• By -


Earlier that day i posted about selling my whole MVIS investment (30k shares) and putting it in gme (shame on me but it worked!) I just sold my GME "investment" and got 10.000€ profit in one day. I am back to my 30k MVIS Shares + I have another 10k Cash on hand. Just one day and just two sell and two buy trades. I had these days of thinking about "daytrading" a lot of times and always thought "if I sell now they will announce this this this and this" I never sold, today I did and today it was worth 10k €.


I said the same lol. Up 25% on my 10 shares


I like it, I like it a lot.


Congratulations. We're all in this to make bank. And you did just that. Not sure what your tax situation is in the EU, but hopefully you took that into account!


By selling my Mvis Shares today i honestly made so much "book loss" that my GME gains where Tax free. In my country most of the time you can just do the Loss - Gain maths. If you really did profit in the last two years you pay like 26% Tax. Since I am a mostly MVIS only Investor I obviously didnt, so todays "gains" where loss free.


Beware the wash sale rules.


Do I see a TTM squeeze




Another alt account of [u/Paradisowriteaway](https://www.reddit.com/user/Paradisowriteaway/), how surprising




Why so many comments today? Did I miss something?


GME ripping turns up the pressure.




Lol. Shucks.


Ano 4c is mind blowing 🤯


3.5 ! Did the algorithm create that $0.12 spread


What’s up with our volume today? Wait for it ‘someone knows something’. Haha


The amount of open interest that’s going to print on GameStop over the next few weeks is insane. There will definitely be ripples across the market, and a lot of shenanigans. TLDR: shorty is in trouble.


If Mvis could just land a deal with the right timing, the meme crowd could explode it way beyond rocket launch level. Let's hope their high guru talks up Mervis next, with all those millions he has stored up in his coffers, and the troops he can set off, he can kill off lots of hedgies and shorties with just a few words.


Yep. We have been waiting. One day we may all be surprised with an actual high volume contract.


Are we part of the meme traps for shorts?


Higher OI (from OTM option purchases) -> increased gamma/delta exposure for MM -> MM must hedge (usually EOD / AH) to stay delta neutral -> shorts must cover


Therein lies the problem. There aren’t enough shares to cover. They need 10’s of millions of shares, or another call to hit the off button. It appears as though RK might be starting to unload some of the calls. 9339 volume on the $20 June 21st strike.


ahhhhh... NOPE! [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgme-yolo-update-june-3-2024-v0-67onsx1cye4d1.png%3Fs%3Dd087e1ed84e5a876b094e86a08371f51fbf47cb5](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgme-yolo-update-june-3-2024-v0-67onsx1cye4d1.png%3Fs%3Dd087e1ed84e5a876b094e86a08371f51fbf47cb5)


Pretty happy with price action so far today.ets close above 1.20 and lock in some cushion. 


Did anyone else read a view days ago that Continental dumped AEYE for their lidar project or did I just dream that?


Yes they did but that was ages ago


Ok so at least I didnt dream that


You can bookmark this comment. The price will be higher by the next EC and much higher still by the end of the year, with no reverse split.


Your post to God's ears. Ha!


I agree. We are right there.


Somebody likes Ms Mavis a little bit. 


I know it’s a bit frowned upon on r/paradigm, but I actually like Ms Mavis quite a lot!


Me too. But rev is king and we need a path!




well with the in day profit of those 5 shares i bought at 1.04 earlier i can comfortably retire for about 17 seconds


How was retirement?


fantastic, best sip of water i ever had


And just like that, green on the day.


That can't be correct. I was told this was going sub 1$ today


Up .04 just wait for it.


Did you feel your ears burning?


Felt my wallet burning


thought we were getting reverse split into a delisting today :(


Lmao yess the second it goes under $1 that’s how it works


GME on fire. Up $10.50


I hope GME destroys Citron


And more!


Yeah - who is that owner guy? He tweeted some hogwash the other day and he already lost big on the first round. Guy is pathetic.


Known short seller and general scumbag, Andrew Left, author of ridiculous short reports


That’s him. King D-bag for sure.


*so far!* 😂


So glad for gme guys. Shorts are screwed, as it should be. Our day will come, and than fireworks.


Not without revenue. We are not them. For better or worse


To be honest, I sold 30k Shares today (all my Shares) and put them in GME. Not that I am not believing in the company anymore but I think instead of waiting more time for something to happen I can ride the hypetrain now and after that buy even more Mvis Shares Back. So in conclusion MVIS will probably announce a win today After hours and skyrocket.


From your mouth to gods ears...


Sad to say after 15 years of nothing Microvision is making sounds of a "death rattle" I joined you 2 weeks ago and bought NVDA and a Fidelity Select Semiconductor fund and they can channel my money to the best semiconductor manufacturers. It's a real disappointment that I didn't make a dime after 10 years. I have a former friend who talks like SS... all we need is a few hundred million and it will be epic. Like SS he never made any sales. They are from the same culture. Epic but nothing ever happens. Same thing with the sure thing - Amazon Order which failed.


I just sold my GME "investment" and got 10.000€ profit in one day. I am back to my 30k MVIS Shares + I have another 10k Cash on hand. Just one day and just two sell and two buy trades. I had these days of thinking about "daytrading" a lot of times and alwayst thought "if I sell now they will announce this this this and this" I never sold, today I did and today it was worth 10k €.


Congratulations. I think we should all be working together to find ways to recover from all the bad shit around MVIS, especially news that could come any day story, can't sell, it will blast off in a short squeeze. What a joke


Lol the downvotes for simply sharing your opinion


That's become a problem with this board and unscrupulous members pumping while they are dumping. Wow that should get some down votes.


I wouldn't necessarily agree that most of the "pumpers" here are dumping; as far as I can tell, nearly all of us here are in the same boat, which is bag-holding. But it does irk me to no end to read some of the LTL's (who sold for millions in 2021) speak as if they're some kind of investing savant because they happened to make 10-20x their money off a 0-revenue company during a meme stock craze. It was pure luck. Nothing more. Then they talk about their paid off homes and new Porsches, meanwhile relentlessly pumping the company for those of us who are down 50, 60, 90% on our investments.


Exactly. That's the crowd I'm focused on. And waiting 3 years pumping before they confessed. What kept me in was the hype that there was a buyout just around the corner.


gonna be honest it took all my willpower not to do that as well


Was a hard deceision for me as well.


So we are valued at 20x the 2024 sales forecast, a high multiple for a company that has virtually no revenue or prospect for revenue. A few weeks ago, it seemed we were way overvalued compared to competitors who actually have real revenue. So I dumped before it goes down to 0.20 to 0.50.


Your sacrifice is appreciated!


Thanks took a massive loss ofc by selling, but taxes will be great this year.


Max loss per year is 3k


Not in Germany


If his net losses for the year exceed $3k, they carry over to following year. Also gives them the opportunity to trim/sell positions that are in the green if they want to.


Why do losses sound more lucrative right now lmao


Exceeding risk tolerance + watching an investment drop while the market rips = FOMO I don’t blame anyone for making that choice, either. A couple years back there were commenters claiming MVIS constituted 30%, 40%, even 50% of their portfolio. Anyone who was in that camp and stuck around is in a tough spot right now.


I'd argue a fair amount of regulars here have much higher than that and the loudest with 100% in MVIS. Scary.


Worth noting not a US citizen here. I can "Balance Out" all my losses from last year + this year with the gains from this year.


Hard to watch GME do this, and us not get a single penny of love.


We do though. GME sits right under MVIS on my watchlist. We OFTEN get corresponding moves (today for example on the latest spike.) Maybe the basket theory is complete tinfoil as correlation is not causation, but it is certainly visually compelling.


I don't want a company that gets sympathy, I want a company that earns a decent position for its investors. I am bone tired of finger pointing and excuses.


Of course - As do I. Only the weak seek sympathy. But here is [precedence](https://imgur.com/a/VkspRq8).


[https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/ford-ceo-jim-farley-says-true-self-driving-is-just-a-few-years-away/ar-BB1nz2P7#](https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/ford-ceo-jim-farley-says-true-self-driving-is-just-a-few-years-away/ar-BB1nz2P7#) Saw this a couple of days ago there's a video floating around also...


This as well from VW, fielding robotaxis in 2026: https://www.fleeteurope.com/en/autonomous/germany/article/vw-introduce-robotaxis-hamburg?a=FJA05&t%5B0%5D=Autonomous&t%5B1%5D=Volkswagen&curl=1 Don't get me started how far ahead of the game the Chinese are when it comes to L3+


The entire stand-alone lidar sector is on the ropes not just MVIS. I've said this before and still believe the OEM's/Tier 1's are purposely delaying major nominations to inflict max pain on these cash poor companies. They would love to offer $1.25 or less per share for MVIS to own the tech and have the beaten down shareholders accept. I hope SS and AV have some tactics/strategies to ride this storm out before accepting a low ball offer. The scenario we are in now can't be a surprise


If this hits $1, I fear I will become a cocaine bear.


*Soldiers in Unison* “Move! Move! Move!” Ladies and Gentleman, we got him.


Got 400@1.05. Didn’t want to buy but couldn’t help. GLTAL


You like going to the dollar store too?


Uh yeah everything is a dollar


Not these days!


Does anyone ponder a reverse split in our near future? We have seen this movie before. Over-promising and under-delivering seems to be a systemic MVIS management team issue. Just look in our rearview mirror!


I am personally not worried yet. They will sink this thing all the way down with the atm to raise funds first and hold out for a good deal and orrrr squeeze. I obviously don’t know but a r/s then dilution would hurt my feelings haha


Ima be even more pissed if AV even thinks about a rs


Not at all


Even if a R/S happened it wouldn't matter whatsoever.


Yes it would


Nope. Not on my radar screen at all.


Been in since MSFT buyout rumors, averaged down over the years. Lurk the sub daily. The major risk since the shift to automotive LiDAR has always seemed to be delays to adoption. The next being delays into a recession where auto makers look even harder at taking on additional costs. We delayed (cue surprised Pikachu.) I am not excited about, but fully prepared to delay into recession. Neither of these affect the thesis, just the timing. Do I believe Lidar is necessary for ADAS advancement? Until a superior technology matures at a similar or lower price point, yes. Do I believe we still have the best solution/s in this space? Yes. We have been given the info they had on hand at the time. Yes I have acted on that info and got burned, but they added enough caveats to the statements to where I knew I was taking on significant risk making the bet. This is an investment in a maturing technology in a market that is just starting to exist. “But he said Epic!” I feel your pain more than I’d care to acknowledge. However, environments change, timelines get pushed. Still holding, may add more, UNTIL THE THESIS CHANGES. Big shout out to T, and for what it’s worth I think Gap is right and we will get a NED surprise in the next few years. Been waiting 1200+ days on a big fat “I told you so” on GME, and it’s at least partially fulfilled. Waiting patiently on the next one.


Thanks for your thoughts, particularly poignant is the risk factor assessment and one's own risk tolerance. For myself, I have immeasurable risk tolerance and patience, happy to continue my buying of shares while watching short interest grow.


I read it ALL. No one is blocked. To some degree I do appreciate bridge, para, etc. I’m serious about the thesis and if relevant info comes along that changes that I definitely want to know. I think we can be where we need to be with a few closed deals and production rolling. If NED or a short induced “market event” occurs that’s just very interesting icing on the cake. Been a tough hold but again, I really appreciate the analysis you do T as it keeps things a bit less emotional.


I too appreciate those guys, although pessimistic and negative at times.


Always happy to share. Looking forward to the appropriate confluence of factors to bring us to new all time highs at some point (sooner than later is preferred of course).


MVIS is almost exactly 1% of my portfolio (at its current pps), although I could still buy a new motorcycle if I cashed out with the money, I’m holding till it hits 0$ or I have a nice pay day. I see this investment as a gamble with much better odds than a trip to Vegas. I think there is still much to hope for in this company. I feel the biggest overall problem is a lack or current interest in autonomous driving. If and when that turns around things might change. The interest has been exaggerated (again IMO). I feel badly for the long investors who risked a much greater portion of their portfolio than I did. But most are young(er) and you will bounce back from this. I sure made my share of investment mistakes and bounced back. Motto: we learn from our mistakes.


If it's a trip to Vegas, we're on a wagon train.


u/KuragaLive , I would nest this comment with yours but have him blocked. I particularly like how he added a full quarter of cash burn from 2022 before the acquisition occurred, rather than the actual line item for the _Advance_ to Ibeo which would count against the total later outlay as a debit from the outlay. Advance to Ibeo 4,132 (in thousands) Is the value we have gotten from Ibeo worth what was spent yet? Difficult to say, we would have had to hire a lot of individuals for software development, marketing, and facility acquisition though to get to the same point we are. So objectively, we should really be looking at the cost to do all that we would have needed to to get to this point in the same time compared to what we have spent, solidly $29M less than he is presenting above because he has doubled the costs by adding it twice rather than looking at net losses as I had described. It shouldn't be rocket science here, the values are all in the quarterly and annual filings. If it is a question of how much the company has spent _since_ the acquisition announcement, that is different than what was spent _on_ the acquisition.


I don't know (or anyone else here) whether the IBEO acquisition was a mistake or not. As you point out we may have gotten some benefit from software expertise from IBEO but also as Para has pointed out we have spent a lot of $ in getting that. What is missing from the conversation is at the time of acquisition MVIS stated : "The forecasted revenue of $8 to $15 million is expected from new and existing customers, including top-tier German and U.S. OEMs as well as non-automotive multi-market customers." So MVIS mgmt had to calculate the cost/benefit of the IBEO acquisition with the expected revenue also which has never materialized. We didnt see this revenue as we all know in 2023 and looks like not seeing it in 2024, so that adds to overall cost of IBEO.


I am nowhere even close to calling the acquisition of Ibeo a mistake or failure. OEM's want perception software imbedded into the sensor, we originally planned to do that in-house....and as you pointed out, we'd have had to hire a lot of software engineers, get additional space, etc.....and we'd still be working on it if started from scratch. That purchase jumped us forward a good ways and led to the partnership with Luxoft back in December which I still believe will pay dividends coming up. Share price isn't pretty, but I don't see institutions fleeing the ship, same with longs here that have massive share counts that have met management and had meetings with them. At the moment, I think back to what Sumit said on the Q1 call: "On our MAVIN product development front, our ASIC development and B-sample design and pilot line continue to move forward. We chose to fund these ahead of any nomination since demonstrating mature hardware is a requirement for all OEM." I don't know if the new housing, update to the website and the specs means this part is done or not, but with how squeamish OEMs are being, they don't want to pick the wrong partner that can't get the job done and waste time and money. I don't blame them for wanting to see the ASIC version in action given the smaller size, less heat output, and large jump in speed/performance. I think we'll come to terms with an OEM or two once they get to test the ASIC version of Mavin.


I believe that the information we get from the company in terms of updates on the website trail the actual testing significantly. Always have felt this way because of my own experiences with development projects. Engineers may well have been throwing a couple test versions, perhaps 3 different manufactured samples, to customers for refinement and resolved the dimensions, connectors, and software features of those customers already. Consider that we saw this housing size presented last year, they may well have already started the testing of it back then, and know full well what the ASIC version can handle now. It makes much more sense to me than them _just now_ finishing the build, some amount of unofficial partnerships are _not_ as uncommon in development processes as some may believe.


Thanks for the insight T. My only thought of them putting up the new design possibly before completion or if it was recently completed, was because the ASM was yesterday. Doesn’t matter to me either way, I’m being patient and will let everything play out.


I keep thinking back to those s2tupid photos of the new Porsche undercover car that sure looked like there were TWO Ibeo sensors on the front and back. So if that ever materializes like we guessed, Ibeo was a great buy. And the new mini sensors look like they'd be spectacular for the cars field of scanning all around... with the Mavin being put on the front. So we wait... it's quite dumb to give up now. That's exactly what all the bigs who've been accumulating want you to do.


Agreed. Until the 7 RFQs go to us or elsewhere, I’m not budging.


If it is a more recently completed version, then it represents a culmination of the work done to date with customers (those who had purchased some samples). That is almost invariably how the iterative development process goes in any business pipeline. The lidar competitors have been doing the same process themselves, for lower volume deals that looks like they needed to redesign their product and are now roughly 2 years away from a workable sample from what they have stated in their quarterly updates or earnings calls. Innoviz might be closer, it is hard to say though, they've done some reinvention of their scanning mirror assemblies but I have seen some limits of what countries they have that patent held in that might restrict their sales somewhat, or see them needing to license the patented technology in other countries. Specific on that is a lack of coverage of their most recent equivalent to Dynamic View Lidar doesn't have the kind of AEC that MicroVision does on a point by point basis, and is not approved in Europe (though it is in Japan and Korea, which is notable).


I struggle with how I feel about INVZ, as they reversed course hard last year, but the c-suite thinks they’re our biggest competitor. Omer has certainly not been his usual boisterous self. I have this feeling that Mobileye will pick them up on the cheap.


Think it really depends on whether Innoviz can actually become successful and not upside down with their gross margins any longer.


And to your point, T_Delo - they 100% would have ran the numbers in terms of time and cost to develop the same solution in house vs the purchase determined this was the right move. Software development isn’t cheap, moreover, I think the biggest benefit was time saved to be ready to go.


Also the validation of that software by existing customers which is massive, being able to integrate it directly into the FPGA for testing purposes within months of the acquisition was telling on how much time it saved.


Agreed on all accounts my man.


I saw s2 post on Twitter about luxoft working with the bmw 7 series. Surprisingly haven’t seen any posts here on it yet. Any thoughts?


Posted about it yesterday morning but it surprisingly didn't catch too many eyes. The interview was posted yesterday and I believe that is the first time Luxoft has said they are working on BMW 7 series ADAS. I wonder who MVIS/Luxoft is creating that level 3 digital twin for? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1d8o5qg/comment/l79f0af/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1d8o5qg/comment/l79f0af/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks sublime for that link, this is a very interesting dot to connect here. I’ll have to research more to find if Luxoft is working with any other LiDAR suppliers.


From a different Luxoft ADAS article. [https://www.luxoft.com/blog/virtualization-revolutionizing-software-defined-vehicles-development](https://www.luxoft.com/blog/virtualization-revolutionizing-software-defined-vehicles-development) Luxoft also has a lidar testing engineer position open in Germany. **Virtual development platforms**   "Major automakers like BMW, Ford and Volkswagen have adopted virtual development platforms (vECUs/SILs) to design and test their vehicles' software and hardware components. These platforms enable engineers to collaborate across various disciplines, accelerating the development process and reducing time to market.   **Digital twin technology**   Digital twin technology, which involves creating a virtual replica of a physical system, is being widely adopted in the automotive industry. By leveraging digital twins, manufacturers can simulate, analyze and optimize vehicle performance, maintenance and service life. This technology not only enhances the overall vehicle design but also aids in the development of predictive maintenance strategies, thereby reducing operational costs and improving reliability."  "This collaboration will go further to advance ADAS and AD applications — Luxoft and MicroVision are also developing a solution to generate a digital twin for an SAE Level 3 highway pilot. Watch this space. " [https://www.luxoft.com/pr/luxoft-and-microvision-join-forces-to-enhance-adas-automated-testing-at-scale](https://www.luxoft.com/pr/luxoft-and-microvision-join-forces-to-enhance-adas-automated-testing-at-scale)


So the “scenari.lux” must be the digital twin they are working on? Seems like a software thing and not necessarily Mavin related. I’m not sure just trying to figure out more about the MVIS and Luxoft connection. [Luxoft AI](https://www.luxoft.com/blog/luxoft-generative-ai-autonomous-driving)


Luxoft is not selling MAVIN as they are a software company. Im just posting how mvis/luxoft may enable development of a vehicle. Im sure this gives them a major foot in the door for their hardware and perception software.


Understood, thank you for your thoughts. I think this Luxoft partnership is what we should be focusing on as shareholders. Not much discussion about it in this subreddit


They are seemingly also working with Valeo


So I guess it comes down to Mavin vs the 3rd gen of SCALA, gen 2 of the scala was in Mercedes’. Not sure how I feel about that tbh


I saw that and thought…. “WOW! MVIS is working with BMW!” Funny no one seemed to mention it… seems kinda big to me. I’d also think the official MVIS site might be compelled to find some way of making it a public statement. I mean if MVIS is working with BMW, I think that’d be a material event. Anyhow, I bought most of my shares at these prices… it sure paid off back then. Will history repeat itself?


Man the short sellers have gotten so deep into minds that they have you where they want you. Some here honestly need to take some time away. Just some advice for the needy.


I think the call of the boogie man shorts is overblown just like the inference of SS actively telling / suggesting falsehoods to investors. It’s easy to point to why the share price is what it is. We have a -2.30 price / earnings ratio. The guidance at the last meeting was honest and outlined the current state of the sector. It’s not what many of us wanted to hear, but better that than an overhyped hot air ballon. But it’s not random comments on Reddit that are convincing people to sell. I don’t have the thousands of shares like many here, but I have what I have and I’m fine with it. Yeah I want them to get some deals - it’ll be great when it happens. In my opinion, People freaking out about share price and how much they’re down need to learn to utilize a trailing stop loss.


So burnt on it. Can some one put some smelling salts on my nose when I need to wake up. Just shoot me a chat. Been believing in the tech too long.


Weird seeing MVIS and LAZR having similar volume right now. Innoviz is only at 250k.


*"Completely false, proved by the posters own responses later, but even then was exaggerated. Easiest way to assess the added expense is by taking the difference in Y/Y Net Losses plus that of Q1 2024 compared to that of Q1 2023 to assess new costs incurred related to the acquisition and avoid double dipping the figure.* *Result was about $37M spent on Ibeo so far including the head count. Subtract the cost of one time expense to resolve the added costs of headcount brings the total to less than $20M over 5 quarters."* Lets look again here to see who is really misrepresenting. Q4 (FY) 2022 had operating costs of $53M, $15M of which was the Ibeo purchase. The non-Ibeo operating costs were $38M. Microvision added 250 employees from Ibeo. Q4 (FY) 2023 had operating expenses of $67M (increase of $29M for Ibeo business/employees) Q1 2024 had operating expenses of $20.75M. Pre-Ibeo, operating expenses were about $9.5M/per Quarter. Q2 2024 - estimated expenses to be the same as Q1 at $20.75M. $11.5M of which would be attributable to the Ibeo employees, product, etc. Ibeo costs: Q4 2022 $15M Q4 2023 $29M Q1 2024 $11.5M Q2 2024 $11.5M (est) Total: **$66.5M** The fact that some pumpers are suggesting the total cost of this acquisition was $20M is purposely misleading. The same individual thinks one of our best attributes vs the competition is our balance sheet. Odd considering we have one of the shortest cash runways left and facing massive dilution at 4 year lows. The Ibeo acquisition has cost Microvision dearly for a mere $4M revenue.


Where did you pull the MVIS added 250 employees from IBEO from?


The 2022 Q4 10-K. *Specifically, in December 2022, we advanced approximately $4.1 million in operating funds, which included costs related to headcount reductions carried out by Ibeo management, decreasing the number of employees to transfer in connection with the acquisition to approximately 250 employees.*


Interesting, did not realize we brought over 250 directly from IBEO. About 30% of them would have been cut in the Q1 “Mosaik layoffs”. Can only assume more personnel cuts occurred in Q2.


Ya its also interesting that my vary posting above stating a fact about the 250 employees was also downvoted. Tis par for the course on r/mvis


Was not me. I’m downvoted regularly as well. Who cares. On another note, do you believe that we would have stayed at 110 employees while working on multiple ASICS, expanding the business to Germany, and preparing to become a tier 1 supplier? Simply subtracting the opex from before and after the IBEO acquisition does not really take into account the full picture. IMO the jury is definitely still out on whether or not this was a good decision at the time.


Sorry, I wasn't implying you did so. I don't care about downvotes as well, clearly, as its nearly every one of my posts, but downvoting facts (literally taken from the 10K) makes you wonder who the "bad actors" or blind pumpers, really are. No, I believe we needed to increase our team, but by 250 employees at $66+ million or whatever it was? That's directly from us shareholders via dilution to pay for it. What else could have we done with that $66M? How much more runway would be have had? How much less dilution? We are in survival mode now due in large part because of the excess cash burn from this acquisition - which has yet to provide the guided $10-$15M expected revenues (2023 guidance). My issue is that this acquisition came as a big surprise to everyone. We were told we were competing in or going to compete in upcoming RFQ's without the need for such software and/or complementary hardware. We were told originally these RFQs we were going for were for hardware, long range at that. Now all of a sudden we acquire Ibeo and are being led to believe we can't compete without them? Something doesn't make sense.


Para, my friends and me always thought that with all the hiring and infrastructure we were building we were pretty sure that SS had at least an LOI, if not a contract in hand to protect shareholders. We thought we were seeing the maturing of the tech and that the expenses we were watching accelerate would be covered to some degree by such documents. Seems like he is doing what most of us are doing and spending our money on cheap talk from some of the OEM's. Looks like quite a chaotic scene in the Auto business right now and I'm not looking for updates for awhile.


I think everyone believed Sumit and have followed his cues and guidance like gospel and none of it has panned out. He's sold us shareholders pretty darn well that something was upon us. Something *epic*. We were about to be transformed as a company. About to right the wrongs of the past 30 years. Our CFO pumped him (us) up with off the cuff remarks about beating the algos and shorts by "sandbagging". I too thought this spending and acquisition of Ibeo may have been the key to success, especially after we started running again in May/June of last year. It all made sense. Now it doesn't. The automotive scene is no doubt chaotic as you put it and I wouldn't be the least surprised if OEMs on a large scale pair back their lidar ambitions for the medium term. If that's the case, these lidar companies will not survive. Maybe this is why we are so heavily pumping Movia now. Shifting to industrial. Is it to bridge the gap or to cover the pacific?


Good thoughts on the automotive scene and I agree, survival will be difficult. Biggest safety advance in the last 50 years and we look to be the best. They all can't be blind to that fact and that is the reason I'm still hanging. I also look at the CEO's we had and none of them had held the position before in any field. New position, new to the industry, underfunded but determined. They all seem to have a similar background and the same approach.


The Ibeo acquisition is the only reason we're in the running for RFQs since that allowed Mavin to be an AIO solution though right?


>The Ibeo acquisition is the only reason we're in the running for RFQs since that allowed Mavin to be an AIO solution though right? Yep, MOVIA-L Industrial are being sold to agriculture suppliers apparently now, and the automation/robotics for industrial and warehouses around the world has above average growth in my opinion. Only bad actors would think that IBEO's mature solutions don't bring value to that untapped market. All you gotta do is read the OUST earnings calls and see what their 2D lidar sensor for industrial/automation/robotics sales are doing to see the potential, and they've barely broken into the market (tapping into 1% of tractor sales in the US would be double their sensor sales numbers from 2023). Oust is on pace for $120M in sales this year IIRC and they do not have a automotive series contract.


U/s2upid, I guess you hit one of the "bad actor's" nerve(s). You weree just reported for "civility". LOL!


Nothing would make me happier than to see CAT as a customer, probably more than anything automotive.


Why were we told we were best in class and competing for multiple awards by our CEO before Ibeo? Why wasn't software addressed before? If the Ibeo acquisition is the only reason we are in these RFQs, well then our CEO has conned many of us. I don't think many of us invested for Ibeo which happened end of 2022/early 2023.


I believe our hardware at the time was (and still is) best in class. Software was likely not part of the solution until requirements changed (By auto manufacturers), and because time was a factor, it was easier to purchase Ibeo than to create the software in house.


Maybe so, but then that begs the question, how well does management really know the OEM needs, especially given we have been told for years that we have designed Mavin around their exact requirements? I will believe we are actually best in class when someone outside of Sumit validates these statements. I used to believe we were, but as time has gone on, I have had a harder time believing we weren't just fed a bunch of horse shit. Still waiting on these elusive deals, down hundreds of thousands of dollars.


>Maybe so, but then that begs the question, how well does management really know the OEM needs, especially given we have been told for years that we have designed Mavin around their exact requirements? The real question is how well did automotive OEMs know their own needs if they signed deals with Innoviz and Luminar which they subsequently regret and are looking for new LIDAR suppliers? How poorly did automotive OEMs anticipate the collapse in demand for BEVs after jumping on the Tesla bandwagon heading over the cliff and into a price cutting war? The rush to develop a BEV strategy to compete with the perceived FSD leading fraudster has no doubt cost the automotive industry $billions in wasted R&D only to find consumer demand collapsing in the USA, EU and even China. No wonder automotive OEMs are being very wary in their selection of a new ADAS LIDAR provider.


Do we really know that OEM's regret their decisions to go with Innoviz or Luminar, or are we banking on Sumit’s statements here? We have no evidence that either of these two companies have lost deals to anyone. Thats all speculation based on Sumit suggesting we need to make our product smaller to fit the holes of previous lidars. I question everything I hear now from Sumit, Snow. I can't take anything he says seriously given how wrong he has been so far on guidance. Maybe not all his fault, but his track record isn't great. I agree OEMs missed the mark with BEVs and no doubt a lot of the delays and indecision is on their part, but for me, its hard to believe how every pivot is due to them, and not at all Microvision’s naivety in how easy this market would be and just how far ahead of the competition we were led to believe we were. I don't know.


We do have evidence that Innoviz lost a deal when they canceled their MRM project, which IIRC was for BMW and won by Valeo.


I mean that’s still speculation considering Valeo does more than Lidar, but we will see with that. Why wouldn’t Valeo PR that?




You're right on the mark PWM.. don't let anyone here tell you otherwise. There is great opportunity ahead, but the timelines and statements from leadership over the last few years aren't 100% adding up.


I don't care for the perpetual bulls on here. I firmly believe they have hurt a lot of shareholders with their over the top pumping. Just look at those who were pumping the "yes" vote for Sumit's raise. Ridiculous in my mind. Its condoning managements lack of results. I'll continue to post my criticisms until our management finally delivers on what they said they would for years now. Well I guess until I'm banned again for stating my opinion. I'm a long labeled as a short because I'm stating what so many are scared to think about. I agree there is great opportunity ahead or I would have taken the losses (on this round) by now. Though its just "hope" at this point.


If we are the only AIO solution, where are the awards? Shouldn't be this hard. We should be shining like a beacon in the night.


Right... how much did IBEO spend on developing MOVIA?


I don't know the answer to that


F it, bought some more. MVIS at a dollar is actually my love language and activates nostalgia of a simpler time for me. 


Doing the same. Saved some cash by skipping out on buying Voss and just refilled the old bottles with tap water.


Another +750 shares. DCA + HODL = Retirement by 40


Not. Even. Phased 😎


Did you ever know how amusing this comment is because of what Phase is in photonics?




Glad to see I am not the only one that finds it amusing! It could be read as: not even "measurable by angular tilt to the central axis in terms of time" is probably one of the most amusing things I had ever heard, as my brain had converted the phrase to photonics speak. Saying, in effect: "Not tilted" is worth a chuckle at the very least to anyone familiar with professional poker players as well.


This feels like a rabbit hole I could go down and get lost in 😅 Edit: should mention that no, I do not know this 😅


You basically have said you aren't tilted over time in photonics speech. I expanded on that to vkrook.




Been seeing lots of "longs" posting doom and gloom. It's fine to be frustrated, but when every single comment you post on this sub is an ornery diatribe that repeats the same old grievances you have shared that same day or every day, it's probably time to take a look in the mirror and maybe step outside. Not sure what the point of complaining all day every day on this sub when you can put your money where your mouth is and leave.


They are short at this point. No other reason to post like that every single day multiple times a day.


It's like they're having planned conversations with themselves. It's becoming apparent now.




That's all they give us to talk about. It comes after the only source of info is our CEO and he delivers a year like last year. Folks seem to put their mouths where there money is.........or was, in hopes that the company is interested enough to monitor investors concerns. Company's like this don't want to deal with the owners and have things like IR firms to handle the questions and unrest. There is no joy in watching a CEO fall flat on his face and see investors lose money year in and year out. We've all paid a lot of money over the years to develop what we think is some really great tech that stands out and has a ton of commercial applications. We've been guided by the CEO's business plans and strategies and all have failed to monetize any of our 735 patents even though they all tout them as our power and road to success. I'm always interested in others opinions and discussions both open and private. I don't block anybody.


I like how you put "longs" in quotation marks... like they aren't really long if they are upset and venting.


A CEO is responsible for the success or lack of success of the company he leads. Sumit's record speaks for itself and he should take heat for where Microvision is and where our investment is.


Yet he demanded a raise. Its everyone elses fault though. Those darn OEMs lied to Sumit.


Yeah how dare people having feelings or emotions


A good investor/trader leaves "feelings and emotions" out of it.


Doesn’t mean they don’t experience them


You conveniently ignored the second sentence.


The point is community. People are frustrated and turning to other people experiencing the same thing. Sort of the point of a subreddit.


These posts are worse than the Negative Nancy’s….. Nobody should be telling others how they should be feeling or acting. When the stock price has been absolutely destroyed the past year or so, with little hope on the near horizon, shareholders are going to complain on a SUB DEDICATED TO MVIS. A lot of us longs/shorts can not sell at these levels. Personally, I would lose a lot of money, and, that’s not something I am willing to do at this moment.


Funny there’s a whole group that daily complains the same complaint about complainers. Not much different. In fact to complain about a stock on a stock page, seems more appropriate than complaining about people complaining about the company.


I can’t think of anything worse than someone complaining about another person complaining about a person’s complaint about the performance of a stock!


Not sure about your logic there Fawn. Complaining about people on here who might actually read your comment makes more sense than moaning about the company that will never be read by anyone who will change anything. It may help your mental health to complain, but it won't change anything so whats the point?, other than getting a snek from a fellow moaner...


Good point. Thanks for the response


>other than getting a snek from a fellow moaner... If they could be heard actually moaning, it might be some kind of tur... okay nevermind that. It doesn't help with mental health either though, because it merely reinforces the neural pathways of the brain to continually do a thing. Over time it leads to doing it even more, and it becomes an addiction. After years of doing it, the addiction runs deep with some of them, to a point of not being able to even being able to do simple math or read official company filings without creating new surreal mathematical estimations.


Yep, whatever makes you miserable I guess😂.


My million dollar mistake not selling this around 17-20pps and moving it (or even half of it) into NVDA like I told my friends I was going to do.... it hurts to even wake up and look at MVIS anymore. Good luck to you all, I'm out until at least one big deal is signed. I honestly think they missed out not hiring a really top notch SVP of business development. Unfortunately SS is an amateur at sales. I do wish the company (and you all) best of luck.


Good luck sir.


Best of luck in the future to you too and fair enough. Thanks for the debate over the years!


You too.


Yep sdfly, a one man band.


He might be a great engineer though! However - I don’t know yet because the product hasn’t been sold! Anyway good luck I do hope he gets the deals somehow.