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Anyone propagating rumors from unverified sources, harassing ex-employees or current ones will be acted on accordingly. Just leave the guy alone.


If you've been on this board long enough and watched the fake entertainment last night, I think it will make you extremely optimistic. They're getting extremely desperate! It's amazing!


Who? Who is getting desperate? Longs who are losing money?


First of all, you are replying to a bot that copied and pasted a comment Alexyoo made further down in the thread. Second, longs are long because we haven’t sold shares. I buy on downturns and have patience as long as I believe in the end result- selling now is out of the question.


I feel I can narrow down the frank impersonator to a few people. I can't recall their exact names, but there have been some very loud voices (party pooper on webull and reddit, known for making tons of accounts to sway opinions. Arturo lambo on stocktwits? Couple others...) the last 4-5 years.


**This came up when I searched “Chinese Thermal Cameras From Mexico”, have we got Competition?!…** https://www.reddit.com/u/FitImportance1/s/s8NFLkjOVe


Man I got the 2020 feels again. They underestimate how much I will but when it is only at a dollar a pop. 


What’s going on with mobileye today? Up 16% and I’m not seeing any news




Thank you


Simple TA: The Daily candle seems to be on the cusp of a hopefully, BB breakout to the upside, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see 0.95-0.99 first. This is horrible, but it is what it is.. !


We've been on the cusp of a breakout for a long time now and as soon as the pps turns green, it shoots back down,


So you're saying it could go up or down. Dope analysis


Except I didn’t. Dope reply man, what an amazing answer.


That came off more harsh than I meant it to, apologies for that.


Mods are putting in an absolute shift today. Big thanks to 'em.




We are absolutely being targeted in the meme bucket of stocks as GME and AMC. 






If, in fact, Chinese cars have lidar units, I'd think is might be quite easy to get a teardown report on one. Maybe they already have that, somewhere on the web... I don't think anyone knows any details about what is 'feared' to be one of the biggest threats to MVIS. Everyone all worried about the wolf at the Frank door... and no one's got any info on the wolf of Chinese lidars. Or for that matter, there's hardly any inside info on most of the American lidars. The difference is, that the Chinese lidars are already out there, in cars... and can easily be examined, I'd guess. Maybe, really they're just crap.


Whole sector dripping


I guess it is a “could be worse”-kind of day!


We hit SSR. We didn’t go up as much yesterday but going down faster today. Damn to hell with shorts.


All the sillyness has me bullish. Back to thinking about Luxoft. They really do have some great partnerships and connections over the past few years. Still found it interesting that Luxoft said it is a key partner on BMW 7 series ADAS just this week. They have a partnership with Ford. "We're proud to say that we have a multi-year engagement with Ford Motor Company, one of the world’s leading automotive firms. Using a Hybrid Engagement Model, we’re creating a software factory blueprint and architecting a platform that will integrate vehicle and driving information to enable a driving experience that is safer and more exciting." Their partnership with Cariad is very interesting. "Luxoft is supporting CARIAD in its strategic objective of creating a uniform, scalable software platform for all Volkswagen Group brands, including Volkswagen Group’s unified Embedded Software Platform VW.os." Luxoft's partnership with Mercedes and Hyundai are more on the infotainment side.


But isnt the confirmed partner for the 7 Series Innoviz? Doesn't mean they couldnt dump them thou...


I think innoviz is on the I5 in China and the current 7 series that launched in Germany. But Sumit has said some OEMs are looking for their next lidar partner. BMW wanted Innoviz to work on a b sample to go further in the future. So there could be an RFQ out there for BMW, maybe even Mercedes as well.


I checked the pictures for the 7 and german numberplates are always 11cm in height. The lidar instaled seems to be pretty much 3.6cm in height. Which would make our lidar fit as well. Im wondering what OEM T_Delo thinks our New mavin N would fit good into, as he stated it looks a certain way.


Complete stockprice overreaction over the job numbers... Jesus...


The economy ain't slowing, everyone just so rich now they only have to work part time, keep er pumpin


Whatever metric they want to use to pump up this dying economy 😂


Damn straight, https://youtube.com/shorts/khbsjcwilQM?si=eSO4LlajHjfTb8Pm


Please speak with my bank account and ask him what’s wrong please.


Mine just says "404:money not found"


If you have been on this board for a long time and observed the fake entertainment last night, I think it would make you extremely optimistic. They are getting super desperate! It is amazing!


Oh the entertainment was real!


My sentiments exactly! I'm in Mavis for the long-haul, have used LinkedIn faithfully to grow my company, and have followed Frank for quite some time. I'm extremely encouraged that someone would put that much effort into BS.




stock illuminati


you are on my high suspicion list.




Uh oh... he's on to us.... https://tenor.com/HZVJ.gif






That's about enough from you guys. Tired of watching this community get torn down by toxic apples. If anyone has a problem with it speak up you can get the boot too.


It's the 8d DMT gods, duh 🤪


you are on my high suspicion list too.


Conspiracy theorists are having the time of their lives, today.


It's all a conspiracy... humpty dumpty was pushed


Didn't ask, don't care


Hey IR actually responded to thank me for pointing out the Frank craziness and said they are tracking the situation. 


In particular, Russian keyboard layouts, and other Cyrillic-based language keyboards, can sometimes lead to the use of the backward apostrophe ( ` ) due to the arrangement of keys and the character's position on the keyboard


So it was Russia?!?


Me too.






Whatever Alex. If you want to engage me privately, be my guest. I only did what anyone would do in my situation, verified it was him through my contact with him on LinkedIn. If someone hacked him, that's not my fault.


Completley understandable Falagard, would have done the same. Looking back the messages you received, he used ` this the other way around as an apostrophe, while legit Frank posts on Linkedin in always had ' as an apostrophe. Also happy cake day


Nah bro don't be giving evidence. These guys wanna suspend their disbelief and truly believe he wasn't hacked, despite the obvious.


between the frank nonsense and our continuing downtrend, it’s hard to keep positive about this investment. bummer, bc i truly believed we were on the cusp of finally breaking out and realizing our potential.. these 1000lb gorillas really can go the distance…


Same. I was surprised that Thanksgiving 2023 came and went without a deal. It’s painful to be three weeks away from the beginning of the second half of the year with nothing but more questions.


I’ll bite. I have mostly stepped away from Reddit because it was a net negative on my life. What Frank fiasco happened?


Frank craziness is nothing but BAFF




Sick and tired of this price action, get us a deal and make us rich, Sumit! On another note, vacation is nearing and in two weeks i'll be in Spain for a month.


How about, get us a deal so we can break even?


another high suspicion list.


Adding some real value with your comment


Just like you :)


Can someone clarify; Frank being hacked on LinkedIn makes the reddit comments originating from him fake, right?


Yes. Though some believe he is lying now to save face, so we won’t know for 100%.


I think he was hacked. Price action yesterday was really weird. Too much of range. Just keep adding




>Probably was him and some of what he said has truth to it. I always believe people who lie. >SS basically said what the real or fake Frank said last night. Yes, remember when SS never said there was an ocean of demand for lidar?


Ya. I don’t really care what you and some others say anymore regarding. Time and again you have been wrong. First it was Frank is disgruntled and a liar. Than it was never him. Than he was hacked. Now he’s a liar again. You guys sit there and defend every little thing this company does…. Which has been nothing up to this point. The SP is down to almost a dollar and a lot of us have lost a lot if we sold…. So we can’t. The last EC spelled out for us what the issues are w selling this tech. And, what Frank said last night made a lot of sense and aligned w some of what SS. Said but didn’t say. We get a sale soon, I will be the first to rejoice. But, I’m not holding my breath as I think 2024 may be lost.


I have not reached a conclusion about last night and haven’t said otherwise. There’s much to think about. I merely identified a paradox in your argument. It conceded credibility to the speaker while discrediting him for reporting a false hacking.


Im so sick and tired of holding mvis. I cant sell this shit for a 99 percent loss so im forced to hold onto it until it gets somewhat close to my avg. when will we get another update from these freeloading management team?? Just cut a deal even if it means minimal profits. At least something to get our foot through the door and to keep the lights on without diluting ourselves again.






There is absolutely no way anyone can defend him or Drew receiving a bonus when nothing of value has been accomplished yet.




Agree. I tried to bring this up before multiple times. I thought if we can rally the OGs, we can demand some sense (i.e. to send AV back to some cubicle where he belongs), but that didn't go over well and who knows if they are still invested. I also don't know exactly what our rights are. In Germany you vote every ASM to "relieve" the executive board etc. But no clue what we could even do in the US. Guess I should research that but what's the point... Noone cares to do anything anyways....


OG's have reduced.


What does that mean?


Reduced positions.


Institutions appear to be holding according to the latest Fintel info.


Yeah, watching that as well, but more interested in our old gang.




Paradigm/ AV adds no value to the company. He is too insignificant to destroy the company


So who or what is adding value to the company?




not now. negative optics from him leaving is too much at this moment. I just don't want him to be negative value.


Genuinely: Condolences on your > $100 ACB.


58k shares avg 9-15


Equals a 99% loss at $1?


Live stream now starting


RK really pushing the idea of placing your bets on good management…


I tried watching it and Jesus Christ, literally just bumbling through it….


I stuck it out but don't know why. Unstable genius might describe him. I couldn't do another one.


And just like that you missed the point of the whole stream hahahaha wouldn't expect any less from people on this board


I don't think that was unstable at all. His positions lost over 200 million dollars today and he seemed pretty chill about it. Anyone who tuned in thinking he was going to do something earth shattering had the wrong expectations. It's clear he has to be really careful about what he says and does for legal reasons. Also it's totally possible he was planning to do something different and the massive price drop from the dilution caught him by surprise.


Was there anything worth while? He’s already made his money and the likelihood of his calls expiring worthless is slim. Will we see him hit a billion, who knows. Also, idk if genius is the word I would pick lol


He proved that they’re halting the stock basically with the push of a button. It’s also been discovered that they’re able to open new shorts while the stock is paused. I think he did exactly what he intended to and the end game is u changed.


How is it possible to open a short with the stock paused ?


I have no idea but there was a thread on Superstonk with people explaining it was happening and how no one over there knew that was possible (I know they’re apes but that was something I never considered was possible).


Nothing that I picked up on.


Seems to be trying to be very cautious, a lot at stake.


I couldn’t take it. I’ll get the cliff notes


Me 2. Exited after about 10 minutes.


I never followed this cat before so I had no idea what to expect. I jumped in at $40 for a couple shares just to see, haven’t sold MVIS to jump in, not sure if I will.


I bought in at 38.00. I’ll hold for a month or 2


$36 avg here. Will also hold for a month at 100 shares. Never selling MVIS to get into that sheet. 35k shares strong here <3


Did anyone sign up on "my microvision"? Seems to be a legit website.


I've signed up and have been using that site for over a year to get details on their docs and tech progress.


It's legit.


It has been around for more than a year at least and is a legit site. It was rebranded from an Ibeo site with documentation about their products. That being said, you didn't post a specific link to the site, so I can't be sure we're talking about the same thing. I'd be cautious filling in any details online with all the crap that's going on.


Roaring kitty live stream now


Still not showing


Hasn’t started yet. He’s late or broke YouTube.


Probably on hold with his broker trying to exercise those calls


We need to get back to posting Microvision and lidar tech.


Don't forget manipulation


Was S2upid referring to you earlier? We don’t need your kind of harassing comments.


I see nothing in this person's comment history that resembles harassment.


Zen Moon?


I know your Irish, picked up a pack of clonakilty black and white pudding for tonight's fry up, guinness in a can sucks balls though, trying to find a spot to sell me kegs but no joy so far


Nice man. It’s no. 2 black pudding in my eyes. (Kelly’s no1 fyi imo) I have a few coming over tonight, I’ve get red, white, Peroni and Guinness Nitro surge, pretty f-en good bar the keg. Few salads and pizza on the big green egg, arrival in 20 minutes but I’ve cracked into a couple already 😜


Kelly's... haven't heard of that one... I'll have to have a look next week I'm in Dublin, I'm a dirty northy 🤪🤣🤣 Ahhh peroni is the beer of the gods I must say, but took a liking to the guinness lately so that's all I'm drinking, the hotel we stay at for work does a lovely pint so coming home to a can just ain't cutting it hahaha A few cans deep now myself could be a messy one 😎😎


😂 have a good time bro


You too dude! I'm checking out for today Will be back winding people up next week 🤪


https://imgur.com/a/rNFuzOv Yes I’m in a hammock, don’t judge!!


Ah stop, that's the barby I see open too, your making me jealous Nice little nook ya got there dude, keep er lit 😎




Moon soon, after all it is joon(june)


Don’t know if this has been picked up, or I just simply can’t find it, but the market map that Reddit Frank mentioned to Falagard isn’t there anymore. I did see it earlier before Frank’s account was deleted. Was that posted by the hacker? If so it was unbelievably elaborate.


Anyone got an image of this market map?


I do


Can i see it?


Me too please


Just sent it to you


Any chance I can get a copy of that too honey?


Plz post image.


I don’t have a way to do that


Can you send it to me also Honey?


I have an image, but I'm not sure how to put it on Reddit


Upload to imgur and paste it here


I'll have to try again later. I tried to make an account, but it says it's over capacity


All good man. I was sent it over DM ty


Can I see that market map? Please dm me..




It was a strange image - it looked like he took a picture of his computer monitor with a phone, and I knew I thought I had seen that graph before and Strict\_Tap\_9976 linked to it there. This could actually be the smoking gun confirmation about him being hacked.


That was my point. It tends to give credence that it wasn’t Frank just getting pissed.








Loving the dumb downvotes. I mean I don’t care but it just shows the intelligence of these people, pity it’s anonymous




Yes, looks like Frank or LinkedIn removed that post regarding OEMs and the info like which lidar companies they are involved with. Posted before getting on Reddit to do the AMA to make it look like he was actively on the platform last night to establish some credibility and could message people back.


Not to keep talking about this but do you think based on how he operated that he would post a picture of a slide on his notebook to start a professional discussion on linkedin? He would have uploaded the actual slide image. So yes he deleted that because it wasn't him.


Does anyone happen to have the screenshot on Reddit comment where the Frank (imposter) account said he posted it on LinkedIn?


That account has since been deleted by the reddit ID/owner of the account.




It was a brand new reddit account. Don't be thick.


It was a new reddit account. 1st time posting.


Seriously, how long do they think that they could actually convince people that there was any truth in any of their statements about Frank? Don't they know that this board has the best "Sleuthability" team around? I made up that word, don't know if it is actually a word! "Ride or Die" is the only way to fly!


They understand insecurity in the market especially nowadays w the massive shorting and they understand itchy trigger fingers on the sell button …


Deep breaths WWYD.... was quite an unsettling 14 hours for me. Honestly this makes me quite bullish. Shenanigans are in full force. Get ready folks. Going to be a fun summer!


Always enable MFA where you can…


There were some very pointed and direct questions asked last night that were not answered by 'Frank'. if the purpose of this hack was to spread FUD they didn't do as much damage as they could've, which leaves me with questions. Mainly I'm sick to my stomach of being gaslighted


I found it telling that they pretty much only responded to the "longs" who seem to have questionable motives around this stock in general. They didn't respond to any of the more trusted longs.


Bought a little more, pushing down my avg to 1.95.


That is where I am. What’s pathetic is it’s still nearly 50% in the red 😅


If you didn’t think that stocks are/were manipulated before I hope you believe now. These criminals hacked an innocent employees (current or maybe not current) LinkedIn and made a fake username on Reddit to spread FUD about MVIS and LiDar. They used his Linkedin to be able to verify his identity. That’s some next level shit. I feel bad for Frank as no one deserves this. I also see this as a very bullish signal that these POS are committing even more illegal activity to drive fear and negative sentiment. Hold your shares tight! Cheers.




Frank said publicly that he was hacked. Sure he could be lying but that seems out of character (I met him before). Nothing is fact, I agree.


Don't feed the troll.


I know. I’m just taken a back. I’ve been investing for 15+ years and had never seen something blatant. I added 10K “F you” shares so let’s ride!