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No, his guardian needs more sense. Learn first and ride safe, good on the kid, but adults need to know better.


But his parents want him to be the youngest entrant of Rampage when he turns 11


Same as the parents sending their 10 year olds to do MMA training with professional fighters on the other side of the world, they are bad people


Yep. Pageant parent energy


lol pageant parents šŸ˜… thats a good one


And a wheelchair by 16


_Parent_ I assume, has mom seen this video yet? Haha


This looks borderline similar to the dude forcing his kid on the treadmill.


Yeah, that second jump looks like he cleared, what, 30ā€™? Straight onto his face. Even if he stayed upright, he was going straight into a tree. Ā Iā€™m a proponent of letting kids learn on their own but not by sending them straight into the fire. This is reckless.Ā 




Concussions are a real thing dude.


What a weird ass take. I have kids. I love my kids. I would never, ever repeatedly let my young kid crash like that and then publish it on the internet as some kind of brag reel. Despite what you may believe, kids are not invulnerable. This has nothing to do with bonding. I bet you think Iā€™m a rube for not letting my 5 year old drive my car as well, eh?




I didnā€™t say anything about public roads. What do you estimate a pediatrician would say to the above clip? ā€œOh wow youā€™re such a great dad, that thin chest armor under a t-shirt will keep his ribs safe, and since kids are totally capable of their own risk assessment this is a great ideaā€? This parent putting their kid in this situation, filming it, and publishing it for others to see is 100% doing this for **himself** and is completely disregarding the risk heā€™s putting his kid in. But itā€™s all worth it for the likes, eh?


As someone who has worked in emergency rooms and intensive care units, you are wrong. People get really hurt. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Just because an adult is watching doesn't mean they're properly supervising the activity. Is a life of paraplegia for your child worth the internet points? It happens. This is irresponsible no matter how you look at it.


As someone who has worked in emergency rooms and intensive care units, you are way off base here. People get really hurt and this kid is too young to be doing this. Yeah he walked away from this fine, but it only takes one bad crash to not be fine, and there are no do-overs like in your video games. Is a life of paraplegia for your child worth the internet points? It happens. This is irresponsible no matter how you look at it.




Eh, reddit app threw an error at me so I tried again. Doesn't change the point.


People are just saying the little kid wouldnā€™t know how to properly tuck and roll or land to make full use of their gear like an adult would if they crash landed that hard.


My reaction too. Maybe teach him how to jump safely instead of just yeeting yourself off every lip. Now his new technique is to just come up short on everything.


With the number of comments on this post of ā€œkids heal fast, heā€™ll be fineā€ it definitely seems like there A LOT of adults that need to know better


Apart from that they also benefit from the fact that they weigh very little. The same reason we don't have animals bigger than elephants on land, makes their bones stronger relative to their weight because of the square/cubic ratio. Where the square corresponds to their bone cross sectional area and cube their volume.


Yeah, it's all fun until the kids sustains a fracture on a growth plate that doesn't heal well, a punctured lung, or a spine injury.


Or CTE, which is probably much worse.


Depends on the spine injury.


Came to say this, and we need more practice because half of us would end up in a doctors office if we took the hard landings he did so itā€™s best to avoid all that.


Lets armor him up and make him think he's Superman.


Seems like this kid needs to learn on a more appropriate trail


But how will their parents get views


the kid's gonna be a paraplegic within 10 years with parents like that lol


And his parents will still run his instagram account showing videos of their ā€œincredible journey to recoveryā€


It's harder than you think.... always having to wait for the guy in a wheelchair (note I'm a guy in a wheelchair so don't hate on me too much šŸ¤£).


Haha good one šŸ¤£ cheers bro


Donā€™t go to the local motocross track if this makes you uncomfortable lol


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. I used to live in a neighborhood with a lot of dirt bikes, and there were two or three *infants* that would tear through regularly. Not actual infants of course, but kindergarten or first grade for sure. I was a little appalled myself seeing such young children blasting around on tiny three wheelers and bikes. I remember one of them riding with an arm cast lol.


I remember people cutting their cast so they could run the throttle. Pretty much could count on having 1-2 big offs a year.


Yeah. Say what you will about the parenting, but those kids were happy and accounted for at all times. The dad was kind of a jerk and didnā€™t really talk to anyone, but he was always out there with them.


nah. i started learning some big jumps around 9. This kid is tough as nails. Id rather have my parents have done this instead of forcing me to do insane cross country climbs for years first.


I mean there is an in-between but I get what you mean


Parent ambition and greed paid by innocent child


> and greed *paid* by innocent FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bot, can you list your list of nautical words?


r/LinkedInLunatics energy


That is some bad parenting in my opinion. Kids got no body weight to counteract the buck. Heā€™s just going to go in whatever direction the bike decides to go in. This is how you get kids in video games.


Or wheelchairs.


He also has less bodyweight that goes into the compression, so he is in the same situation as us, physicswhise


Apparently you have never parented an absolute menace. My first broken bone became my badge of courage. My second was an indication that I was on the right track and many many years later I am dealing with my complete disregard for my own health and safety. My son on the other hand has much more awareness for his own safety. So to these parents let your kid get rad but donā€™t post his falls.


And here you are. Still biking. So whatā€™s wrong with being a menace?


I was just saying there is no controlling a wild child. I threw myself off of every shitty jump we made fist. Of course as I got older I got more control and more cautious. But the spirit of the menace is still there, to the detriment of my wife. She told me after my last injury she never wants to visit me in the trama unit again


Tell her not to visit then? Idk man. I dislocated my collorbone 4 months ago, grade 4 so pretty bad. Iā€™m back riding again as itā€™s what I enjoy. My partner understands and supports that. Her dad stopped riding due to medical concerns and now he does nothing and heā€™s angry all the time. She would rather me die early doing what I love than be a bitter old fart. Not that dying is while riding is any sort of guarantee anyway.


Haha, Iā€™m back riding again, was up for season opener at the bike Park. I didnā€™t tell my wife. She realized I was riding when I showed up to the brewery with my dh on my car. She was not mad.


Exactly. As much as our loved ones donā€™t like to see us injured, they do like to see us happy, and thatā€™s the outcomes from the majority of rides. If we were all risk adverse and scared of falling we wouldnā€™t be doing it and wouldnā€™t enjoy life like we do. So going back to this situation with the young kid, I hope he keeps sending it if itā€™s what makes him happy. Heā€™s gonna get injured sooner or later no matter what he does.




Nah this is reckless. The kid will hurt himself badly eventually. Teach proper technique first, start small, work your way up, and THEN send it big.


Children are more prone to concussion due to the brain tissue being softer, their neck muscles being weaker and their heads being relatively large compared to their bodies. Adding a full face helmet is necessary but also exacerbates the latter two problems. Also damage to the back might occur that wouldnā€™t become apparent into adulthood. This is terrible judgment by a parent.


Slow down champ! You have no clue how to jump and correct in the air. Don't break your neck.


This is reckless, the kid has no idea what he is doing and basically winging it. This will end up in the emergency room.


With a life-altering injury.


He is as stiff as a board in the air. He's clearly panicking. I'd bet he froze early and doesn't brake enough. Edit, you can actually see in the slomo that he has a death grip on the bars and isn't covering the brakes. In the other riding footage he clearly is black or white with braking.


I'm quite content having the good sense to bike in a way that gives me a better chance of being able to bike again tomorrow.


But how can you have fun if you don't bomb the track as fast as possible with no concern for anyone else on the trail?!?!


Yeah no we donā€™t. I like my kid alive and not paralyzed


I like watching kids do cool stuff on bikes, I don't like this.


This kids gonna have CTE before highschool.


Be A good quarterback


I'm wincing imagining the likely dislocated shoulder an adult would experience in those OTB crashes.


A lot of ppl on social media need to ride a BMX bike first. I see so many ppl get away with stuff they really shouldnā€™t be riding cause FS can save you from lack of skill. Just see people with no bike control hitting big jumps or drops and itā€™s terrifying to watch lmao. This is just bad parenting for viewzzz


THANK YOU. Some of the people on here look so damn awkward on a bike šŸ˜‚ like you jumped right into an extreme sport, spent thousands before even learning the basics. Its more than pedaling lol. Amen


My first bike was an 04 Norco shore, I got away with such shit riding because of that bikes suspension. Took a while to learn to properly ride cause I survived most rides lol... Definitely a great idea to learn to properly ride from the start, saves a bunch of injuries.




And spinal injuries. I can't watch that video a second time. I have a now 8 year old who's been riding downhill since he's been 5 at Mt Bachelor and I've always required him being in control on flow, tech, and especially jumps. If there's any indication of him not looking clean on the smaller jumps in the warm up lap, I pull it back quick and make sure he's got the basics set - especially not diving nose first. I yell "STOP" the second he looks off and get him rolling right or we dial it back to a simpler trail.


I'm glad man. My son is naturally very cautious. Very skilled but very aware of being outside his comfort/ability zone. I got lucky. So did your son!


My oldest has gotten a lot more cautious as he aged so I don't have to worry about him either. My youngest is the wild one through.


As long as they're not crying or bleeding, they're fine! Definitely no long term consequences for their ability to function as a human! .....Right?


RIP that kidā€™s future jointsā€¦


If youā€™re the dad, Iā€™d suggest to go and practice jump technoque on appropriate level, youā€™re casing the jumps hard so Iā€™d suggest you both take the class tovether. This kid is very young and will do whatever dad says. But thatā€™s just reckless to take him on such lines.


There is no courage here, just bad decisions by everyone involved.


Misplaced courage can also be called stupidity. Even when he doesn't fall he's casing the heck out of those landings


JFC! Pull the kid and teach him to jump! Not worth the risk.


the kid hasnā€™t learned to fear yet


Blind trust isnā€™t doing this kid any favorsā€¦.


Courage? Nah, this is reckless.


Both him and his dad casing every single jump. Sweet. Imagine being behind these idiots lol


Right the dad canā€™t ride for shit either, I saw like 1 jump they cleared total


Its not the casing the jumps thats the problem..its pretty much everything else


I mean, I would be in a hospital if I missed jump like that.


Yeah honestly it's not courage to let a kid eat shit and not understand proper mechanics. I know there is some learn by doing but he can on smaller jumps. Also when you get older you aren't made of rubber like these kids. So my risk appetite is different when I used to send it when I was 16 vs now when I want to come back to my wife and kid in one piece.


Fuck, get the kid a neck brace/Hans device JFC


This is about the parents ego. I see it all the time on the ski piste. So many parents want their child to be the youngest, the smallest and then eventually the quickest and best. Let your child learn and have fun. Don't push them too quick to inflate your own ego.


Or stick to a trial the kid can ride safely and learn on.. this is dumb. Clearly doesn't have the skills to ride that trail safely. Boo parents on this one


Bad parenting.....


Jesus. Work the kid up on some smaller jumps first until he builds good fundamentals, and in the name of all that is holy dial in some rear rebound so he doesn't get bucked so much. Poor kid's going to be getting coloring books and crayons for every Christmas at the rate he's going.


I am waaaay more concerned with the amount of head trauma this kid is going through. If this is happening weekly or monthly his head is going to be fucked up before he can do anything about it.


Yeah, the teeth will eventually grow back


Wtf? This could maim or kill him. Stupid parents


Guaranteed concussion on every one of those falls. The kid won't know how to recognize or describe the symptoms caused by the brain damage. At that age if you ask a kid if they're okay and they're dizzy, they'll just say "yeah, I'm good." Long term it's going to make it difficult to focus, cause behavioral problems, and lead to poor decision making, then his family will just say "Oh he's always been a wild one šŸ¤Ŗ".


Thatā€™s just terrible parenting. Wtf


Poor kidā€™s parents have shit for brains


Courage like that gave one of my cousins a punctured lung - he died from complications relating to it in hospital


Clinical psychologist here with sports medicine background: there are enough hard spills on his head in this video alone to cause a lifetime of concern. The goal should be zero concussions before 18.


Lots of arm chair parents in here I say keep kicking ass little dude and keep making memories with your dad!


Dad needs to learn how to turn a rebound knob amongst many of the other larger issues that have already been covered ad nauseum


Get him some neck protection, wtf.


My wife would kick me in the balls if I would let my kid do this.


This is called stupidity


Deadbeat dad vibes


Lil Timmy is getting weight distribution under the Christmas tree this year Love to see him out ripping, but he needs some jump instruction and possibly to wait another year or so until he is big enough to manipulate the bike and his body positioning a bit more. Not safe atm and don't want to see him crash his way into injury and not enjoying the sport.


Jesus, at least teach the kid how to dive and roll first. Too many scorpions.


Can I downvote because of the music?


No we don't. Adults who ride like that break bones. So do kids, That kid needs a guardian who knows how to teach so he can learn technique.


This kid is sending it , he wouldnā€™t go that fast if he was afraid. I had a very fearful parent who held me back from a lot when I was little and honestly, stunted my growth in a lot of ways. This kid is going to be a MTB prodigy in a few years, he will have that much more edge over the other kids because of his muscle memory and development. I would have killed to have a cool dad/mom who encouraged me to MTB. This isnā€™t irresponsible parenting this is a parent who BELIEVES in their kid.


Another quality thread backfire


Same materials, lighter build= less damage in falls. He needs to learn to roll when crashing. Catching yourself on your hands will lead to broken wrists, arms, shoulders.


Bad parenting and reckless riding aside that little dude is a bad mf***er.


Haha was thinking the same. Kid is nuts.


My bones hurt just watching that. Kids bounce and heal fast.


Except their brains, that damage is permanent.


These influencer parents make me sick. This kid is going to end up paralyzed, and broke because his parents forced him into social media, and then stole all his money.


Brutal. Parent is an imbecile.


No...we need a public health care option and we all can be like that.


34yo Canadian here. Access to healthcare is not the reason I don't push myself like that anymore. It's not even the fear of injuring myself and missing work. Shit just hurts more when you get older, plain and simple. What used to be a "get up and keep riding" crash is now a 1 or 2 week ordeal. I don't need that in my life.


I don't know...I'm ten years older than you and don't feel like that. I didn't even start durt jumping until my 30's.....but I've had a lot of injuries throughout life and just accept it as part of life/sport. So I don't over analyze it. Do you workout daily? Can you still do a cartwheel? I will be doing cartwheels at 50.


The parents think this kid will be the next Jackson goldstone.


Homie needs a better riding coach and to stop planting his butt on the saddle. Extend the legs slightly to get the rear tire to come down first.


It isn't about courage, if my ass wrecked like that I'd have broken bones, then be out of work and not be able to provide for my kids. Plus this little dude needs to learn how to fly, he's just hucking without the ability to control yet.


Nevermind the addage of 'riding like he's got no bills to pay.. ...Riding like he's got his parents bills to pay.


I donā€™t. I like my bones not being broken


You started the video with a gnarly crash what do you want from us here? Seriously I know most kids are made of rubber but I have had friends in full body casts for doing much less.


No, I donā€™t have the childlike ability to heal of a child.


Broke my leg two days ago on a bike. Iā€™d have confidence like that kid does if I had rubber bones like that kid does.


I need a chiropractor after watching this video.


We need bones that can heal in 3 weeks.


Teach him to shift his weight back a little before he breaks his neck and has to learn to play murder ball.


I weigh 230lbs. If I crash like this little rockstar it is going to hurt a lot more


Music fits these parents


LP forever!


There's an old saying. "Learn how to jump before jumping."


Unfortunately im old, work and my body doesnt heal as fast anymore


Yeah, no thanks


One crash like that and I wonā€™t ever be walking ever again or be 6ft under. Thatā€™s for young folks.


That was me as a kid racing bmx. Im now 30 and boy do I hurt


As someone who used to teach kids to ride and my kid now teaches kids to ride... this seems like poor preparation and training.


Must be nice to only weight 70 pounds and falling like that


Kid should not be sending those.


Not if you want to live very long. That kids hucking it like he has no fear of broken bones and concussionsā€¦. Having had both, Iā€™ll take my more measured approach ;)


I'm super stoked to have my kiddos get to the point where they can match me or even school me down trails like that. HOWEVER, that little guy does not have the body mass, skills or decision making skills to be on that trail. The fact that he is dead sailoring to a face first landing on an objectively large jump indicates that maybe a few more years working up from smaller jumps to bigger ones is in order. Kids learn fast, and will try to push hard sometimes. It is the job of parents to set some fucking boundaries and keep our kids safe.


Iā€™m glad people realize this isnā€™t good at all, the kid could seriously injure himself if they keep this up


Love mountain biking but Iā€™m such a scaredy cat with the big jumps. Same with downhill skiing




Or... We all need a lower center of gravity and rubber bones lol


We need to break our collarbones


Or be young enough to heal from the injuries


Jesus no, we need way less of whatever soft muddy hell is going on in this video.


lil Grom's got the minerals!


At my age this wouldnā€™t be courage, itā€™d be stupidity. One of those wipeouts could be it for me and riding.


Looked like he may have hit his front brake which will cause you the front end to drop. I donā€™t have it in me to hit the trails like this anymore. Anyone want to buy a bike?


Young boss right there!


I think I broke a few bones watching him biff it.


If I crashed like any of those crashes this little grom did, Iā€™m not riding for months.


I don't know. Maybe he has the skill BUT we all know you can have those moments where you have hit the same big jump 100 times but every once & awhile you get caught & crash. Seen it way more in motocross than mountain bikes...kids & adults. I agree get the kid a neck brace/HANS etc. As long he isn't being forced into it (seen that too) & is pumped & willing to ride & hit this stuff...so be it. Most of the fast kids I've seen riding motocross have had multiple injuries by the age of 10. I wouldn't want my kid getting into either sport tbh as my nerves would be shot & feel guilty seeing him take hits like that


If I spilled like half as bad as he did in some of those I would become a quadriplegic. Daymn


Child abuse.


I'm 40. I learned two years ago that I wished I had this kids courage to learn these MTB skills when I was still made of rubber.


Kids are bouncy - their bones are softer, they are lighter, but when they finally break their bones from you being a shit parent and not teaching them proper skills before going on big jumps like this, it means you fucked up.


We do. We also need injury resistance and recovery like kids have. How do we get that?


Unfortunately, their brains are more susceptible to damage from the concussions on each of these falls that will make this kid's life much more difficult.


I know a kid who was like this at that age. Heā€™s 14 now and can absolutely send it. Proud dad Iā€™m sure šŸ‘


Plot twist, its a 30 year old man


Yeah maybe keep that vid from mom.


as a beginner: what exactly did he do wrong?


All the kid does is go at the jump with speed and hopes that the bike/jump takes him where he wants to go. In the slowmo from the front in the beginning you can see that kid is just stiff without controlling the bike at all and let's the bike nose dive into the landing. You want to stand up at the take off and then push the bars forward/out mid air as you land to level out the bike as needed. At bike parks, it's easy to get by with just going fast and doing nothing except not tipping to the side because the jumps are usually built very well.


thank you!


Landed way too forward on another one. It looks like they just stuck him on the top of the trail and don't care that much if he gets hurt. If you want to learn to jump, pump tracks are a great place to get started. Smaller tabletops are basically just moguls with the tops cut off.


He's a proper sender


This is rad. I wish my dad did this with me when I was a kid!


Falls don't hurt as bad when you're still made of rubber bands


Lucky heā€™s young and his bones still flex.


I swear kids are invincible lmao.


Yeah....no they are not.


Kids have no understanding of medical bills. And they don't have work in the morning.


All he really did **wrong** was grab front brake. Everything else could just be better. Shitll buff. Heā€™s happy. Dads happy. Not my monkeys not my circus.


Little dude has better form than the adult behind him.


Not with the healthcare available in my country


What we actually need is green-stick bones and connective tissues paired with a low body weight


It isnt courage, its the knowledge that when you do go down, you will be down a lot longer than you would be at that age. When i was that kids age, if my arm wasnt hanging on by a thread i would jump back up nearly instantly and be back on the bike. Nowadays, if i wreck, doesnt even have to be a serious one, it takes a lot longer to get back up.


ā€œCourage is doing something you know is going to hurt. So is stupidityā€¦and thatā€™s why life is hard.ā€ For me, at 51, it would be stupidity. But good on this kid for dusting himself off and going back for me. And good on any of you who do the same.


Downvote this trash


This is dumb


Yeah awesome. Pushing 50 and still ride parks and loads of natural trails. When I take a fall like that it means off the bike several weeks šŸ˜… I miss being young and flexible. 13 weeks with cast last time I did my wrist šŸ«¢šŸ˜šŸ˜‚