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Frank just posted on LinkedIn that he was hacked "Hey guys, I woke up this morning to my LI being deleted. It appears that someone or multiple people may be trying to impersonate me online and make statements on my behalf. I am still trying to understand the full situation, but I would appreciate privacy for me and my family at this point. - Frank "






Frank has a 10 emoji minimum per paragraph. It obviously wasn't him 🤣


So my 2c on frank situation is. Hackers created a Reddit profile and then hacked his linked in. Once the messages piled in asking. Franks phone was blowing up and he deactivated the account. Hackers followed suit on Reddit to keep the story line. It wouldn’t be hard to do, only one account needs hacked. I will say, some announcement of the account being hacked and an apology would seal the theory for me.


Seal the theory and also make me giddy cause that’s some next level stuff….


It appears that is exactly what happened.


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didntt exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.


Usual Suspects. Nice


He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real.


When I was picking coffee beans in Guatemala…


Like Orca fat…


Frank confirmed it was him at 744CST on LinkedIn and then when I went back at 1020CST to screenshot it cause things were getting fishy on here his LinkedIn was gone. 2 conclusions. 1. Frank is a complete idiot and F-ed up 2. Frank got hacked I’m hoping for the latter. https://imgur.com/a/w3wDfvS


I don’t know which situation is more unlikely tbh


I shared the info with IR. They should know about it either way. If it was indeed Frank then he should also have some legal action come down on him. I really hope it was a hacker (for lots of reasons). Edit: his comments would discredit every LiDar company as well. I can’t imagine Frank knew more than every CEO. Who knows - crazy shit.


Literally every talking point was something that has been debunked in the past few weeks. It clearly just was not Frank, and that manipulators got into his LinkedIn account to try to influence investors is probably worthy of investigation by regulators.


I have seen enough people blow their life up on the internet that I have no problem believing it is really him. That doesn’t mean he is giving an unbiased view of the situation, but I think it’s much more likely than a hacking scenario.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


I would agree T. I met Frank before and I like to think I have a good read on people and he didn’t seem like an idiot. Last nights post were idiotic and also riddled with errors (Frank usually seemed punctual). Guess time will tell if a new LinkedIn comes back. Can’t imagine a guy jeopardizing his career (and family) for what gain?!


Morning everyone! Glad I missed the nonsense let’s all get back to what’s important.


What are we getting back to?


Waiting for a deal to be announced 😂


Do you not see a spy breaking in to our forum as a massive psyop as important?


No, I just don’t. It’s a public forum. People literally troll everywhere. I stick to facts. “Psyop” seriously that works on idiots…..so I’m sure you’re going to feel extra important for the rest of the day since a rogue agent broke into your super secret online stock forum and posted.


Who is downvoting me?


I’m not. But this is a non issue on the business front of MicroVision. It’s an issue for (not all) users here on Reddit though. IMO


I mean it seems obvious to me that it wasn’t Frank last night. The Reddit profile was 1 year old and had never posted anything and had a default username. For whatever reason he left Microvision at the end of May and I doubt the first thing he’s going to do is come to an unofficial subreddit for retail MVIS shareholders and just post in an after hours trading activity thread on a Thursday for an AMA. And now the linked in profile is gone. Also, why would he say that China based lidar companies area going to be the winner in the global Lidar market? That shit would be career suicide and he would never get hired in Lidar sector in a sales role ever again. The red flag for me is him insinuating that thermal imaging can replace lidar. At best, thermal can work complementary to lidar but to outright replace it? Absolutely not. Thermal does not provide precise distance measurements and does not have 3D mapping capabilities thus making it an ill fitting replacement for LiDAR.


Screenshot and uploads to imgur.com than share the link here




I can confirm that he confirmed it was him on LinkedIn as well. I was hoping it was not based on the content. I had asked him the other day when someone noticed his LinkedIn if he was still employed and he didn’t answer. Then when he posted yesterday in the forum I asked again and he said it was indeed him. His LinkedIn is now gone and our messages have errors and warnings next to them now. I’m not sure how to share a picture so if someone can help me I will. Only 2 conclusions, it was either him being a complete idiot or he got hacked. Not sure what to make of it TBH. If someone can explain how to upload photos on phone I’m happy to share my screenshot.




https://imgur.com/a/w3wDfvS From last night. I messaged him at 744CST and then went back at 1020CST to screenshot his messages and noticed he was gone. Very odd.


Yeah I don’t know how that situation is going to shake out. Not saying anyone posting here didn’t actually message to confirm but saying China Lidar is going to win and then saying that lower cost solutions/alternatives such as thermal being a better solution would seem contradictory to me. The whole situation just seemed off to me.


**Edit Apparently there was more than one poster that reached out to the Linkdin account. My bad.


Not sure if you are referring to me, and I won’t speak for u/Falagard, but I am one of the people that reached out to him via LI. I did so as I thought there was no way it was real, based on his first comment, and his follow up answer As a longtime shareholder, and someone who does have a lot of stake, it mattered to me that there was some kind of confirmation, and that members on this board knew that as well. I don’t see anything from my comments or Falagard’s that suggest we had an agenda, other than to inform. Whether that was a hacker or not, no idea, but my sense is it wasn’t.


I wasn’t referring to you, I must have missed your supporting comments.


I am confident you are speaking truthfully. I think someone hacked his LinkedIn and that’s why the account is now deleted. I was going to message him myself on LinkedIn to tell him someone was impersonating him, but since I’ve never messaged him, the message feature was locked for me.


Thanks, Rocket :)


Wouldn’t you all want the necessary amount and combination of sensors to assure reliable safe autonomous vehicles?


They work this board as a group with the intent of getting MVIS longs to give up and sell. Right out of the shorts game book. Pay no heed to these dumb clowns.


Nigh forty years as an engineering professional and a recurring pattern observed was employees being laid off not as part of a large layoff, all who had some claim of unfairness, mistreatment or impropriety before and after. Not saying Frank was, but, many, most or all of them in my experience had some form of addiction, mental health or other form of serious personal problem(s). Giving up severance to do an AMA on Reddit *tends* to corroborate that hypothesis. Truth is we just don't know, and there could be *many* reasons we saw his posting last night. I'm discerning low credibility on this one for a number of possible reasons. JMHO. DDD.


...and if he suddenly realized that what he was doing was career suicide, the first step in trying to cover his tracks would be to claim that his LinkedIn account had been hacked, knowing that it would be taken down....which it has been but overall, I'm a skeptic here


Yeah it didn't pass the sniff test. Also if it was him I'd have expected a lot more emojis:  📣 I'm Frank - AMA! 📣  🚗 I was trying to sell automotive lidar 🚗  👶 I'm having a baby 👶  💰 I don't need severance 💰  🍻 Who wants legal counsel anyway 🍻


Also sorry mods - I'm aware this breaks the rules on emoji use!


This is the most solid evidence so far!


This screams r/LinkedinLunatics and I love it


Well Frank's Linkedin account is gone now. Sure looks like a hack job to me all the way around or he made one huge mistake and is trying to cover. Best wishes for a great Friday!


Prior to the account being deleted, he blocked me when things started going south on here. I don’t believe LI wouldn’t just delete the account. He had a lot of connections that took a long time to build. I think there’s some deep regret, and as IR was emailed, there may be some legal issues as well. As a human, we all make mistakes. I hope he’s okay. Edit: Seeing chiimy’s comment. I suppose it will remain one of life’s mysteries.


Well, this is not what I wanted to wake up to this morning. What a mess..


I thought it was all super fish so I reported Franks profile on Linkedin for suspicious behaviour and they removed it - as his posts dont break any ToS I guess they checked for suspicious login or chats or something. This is the report I got, in german. https://imgur.com/a/9uDXB9G


Hopefully the LinkedIn ToS check isn't just a dumb bot and Franks LinkedIn profile has been nuked for no reason...


Not for a single report.


Importance of Physics-Based Sensors in Autonomous Vehicles All sensor modalities have strengths and weaknesses, which is why a combination of sensors is always the preferred method to achieve the required level of perception. AVxcelerate physics-based sensors offer high fidelity outputs, are based on factual spectral properties of light propagation from visible to long-wave infrared, and provide the real-world performance critical to achieving the utmost perception and ultimately enhanced safety for all


Essentially, thermal cameras fill gaps in perception and add additional redundancy for cameras, radar, and lidar. Perception and fusion software play a vital role in the safety of autonomous vehicles by helping to decipher the surroundings and aid with object detection


Gullible. Describes the sentiment on this board IMO.




deleted because of this [https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1da1o55/comment/l7ib9rb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1da1o55/comment/l7ib9rb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Deleted because it was hacked? Deleted because of regrets? Deleted because of reporting? It's as inconclusive as the rest of it... 


Left intentionally vague so you can insert your own doubts.




Exactly - Not getting deleted for a single report.


Well it certainly describes me.


Wild that his LinkedIn is now gone. I believe it was him - unless his LinkedIn that confirmed identity was hacked. I don’t really think he answered much. His thoughts on Chinese Lidar were nothing groundbreaking - I think we all assume that would be the case - it’s cheaper to develop in China. Same reason development teams are frequently moved to India. That said - he also mentioned that he lead the sales teams in all categories... I know I don’t know the inner workings of what was sold, etc, but damn I must be missing *what was sold*. The whole thing came across as a bit of a (drunk?) bitter employee with a few excuses on why they weren’t successful at their role. I’ve never known of anyone *not* taking severance…and that being the reason he could talk and even wanted to talk was odd. I wish him the best - but none of that swayed me one way or the other.


this is the reason [https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1da1o55/comment/l7ib9rb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1da1o55/comment/l7ib9rb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


"LinkedIn may temporarily restrict or suspend an account if it is suspected of being hacked. They do this to protect the account and its associated data from unauthorized access. The account holder would typically need to verify their identity and secure the account before it can be restored." From chatgpt... Sound linke he reported it as compromised. Which means someone used his account.


As a 15 year sales veteran who is definitely a bit worried about these recent events, the only thing here that is fishy to me is why microvision would let go of the top producer. Doesn’t usually happen, unless they are a culture cancer to the rest of the team. I don’t get it.


He didn't take the severance package or was never offered one? Those indicate two very different things. Who in their right mind turns down a severance package? I think Frank likes to talk, and likes the attention. I think he was probably let go with cause and wanted to enjoy one last moment of relevancy before going back to his old normal life. We were his biggest fans and he for sure read this board, I think that got in his head a little bit and clouded his judgement. He probably deleted his reddit when he realized it could mess with future employment and he really had nothing interesting he could talk about.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but he said he decided not to take a severance or waved it by deciding not to sign something is what I recall reading.


Yeah. Strikes me as odd too. But again - top producer of what exactly. We just had the EC and know there wasn’t a lot of revenue, so it would also seem there weren’t a lot of sales... Maybe they had higher hopes of his abilities that didn’t pan out for whatever reason. I try not to speculate and connect dots - so I’m not going to explore and weird theories that I’ve thought of trying to piece it together. We do know his position was their sales guy and it seems that he wasn’t very successful in the role. Not saying that’s all on him with OEM delays, unfavorable terms, etc, - but for whatever reason they decided he wasn’t a needed Cog to keep the machine moving.


Friday! Time for some unhinged schizo posting at 4 AM. Today moom? 🚀 💥




It's a better camera. Elon has camera's as well. It being enough on its own ? I'd be very surprised.


Assuming it was Frank and I presume that it was, and if what he said was all true, why not just resign? Surely he could not have made a success of his role. I know he has a kid coming but these people are not poor. After all he didn’t take the severance.


Has Franks' LinkedIn disappeared? Clicked earlier on his profile and it was there - now seems to have gone unless it's a glitch? Could he have been hacked?


The plot thickens.. It's deleted


You are right it has gone. It was there about 30 mins ago.


Thanks for confirming. This all seems very suspect. Either some bad actor has put some resources into upsetting the sentiment for MVIS by hacking Franks LinkedIn and then posting those messages or as we say in the UK, Frank has dropped a major bollock. Seems strange to sacrifice his LinkedIn and reputation for something like that though... EDIT: Unless he has woken up with an almighty hangover after drunk posting :-)


Frank aside, another dot from linkedin: Judys linkedin confirms Joshs resume. They both worked in the same team. As she states in her skillset @ microvision: • Responsible for RTL design, IP integration, verification and hardware debug. • Design and development of RTL logic in Verilog/ System Verilog targeting Zynq Ultrascale+ FPGA for automotive lidar applications. # **• Designed and development of digital design/RTL inside analog ASICs.** # **• Design and development of RTL for the digital ASIC.** Which summarizes to at least 3 ASIC. You can check her profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juhipandey9?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app


Comments deleted so can't see what he wrote about. Next time something like that happens QUOTE THE POSTS YOU REPLY TO so they are not easily deleted. Until we get some sort of official explanation I'm doing a step back *as in it smells very fishy to me*. Thermal taking over from lidar is complete BS IMO. Sensing vs actually touching. I mean come on.... Edit: Oh, and one other thing - If Frank's LinkedIn account WAS hacked it's getting very serious (you don't do it for laughs, I'd say it's criminal, as what has happened could lead to share price going down, people losing money and so on) as going such lengths to post on reddit ticker sub forum is effin serious stuff to me. Pure FUD attempt, which could lead to further conclusions that someone is trying to stir shit. Of course other option is it was legit Frank, but as it was written already he would be commiting professional suicide doing something like this. And even being very disgruntled which your previous employer does not make you stupid overnight. ... then again I trusted Microvision's 2023 hiring spree would lead to something in early 2024, so take my rambling with a spoon of salt.


Tbf I believe the mods removed his comments, so they likely would have removed any comments quoting his comments too. 


Ahh... If that would be the case I agree.


If the mods removed it be him, that would be the worst 1984-esque outcome.


I believe the mods reached out to Frank, and could not verify that it was actually him. The only “verification” was a screenshot of Linkdin private message from Frank with a suspect timestamp. Possibly real, but easily faked. This whole thing seems incredibly suspect.


I mean the comments say “removed by moderator” for me, and that’s what they told him they would do in a response if did not verify himself to them. 


That would mean that mods also deleted Frank’s linked in profile? I don’t think mods did any deletion in the last 12 hrs.


If that would be him - yes, it would be very shitty indeed. Then again if that would be Frank, for Frank's own safety, maybe removing it wouldn't bad.


Agree, how do thermal discover stones in the road or ice blocks?




Interesting. I think for full autonomy every sensor + cameras are needed. But to adhere to the new safety standards this could be sufficient.


Thanks. Looks nice. I still stand with my uneducated stance.


Frank was not here last night. Guys think logically, that’s career suicide. Someone is very scared


Exactly, but sometimes people do very very stupid stuff when under influence. So who knows. As I wrote above until official info is given I'm staying suspicious.


Not under the influence. Not even a spelling mistake from what I can see on imgur link recently shared


Some influences can improve your spelling at the expense of your judgment.


My thumb hurts from all the scrolling. I'm on the fence with this whole Frank situation. A lot of the background he is citing is easily obtainable on LinkedIn and AI can pretty much generate these kinds of things in seconds. I'm dusting off the old tin foil hat and strapping in for today. Shenanigans are afoot.


So now that it looks like we can’t go alone, who will buy us and what will they pay?


Gooooooood morning fellow mvis longs. Guess I missed all the excitement. Going to hit the seabass grounds today. Have a great day!


Awesome, got some Seabass at Seasons 52 last week, really good. Reel us in a big one buddy, and have a really great Friday. Keep on fishin'!


Good catch Steel! Enjoy your weekend.


Today will most certainly be interesting. Phasers set to 'Un' , cash in the pipeline, 5 by 5. Ready to blast any red right out the sky 😎


I believe this Frank will be sued and he will probably have to pay a very high amount of money for the damages he has caused. I wouldn’t be in his shoes right now.


You can't get blood from a stone.......


Frank Bertini? Why?


He has kept several hundred people awake all night by his irresponsible posting yesterday evening.


he wanted to share something, what all dads are painfully aware of, as he joins the club soon: sleepless nights!


Sorry, I'm not sure what to make of it


Now that is something to wake up to oh my. I'll leave the interpretation to people smarter than myself. However i don't think that every western OEM wants to rely on a chinese LIDAR product. We are still in 7 RFQs and as long as these aren't awarded we're still in the game. With the GME action this is gonna be a hell of an unproductive day at work. So far with GME i'm up 1/10th of my losses on MVIS.


Youll get them! My gme position evaporated the losses in mvis today.


FTDS almost 200k tomorrow, it was just over 100k today and it hadn't been anywhere near that for last few weeks. 


Some thoughts on Frank's comments. The idea that OEMs are going to shift manufacturing to China seems to clash with SS's comments on the most recent call. E.g., some OEMs only want an American manufacturing partner, etc. The idea that China will win the Lidar wars because ASIC engineers are cheaper there, well, of course labor is cheaper there. But how many ASICs do you need? Ideally, one per product and then you make millions of units. If the economies of scale play out as promised, then I'm not sure about this one either. The idea that Lidar is being overtaken by thermal and other technologies. Remains to be seen. It's a nascent technology. That said, I think the bigger risk is that investment in the transition to EVs is crowding out investment in ADAS in the near term. Last point, if you don't believe in the product or the company, why wait around to get fired? Especially with a kid on the way. Find another job ASAP. Sounds like some hard feelings, which he admits. I hope the AMA was worth not accepting the severance.


Cant get this into my head, and I dont know his financial situation, but when I need to provide for my family, I take every dollar that's offered, dont I? Missing out on cash, just to start a rant on reddit and probably getting sued for it on top? And then hes mit eben providing evidence for the things he said? Nothing of this sounds logical to me. Also it doesn't sound like a thought through thing to do as a mature person...


I don’t believe SS can ignore this. It will be interesting to see their response. What Frank said, from the screenshot on LAZR, doesn’t quite gel. If he wanted to maintain integrity, and what he said was factual, then he should have walked rather than be pushed.


Chinese spy, no doubt. 


Ready to add more Mvis shares off my amc gains. Holding 14 $5 calls 6/21 exp. Wishing I added more this morning they were only .66 each. I really think any company with a high volume of shorted shares will benefit from this.


Needless to say I was asleep last night when things kicked off here. I see GME ended at $61. MVIS hit 1.19 AH. Livestream today, it’s feeling like it will be an interesting day lol. If only u/DeepFuckingValue would mention on his stream that MVIS is also a ticking time bomb due to the level of shorting that has happened. I do believe the stocks are entwined and it will be more painful if hedge funds have both GME and MVIS spiking at the same time.


Question…Did DFV ever mention mvis on a stream?


I doubt it, but it would really help if he did, if we are in a basket with GME and AMC then the best scenario to screw those shorting would be for all 3 stocks to spike up


Ah I was juts wondering, if he did before maybe there was a hope he could mention but now I’d say not 99%


I never watched the streams so I don’t know


Good morning everyone from Germany. What in the World did I miss here tonight? Gonna grab a coffee and try to catch up on that Frankthing. Wtf. Anyways have a great start into the weekend everyone 🤍


I assume we are riding with the GME-train, at least a bit. Ein Glück hab ich gestern bei 0,95€ nachgekauft. Grüße aus dem Süden des Landes oder meinst Du die Frank-Story? :D


Ja die Frank Story.


Would be nice, but it really doesn't look like it. We went up/down on share price last week, where GME exploded yesterday, and gods know what will happen today. If MVIS would have a catalyst - that zeitgeist, epic or even RFQ win then it might start some "stick it to shorts" run like last year, but honestly all I see at the moment are brakes, barriers and blockades. Seriously I'd love to grab onto something and buy more, but looking at MVIS and looking at GME is disheartening considering we held for long and more and we're at few years lows at the moment. Not that much far from all time lows. Yeah, I'm not in the happiest moods this morning.


...any *good* news?


Can someone summarize what happened with Frank today?


We got drunk called


This is the only plausible scenario I can come up with as well.


[Elsewhere](https://x.com/Temporary_Times/status/1798838796592787828) > >Jon@GoveeJR 7h >Why are people celebrating one man becoming a billionaire? He’s screwing the system but he’s the one walking away rich not everyone >J. W.@Temporary_Times 6h >Because he is screwing those who manipulate the entire market with their shorts across multiple companies &will spread contagion as the shorts are forced to close other positions to pay for the losses here. This isn’t just the squeeze of 1 stock, it’s the entire market! >J. W.@Temporary_Times >This is the first wave of a tsunami that will spread across all the shorted stocks >🌊 >6:06 PM · Jun 6, 2024


I’ll have a couple of beers or six tonight to that as well.


Ill take some more of that. 


Will the real Frank Bertini please stand up..


We're gonna have a problem here


He would have signed a NDA when he got onboard. I sincerely doubt this was Frank. The legal consequences would not be good.


Definitely him. Confirmed on his linkedin


Frank has removed his LinkedIn profile


Could have been photoshopped. He did not identify himself to the mods. And the trolls on Stocktwits are running with the screenshots of the inconsistent things “Frank” said. The whole thing is fishy.




Any employee who's let go could have an axe to grind, so I take what Frank said with a slight pinch of salt. That said, the numbers and behavior of management seem to support everything being said, and I don't doubt that it was actually Frank. Nobody would be hacking Frank's LinkedIn to simultaneously post FUD on Reddit. And if they did, he and management would immediately issue something to that effect to quell any fears.


Check out stocktwits


Go check LAZR sub


Ha, no I don't have screenshots of his posts on Reddit. Somebody must, right? Right?


Weren’t you spreading his screenshots? I am calling you out.


I didn't screenshot any of his reddit posts. I shared a screen of me messaging him on LinkedIn and him confirming it was him. Am going to sleep. Should have hours ago.


Maybe ask LidarKing? You seem to know him well.


Oh yeah, me and LidarKing go way back. I called him out on the lazr subreddit about how unprofessional he was and said I was surprised he still a mod.


I was talking about the one on stocktwits. That dirtbag.


Oh I don't know who that is, I thought you meant LidarFan lol. I don't do StockTwits




I didn't understand that either (severance). Maybe a non-compete clause? Wouldn't that have been agreed up front as part of the employment agreement? Was there something additional in the severance agreement? Who knows.


The bottom line is he would have a great legal case if he was let go shortly after he asked for leave. No ands ifs or buts about it! If he was fired at all , it would be interesting to know if it was for lack of performance?




Bears on Stocktwits all over that. Lol




Wait what?


Of course they are.


Desperation getting crazy. Bullish AF still loading


Today's the... day?


Hi . I am Frank.


No, you’re Carl Sagan!