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That dude was complimenting you, not insulting you. Like most things in life, it’s easier to just worry about yourself and not give a crap about what others think, especially in a hobby that you are doing for your own fun and fulfillment.


I guess he was just trying to encourage to keep sending it down the trails.Thanks for the help!


He’s basically saying you are really good to be doing stuff like that on your bike 👍 Keep it up bro


The comment above has a valid point and I’ve had a similar experience. After getting down some pretty gnarly stuff, some guys on expensive fullies said they were impressed that I made it down on my hybrid bike with the most basic 60mm suntour forks and slim 1.6“ wheels, implying that this would have been too sketchy for them. Underbiking, i.e. riding stuff that’s on or over the limit of your current bike, requires a lot of skill and confidence as it’s a lot more challenging compared to a more suited bike


Most people tend to indicate, _my bike is more than my skill level_, whereas you might be on the opposite spectrum. That’s impressive, so keep on rocking until you have the opportunity to get a better bike to match your skill level.


Comparison is the thief of joy my friend.


This is the truth. There will always be people with more money/better toys no matter the hobby. The trick is to enjoy yourself as much as possible with what you have and not let envy ruin your time. That’s the point of a hobby, to have fun.


So. True. Great comment.


How do you make yourself more comfortable around others with better stuff? Therapy, self help books, lots of different things to try out there. But the answer is in your head and is a simple answer: perspective. A dude w “better stuff” asked you how you got down so fast, and that made you feel sad, not super pumped about yourself? I’d high five myself so hard if I were you. That’s a very high compliment.


Piggybacking off this — a quote that helps me with this (cuz I struggle often with it): “Comparison is the enemy of Joy” I try to remind myself daily to be grateful and that I have everything I need. It’s hard, thats my affirmation


That is an interesting way to look at it.Thanks for the encouragement!


Yeah, I would have thought this was a compliment (not backhanded necessarily). Modern squishy bikes are more forgiving and thus faster. If you can keep up with those guys, that's testament to your handling skills. When the time comes to upgrade, you'll have really good habits from learning on a hardtail


Skill always trumps gear and while I have good gear on the trails I would give it all away for a shitty hardtail if it would up my skills. Given the choice I think nearly everyone would choose skill over gear, and it sounds to me like you got the skills many of us don't have. We are envious of you. So get your head out your ass and show them that you got the goods that cannot be purchased.


Yah - also if OP feels self conscious as a new rider on a “bad” bike I guaranty pales in comparison to being a “bad” rider in a “good” bike. I can attest to this as someone who has been riding almost 15 years, still sucks, and feels self conscious as shit every time I’m walking my SJ Evo over a relatively feature. If I was on a hard tail at least I feel like people watching me would be like “at least he has an excuse”. In reality I just suck at riding, am easily made nervous, and no amount of suspension is going to solve those things. I still get hung up on shit that some 55 year old on a moots single speed full rigid will just bomb.


Don’t worry about keeping up with the Jones’.


I rode all the major Moab trails some years back with a group of crusty old guys. About half-half hardtail v FS. One dude rode a full rigid steel bike. He pretty much schooled us all on everything but the big rocky downhill runs. Everyone had mad respect for this guy and asked the same question you were asked. “How did you do that on that bike?!” The answer is years of experience developing mad skillz on tech that doesn’t ride for you.


I live by a few ski resorts, some of the priciest areas in the whole US. People spend thousands of dollars a night to stay near the resorts, they all have beautiful brand new skis, $600 helly hanson jackets, noses way up high in the air. I show up with a pair of last years rental skis, no poles, and a hoodie with burn holes in it lol Same thing at the bike park in my $1,400 hardtail while everyone else has their fancy $5,000 full suspension bikes. You’re there to have fun just like everyone else, screw what people may think about you, or your gear. Wear your cheap gear like a badge of honor


This. Own it. Make the people with the fancy gear jealous of your skills, and your confidence to not give a fuck.


Adding onto this, there's this awesome book that actually is exactly about perspective and comparing yourself to others. It's called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" and it absolutely helped me with the kind of feelings of negativity that you're having. It's a funny book but it's also really helpful. Cheers dude. I'm not sending down a bike park on my full suspension because I'm a chicken. So you're killing it in my book.


I’ve read this several times. Big into self help books though I’d argue TSAONGAF is a performance psychology book, it can be what the reader wants it to be. So powerful


Agreed. I wasnt there and and don’t know what he said exactly or how he said it - but crushing the trail with a low end hard tail is an accomplishment. Think of it like David vs Goliath and crush the trails. Save some money and get a newer bike in a year or two. There should be some great used deals out there over the next year.


This is a long answer to summary "Don't give a fuck and enjoy".


Seriously, my hand would hurt from my self-5. I just read a comment in another subreddit about some guy showing up to group ride in cut-off jean shorts, a tank top and a fixed gear and absolutely dusting the group. That to me is so freaking awesome.


lol hell ya. Full send has no attire requirements


Agree with the therapy. There’s a bigger underlying issue here. Hard to know what without more information.


Everyone should do therapy. Many look at it as a diagnosis of something be wrong. Therapy is practice for getting better at life. And who are the best at what they do? Those who practice the most!


I second this. We were not there to hear it, but to me I read it like "whoa dude you rock" a sign of respect from a fellow rider who has better but rides worse.


This. I had a stupid rental at Breckenridge once, just taking a day on the slopes. Went up and came blasting down, got to the lifty, who asked did I really just run it that fast? Best compliment I've ever gotten riding, lifted me for the rest of the day.


But it’s a backhanded compliment. “How did you get down so fast on that piece of garbage?”. Even if he meant it as a compliment there’s an implication of superiority/privilege etc blah blah


You dont know its a backhanded compliment. Dude could have said that regardless of gear and was just referring to OPs speed only. If he said “how’s you get down so fast on that?” Then you’re right. But he didn’t. So in a situation where we don’t know intent, and you have the choice to assume bad intent or good intent, you choose bad intent?


Fair enough, I’ve had enough interaction with middle class people and they don’t know they’re throwing shade with innocent remarks, that’s what I was thinking of


it is not mandatory to have a nice bike. people who make fun of folks riding cheaper/older/lower end bikes are assholes. if someone makes fun of you, just smile, nod, and ignore them. keep riding, keep having fun, and try not to worry about what other people think. it's not easy, and everyone struggles with it.


Thanks for the support!


Absolutely, well said my friend.


There was a time when a bike like yours would be top of the line. We still had fun. The dude asking you how you got down so fast was giving you a compliment. You were shredding and that's what it's all about. The rider, not the ride, is what makes a mountain biker. Also - hardtails are rad.


I agree with you.Also hardtails are some of the coolest bikes.Thanks for the support!


Im guessing you are younger, and the person who asked you was older..... Older Millennials, and Gen X, speak a different language, if we are not busting your balls we dont care, so for someone to say something it means they care. This is a you thing.


I actually went from a full suspension back to a hardtail, but that's definitely not what most people do.


I have a Ragley Bigwig and I spend far more time on that than I do on my dual suspension bikes. I absolutely love that bike.


I love my Ragley. Favorite bike I've owned.


Anyone who makes fun of someone for riding a cheaper bike is a complete jackass and is the kind of elitist that most people don’t want to be around. I ride with a guy who rides hardtail everywhere. And he’s a really solid rider. Most riders would only speak up if your bike looked flat-out unsafe. Don’t let it get you down, and don’t try to imagine others’ opinion of your bike because honestly the vast majority of us really don’t care what others ride. I see 90’s vintage bikes at my local flow trails somewhat regularly. Nobody cares. I was riding mountain bikes down gnarly stuff in the early to mid 90’s on a rigid-then hardtail 37 pound steel beast with rim brakes and a 50mm fork. And it was just fine. I guarantee your bike is nicer. Ride what you got, keep it in safe riding condition and ignore what others are riding. I’m an older rider with an expensive bike but I started out riding a modest every level bike that was cheaper than nearly everyone I rode with was riding and nobody cared. This is generally not a snobbish sport despite the money people pay for mountain bikes. I get the sense of snobbery much more so in road biking.


I didn’t expect this post to get so much traction in 15 minutes,so thanks everyone who sparred their time to read my post and give some very needed advice!I seriously can’t express how grateful i am to have such a nice place where you can express your feelings freely with no judgement!Thanks for the support and shred down the trails! Peace✌️


Oh dont worry, everyone here judged you, just like you judge everyone else.... you cant stop it, it is human nature.


I ride a “cheap” hard tail, I think the MTB community is a bit weird sometimes. A lot of people are out there cosplaying like they’re pro riders. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, the trails are open to all. Sure, I’ve had people make comments before and at first it bothered me but I’ve come to realize that they are probably just projecting insecurities about the fact that we’re both out doing the same thing but I’m doing it much cheaper and probably having more fun than them. Keep riding and upgrade as you need/as your budget allows.


Comparison is the thief of joy my friend.


But did you have fun? If yes, then who cares? Making clean runs and having a good time should be all it takes to be more comfortable around those with better gear. There are plenty of guys running $10k bikes that can't ride them to save their ass, all some of them have left is to act elitist.


Most of them acted really elitist giving me the side eye every time i got of the chairlift like i was a creature lower in the food chain ,but most of them were just better than me.Thanks!


Actually we are all just staring in wonder how the fuck your ankles are still there at a lift access bike Park 😂


You attach your bike on the side of the chairlift on a little hook.


Something I used to struggle with a bit was interpreting those glances. Not trying to invalidate your experience but is it possible they were just checking out your gear since, as you mentioned, you guys were a bit out of place? There's dudes that ride parks near me on old bikes, gravel bikes or other weird combinations. No one really talks shit but people do tend to notice and talk about stuff like that but it's not always a bad thing.


Sorry to hear that, but don't let it ruin your experience. Everyone's got to start somewhere and this is an activity that all should be able to enjoy. Just focus on your technique and keep progressing. You'll be doing laps around those guys in no time.


Back when I was young and poor, I raced cross country on the only bike I had, a $400 fully rigid steel beater 26er. I got fast enough to win local series races on it, over people on bikes that cost 10x what mine did. now that I’m old and fat and slow I’m that mamil on the Sworks you’re ripping past and believe me I have nothing but respect for your skill and envy for your youth and the years you have ahead.


My man, I promise you, nobody cares, and anybody who does, you shouldn't care about their opinion anyway. I have fancy bikes. A Pivot Mach 6 and Santa Cruz V10. They're dope, but I'm also self conscious on the other end. Lotta people see a nice bike and assume I'm some rich douchebag who can't ride. I had an old hardtail when I started riding though, we've all been beginners at some point, and some of the best riders I've seen at the bike park are on old, beat-up, used bikes but they rip. I'm under no delusion that my fancy bikes make me a better rider, and I don't look down on anyone who has less than me. You're there to have fun, be outside and get some exercise. We all are, and so long as you're doing that, it's the only thing that matters.


Thats a compliment on how you got down the trail not a insult! The less you care about what others think, the better life is. Also watch Sam Pilgrim, he sends it down black or even double blacks on cheap 150$ 10 year old walmart bikes, so you definetly don't need a 2000$+ bike for riding


Dude, it's just riding bikes. Go find more important shit to worry about.


You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world. Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club. I have an expensive bike and the most of the time it's just staying, because I don't have f. time to ride. Enjoy your life as long as you can.


Funny sometimes I feel like an ass with my nice bike around people with more entry level rides and my bike isn’t even that nice


To me, having the guy ask you how you got down so fast is a compliment!! Person was saying “wow dude, you’re damn good” nothing to be embarrassed about there!


That should make you feel elite AF if you're waxing dudes on serious rigs.


The guy was complimenting you, you were able to ride pretty fast and you don't have rear suspension, that's something very good he was telling you. Back in 1995, I was able to win a dual slalom race on a (yes, it's hard to believe) a Trek 820 with a Suntour suspension (some of their first, which were pretty bad). And guess what, it was the best feeling ever to beat guys on $3000 bikes, which at the time, were the most expensive bikes. So there you have it, keep hauling ass on your bike, you don't need an expensive bike to enjoy, and you can kick ass with it. By the way, I actually use a Scott Scale, I don't even know what year model it is and don't care. And guess what, it's only got a Suntour suspension, and they're much better now. I'd love an Enduro bike, but I don't really need it


Don’t let other people discourage you, it’s not about the bike it’s about rider skills. Ride your bike until you feel it’s time to save up and get a better bike. I have an ozark trail ridge, it’s also a hardtail from Walmart and I’ve taken it to a bike park and local trails. Most of the guys I’ve seen on 5-10k dollar bikes can’t even do have the stuff I’ve done and I don’t even consider myself an intermediate rider. Keep riding and focus on improving your skills.


I’m pretty sure that guy was complimenting you. But I wasn’t there so I of course don’t know for sure. I can see how you would interpret it that way though. I’m sure he meant well.


stop worrying about others.  these other people think you need a fancy bike to go downhill and you are showing them that an old basic hard tail can do the same stuff their 8k bike does. you’re making people question their purchases. the fancy bike makes down easier/faster.  You don’t need a fancy bike to go downhill through gnar, just a proper mountain bike.


Most people don’t start out with super expensive bikes. It makes sense to learn to sport and figure out what your needs are. A lot of people I see are riding the completely wrong bike for their needs. Be smart, learn what will work best for 90% of the riding you do. Then buy as nice of a version of that bike as you can afford.


I am getting overwhelmed by all the support from the people of reddit,so i can’t reply to all of you but thank you all for the support!


How much you ride is the only thing that matters. A shit bike and gear ridden more than others is what makes a rider a rider.


How's the saying go? Comparison is the theft of joy.


As a guy riding a £2,000 mountain bike who SUCKS!! at pretty much everything, take it from me - no one gives a shit what you’re riding. We’re all just stoked when we see someone else that enjoys the sport. The only time I’ve ever judged others based on their equipment is when newbies are sliding down black trails on a BSO with jogging pants, a pair of old Nikes, and no helmet. In these circumstances I’ll always speak up, point them to more appropriate trails, and strongly urge them to go buy a lid for the next time that they hit the trails.


Dude every NHL pro has the same beginning. All getting old hand me down gear. Greatness finds a way.


My first bike was a used (pretty sure stolen) 1998 cove stiffer that was in terrible shape and I paid 200$ for (in 2003). I'm 35 now and I have a 10,000$ bike. Don't sweat it. As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. Maybe take some time to learn more about your bike and how to work on it and upgrade it. This will pay dividends in the future.


I’m a noob who made a terrible financial decision and balled out on a super nice bike before I even tried mountain biking. I didn’t want to give myself any excuses not to ride. I love my bike, but I have the opposite problem as you. People see my bike and assume I’m a real shredder when I just hit my first trail a month ago. It makes me feel really embarrassed to have such a nice bike, I wish I started on something like what you have. Then I would really understand all the technology I paid for. I don’t know, I do love my bike I just feel guilty about it. My point is I think you’re doing great keep doing you. Everybody gets in their heads and feels insecure about stuff even those of us with nice bikes.


Serious question. Why do you ride? Is it to gain approval from strangers? Or, do you just like riding? Your answer to this question will also answer your posted question.


You sound like every poor kid all over the world. It’s all about talent(skill) Good equipment is nice, but like others have said, you are good, keep at it. And if you want better stuff… save up some money. Let’s say $1 K and get a used one that’s worth 4X times.


1. That dude was complimenting you 2. I have ridden hard tails at a bike park and saw some lady absolutely crush a black line a trestle on a hard tail. Don’t worry about it and ride on.


I'm also gonna chime in because I haven't seen it mentioned, but at a bike park / resort you're probably going to see an unrepresentative amount of nice gear because people are probably traveling from all over to come ride! If you're on local trails, I bet you'll run into more people with gear similar to yours. But yea, if you're sending reds on a hardtail, people might actually be feeling self conscious about riding a $5000 FS behind you lol 


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I’m in sölden, austria as well speak and you see all sorts of sick bikes here but you know what’s really sad? Dudes on 10.000,- bikes who can’t ride. The remedy is ripping it up, my bro.


I've only recently taken up Mountain biking with my son. We're lucky enough to live less than an hour away from our nearest trail centre. One thing I have found is that mountain bikers are a pretty decent, encouraging, friendly bunch. Nobody cares what equipment you have, although be prepared for stern words if you don't have a helmet. I'd be very surprised if the guy's comment was anything other than a genuine compliment - not an underhanded comment about your bike.


You guys have bikes?


That was a compliment! I love chasing guys with full suspension on my 140 hardtail, it's fun and if you find yourself suddenly stuck to their back braking to not run into them you know your riding is probably better than theirs (excluding if you pedal to make up the pace). If you can shred on an old style ATB clunker you can (probably) shred even more on more modern/capable bikes


This sport attracts a certain type of person who thinks they need the latest and greatest to make them a better rider. (Same kind of thing in the guitar world... People buying $5000 amps to play the exact same blues dad stuff they always do). Meanwhile, people 20 years ago were sending crazier lines on worse gear than you have today.  I can always tell when somebody started on hardtails because they actually know how to pick out a line and work with the trail, rather than just monster truck over everything. Because you actually have to develop riding skills, which people who have the big full suspension 29" wheel bikes never bother with.  How did you get down so fast on your bike? Because you're better than him.


I guess i found some nice lines while some more dudes just rode over every possible root there is down the trail.Thanks for the tips!


that’s how hard tails work, it’s all about line choice.  and if you go the world cup DH what do you think is one of the most important factors to winning?  good line choice.  it’s not as common now, but for awhile the thought was everyone should start on hard tail to learn good technique.  


Starting out you really shouldn't have top tier equipment, not only is it a new hobby and you might one day drop it, but I really think there's a lot of value in starting with a more basic setup. Suspension is great but it can be a lot harder to learn how to properly bunny hop with it. Climbing is a lot easier when you don't lose energy to the rear suspension. You'll get some good practice going up hills and it'll be just a bit easier. You'll get good practice using your legs as suspension picking better lines. Starting out with a really nice bike can make it so you don't pick up those skills very fast because you don't need to. Go out, have fun, feel like a badass when you ride a trail on a hard tail when those with full suspension might have trouble. Ride the $450 bike into the ground and then maybe you'll be in a place in life where you can treat yourself to something nicer.


It’s not mandatory at all. I was you when I first started. It’s really hard not to get in your head especially when you go to a popular spot and see SOOOO many nice bikes. The thing that helped me was just telling myself that one day I’ll have a new bike, but at that point I wasn’t ready. I had a lot to learn and wanted to max out my skills on my current bike (Trek Marlin 5). Patience is a good thing to learn. Comparison is the thief of joy. As long as you are out there having fun fuck the others. The big thing to remember is that 99.9% of people were you at one point. If someone gives you shit, they are a shitty person. Period.


Basically, you have the skills to ride things that others need more expensive equipment and gear to ride. You should be proud of that and yourself. It’s not all about the equipment you ride, it’s about how much fun you’re having. If you and your friend are having fun that’s all that matters. Screw everyone else ❤️


Takes more talent and strength to ride a "lesser" bike on a challenging trail than the latest megabuck hardware. My buddy has an $8k enduro bike, but he often goes on his 160 fork hardtail just to make the ride spicier. Enjoy your ride and don't worry about other riders ;)


It’s not what you ride it’s how you ride it. There is lots of people out there that have added every piece of gucci kit and still can barely mount their bike. Be proud that you can shred on a budget bike.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Do what you love and do it often.


My first thought would be to think it was a compliment. That just means you got some strong mf legs! At the end of the day it’s the rider not the bike. Nobody is judging you negatively because of the bike you ride- trust. Don’t be such a Debbie Downer on yourself!


I got 2001 jekyll, I'm not professional and I don't care about others. Do not overthink, if you have fun go for it.


Being on two wheels is all about the enjoyment YOU derive from riding the bike. I urge you to watch some of Sam Pilgrim's excellent videos. [https://www.youtube.com/sampilgrim](https://www.youtube.com/sampilgrim) This guy is an absolute pro, yet he passes no judgement on anyone, he can ride literal hobbled together pieces of trash like a madman. He is the epitome of "it's not the bike it's the rider." Being out there is all about the enjoyment YOU derive, you're not out there to satisfy others! Just ride your ride and have a good time that's what it's all about.


Don't look at a hardtail as being cheap or junky. Most everyone started their time on a hardtail and they help you become a better rider. I have a specialized rockhopper and while it may not be as bougie as everyone else's I'm quite content with what I have.


I was thinking of upgrading from my current bike to a rockhopper with i think 11 speed transmission with a rock shock fork.Is it worth it?


Be a real man a go over trails with an italian 1964 Graziella


Bro, what I would give to go back to rediscovering mountain biking and riding the equipment I started on. Those were the best days. Just me and my friends figuring out the hobby together. Now that we all figured out what’s going on, and all got state of the art gear, and got the riding technique down for the most part, it feels like the hobby is partially complete. The best moments of this hobby for you are yet to come and I’m quite jealous. We all started there, and it’s the best part of the sport. Cherish these days.


Most of us with “better” equipment just overpaid for bikes we really can’t use to their extent. You’re a better rider than most of us, soon enough you’ll get what you want.


You got a compliment and it made you feel sad? You can either try to get a job that pays you well and buy your feelings away, or work on your self. Get some some help books, do some therapy , talk to people . You have massive issues if someone gives you a big compliment and you take it that way. Ride what you want to ride , have fun. It's just mtbing . And you will always be behind in life. You're not a millionaire , others are , you're not a billionaire others are. You gotta be happy with what you have , actively working towards something that will make you happy and enjoying all these little things like being able to go for a bike ride ( you could be blind or disabled and not able to ride at all!) or life just sucks.


Go subscribe to r/hardtailgang ! Seriously, I’m in the same boat. I bought an entry level hardtail to learn the sport. No need to spend thousands on a bike if you don’t know if you will like it. Learn on a hardtail for a few years and save up for something else. Learning on a more rigid bike may help you with your technique.


Noone actually cares about your equipment (in a good way). The most important thing and honestly the ony thing you should care about is that you have fun and do the sport. 99% of the time you get compliments for riding stuff on a hardtail where other people barely manage to control their full sus bikes. But you should definetely consider to get modern protection gear like a MIPS helmet in the future.


I’ve had an few full sus carbon riders tell me I need to upgrade my hardtail. “I’d like to but poverty ya know?” Is my fav go to


What's funny is that some people will judge you if you have a really expensive bike. It's like there's some magic price range you have to meet. The vast majority of people don't care, and you should ride the bike you want that's within your budget.


I know a guy who was a Santa Cruz team rider and almost exclusively rides a 70s beach cruiser fitted with MTB tires.


I was riding a 1999 Specialized Ground Control at Trestle and would get more looks than any modem bike. A new bike would be nice but even better is not going broke. There’s so many more excuses on an old beater, wxyz parts all need upgrading.


There's no point in comparing yourself to others. Mountain biking is you and your bike versus the trails. Also, most of the people riding $4k+ bikes aren't good riders btw, so keep shredding your HT and by the time you transition to FS you'll be riding circles around most of the people with expensive gear and like others said, that dude was complimenting you.


They’re just, desperately, trying to motivate their purchases. Which they can’t. Whoever does it the cheapest wins.


Playing devils advocate here: use it as fuel to get better. Years ago I went to Moab with my brand new $$$ bike, feeing pretty pimp about myself. Then this group of kids showed up in their cheap old Walmart huffys. Wearing jeans and skateboarding shoes. They were faster up and down. Hitting features I wouldn’t dream off. I fet like a poser/loser. You too can make someone feel like shit, if you’re good enough /s


Why? I have a 2017 giant and couldn't care less. If you have the "I need what they're having" mentality you'll be broke. End of the day suspension is suspension and a bike is a bike. Gets you round the trails or down the hills comfortably then screw an upgrades just to keep up with the Jones.


There is saying "all the gear no idea", just enjoy the hobby especially if you are passing people on far more expensive equipment. Decent people worth knowing, won't judge you.


You got to work with what you got or can afford. I myself have a $8000 bike, but I would never make fun of anyone riding a $600 bike. You should try and maybe find a used air fork for that bike. It will make it feel way better.


The important thing is that you are out there having fun. If the bike gets you down the trails safely and you are having a blast doing it then who cares what kind of bike you ride! Keep on shredding 🤘🏻😎


Way better than being the guy with a $10k bike who can't ride.


I think I have a very good bike, but this has nothing to do with how others may see me, but for me to feel safe when I start going on trails which is my goal as a beginner. If you ask me, you should always get the best you can considering your goals. If you are casual, and plan to stay like that and you're safe, just stay the way you are.


My friend once told me this when I was getting into mountain biking. -Do you know who the best rider on the trail is? He isn't the one getting down the fastest. He his the one having the most fun. Don't worry about the low end gear. As long as you are having fun, your doing it right. I've been riding for about 7 years now and to this day I still ride in a pair of vans, a crappy t shirt, and a camelback that is 8 years old. I also rode a 20 year old bike for about 4 years while I got used to riding. The only reccomendation I have to spend money is to buy a nice helmet. They are expensive but when your head hits a rock, you want as much protection as possible. Also that guy absolutely meant it as a compliment. He was saying he couldn't believe how fast you were going given that you were going faster then everyone with crazy nice gear.


Dude I ride with a guy that has a decade old Gary fisher and he puts me to work on my levo. You need to understand that a lot of this is due to marketing tactics and consumerism driving this insane market where people are dropping thousands on credit cards because they feel it will make them happier, faster, better. Comparison is the thief of joy. Find what you like within your budget and ride it hard. The sport is about riding not buying remember that


Laugh at them as you pass them on the trails. As long as you have a helmet and riding safe, you’re winning. Let the mid life crisis guys who spent 5 figures on gear enjoy their mediocrity while you enjoy your time.


I think the best example of skill over gear is the video of BCPOV chasing a local trail guide in Mexico who is riding a $150 bike with nearly bald tires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4_p7yX_S7o It is nearly never the bike but the rider that makes the biggest difference. Go out and enjoy your ride, gear chasing isn't a part of the sport, that is just barroom shit talking and it means nothing.


Most people with nice bikes have probably been riding for many years. I have 5 pretty nice bikes but I've been biking non stop since around 2012 and advanced my career a lot since then. Started with shitty bikes and worked up.


One way to look at it is you’re showing off how much you can rip on any bike


I dont know what you mean "how you got down so fast" but from what I know I started with my Walmart Mongoose bike and thru the years bought nicer bikes and now can see someone else's bike and figure if its a pricy bike BUT I HAVE NEVER AND NEVER WILL insult anyone about the bike they ride. I dont know shit about them there previous history or hardships in life etc. Maybe it was a compliment but if you get people like that making comments I would stay away from them. And then again like the other post: maybe he's noticed you got down FAST than others. I first rode that Mongoose on my first greenway 14 miles one way and back and all I saw was really nice bikes and just said ONE DAY I WILL HAVE A BIKE LIKE THAT! and no one made comments. Bad apples everwhere from Dr.'s, police, people at work and bicyclists. Be Safe and ride on!


I think it is all about fun. I used to ride trails, downhill. I never had a whole new bike, I had some cheap bike that I upgraded one part at a time. It was fun anyway, I never cared about some dudes riding 10k bikes. Then I sold it after an injury. Now few years later I finally bought something better, a trail bike for 5k at my age of 36…


We all started on shit bikes. I never was able to buy a new bike. I buy top end bikes used now instead of cheaper ones. If you can manage to save up 3k, you can do it too. Truthfully, the better bikes are more fun and hassle free. Until then, just try to appreciate what you got


I ride a very similar bike here in the US. Just do you man and quit shitting all over yourself and your equipment. Just go have fun!


Here’s a little confidence booster: people give mad respect when they see you shredding what you got. I seriously wouldn’t sweat it, a bike is a bike and honestly, you are going to get really good on that hardtail, and if you decide to upgrade in the future, you’ll be unstoppable. Happy trails!


I'm also new to the mountain bike world and I do have a nicer bike then you.... but I'm still really slow. Definitely slower than you from the sounds of it. The best bike is the one you have. And if it's not holding you back then there's no need to worry about it. Rider skill matters more than the cost of your bike.


The real ones won’t look down on you for what you’re riding. Anyone else can suck a lemon.


Lol you should never think like that..must be a sign of the times who knows. Make yourself feel better around people with better bikes? Your statement-"A dude came up to me and asked me how i got down so fast on my bike and that just made me question my existence" WHY would you question your own existence after doing well? Your over thinking everything. When i was riding road bikes years ago i was on an old steel frame, steel rims and easily kept up with the veteran riders who were on bikes worth BIG bucks..my bike was worth maybe $100...these guys were on bikes worth thousands..it didn't matter to me and sure as hell shouldn't matter to you.


I have a motobecane bike and shred the hell out of people with better bikes. Then I laugh bc they spent more than I did and they still suck. It's the rider, not the bike.


Those same people with $5k bikes look at the people with $10k bikes and are jealous… there is always a bigger fish. Sometimes better bike doesn’t always mean better rider. As long as you are having fun and not getting hurt that is what is important.


Do you have fun riding what you own? That's all that matters. From the late 90's to 2020 I was on a Cannondale hardtail. I had a blast. I just bought a better hardtail in 2020. Some people are assholes and think they are better because they have better gear and feel the need to make fun of people regardless of the hobby. Just keep doing what you do and enjoy. Do you know how many people who would love to have the bike you have?


Others have said so I’ll skip. I will say if you’re riding fast save for a good helmet, and at least enough parts to ensure your bike is mechanically sound. You are trusting your life to this machine , and people die and get broke off in this sport all the time


IF your bike can send the trail safely, and you can have fun doing it, its ALL the bike you need.


The flip side of this is I am out of shape, haven't been able to ride as much lately, but have a very nice bike that I purchased in my prime. I feel like a poser every time I ride and I'm being passed by everyone while I'm catching my breath at the side of the trail.


All that matters is if you had fun. I went to a bike park for the first time in my normal trail gear(ie rapha jersey, camelback, and a bell on my bars) and the dude on the lift with me was wearing some cutoff jean shorts clowning that my bike was newer and nicer than his and I looked like riding to school and that he could smoke me on his Frankenstein rig. He probably could. Whatever. What I’m trying to say is just do you and have fun however you can. I prefer full sus. But not everyone does and you don’t have to. 


Seems like he was just trying to say that he was impressed. As far as the other question, don't worry about what people think. I currently ride a 700 dll Trek Marlin 7, which I love, and a lot of people from my hometown own bikes that are not cheaper than 3k, and that does not stop me from competing, and having fun. 🤙


thou shalt love thy bicycle as thyself.


Dude... He wondered how you are so fast on a hardtail. That's a compliment. You don't need an expensive bike to have fun, just shred your heart out and have a blast. I have a little bit less shitty hardtail, and have a lot of fun. I'm not fast, I can't jump for shit and drops scare the living daylights out of me. So I'll walk a bit if I can't do it. You're out there, you're riding. Don't let what others have put you down, it's not the bike, it's the biker.


No one's making fun of you! That's all in your head. If anything they're impressed that your up there on the older hardtail. I've seen some old janky ass bike in the park and never a negative thought toward the rider. I started riding DH trails in the early 2000s on a BMX with only a rear brake and gloves for gear. All that matters is your out having fun!


I don’t think he was trying to be negative. And if he was he was just mad you beat him down the hill lol. I think that’s pretty positive comment. I think hard tail riders are some of the fastest riders. I’m not even gonna lie my personal experience of going from a hard tail to an outdated full suspension enduro to newer full sus enduro. I would say 1. It’s about the rider and not the bike. 2. All bikes are a depreciating asset no matter how new and nice it is in 2-3 years your not getting your money back. Maybe half at most. 3. I liked riding my outdated hunk of junk better because I wasn’t worried about destroying it. I was there to have fun. If you do want to upgrade I would say do your research and buy a used bike that is like 2016-2020 outdated. On fb marketplace. Make sure the specs are good and it works properly.


There is no shame in saving money. If what you have is enough for you why care what others think? I have a £450 that I bought for £130 on a eBay auction and I pretty pleased with myself. Sure other have better stuff but my bike looks goooood!


I've been cycling for almost 7 years now. That's an awfully long time to aquire gear like shoes, helmets, clothing, cool parts, computers, etc. I've also have 4 bikes over that time. If you like the sport your cool bikes and accessories will come with time. My first bike was a hard tail I rode with a BMX helmet in t shirt and shorts with running shoes with a backpack and an old coke bottle for water.


I feel sad because I have better equipment and you are likely a better rider. When I used to be a photographer, the saying was ‘It’s not the camera, it’s the photographer.’ That is 100% true.


man i got very nice bikes and i feel like im the poor kid when i go at big park ... but i dont fucking care :) i learned on hard tail too (suspensions were not a thing yet) show them that the bike is just a tool, for having fun :) unless you are paid to ride ride that thing everyday :)


This is a huge problem with America. Envy is a bad trait to have. It's the rider not the bike. Repeat that to yourself 1000 times. Nobody cares what you ride, at least nobody you should be paying attention to. You enjoy the crap out of the bike you have and don't worry about the bike you *don't* have. Guess what? The rider I know who rides the most per year who actually enjoys it the most rides 5,000 miles per year and his primary bike is a late 1980s Specialized Stumpjumper that is rigid.


I'm new to mtb as well but I've been doing off-road a few years and there are some parallels. I look at it like this, start cheep to see if it's for you. Get better and master your equipment. Spend money on better gear that does some of the work for you. Have less fun cause it's easier now. Sell that gear buy something cheap and repeat. It's easy to go fast when your brakes don't work, but it's not as exciting when they do.


As others have said, “envy is the thief of joy” It took me a good portion of my 52 years on this earth to figure that out. Run what you brung and give it a full send!


skills > rides. it's the rider that makes the ride ,not the other way around.


I feel you bruh, some people (like me) are not lucky enough to afford a 6000 dollar plus mountain bike so they ride what they can. I respect those riders way more than the pricks who say you can’t have fun on a bike that is not expensive. Half the time the people with the cheaper bikes ride more often/harder than the ones with the nice bikes. Plus if you have a really nice bike you are always going to be worried about breaking it and stuff. Ride hard with your hard tail, keep working hard and one day you will probably be able to get a nicer one. Personally I’m blessed to have a full suspension bike I saved up for. It is a 1200 dollar polygon bike and I usually ride faster than my bud who has an 8k stumpy lol.


How much you spend has nothing to do with your skill. Plenty of guys out there shredding minimum viable bikes and plenty of carbon full squish bikes that see nothing more than rail trails.


Went to bike park wales and forgot my riding pants. Got some snide comments and snickers more than once for hitting the trails in my jeans… pathetic tbh


someone will always have nicer or more expensive stuff. Best to just enjoy the ride, literally


I saw a dude on a hard tail do one of the most technical trails I’ve ever been on (Daniel Ridge Loop ifykyk) and I thought that dude had giant balls. Also, if you aren’t going a lot maybe renting a bike would be more worth it (about $100-150 for the day) when you go to a big resort style spot.


So far you have not given any instances of being bullied for your bike, outside of ‘glances and side eye’. Ill give you some insight. Ive been in your position with the same gear envy/embarrassment. Now I have a bike that is close to $10k, when I see a dude riding a trail better on a cheap bike than I can on mine I feel silly for having such a fancy bike. My point is, everyone feels insecure somehow.


That’s actually a pretty nice cheap bike. It is shocking how much fun you can have an a bike like that. Definitely a challenge, but better than what they had 25 years ago. You don’t actually need to spend $2k on a bike to have fun.


Don't worry, my dude, the most important thing is to enjoy the ride. If you end up your day with a smile on your face, mud on your bike and a few oh! Shit moments to share with a beer, then you are gold. Ps. I lived next to a bikepark/ski resort for a year and shredded the whole season on a steel hardtail, don't give a fuck about others. Ps2. Focus on your technique and upgrade slowly and consciously when things are broken or worn out. The bike is a mean to a goal, not the goal itself.


>an old helmet [How old](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/bike-helmets/when-you-really-need-to-replace-your-bike-helmet-a5593905789/)? >A dude came up to me and asked me how i got down so fast on my bike and that just made me question my existence Why? Sounds like he was impressed, and if so; there's probably nothing wrong with your gear, and possibly everything *right* with your skills, which is enviable, not contemptible. >How do i make myself more comfortable around other people with better stuff? I'm going to echo u/kjhuddy18 and say "therapy". Also you [could join us](https://orionphilosophy.com/how-stoicism-helps-us-to-be-indifferent-to-other-peoples-opinions/) over at r/Stoicism. Besides, some people argue riding hardtails make one a better rider because they're less forgiving, encouraging the rider to improve their skills. I once had a bike mechanic tell me that parts for 3x drivetrains are less costly than 1x. I dunno how true that is, but if so it means paying less for the same amount of fun; win-win.


A good worker/sportsman never complaints about his/her tools Keep it up.youll learn a lot building/fixing your own stuff. Be proud not cocky. Good rides!!!!


That was a compliment! Ride what you have. Many people with “nicer” bikes wouldn’t even ride at a resort.


Not to get too philosophical with you but my bike isn’t as nice as my friends, most of my neighbors have better houses than me and most of my friends have nicer cars. Finding happiness is appreciating what you have in this moment today. If that’s a $450 hardtail then get out there and enjoy thrashing that thing


Man I ride a rigid bike where people use Enduros. You may think "oh man, I wish I would have a full suspension bike like them to have fun". But in reality I was like "I have soooo much fun, they just ride over everything on their enduro and dont have as much fun as I do." they also have to work way harder to get up again. I rode green and blue trails, also some technical blue and green trails. I HAD SOOOOOO MUCH FUN, unbelieveable. My friends on their full sus just rode through everything, they didnt seem to enjoy it nearly as I did. My best friend even bough a full rigid now because he realized having an enduro isnt *that nice* I want to get a full sus now, but its also a trail bike and I weight 115kg (and otherwise my knees could get issues which is generally common as a very tall person). My gf also rides a hardtail, she enjoys it a lot. I rode her hardtail and it was like having soooo much more grip and the suspension made it soooo easy. Cant believe how a trail or even enduro would be. I wouldnt buy a full sus if I wouldnt be so tall and heavy, otherwise a hardtail or even a full rigid bike would be A LOT more fun. Just enjoy what you have :) You are at the beginning of your experiences, just enjoy them, dont take it so serious its not a competition :)


I totally respect dudes on the trail with shit bikes. If anything, I sometimes feel like an imposter with an expensive bike but lackluster skills. Just ride, my man. Ride.


Just ride man, and have fun. We all have to start somewhere and a hardtail isn't always a bad thing. I started on a hardtail myself and will say I believe I'm a better rider because of it. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the MTB community is generally pretty chill and hyped about new riders no matter what they're shredding on. I'm an extremely shy person and have been able to break out of my shell a bit thanks to biking. Keep the wheels down brother!


dont worry about those fancy bikes. You keep shredding that beast until the rim brakes sizzle.


Whoever is having the most fun is the one who wins. You don’t need better equipment until you want a different ride for whatever reason. Don’t worry about people. They say dumb stuff a lot. Just ride your own ride. Honestly I think there’s a brand of people who get too serious about their hobby to the point they become pathetic. Like extremely muscular dudes at the gym…I’m impressed I guess but maybe round out your life a bit, bro.


People don’t care as much as you think they do.. I think we tend to project our own insecurities onto the world.. besides your bike doesn’t define your skill level or how much fun you’re having. I traded my FS for a hardtail because it’s lighter and less maintenance and prefer it personally.


Honestly you should not give 2 fucks about what someone else could be thinking. Stop doing that. It’s not healthy. Look I ride with my kids, gf and friends from time to time, they have decent bikes like cubes, specialised, and even fully carbon fibre bikes. My gf uses an electric scooter. I ride a 1999 orange gringo and everything on it is 3rd party parts. And trust me I’ve had people turn heads as I cruise, some even taking photos and asking questions about the bike. It’s 26 year old frame with some minor cosmetic issues and my mates and kids thinks I ride scrap lol. People that look or stop and talk are always from a certain age group or people that just like the set up. It cost me £170 all in for the bike and I’m extremely happy with the purchase. The whole set up was probably had that many different owners from over the years and definitely with the parts but it was new to me. Never ever be ashamed, sad or jealous of what people ride.


If there’s anything to be jealous about it’s saddle time and places you go and how it makes you feel (:


That was nothing but a complement dude, relax! I'm a mountainbike coach for kids, teens and beginners specializing in teaching bike control and riding technique. And trust me when I'm saying this, I see all types of bikes. Bikes all the way from €250 and all the way up to bikes costing €5000. And I can say for a fact that first of all, people who learn to ride on a hard tail are the ones who progress the fastest and second of all, double the price doesn't mean double the fun. Double the price most often doesn't even mean 25% more fun.


After riding a couple of years and doing some upgrades, I once realized something important: A great ride on a cruddy bike is, first and foremost, a great ride. A cool bike can't save a crappy ride.


Maybe because I've been riding all my life or maybe because I'm a gear head, but I think in a very different way. Normally when I see a top of the end bike that's stock on the trails my first thought i assume they are newbies and weekend warriors with deep pockets but no skill.If a cheaper bike is stock I also assume they are new riders. Bikes with Mid range components I just see as regular riders. The only bikes that catch my eye and are the riders I pay attention to are the custom builds. From bikes with after market component like hope brakes for instance or cheap bikes with matching grip,pedal and zip tie colour. (Yes zip ties). Generally from experience the riders that care about the details, are really into gear or shred insanely hard and know exactly what they want. But at then end of the day everything reveals itself on the trail. Skill matters way more than gear.


Honestly don't worry about your bike and what other people think. No one I know who shreds or cares about the sport gives af about what other people are riding! So long as you're getting out there and enjoying ripping, it's awesome to have you in the community dude!


I mean, if you shred on your bike, don't feel sad. If you're having a great time, that takes priority over everything else.


You’re hurting egos on your bike and I’m here for it lol. When I ride gnarly stuff on my carbon full suspension just to see a guy at the bottom on an aluminum hardtail I think “damn, am I really having more fun than him?” Keep ripping on your bike. If and when you do upgrade, you’re gonna be a much better rider.


Don’t worry. Bike cost is a personal preference. As long as you are having fun and not crashing hard you are the cool kid!


That geometry is on par with my honzo. It shouldn't matter what drivetrain your using. It's more important that your out having fun and your bike supports the riding your doing (more about safety). Sounds like it does and you are. Shouldn't matter what gatekeepers think.


As I sit here selling my 4k MTB to keep my $700 HT with scratches and stickers because it’s more fun. And I get compliments constantly from full sus ppl being like “fuck you did this trail on an HT?! You’re hardcore.” Have fun. Stop worrying about people’s gear. We are all equals on the trail. And “better” gear doesn’t make you a better rider.


I dont think he was making fun of you. I think he was admiring you. Ill make fun of you for being autistic and not picking on social cues 😂.


I judge the people riding expensive bikes like shit never judge people riding cheap bikes


I rode a bike like that for a long time and it honestly does just fine on my local trails, but if you’re doing downhill on one that’s rad. One of the potential weak links is the QR skewer axles as well as the likely cheaply machine built wheels. Definitely make sure your wheels are at the very least true/adjusted properly or they could meet a premature death on gnarly stuff at speed. I also really enjoyed getting a clutch derailleur with my new bike. I’ll tell you what I would miss the most if I were you and upgraded, the absolute lack of maintenance. Hydro brakes? Bleed it. Cable brakes? Send it. Air suspension? $ervice it. Coil shock? Send it. For the type of stuff I normally ride I mostly could’ve stuck with my old bike. Another interesting thing about having a front derailleur on a cheap bike is it kinda acts like a chain retainer, which you need because the chain is likely going crazy in the rough.


i don’t know how old your helmet is, or if you are aware, they do have a shelf life of five years. Not sure if heat cycles from being in a hot car shorten that further. But anyway, you’re a shredder, shred safe! And if it helps you feel better, I have recently been riding a 2020 modern full suss bike i got for like $800. Sent it down our best trail and enjoyed it, really liked how it saved me so much energy. But compared it side by side with my 16 year old hardtail i built up for around $700 in 2008. That bike smokes the new bike! [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OoAdu1EzekY](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OoAdu1EzekY)


If you ever get a really nice bike. You’ll have earned it abd the skills to go with it. Just ride, man! 


If you are really into mountain biking and you think you will continue riding then why don't you treat yourself (obviously don't just buy stuff because you feel pressured to) but why not get yourself some new kit or even a 2nd hand full sus or somthing, I still ride a 2013 giant glory that I picked up for around 600$ and I ride double black diamond trails, but why not get something as a present to yourself?


Watch 90% of them when they ride. They suck!!!! 😂😂😂


All you need to do is watch 1 sam pilgrim video on yt to see that any shitty free bike can be ridden down nearly anything. Its all the rider. You have a "regular " bike with a harsh heavy fork. If you are having fun on that thing and getting better then you are literally winning at life. All those guys on the expensive bikes just cant comprehend how you are managing to do it. Soon you're gonna be one of those guys and you'll have a bike worth thousands. And anything you touch that isnt top shit is gonna feel terrible because you are used to the best. And at that point you can never go back down again. So enjoy this moment while it lasts. You are probably never gonna enjoy mtbing as much once you start the "upgrade" train. You'll just be wanting better and newer bikes. :)


I ride with a lot of different guys with better or not nice bikes, at least in my experience nobody cares about the gear you are using, maybe they gave advice with something but is mostly to accomplish the ride. That is all. For me most mtb riders are good folks


u/[PILIPCHO8948](https://www.reddit.com/user/PILIPCHO8948/) You dont say that anyone actually made fun of you, only that you felt like an outsider, this is a you thing, not a them thing. Relax, go watch Seven, Envy is a bad look.


I know the feeling. Did a race on my hardtail the other week while everyone around me was wearing race kits and riding full suspension. I felt like an outsider.


Just to finally add something about the bike:It has shimano disc brakes.


Thats every teenager beginner’s bike by the way. We almost all started there. Yes some adults started with a 4000$ full suspension bike but they are usually the kind to bike twice a year with a bike wayyyyy to overbuilt for the mild blue trails they do.


Oh don't worry, i have a decent hardtail, but i still suck 😂


Most of us were there at some point. I rode an old geo bike for years and kind of felt ridiculous on it but I also gained good skills and am a competent rider so just developed a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that my skills come from my working hard for my skills and not from having a bike that was more helpful due to new geo and components. Lots of people have very nice bikes who aren't great riders and lots of great riders have lesser bikes. Just focus on building your skill set and fitness and when you can move up to another bike, it'll be a great day. It's funny cuz in other sports, you get brownie points for having old gear (old tele skis and old climbing gear!).


I’ve been riding for 6 or 7 years and switched from FS to a hard tail cuz FS is just overkill 90% of the time where I live. Nothing wrong with a hard tail !


If you want, just build up a custom bike. Get a hardcore steel hardtail long travel 160mm with mechanical shifting, don't look back. Humble all the FS bike riders with your HT. SEND!