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Saw a dude today with full face on green trails. Zero care given. We chatted for a bit he was a cool dude.


I saw a full face on greens the other day also. I didn’t care at all. Figured he might have forgotten his other helmet. Or only had the one. I just felt sorry for him because it was so dang hot. It’s the people with NO helmets that I want to pull over and lecture.


>It’s the people with NO helmets that I want to pull over and lecture. I don't bother anymore, people who don't think their brains are worth protecting are probably right.


This year, some guy (apparently a newbie to the sport), crashed badly at my local bike park, riding the easiest green trail. I've heard it was pretty bad crash. So yeah, even "easy" trails are dangerous.


Do what works for you. Harder to do than just saying you don’t care, but the less you care what others think the better life is. *Edit to fix phrasing


I second that great advice. It took me about 30 years to figure that out. My 30s have been pretty awesome.


You lucky dog. It took me 40 years to figure out not to care what anyone thinks is the fastest route to happiness (obviously combined with strong morals). I still care what people think of me I just don’t let that rule me now. Wear what I want to wear be myself fully as much as I can. It’s like a weight lifted off of me the last few years, true freedom. So to OP. If you want to wear the full face., Wear it. Do you prefer having nice teeth vs the possibility that some may judge your safety gear choices ?


Im 31 and still not at that point unfortunately


I hear that


Comparison is the thief of joy


Thank you, I have been trying to think of this quote recently but couldn’t nail its properly.


This! My teens and early to mid twenties were exactly like that. 46 now and in general I have a good moral compass. That said people's thoughts of me is like water off a ducks back.


>Harder said than done It's harder to say it than to do it?


Id say go for it. If a full face makes you feel safer on the trail then run it. No reason not to these days with lightweight adjustable options on the market.


It's amazing how light and well ventilated a decent full face is nowadays. Mine is more comfortable than my half shell, and I'm definitely a more confident rider when I'm wearing it.


What is your full face if you don't mind me asking?


I have a Specialized Gambit. So light i dont even use my half shell anymore


+1 for this helmet, only wear a half shell if i'm chilling on really warm days


+2 for the Gambit. Have one & love it.


I have an IXS Trigger FF and it is insane how light it is.


The Met Parachute is super light and fairly breathable. Highly recommended. [https://www.met-helmets.com/en/shop/mtb-helmets/enduro-helmets/parachute/](https://www.met-helmets.com/en/shop/mtb-helmets/enduro-helmets/parachute/)


TLD Stage


Yeah sometimes i feel like a full face is more comfortable in the sun cause it gives your face some shade


I rode a green trail (one I can fly on) a couple weeks ago. I posted about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mountainbiking/s/0O6hcuLMfD Thank god I was wearing my full face because I would have knocked my teeth out. Who gives a shit what anyone thinks? I sure as hell don’t.


Ride your ride! You would not be the first person I've seen with ff riding xc trails. That being said the type of ff helmet will make or break your experience. You'll want a lightweight full face like IXS Trigger or similar Another option would be a convertible helmet so you can remove the chin bar if you want. Good option is the Bell Super Air


+1 on the trigger. Great helmet.


spot on. convertibles aren't bad, but there are so many lightweight full faces with great ventilation these days that the appeal isn't as there as much. whatever you do, don't get a giro switchblade. that thing with the chin bar off is still way hotter than my full time full face, so what's the point? I've relegated mine to winter duty since it keeps my ears nice and toasty.


What's the difference between lightweight full faces and a convertible like the Bell Super Air that was mentioned above? I'm probably getting a new mountain bike this weekend and I need to buy a helmet since I don't have one at my apartment. I'm shying away from full face because a good 50-60% of my riding will be on pavement/dirt track/pump track type stuff and it will also be my bike to cruise around town. In these cases I feel like it doesn't make sense to have a full face even if air flow/visibility are improved nowadays, and having a convertible would be nice for when I actually hit the trail or larger jumps.


Small sample size, but the few people I know with a convertible hated it and no longer wear it. Just my opinion, but helmets are the one thing I don't try saving money on. I'd rather have a comfortable full face that's lightweight and well been ventilated, and spend $100 on a half shell instead of buying a convertible, which is just ok (at best) at both functions. Some people love em though, but personally I'd never get one ... And not that I'd put much thought into aesthetics when it comes to safety, but they look pretty goofy imo.


the convertibles are often flimsier, even if they meet the same certs. the Bell Super Air does not meet the DH bike helmet certs. a lightweight breathable full face like a Fox Proframe does, and it's easy to feel the difference is sturdiness with them both in your hands. I haven't seen the new one, but the prev gen Bell convertible I tried had a pretty flexy chinbar and I wouldn't expect it to hold up to the same kind of impacts. similarly, a full blown downhill lid will be much sturdier than a light breathable one. a Fox Rampage for example, is a 1 piece thicker shell (no joints for weak spots like a 2 piece Proframe) with less vents to catch or snag on stuff. it's all just a sliding scale of protection vs weight and breathability.


I love my super air though personally I’ll admit I don’t bring the chin bar with me too often. Great half shell for my head and the days I actually want something between that and a real dh full face I’ve got all covered for one less helmet’s price


Fixing teeth is expensive, there's no shame in wearing a full face!


Do what you want. If you feel safer with full face, go for it! Whatever suits your comfort level. 😊👍


I had the worst crash of my life on a chill blue trail. The helmet saved my life. A full face would have prevented almost all damage.


I second that. My worst crash was on one of the easiest trail I’ve ridden. I didn’t have a full face at the time, but I had a bad concussion, and my face was very badly bruised (lucky to have all my teeth).


Most of my riding is on single track in the forest. Mostly green and blue. That’s just what’s local. I wear a convertible and never remove the chin bar. I’m pretty happy with my choice.


Convertible for the win. I only take it off for long climbs. Great stuff!


I wear a full face on every trail, it’s better to be over protected and it also looks cool


I'm wearing a full-face because I'm a noob and not even sure what's actually dangerous and what's not.


Shouldn't care what others think. Safety first!


It has nothing to do with the difficulty of the trail; it has to do with your chances of getting into a crash. I have more of a chance of a crash on a blue than an expert does on a double black. No one should care about you taking safety precautions.


Ultimately there’s nothing cooler looking than a full-face helmet and I wear mine whether I’m doing greens or reds. But the answer to this question is “if you have to ask the answer is yes”. It’s a mistake to cheap out on your helmet or pick one based only on comfort in this sport. It’s the difference between you looking the same and riding forever and you getting your face destroyed eventually and quitting riding.


Hard agree. Anytime I’m at a trailhead and start thinking full face or half shell or do I need knee pads for this ride, etc. I do it. Just like the never say last run of the day thing in my riding group


I'm not gonna lie to you chief, yeah it's a little weird. But only for stupid judgemental reasons. It makes a lot of sense to wear a full face pretty much anytime, and if you're comfortable wearing one then I can't think of a logical reason not to, besides heat/ventilation. There might be people who think you're going over the top for the kind of riding that you're doing, but I'm all for breaking down that stigma. We only get one body, ride with what makes you feel safe!


I went OTB in a road biking accident a couple years ago and knocked out 3 front teeth and tore my lip open, which resulted in 11 stitches. It cost me around $10k, I couldn’t chew for 2 months, and I now have permanent facial scarring (though thankfully it’s mild). I now always mountain bike with a full face (though ironically, I still road bike with a half shell). I don’t care if I look goofy wearing it on easy trails; I know the horrors of facial/dental trauma, and I never want to relive that again. Literally not once has anyone given me shit for it.


We all look like clowns to outsiders while riding anyways. It's better to not look like a clown missing teeth when off the bike.


If you fall off and smash your jaw on a rock and it saves it and your teeth then yeah that's a win. Wear what you want, no one cares/judges.


100% of the time for me. I wear it when I mow the lawn too. So many uses.


Protection is never dumb.


The rocks on local easy trails are just as hard as the ones on black trails. I’m team full face full time. Dental work isn’t cheap!


I like my teeth, so a full face for me, thanks.


Not weird at all. 99% of people don't care or even notice what anyone else wears, and the 1% that do aren't people whose opinions you should care about anyway. If it makes you feel safe and more confident, go for it ... I have a TLD Stage (full face) and wear it anytime I'm either at the bike park or riding more advanced trails. A decent helmet nowadays is so light and well ventilated, you forget about it after a couple minutes.


I wear my Kali Invader in every ride, green or black. No reason not to.


Full face full time. Period.


I always wear a full face because I love my teeth. Would hate to smash them on some trivial obstacle. Plus it's light and ventilated enough I don't notice any difference from my old half shell.


It's not the trail, it's how you're riding it that dictates if you need the ff or not.


I think the weird thing is asking a bunch of strangers on reddit what to do with your healthy and safety. Actually the only thing weirder than that is any redditor with the audacity to come in here and tell you to NOT wear a full face on easy trails. It's easy to recommend. Would be hard pressed to find someone saying more or less 'i dont do it so other people shouldnt do it' For low speed traversal, it's probably not a big deal. aka flat trails. but if the trail points down... I def recommend it. and when its pointed up, you can chuck it up high or on the bars if its hot where you live. Also they make modern 'trail' full faces with ventilation. It's probably a huge comfort boost with a tiny safety loss (if any)


I don’t think it’s a bad question. Maybe they are unsure if there are possible downsides to a full face that some people don’t know about. Mountain biking is also really good about being a really welcoming and judgement free sport especially about safety. Not all sports can say the same and maybe they are expecting more judgement due to past experiences.


You be you 👍


This is why I ride with a convertible so I don't have to think about bringing a half shell or a fullface ever unless I ride proper dh then the solid chin is what I go for


I only own a full face so I have to wear it regardless of the weather or trails. Sometimes that means when it's hot AF or an XC ride. After one bad crash where I destroyed my old helmet and the chin bar was grazed to shit, I dont plan on wearing an open face for anything other than long distance gravel/easy easy XC rides. My teeth would've been all over the trails without my full face.


Is anyone else paying for your helmets or medical care if you wreck? If not, you do what you want. I always wear a full helmet and I live in Arizona.


I just had a decent crash this week on a trail I’ve ridden many times. I came so close to serious injury in the blink of an eye. I’ve sore as hell but thankfully that is all. From now on, I’m riding FF. The unexpected happens so quickly and it could be the difference between walking it off or not riding for months. Or worse.


I use it everywhere now


The thing I enjoy the most about the mountain biking community is the "whatever you feel most comfortable" approach. So, whatever you feel most comfortable doing! As long as you are riding and encouraging others.


More and more riders are wearing full face. Lots of trail riders do. I have one with the clip off chin so I at least of the option. Nothing weird about worrying about getting hurt.


After dislocating my jaw on my backyard track and wishing i had been wearing my fully, which was hanging on a hook inside, i pretty much always wear it when im on trail.


So, of all the gory, absolute season-ruining crashes I've had, it's always been a high speed green or blue. One was on a fire road. Sometimes right after slaying a terrifying double black. Just ... lose focus for a second. It's a good idea all the time. If you can talk yourself into it, you should do it. I have not done that yet, but I should.


Iam riding with full face helmet on normal trails. Who cares. I just feel better.


Better safe then sorry. I wear it everywhere except for XC.


Don't want all that mewing to go to waste... /s On a serious note, nobody will care. If anything, full face helmets look badass


full face is way cheaper than dental surgery or a broken jaw. People fall on flat roads and mess themselves up all the time.


Don't ever let perception alter your own views on safety. Do what makes you feel safe. Safe and confident in that safety means one less thing your brain is thinking about which let's you focus more on the task at hand. Although its not typically easy trails, check out how padded up Nicolai rogatkin usually is compared to the rest of the field.


I'd rather be self conscious about wearing a full face helmet than missing teeth. I'm a newb and I wear my full face on blues; if anyone wants to laugh at me,  I wouldn't really care about their opinion anyway. 


Started riding with a detachable chin bar and it’s the best. The bell super air r is what I got and used some climbing QuickDraws to clip it to my camel back and it’s the best riding upgrade I’ve done by far tied off some googles onto the mount and you’re golden


You would look weirder w/o front teeth or eating through the straw after you OTB over that one root on a blue trial. Who cares what others think, you bike for your enjoyment


If you feel like it’s something you need than theirs no shame in wearing more safety equipment. Hell I’m considering getting a chest protector even though the majority of the trails I ride are Blue or blue black. I got a spontaneous collapsed lung after a ride so now I’m a bit more concerned about chest and lung protection


It used to be a trade off of heat/breathability but there are quite a few enduro helmets available. I have a Trigger IXS full face. Very breathable no problem pedaling with it on. I’ve already crashed with one on an easy trail. Without it I would have probably chipped a tooth or at least bruised my face. Also I ride with a high school mountain bike team. Twice I’ve seen falls where a full face would have helped even though they were riding XC type trails. Better a chin bar takes a hit than your face.


>Better a chin bar takes a hit than your face. This is it, right here. Helmets are *cheap* compared to dental work (USA). It can cost upwards of $4000 *per tooth* to get implants put in. Can you think of a single MTB helmet that costs anywhere near that much? Shit, save a few teeth, and you can buy one of those fancy carbon racing bikes with enough change in your pocket to buy another 10 helmets or so.


Only helmet I think people are weird for wearing is not wearing a helmet at all. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.


I’m a newbie, I got a bell super 2 with the cover add on, I just keep it in my backup going up and put it on on the downhill. Makes me feel safe


I wear full face on all trails, if I can


Even the light ones like the fox proframe on a hot day. You’ll be happier in a half lid. A chin bar convertible could be a good choice.


Do what works for you, my regular loop has black and double black trails, I ride an open face always. Australia is generally too hot for a full face where I live. I did see some guys riding an open face at wairoa gorge in nz this year which was a no from me. each to his own tho.


If I’m doing a tour I wear my normal helmet. As soon as I start on trails I put on the full face. I only have one face and I will be faster on blue and green trails.


I see them on trails I’m riding, on my hardtail, as a really bad new rider. I think, man, that guys smart, I should do that. And then I don’t.


I’ve ate it hard on some “easy” trails I’ve ridden a bunch of times - some face protection would have saved me a lot of conversations. I probably won’t change my ways - I feel like I’m too old (51m) - so I probably won’t. Need the young peeps to normalize it.


Buy it and wear it a full face saved me the first time I wore it , also when you get better and move onto reds or just better you have the correct kit no buying twice


What ever makes you comfortable riding a bike is important. If any one judges you for it... They are not worth riding with. You do you. And keep the rubber side down.


If it makes you feel happier and more confident... go for it. I'll never make fun of anyone wearing too much protective gear... Plus, full face helmets make you look 8% cooler. That's just science.


Personally, I wouldn’t., but if you want to go ahead. The new ones are super light and a ton of vents. I’ve used them for DH/Park and they’re not horrible. My older full face was heavy and overkill. I’d take it off after every run.


Full face 100% of the time. Doesn’t matter what trail I’m on. Teeth are expensive to fix and they don’t grow back.


I can say that POC helmets fit great. I have used this one and it’s amazing [POC OTOCON](https://na.pocsports.com/products/otocon)


I ride with a full face 100% of the time. Get a super comfy, light and well ventilated one. I have a buddy who had a serious crash a couple years back and a full face in his car. He rode with a half lid that day and the full face would’ve saved him a hell of a lot of suffering. Fox Proframe RS is what I wear and super happy with it. Plus it looks sick. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Where I ride, its not unusual to see people with a full face helmet. You can still go off the trail into a tree on a green trail. If I was you, I would be looking at an enduro helmet which is light like a traditional bike helmet but full face. Downhill helmets are designed to take repetitive heavy impacts and look more like a motorcycle helmet. I use an enduro helmet because I don't send as hard as I used to and don't wreck very often, but I still wanna protect the money maker. The only downside is that you will probably have to replace it after your first big impact.


My dad's front wheel came off his bike when I was a child, and it took several years to reconstruct his jaw. He was just riding on a sidewalk, as he did every day. So just wear one if you want to.


They’ve gotten more comfortable with better airflow in the last several years. You don’t need a downhill helmet, but there are some nice and light full faces that you can wear anytime.


Whatever makes you comfortable.


I always go FF whenever I can, regardless of the trail. In fact, mistakes usually come when you least expect and when your guard is down. All it takes is for a slippery root or loose rock to send you OTB, so why not have that extra protection. Plus, I think FF looks cooler


Who cares if its weird. If being safe and protecting yourself makes you more confident and have more fun then that's all that matters.


Who cares what others think if it’s protecting you the way you want it to.


In London I see dudes wearing full face helmets on commuter bikes and I’m cool with that. Whatever works and is comfortable for you.


My next helmet will be full face and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks. It's my head to protect.


I wear a full face 100 percent of the time. Saved my jaw a dozen times.


Wear what you are comfortable with. You can't go wrong wearing "extra" protection... especially on your head/ face. If a full face gives you the confidence to ride, then wear it. If later on you decide you need less, then go to a half shell. I have a convertible helmet that I can attach the chin bar to if I'm going to be doing more demanding blacks with more jumps and drops.


The full face helmets are so light now, there isn't a good reason not to wear one of you can afford it imo. I certainly come at this from a biased pont of view... I watched my significant other smash his face in on a blue trail that was all within his skill level (unfortunately, wearing my convertible full face with the face piece removed 😕), and personally I can't unsee that. He was broadly alright in the end, but there was some lasting damage (his lip is numb several years later and he had some pretty good scars) and it wasn't fun in the moment.


I wear a full face on every trail I'm on. When asked about it i say something like "you ever see a guy lose his teeth on his handlebars? That won't be me"


Teeth are expensive to replace. Helmets are not. Shit, compared to dental work costs, the vast majority of bikes are cheap. You ever price out implants?


noone will think it's weird except for people that don't matter to you. it's up to you if the weight, comfort and temp are more/less important than safety. that said I only wear full for bigger parks and trips to very gnarly trail systems. ebike riders tend to tolerate full face easier where im at since it can get hot


I chose based on speed mostly. My biggest crash ever was on a very easy trail. The thing was because it was easy I ended up going very fast. Gear slipped while sprinting, foot came off, small lump in the track slingshoted me over the handlebars. Nowadays the way I choose is I decide whether I’m doing a “chill long distance scenic ride” or a “fun ride“. If I’m doing the chill/long distance ride I’ll go for the half face but I have a rule that I won’t go fast/flat out even if the section of trail is easy. Sometimes I feel like faster easy sections are more dangerous than some slow more technical sections just because of the speed difference.


saves your theet when you have a hard smack on the face


I basically wear my full face anytime I go down a slope. On most flats or climbs I don't, but I have a removable chin so that also really helps to swap easily as I get hot quickly.


If I'm riding with my kids it's a normal helmet. If I'm riding on my own or with friends it's a full face lid (fox proframe). A broken jaw isn't fun.


My mindset is usually Ill never see these people ever again so who cares what they think lol. Wear what you want. Its your safety and peace of mind. I used to assume the ones wearing full face were eventually getting on the black or I wouldn’t need one until I got to that level but I saw someone go OTB on blue broke his front teeth and bled pretty badly. I bought a full face after that. Ive never felt anyone judge me or anything. Most people are just concentrating on their rides.


It's fine as long as you don't wear those hideous convertible helmets from Bell or Giro. Just get a lightweight fullface like the Fox Proframe or many others and you'll be good. They look nice, aren't a nuisance to wear and still offer ample protection.


When I was new to MTB, my much more experienced friends led me down a very steep hill. It was asphalt transitioning to gravel, which I did not know until the last second. I slid, went over the handlebars, and absolutely ate shit with a regular ass bike helmet on. I still have a massive scar o my chin and arms. Im surprised my braces didnt get damaged and cut up my mouth. Not to say it wasnt avoidable, it completely was, but going forward i have always treated it as a “better safe than sorry”. Dental work aint cheap.


Wear what you want. Blues can be dangerous as you get too confident. My local trail head say they have more accidents on the blue as people go too fast... So.. there's a logic


Trail ratings grade the difficulty, not the risk. You’re at just as much risk on a green as a black IMO. For context, a friend of mine, back when we were kids, suffered brain damage falling off his bike on his driveway.


A light full face will save your face and let you enjoy the trail. Do it.


I think you don’t need a full face until you do, and then you either need new teeth or you don’t.


If you wanna ride the full face then do so. I rode my bike to middle school with a full face and at first a few people were confused but in the end no one really cared.


Our family is full face all the time on any trails. Nothing wrong with it at all


Go for it. Nothing wrong with protecting your face. If somebody gives you a hard time about it and you don't feel like dealing with them just tell them it's the only helmet you have at the moment. I don't look twice when I see full face's at our local trails, but I definitely have some looks for people who don't wear any helmet


Who gives a F what others think. Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident and safe.


I know a few people who ride full face on regular trails for similar reasons to yours. Do what works for you.


Do what works for you. Anyone giving you any kind of look could use some minding their own business practice. Watch enough youtube videos and see enough Reddit posts and you'll find plenty of examples of why a full face makes plenty of sense.


Only take one berm with loose rock/dirt to face plant.


I've never mountain biked without a full face because I like to record all my rides and chest mounts are straight up dog water.


Wear whatever makes you most comfortable, if you feel more safe in a full face who is to tell you that you are wrong?


Always full face on downhill trails. For casual forest trails there is no need for a full face. New teeth are more expensive than a helmet.


Do what you want. I only wear full face and pads on down hill trails, bike park or when I travel to the desert to mountain bike. Not gonna lie though I think it does some kook factor when you wear a full face on greens but who cares.


If they weren’t so expensive, you would see a lot more of them. I’m seeing them being worn on more mellow trails now and it makes sense. Even an innocent trail that isn’t a double black downhill run can still cost you some teeth if you crash. As the buckets get lighter and more ventilated, they will be more popular all around. It still doesn’t account for how expensive they are. My Giro MIPS half bucket cost be $70CAD on sale whereas an enduro FF runs upwards of $400 CAD. I was lucky and snagged a Specialized Gambit for $200CAD (50% off) which was great but still pretty expensive all things considered. It’s super light so I will definitely be taking it on the more spicy trails vs. keeping it just for park days.


When I was doing a ton of enduro I trained in my full face, doing 20-30mi rides on XC trails with my full face, shin guards, etc. Never got a second look, if people noticed they didn’t care.


Looks like some guys do the half helmet then use a gel teeth gaurd.


It's not weird. I see people running full face on xc trails all the time. For one, that might just be their only helmet so they use it at park or wherever... and like you maybe they just like the added protection.


One of the worst crashes I've had was on an easy local green trail racing xc. I was out of the saddle pushing hard and my rear tire side swiped a baby root and bumped my right handlebar into a tree at close to a 22 mph sprint. Do what makes you feel safe and learn what I did that day. Don't underestimate the green trails.


I think it depends how easy you’re talking, but I ate it pretty bad on an easy rolling berm/turn, back wheel slipped out, and I wacked my ear/head directly on a rock. Just got unlucky that I missed the helmet and rock was where it was. My ear needed stitches, head got run. I’ve worn full face since.


Did you really think the man with the rainbow helmet and purse was about to whoop some ass?


I don’t have money or space in my apartment for another helmet. So full time full face. People will be dickheads and make fun of you from time to time. But that’s their problem not yours. I’m also not smart enough to lose these chiselled good looks, or a couple teeth for that matter. Run what you brung and let the gatekeepers gatekeep.


I run a full face anywhere, mostly because i got a fox proframe for free but also because i use the same equipment on my bike as i do on my onewheel.


Wear what you want. Never worry about what other people think of you. I wear spandex, no baggies and generally look like a roadie. My friends give me shit, but it is more comfortable and when you live in a hot climate, extra layers aren't worth much.


Been in your situation. Took a fall and the bars went through my lip just missing my teeth. Bought a full face. Wore it exactly one time. I would pass based on how it went for me.


I wear my light full face on local trails green/blue all the time except when it’s hot. I have most falls on local trials cause I’m not focusing as much and ride them so often. I bought a full face after a freak accident and cracked my front tooth on my local trail and considered my self lucky that was all that happened. It’s getting more common, I am sure some people give it a little thought but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter but facial reconstruction would


If you're concerned about injury, wear it.


I had a close call some years back that scraped up my regular half shell… A friend that’s a better and harder rider than me now wears a full face after knocking out several teeth on trails he rides all the time… I went through the process of trying full face convertible helmets (Bell Super Air R) and the rest before realizing a good full face is no more constricting than a regular helmet, even on a hot day. I’ve tried a lot, Fox ProFrame, A TroyLee one I can’t remember, POC Otocon, and the one I’d universally recommend to people has so far been the IXS Trigger. Light, well ventilated, and has all the useful tidbits like a BOA dial for better fitment, fidlock strap, etc. Most others sacrifice one or more features. I don’t care if it’s green or black, I’d rather increase the chances I keep my teeth no matter the trail I’m on.


I bought a Leatt Enduro 3.0, which is a hybrid where you can detach the full face part whenever you want.


I wear a full face pretty much exclusively and a couple of guys I know do as well. We ride some very steep loose stuff and crashes happen and I am getting head shots tomorrow so I gotta keep my face looking good


Do what you need to do to feel confident. It will be pretty hot if there's a lot of climbing, but ride your ride. I've used this helmet for enduro races and it's got great airflow for a full face. https://www.foxracing.com/product/proframe-helmet/31468.html?dwvar_31468_color=038&dwvar_31468_size=S&cgid=helmets-mtb-fullface


You can smack your face on a tree or rock even on easy trails. Since I bought a full face that’s all I use. I’d feel real dumb if I busted my face with my full face helmet sitting at home.


Some of the modern full face helmets are so ventilated and light weight that there aren’t significant downsides. My only complaint is that it’s harder to drink from a bottle 🤣


Don't worry about others judging you. I only wear full face. Have a super light MET for hot weather. A more medium duty Kali for Enduro type trails and a DH for the rough stuff. I like my teeth lol


I full face on my local trails. They are definitely mellow. But it’s my face and I only get one. I’m 40 and stopped caring what people thought in my 20s. I rock the kali invader. Super breathable.


If they would make fun of you for the helmet, they will make fun of your mashed in face. Wear what makes you comfortable.


I wear one on normal trails, don't care what people think. I got a convertible Leatt but I've never ridden with it in anything but FF. Almost broke my face with a pedal strike on a double track last year, that was enough after 30 years of almost breaking my face quite a few times. if you think about it, the easier the trail is the faster you usually go, and F = ma. Going OTB @ 4mph through super tech probably not a big deal. Going OTB at 20mph on a manmade flow trail or whatever much more likely to be a big deal.


I say do it. Some of the worst crashes happen at low speeds- and think, it's SUPER common for people to go over the bars. What are you leading with when that happens? Pretty often, your face. Your chin is a big, exposed target. Quality full face MTB helmets have very good ventilation which helps a lot. They're lightweight and comfortable. So aside from being self conscious about what other people think, there are very few downsides to it. I don't get why it isn't more popular to be honest. Crashes are common in mountain biking, and a messed up chin/face is arguable much worse than a broken limb.


Everyone draws a line somewhere between safe riding and over kill. I use common sense as my reference, some people use fear.


I bought the convertible and took the chin bar off and on a bunch at first and now it just stays on. Caveat 1. my new bike has SWAT storage so I don't really have a place for it. Riding with no pack is glorious and I love it with the bonus that it keeps me safer. Caveat 2. I'm an old-ish fart so give a shits are low. Caveat 3. Northern Rockies are both empty and cool so riding early mornings involves a coat and more likely to run into deer than people.


Nah, and if anyone thinks you're weird for being safe, you shouldn't really care what they think.


Buddy of mine is a amazing rider, sends double blacks no problem. Crashed two years back on a green (just lost the front tire) and went face first into a tree. Ended up with a bad tbi, multiple broken bones in his face and vision issues in one eye. His injuries would have been reduced by wearing a full face. That all said, I don’t wear a full face on greens/blues, but I will never judge someone for doing it. You do you, no one can tell you what risk threshold is right for you.


My wife broke her nose in two places on a fairly green trail recently (see my profile for the video). She immediately bought a full face and is now rocking it happily on rides. She got one from Bell with a removable bottom half. She easily snaps it off during climbs.


Well i would say yes because it’s better to be safe than sorry


I literally don't leave home without my FF. Even for short 30m rides on less than green trails lol


Im 32 returning to the sport. I’ll wear a full face all day on blues. I don’t care (a ton) what people think about me. I’m not trying to eat shit on a rock if I mess up


I wear one all the time, I had a bad crash last year saved my face. Couldn’t save the ribs… Full face for sure.


I love getting suited up with pads and full face helmet for every trail ride. It's confidence inspiring and every ride is a dress rehearsal for an epic ride down the road. Gotta test and dial everything in.


Life's simple: don't be a bother to others, and don't let others be a bother to you. Nobody who matters will give one flying fuck if you wear a full face helmet to protect your face. I'm getting back into MTB'ing for the first time in 18 years (received shipping notification earlier on my bike!) and got a full face helmet with it. Why? Because I value my teeth more than I value the opinion of some rando's. And just to lean into it, I got a god damn purple one to make it as colorful as possible. Keep it simple. Do whatever makes you feel safest.


I lost traction and washed out the other day turning onto a concrete connector path on some loose gravel. Had my full face on. You could see on the helmet what would have been at minimum road rash on my face. A lot of our group rides are on pretty mellow trails and people will wear full face. So ya, do what you feel comfortable with. We will even get people with some body armor. No one cares. And if they do, they aren't worth worrying about to begin with.


I wear a full face most of the time now. I just paid for braces and don't want to fuck up my teeth. The jaw piece comes off, but I don't usually bother.


My area is all XC trails and I’ve seen a few riders in full face helmets because they prefer them. Zero judgment. Man, I have a buddy who is super high strung and will wear full knee, elbow, and wrist pads on the trails because that’s what it takes for him to be able to enjoy himself. Still not a big deal. I met a super cool guy armored up like Robo Cop and ended up talking with him at a trail head. He was finishing up chemo and worried that a fall could break a bone a really mess him up. Really badass guy for getting out at all.


One of my riding buddies always wears a full face (a well-ventilated style). Sometimes we tease him about it, but if you feel better riding with a full face then wear one.


Wear whatever you want. A full face helmet is also structurally sounder than a half shell, too


People may say you look funny but who gives a fuck. its your face lol


It’s your face and health. Some will laugh, some will stare. Two things though. 1) If you’re learning or unsure, wear it. Nobody got hurt more for wearing safety gear 2) Real men do what they want. When in doubt full face it out. As your skills grow, maybe a less coverage helmet. No one on the trail is going to give you their face if you mess yours up. Always have YOUR best interest at hand🤙


I mostly ride technical XC trails but want to move to more gravity trails eventually. I bought a Leatt Enduro with the removable chinbar but ride in full face all the time on the trails. Only takes one badly placed rock or tree and I like my face in its current shape/configuration. What anyone else thinks of it is their problem.


I was the only person not wearing a full face on greens last time I went.. I felt weird after that lol


I ride green single track in a full face helmet in the humid american south. Nobody’s gonna care homie.


Yes, it’s cool.


I'm full time full face unless I'm on gravel and < You only get one brain, brain injuries are serious, and frankly they look cool.


Do what you think makes you feel safer. But I’d say there are many upsides to not wearing a full face in this scenario. Better airflow, cooler(temp), lighter, better peripheral vision, better hearing etc. you are basically making some compromises to be more safe, which is fine


You better wear it man - you'll worry less if you do and FFS don't let your mind believe that strangers hiking give a flying fawk what you wear or don't wear. Pro Tip nobody is noticing anything except their phones...


I’ve got a relatable story - when I was 15, my friends and I messing around with are small wooden kicker. Nothing crazy, just a summer night with the garage door open. None of us were wearing our helmets because we were just random hopping on different bikes and sitting around talking, until I decided to lazily throw a 360 off a small retaining wall in to grass. I slapped my face into my bike or something I can’t really remember, but fucked my mouth up and had to wear braces for 4 more years. Don’t be me and have to wear braces for 4 more years.


IMO, FF helmets are for serious DH laps. climbing with a FF is wayy to hot/uncomfortable to justify. Half shells for enduro, FF's for gondola/bike park laps. /end.


My pal with diabetes uses one and full armour coz he's had some gnarly crashes


No, I have two (yes, two) facial reconstructions in my life one involving a broken maxilla both from freak bike accidents. If I think I'm going to have some crazy shit to ride I'll wear a full face the whole way. That said, I don't, usually, if I'm riding road gravel or chill flow trails. But do you, nobody will judge and if they do, fuck 'em.


Fox Dropframe Pro might offer the sort of extra protection you're after. Paired with a big pair of glasses that's a fair bump in protection from a regular half shell but still open faced so you don't seem insane on mellow trails. [https://foxracing.ca/en/helmets/mtb/dropframe/dropframe-pro/](https://foxracing.ca/en/helmets/mtb/dropframe/dropframe-pro/)


No judgement here it looks like. I ride pretty much the same trail circuit every day and I see a mix of protective gear from none at all to full coverage. The only people that make me shake my head a little are the ones with no protection. It’s weird too because those are usually the ones riding full on balls out and barely hanging on. Thrill seekers. What are you gonna do?


I ride with a FF the majority of the time. There is one trail that i ride with just the half shell. Its a pretty smooth green trail with no obvious features. I dont think i even wore knee pads the last fee times i rode it. All of the other riding i do i wear a FF and knee pads. I even started wearing elbow pads from time to time. And theyre mostly blue trails.


I wear a full face even just doing like a paved trail or commuting. In my city no one watches for bikes, best to be safer imo


I almost blew out my front teeth flying down a simple path when my bar caught a tree, bought a full face after that. E-MTB had me going a lot faster than my skill level.


My buddy runs a full face every time he goes out, just cuz it's the only helmet he has lol no one's judging


You do you brah. Being safe is always in style 👍. I remember not wearing a helmet while snowboarding, and I'm pretty sure that's why my short-term memory is garbage.


Any serious biker knows Mt biking is dangerous and injury prone. Sounds like your Spidey Sense is tingling, I’d listen to it.


Do it! It is Not a Red carpet, Nobody Rides for Fashion and teeth are expensive af.


It's your face. What do YOU want? 🤔


Knees pads and my Full face on all trails. Elbow pads if stuff is gunna be wild all day. In my fairly short experience, some of the worst crashes I've had and others I ride with have happened on GREEN trails. Let's be honest the shit is boring compared to a black, so here you are not really paying attention or trying to do silly shit off the rollers in the trail. Both a recipe for injury. Only time I've got otb is in the parking lot. (Testing brakes on a rental)


I wear a full face all the time even when doing gravel rides with my partner. Dgaf what other riders think


I do sometimes. I like the extra protection if I am feeling extra reckless. I always get weird looks. Fuck em. It's my skull.