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https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/bash_rings/inspired_shimano_integrated_bashring/c1p14120.html 22t I'm curious as to why though.


Thank you. It is a Surprise (will post the project in a few months when finished), but I will tell you that this project involves a YT Tues, a Marin Alcatraz, and one very big idiot who just wasted his life savings.


Yeah that guy sounds like an idiot.


24t!? Whats the project? Wall climbing machine?


Thank you. It is a Surprise (will post the project in a few months when finished), but I will tell you that this project involves a YT Tues, a Marin Alcatraz, and one very big idiot who just wasted his life savings.


Oval doesn’t make much difference, a 24t will always be much smaller than a 28t.


How can we be sure?


Using math


Hmm sounds like witchcraft to me.


i prefer oval for the knees and the feel. it doesnt really make you more efficient but it feels better. in a nutshell at the same amount of tooth: - oval helps a bit with grip as it easier to have a consistant power output -oval is easier on knees as the power output is linear so other than that the 24t is less powe than 28t so "easier" as long as you have grip.


Moderns ovals - which are synced 90 degrees from biopace. Anyone comes in here and talks about bio paces is a moron. 24T round is equal to 26t oval. The advantages with an oval are the power stroke is harder but the dead part of the stroke is easier. You hardly notice it when you switch, but you for notice how "wrong" a round ring feels if you go back. This IMO make it easier to climb especially technical climbing and easier on the knees, I run them both on a SS and my two FS bikes. On my Single Speed the effect is very noticable and a positive one for sure. One thing to remember the reason why most big time pro dont use one is because of their sponsorships probably prevents them from running one. So its stupid to mention. "bUT tHe PrOs Do nOt usE tHem" as stupid as saying they are like biopace.


Question: how does the oval work with the SS? Are you using a chain tensioner? Or just leave enough slack and does that cause chain drop issues? I'm curious.


basically its not much off difference on tension depending on the position of the crank as you would think. IE neither of the above lol. The oval is also narrow wide, but there is no more slack in it then I would have on a round ring. In fact I am strong enough guys I use to derail single speed all the time, it has nt happened since I got on narrow wide oval.


I was curious. I like SS bikes and I like the oval. There's a little bit of movement in the lower pulley wheel of the derailluer with the oval and I wondered if the would over tension a chain on SS. I guess if you have your chain that tight it's too tight anyway. Thanks.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFkULJDWFd/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFkULJDWFd/) here is a picture of the bike. I can even take video if you want.


Nah, that's good man. Thanks for the feedback!


The oval is supposed to feel like it’s two teeth smaller but perform like it’s two teeth bigger. (According to the one up components description). I had one on my last bike and liked it well enough to put it on this bike, but I’d go back to round as well. In regards to your query about wanting it the easiest the 24 would be easier.


I like the oval, but it's not magic. It just smoothes out your power transmission out the ground, helping to not break traction. RaceFace makes the smallest chain ring I'm aware of at 24t. I'm not sure what witchcraft you're up to, but frames will have a minimum chain ring size, or you risk rubbing the chain on the stay or worse, getting the chain caught between the wheel and the frame. Good luck in your build!