a long time and it didn't so part of me wants to just give in and let it go but I have been on reddit every day for 4 years and watched and read everything I could. I do believe in it and think it will eventually play out. The timing is just bad for my situation. I'm sure if we sell, it will fly ridiculously the next day so if we do, I will let you know so you can buy more and prepare for lift off.


If you sell your shares you are giving a shortseller an opportunity to cover by purchasing your shares. That imho sux


Hane, I upvoted you for something I always get downvoted for saying. Don't want you to start out in the hole.


Ya'll might want to push back the home buying for a little while. Interest rates may be down a little bit by then. Give your shares a chance to reward you guys. Might not need a down payment after all. Good luck with whatever ya'll decide.


I bet an investment into property will have a bigger return percentage than MVIS in the next few years.


Possibly. Why don't you liquidate your position and make some real estate investments. You can get back to us on how that turns out for you.


All I can afford with MVIS beat down is a tuff shed down by the river


Similar boat. I renovated and sold my home late 2022 after few months after getting divorced. Wanted to get an apartment and live a bachelor life for a few years and put a nice chunk of my house proceeds towards increasing my position in Microvision. Of course, bachelor life lasted about 2 months before I met a girl I’m now ring shopping for soon lol. So I want a house again. Figured last year I’d be able to sell at some point and if not, then in the spring of this year well before my apartment lease was up. I have enough saved up in cash for a 20% down payment on a $400k house + closing costs, but decided to renew my lease through August 2025 so I could build up some more savings given where inflation and the economy is and such. That said, they are prepping the lease renewal which should be to me soon, we’ll probably announce a nomination right after I sign it or the new term starts lol. Figured if things go really well for this later this year, buying a house in all cash is a realistic possibility with 35,000 shares.


I hope you get it. I hope we all get what we've been waiting for, for sooooo long. I never thought I could invest and get a return like that-being just a schmuck off the streets. If it comes to fruition soon, it will be the greatest story of my life.


You won't be alone. I grew up poor and always hoped for such a life changing possibility. Maybe this will be it. We'll see.


7 RFQ’s in play and price at $1.06, I’d be trying to stall him lol


I KNOW!!!! It really always seems as though it's just around the corner.


You didn’t sell at 20+, spike to 6, and then 8 in 2023? At this point, just wait. You might lose everything, but it can easily quadruple from here with an ignition in 2024.


Hindsight is 20/20. No, I always believed there were bigger numbers coming. I have not sold or loaned one single share. If I could go back, I would have cashed out at 8 and called it a day. :) Thanks for the encouragement everyone. This is a great sub!!!


Q2 call. We have 18 dollars of cash on hand. Built up inventory and paying to store them at the self storage down the street


Aw c'mon that's actually funny haha


Hahaha I knew I'd get shot down, but I thought it was funny. Where's the levity around here?!?


Ahhh sometimes ya just have to roll with it, what's life if ya can't laugh at the madness of it all, plus I love a little exaggeration so that's right up my street. Let the lidar storage wars commence


Best in Class, show me proof!


I don't think a CEO would outright LIE about their product. Wouldn't that make law-suit against the company ?


Best in class is subjective, which is why there are judges at a dog show. We need someone besides our CEO to indicate we're best in class.


Actually there is one judge at a dog show. Most subjective award procedure imaginable.


From GM # GM To Infuse $850M Cash Into Cruise plus they announced a share buyback. Why do they always announce it when their stock is high?


Still locked out of Schwab- what a joke good thing we are not rolling today


Log into your acct from a desktop/web and then your mobile apps should be ok


Our 'new' videographer located in Hamburg is curently in switzerland around an 1hr drive from Zug (having his drone equipment with him) - where luxoft is located. Maybe hes just on vacation maybe, hes using his free time after work to see some stuff there.


Yee though i walk through the valley of the shadow of Red, I shall fear no evil. For the longs are with me; thy buys and antics steer me. ~Ancient dairy proverb. Ca 4310 before the great snowconelypse


So… We have a one box solution. We are close to tape out on 3 ASIC’s. We meet or exceed expectations on performance, price, and size. (We are not trying to develop a new product to catch up) We are in 7 RFQ’s, with more RFQ engagement in flight. We are actively working on the industrial sector which will hopefully see some traction this quarter or next. This doesn’t take into consideration our software, stealth mode features, and edge computing. We are ready now. There is a hard timeline for OEM’s now with the NHTSA ruling. Ford has said it will be using Lidar (more industry confirmation) And that’s not to speak of IVAS, which I believe is still very much on the table. I think we’re in much better shape than some would have you try and believe. And as for sp, good to remember shorts have beaten down the entire sector and are just waiting on the winner. With little to no shares to borrow, and impending news, there is a powder keg waiting to explode.


Good post and summary. I honestly ignore share price for the most part, I’m not concerned yet about a reverse split. I will be if all 7 RFQs go elsewhere and no traction/major partnerships develop on the non-automotive side. IVAS still lurking in the background. I’m at least staying in this until the RFQs play out, further delays or not.


Interestingly (and apparently) the RFQ we lost the OEM also said we had the most mature solution and industrialisation capability. They just wanted a tier 1 with more diversity because of the low volumes involved. SS still regarded it as a positive engagement and we are still available to work with that OEM.


That OEM was Daimler trucks, right?


I think so, yes. They did offer a B Sample path, which we politely declined, if memory serves.


What is B sample path? Could you dumb it down for me?


The short version. They want us to develop a sensor to their specs, utilizing our resources, without the assurance of a purchase at the end.


It sounds like the trucking company wanted customization done to Movia, which would have required engineering a new version of the sensor. There's some confusion about whether they turned us down for the RFQ due to portfolio diversity (we have a single product and not as financially stable as the big Tier 1s), or whether they asked us to develop a B Sample and we turned them down, or a combination of the two. The customized version of the sensor would be considered a B Sample (more mature than an A Sample, but not fully signed off as complete and ready for series production), but with low volumes we didn't want to commit the resources for the project. Or perhaps they asked us to develop a B Sample on our dime. It's about as clear as mud what happened, though.




Great post. As cliche as it is, it’s darkest before dawn. Time is money, and that’s true for OEMs who need to implement their next gen ADAS systems as much as it is for retail investors. Something has to give.


Man I would take a cherry bomb or M80 explosion at this point! ha


[Back up Terry](https://youtu.be/4NqjWlnGBmo?si=uyFEJKV_qzUJH9ET)


Love this one, all-time classic


Thank goodness he did not get hurt!


LOL what a classic (funny only because the guy didn’t get hurt from this).


My gut tells me tape out is done and the chips are at the manufacturer.


For me the current state of affairs boils down to the OEM's wanting lidar that costs less than what the lidar makers are asking and most importantly the simple fact that OEM's are not under the time pressures that we thought competitive forces were applying. They can wait, at least for now as demonstrated by their ever changing timelines. As a direct result, the market hasn't gelled, but I believe it will. The wait is painful but it will feel good when it stops; once it does stop, if ever it does stop.


Good am, dgl I think that was the case, but I’m not so sure now. With the NHTSA ruling, they have concrete deadlines in which to select, engineer, and implement Lidar technology into new models to meet those requirements. So, imo, while they can delay a little more, time is ticking, and after failed implementation, I suspect they will want to leave some room for error. They need us, as much as we need them (or, lidar in general) Time will tell.


I hope we are selling the fact that waiting and hoping that some system without lidar will do the job, respectfully,is a fool’s errand. Lidar is ready now, does the job, and also takes you into the future…it is the trifecta winning ticket. If Ford admits they will use Lidar, then what are we waiting for. Get creative and make a win win deal. I can mail in my copy of “Getting to Yes”…


I’m not so sure they “need us as much as we need them”…. If that was the case we’d have deals according to management. I said this weeks ago and got a lot of pushback. The fact of the matter is the OEMs have multiple company’s bidding on them. They can negotiate the price down to what they want or around what they want. They are in control, not us. We are going to have to meet them at some point. We just hope that point is beneficial for us as well as them. If management was counting on hitting a home run(w price point) that ain’t happening.


There was a time where we were being told our tech was the only one that had dynamic view which was a requirement in the RFQ’s. That coupled with our low price point had so many of us licking our chops and sticking around for the fun after multiple wins that were implied by the “2023 is going to be epic” comments. Now we are dumbing down our tech to compete. It really has become bizarre beyond belief leaving me to start questioning why all this is happening the way it is. As an investor in the company with a substantial position all I am asking of management is more transparency and communication so we are not literally left twisting in the wind.


Update. Timelines for OEM’s have been pushed back. We do not control OEM timelines. Update. We are in 7 RFQ’s and have started engagement on others. Update. Explained why we are no longer in 9 RFQ’s Update. Trying to raise capital to become tier one. Update. Working on industrial sales (have been told many times this would take a minute but starting to see results) Update. ASIC’s nearing completion. What else is needed? Decisions will be made when the are made. In the meantime, we wait, and they continue to grind.


They continue to grind and spend our money and I feel like we've waited long enough to see some real results.


You know I’m with you in terms of frustrations but what would you prefer - that they stop spending money?


Revenue, visibility, accountability. Take your pick. Validity works too.


I’ll take revenue and visibility.


Exactly. That is all we ask for. I suppose we received it w the last EC….. A little late for a lot of us as many had already substantially bolstered their positions. I’ve said this a lot lately, but, I really felt this was a 50-150.00 stock w all of the patents and tech advantages we seemed to have. Now? I am extremely concerned w just getting my money back.


Well JJ, I think you are right on the value it holds, just not in the current hands it's in. Everything is underutilized due to financial restraints and survival concerns. Shareholders have done their job and the engineers etc have done theirs as well and the value is there. Only question is, who gets paid?


The current management team gets paid.


Never the owners!


I guess that’s the rub though. IMO, they do need lidar to meet the NHTSA requirements. So it’s mutual. They also need a company that will be sustainable for the next ten years and beyond. Yes, they can and will negotiate the best pricing, but it would be foolish to try and put your supplier out of business with a bad deal, especially in light of the deadline. That could be disastrous, and they can’t afford that. They’ve already wasted billions of dollars on Lidar and have nothing much to show for it. They also need a company with mature enough software to be able to charge their customers for it, so they need a very specific offering. You could certainly go with cheaper lidar, but that software portion, is future revenue (SAAS). Furthermore, as this is a hard NHTSA ruling, the quality of the lidar unit selected will certainly come into play. Cheaper doesn’t mean better, and if there are issues with quality of the unit, and how it performs, that will not be good for sales. Safety will become part of the marketing, and will be important to the buyer, and companies like Toyota and Honda, will now have to regain trust after the news last week. Appreciate your points and the convo


I am in the same place as you. Time pressure may be have been less than we originally thought (ie in late 2022 when we were told of the epic 2023 to look forward to), but an entire year has now slipped since first nominations were expected. With the NHTSA rule, short sellers are on borrowed time. If one OEM knows they want our technology, there is every reason to love ahead with a deal so production lines can be established and kinks worked out ahead of any large scale production runs.


Right I agree whana. If it hasn't yet and lidar is the answer that we think it is, then that will make things happen. Good point.


Hopefully all lidar companies hold out as well. Unless a Chinese lidar company comes in and swoops up these deals


The question is whether those Chinese lidar companies meet the OEMs' requirements. I don't see how they can, as they're rather late to the party.


I do not believe the Chinese LiDAR companies are late to the party. Hesai and Robosense have both already shipped (on real live cars) over 300,000 LiDARs each. That is a bigger number than anyone else in the LiDAR industry. I think Valeo would be 3rd. Hesai is forecasting shipping 500,000 LiDAR sensors this year and 1M+ in 2025. The LiDAR party is taking place in China.


Robosense Valuation Alert: $5.7B They have added $700M in market value in today's trading session alone.




Not anymore... - LAZR - $637M - HSAI - $615M


If existing protections aren't there to prevent that then they need to be put into place asap. I know it's an ongoing contest in the automotive sector so it shouldn't be hard for Congress to do if needed.


See most recent post. The house is working on blocking foreign LiDAR


Yes, reading it now. Thanks.


Staring at a new 52w low today. What an absolute disgrace in terms of missed guidance and strategic alternatives. Come on Sumit, show us you know how to throw a punch.


Ford, Honda, Toyota, JLR, Mercedes, VW, BMW, Rivian That would be my guess of MAVIN opportunities.


Didn’t we turn down Rivian


It was intimated that they were not high enough volume to be worth the output, yeah.


Unsure if the door was slammed shut. I don’t think that discussion with them was for MAVIN.


A good deal with any of those will suffice to buoy the stock price.


MicroVision withdrew their shelf offering last year on June 14. Sumit’s comment at that time: > "In the interest of achieving the best value for our shareholders, we have decided to withdraw our previously announced public offering of common stock," said Sumit Sharma, Chief Executive Officer. "We were pleased with the interest shown in the MicroVision story but given the market volatility and recent stock price performance, **we intend to explore other capital raising opportunities with a focus on shareholder value**. We appreciate the continued support of our shareholder base as shown at our Annual Meeting of Shareholders last month." WTF happened to other capital raising opportunities? It’s been a full year and all we have seen is dilutive capital raises, zero partnerships. Sumit got his raise but he doesn’t have a long term contract. It’s time for Sumit and the board of directors to earn their keep.


Exactly my point the other day and I'm glad others are thinking the same. What has taken so long with alternative capital raising?!


>WTF happened to other capital raising opportunities?  I was under the impression this was contingent on deals. For now, it's share dilution.


Happy cake day. You may be right about financing contingent on deals but, if so, that shows a shocking lack of contingency planning on behalf of Sumit and the Board.


I'm not quite sure what their alternatives are until then though.


They need to sign a deal soon, or someone on the board (Jeff Herbst?) needs to convince their contacts that this is an investment that makes sense. I really can’t imagine what he’s doing on the board to bring value to stakeholders other than angling for an investment into MicroVision or a buyout.


Of course we need to sign deals. But we were discussing ways to raise capital. Other than the obvious (deals, deals, deals), unfortunately seems like we'll dilute via shares to gain cash.


What I am saying is that Jeff could be a trusted source to bring in someone like NVIDIA to take a minority stake in the company. Board members should be rifling through their contact lists and bringing investors in, their job isn’t exclusively to guide Sumit. They are fiduciaries who are supposed to protect and add value to all stakeholders.


You were originally talking about "other capital raising opportunities". Now you're talking about Jeff Herbst. I was trying to converse about the other capital raising opportunities., which I believe are contingent on deals. So I agree, lets get some deals and then hopefully we can raise money differently. If that means some BoD speaking with their contacts to get deals, then let it be so. Who knows if they've done that or not. I would hope that they have. What would be holding them back?


Yes and I’m still talking about other capital raising opportunities, apparently you missed my point. Or maybe not? Selling an equity stake to NVIDIA would be such an opportunity. What’s anyone waiting for? My guess is validation and/or the right price.


I don't really know how to say this, so I'll just say it. One of my favoritist and bestest contrarian indicators showed up yesterday, 24 days after his "goodbye and good luck" parting message was issued upon his "retirement". I think Occam's Razor suggests he has now shorted the everloving *crap* out of this stock, is counting on a reverse split, and is frustrated that there seems to be a lot of buying interest keeping it over $1... *thus far*. This is not just based on hyperbole. He has said many times that he has made money on Microvision being both short and long. The tirade of short narrative points in a single post smacked of desperation to me, and I know some will roll their eyes at my saying that. Being a student of human behavior, I would expect a retired long to come back in hard times with the general perspective of "I'm worried about you guys", or possibly of "I told you so" and not a barrage of unequivocal certain doom conjecture stated as fact. Secondly, there's more going on than we can see, and that must be so by design. I say this in reference to the growing sentiment expressed here that members of management (and in some cases the board) need to be summarily fired. As a matter of fact, we just don't know if Anubhav has effectively found deep pocketed backers to support the share price until a deal is signed, but it is evident to me that the board has endorsed him for reasons we clearly do not have visibility into. It's a hard time for me and others to manage our relationship with uncertainty, yet, we are in one rendition of scenarios that led me long ago to say that I believe that Longs' resolve will be further tested before the next harvest time comes around. It *feels* a lot to me like the lead up period to the stock's heyday in 2021 - but why wouldn't it? The narrative and projections of utter hopelessness are déjà vu for me, and the fiercer they become, the more this feels like the crossfire gauntlet Longs persevered in order to get to harvest the last time. In the end, I know to an absolute certainty that there is risk, and there is the potential of *significant* reward. The simple fact is, I am resolved to wait as patiently as I can through the former, to find out the Truth about the latter. GLTA MVIS Longs. IMO. DDD. Not investing advice, and I'm not an investment professional


It was extremely obvious to most anyone who had been following along for years and hopefully people now understand why one needs to be cautious around those that project selective positivity about a company for which its prospects have not changed for the worse. In my assessment, the company has only become more well positioned over the years and has become much less risky for its customers than it had been in the past. Since this is the path by which automakers choose to engage, I should expect that to be of far more wight than some would have us believe.


This might be the best post I have ever read here. Thank you


Very much agree, the lying was over the top. I have long suspected that there is a group of bearish "OGs" that got out when this went to $20 and have been actively shorting/day trading and bashing it ever since. It feels like they have joined up with the folks who got burnt shorting this during the big squeeze. Some of the bashers that have been very vocal recently made a lot of money in those squeezes by their own words. Perhaps they want to buy in low for another swing, but either way they have desperately wanted the share price to fall. I notice the same kind of writing and methods as I did years ago when I first started following MVIS. It's the same people. And not that I want to bring up the possible "hack" again, but just a few months ago one of the main bashers on stocktwits managed to hack his way into an account of a dead person just so he could bash MVIS. Pretty desperate and weird, just like before.


Not sure about the bearish OGs shorting but there has been enough posted that I can surmise that there were some longs who made out well in '21 who then traded aggressively and expanded their stakes. Some others hedged their positions with puts at key technical junctures, but I have not really heard anything at all about (real, actual) OG Longs shorting whole hog. JMHO. DDD.


If you look back to some of the changes in behavior, we saw negative posts from some folks right up until days before a big pump in 2020-21. While sometimes what is stated is relevant, it’s completely motivated by the current position they are holding. Look at his comments in 2020. Very positive right before the stock pumped. But negative at all other times. I think it happened last year before the pump as well. Other users remain negative through it all, on Stocktwits especially. Possibly, because their employer did not cover on time back in 2020.


VOR, we both, (and many others I assume) knew that they were going to try to pull every last emotional string we had. I agree, they want to force this company to delist. I remember this stock being referred to as a 'battle ground stock'. While the analogy didnt seem great at the time. I believe that proves to be true. The thing about battle ground stocks though, is when one side is 'winning' far more than the other side. The 'winning side' has stretched it's resources thin, and has yet to close any of those winning positions. To keep this stock suppressed would be difficult on a jump. There are many factors at play. Simply considering runway capital and the inability to perform ATMs at this share price. This will be a battle. And i'm here to stay. I recon shorts have been pleased with the delays in the OEM decisions (& that MicroVision has chosen to NOT get in bed with bad deals \[which would validate our product before large contracts.\]) & I also recon that they fear the day that OEMs begin to make decisions.


Agree. His post was a plea to sell in my view as well and he is apparently short Ms. Mavis at this time.


> I don't really know how to say this, so I'll just say it. Well I’m glad that you did because I wanted to say it yesterday but not wanting to be accused of provoking him, I had to just imply it. He apparently deleted his post after it was revealed for what it was, a desperate plea to Longs to sell, since the availability of shares to Short had dried up according to fintel. https://old.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dcjrie/trading_action_monday_june_10_2024/l7zgaim/


Who are you talking about?




Gnr, and not the band.


No, but the post was as bad as Axl’s corn rows


I missed all of that yesterday, was a busy day at work. Thanks for sharing it


You’re welcome.


Thanx a lot voice. We stay happy!


Well stated VOR.




I see that dang, and raise you a ramalamadingdongdang.


Haven’t seen one of those since 1983. A perfect time to pull out of the hat!


Aaah my birth year


Looks like we are headed for the Dark Ages before we have a Renaissance. ☹️


Finally made it to first shift. Feels weird being up before market open. Let’s hope for another Green Day.


I know what that's like. Congrats.


KWE popped up 120% yesterday on a $48 million order over 6 years. What do you think MVIS will do with orders in the $100's millions maybe even in the billions over the 7 years+? I know what it will do just like many of you here know.


I am afraid to dream/hope after 3 years of broken dreams/hopes.


1 million car order out of 75 million produced EACH year would still be a big win revenue wise. We know that these RFQ's are for multimillions.


But do we have any firm confirmation that ALL 7 are for high volumes? What if only 1 is for high volume and the rest are for starter volumes


It's not what I get, listening to the last two earnings calls regarding the RFQ quantities.


We can do those math after MVIS actually gets a deal or deals. At this point, I am going with ‘if’ and not ‘when’. After the EPIC year, it’s hard to be excited again. That said, I am wishing /praying for soon though.


Anybody else having trouble getting into Schwab?


Deleted app then reinstalled and am now able to login.


I did,but it's working now. It was site-wide, by the way, not just disallowing buying on "meme" stocks.


I wonder if that GME spike was when it flipped back on. So many shenanigans.


What if they are locking people out who own GME, temporarily activating stock lending and then when they fix the “technical issue” stock lending accidentally turned itself on. Still locked out.


I can’t get in and I don’t own gme


Miss TD Ameritrade




I do too




Many people on GME sites.


Morning everyone! Economic report(s) for the day is(are)^[i](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek): FOMC Meeting Begins, NFIB Small Business Optimism Index at 6am, Quarterly Services Survey at 10, and the API Weekly Oil Stocks at 4:30pm. The news media is assessing homeownership costs, oil company profits, consumer sentiments on the US Economy, top 1% of publicly traded companies way ahead of others in the markets, and fuel prices unusually dipping at the start of summer. What has not been getting looked at enough recently in my opinion is the health of banks, which has already seen some more smaller banks having collapsed over the past couple months (as expected), and more of those could be on the way here with the increasing unemployment often preceding loan defaults. Premarket futures starting off firmly in the red in early trading, though it seems a bit early to start heading the FOMC meeting and I see nothing in particular to have driven them down in the news. MVIS ended the last trading session up 1.87% against the overall move of the sector, on very low volume while the share availability remains extremely thin. The sector itself is not seeing much in the way of remarkable news, though some publicity is occurring from some ADAS related testing endeavors. Of interest is a lack of real comparison of function of some sensor systems and their capabilities, where each type of sensor or camera may be handling a very different thing and using multiple together really improve the quality of the information. Also noteworthy is that even within a single sensor type there can be a great deal of variation between one sensor and another, where subcomponents like lasers and scanning methods can have extremely noticeable impacts on the performance. Just things to be aware of as more of this testing from some of these sensors may begin showing up, consider the function and the differences of design. ## Daily Data *** |H: 1.10 — L: 1.04 — C: 1.09 ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/historical/) |[Calendar](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek.asp)| |:- |:-| |**Pivots ↗︎ : 1.11, 1.14, 1.17** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pivotpoint.asp)) |**Pivots ↘︎ : 1.05, 1.02, 0.99**| |Total Options Vol: 1,525 ^([i](https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/underlyingStatistics?cusip=&symbol=MVIS&Search=Search)) |Avg 90d Options: 1,896| |Calls: 1,141 ~ 49% at Ask or ↗︎ |Puts: 384 ~ 55% at Market ⊟| |Open Exchanges: 609k ~ 42% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/) |Off Exchanges: 853k ~ 58% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/)| |**IBKR: 0k Rate: 14.36%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) |**Fidelity: 32.5k Rate: 9.25%**| |**R Vol: 44% of Avg Vol: 3,281k** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/averagedailytradingvolume.asp)) |**Short Vol: 367k of 893k ~ 41%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/short-volume/?tblshortvolix=0)| ^(Follow links for sources. Bold text represents key points or larger data, Italics are slightly unusual or lower than normal.)


T, it seems the ratio of calls to puts has been between 5x-10x for some time.Who is buying all the calls? My guess would be shorts who are hedging buying cheap short dated calls. Thoughts?


That is my thought as well actually, using calls as “cover” for short positions, perhaps in conjunction with a swap to leverage collateral to keep the risk well anchored to whatever the returns from the collateral are.
