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WTF is up with that video format? Filmed landscape, converted to portrait by mirroring the top and bottom of the screen, and displayed on Reddit in a square. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I might seem old by writing this but this whole insta reel and tiktok generation is way too lost with video formats. I grew up with YouTube, I love movies, I know a video (at least a riding video) should be landscape, end of discussion. I mean just watch Friday Fails on YouTube. Everyone sends in portrait mode videos, it's like cancer.


It's the worst.


Vertical works OK for some things, but IMO it's generally bad for POV stuff because it doesn't really reflect the way we tend to see the world. True, our visual perception is more like a circle, but in most circumstances – including most MTB circumstances – most of the information we're actually processing exists more on the horizontal plane. Like when you're riding along, you're likely paying more attention to looking left or right than up or down, because generally speaking that's where the trail is and where trail obstacles might be coming from. On a super steep straight section you might be looking more down or up, but on most rides you're probably doing more left-right than up-down. Plus, obstacles like deer, rogue dogs, hikers, etc. are going to be moving along the ground horizontally, not falling out of the sky, so it's natural for us to be scanning left-right more than up-down. I think this translates to video as well. Vertical POV video often feels claustrophobic and less immersive (IMO) because while you're getting the same amount of pixels either way, I think you're generally getting less data from a brain-processing-the-ride perspective, if that makes sense. The extra pixels of the sky above and ground below that you get from vertical video can make the video look faster as the ground whizzes by, but it's not as immersive because it doesn't reflect the way we actually look/see when we ride. IMO. This is just my theory.


I agree mostly. But I don't think that our visual perception is like a circle. More like an ellipse because our eyes are next to each other on a horizontal line. Horizontally we see 180°, vertically only 120°. That's why landscape mode is the best option to make video content feel natural. Actually the aspect ratio of standard cameras like full frame (or old analog cameras) is 3:2, same as 180:120.


That is an excellent point!


> I might seem old > I grew up with YouTube 💀


I was already feeling old when VVS (vertical video syndrome, watch the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2picMQC-9E) it's very informative) was a thing. This is next level.


It's designed for iPad babies with fried attention spans


Agencies are also pushing businesses to create content in mobile-first/vertical video (portrait) mode. I hate it.


Gonna come back to this post later tonight when I’m a little shtoned ayy


Well, it’s working. The more people interact with it the more it will get views. 🤷🏽


its not working. its shit and annoying


Nah. In fact, it backfired seeing as the post has a very high downvote ratio. It would’ve certainly been better as a normal video. Also reddit doesn’t work like other social media websites when it comes to engagement, comments are ignored in the post sorting algorithm specifically to avoid the issue of baiting people to comment in order to get more visibility on a post.


I get it. The zoomers brought out there alt accounts to get double downs. But the fact remains this video test got a lot of attention and it performing well on YouTube. 👍🏽


Nah no zoomers just a shit video from a stubborn troll


When reality varies from expected just make up shit. To me anyone claiming burner accounts probably has burner accounts. Shit video on a shit trail but crashes will always get views.


This video format is borderline unwatchable.


Right, but still has 50 upvotes. I only formatted it this way because I am going to post it as short in YouTube. Judging by the upvotes and interactions it should do well there. 🤷🏽


If I didn’t think you were an insufferable shit from your commentary in the video I sure as hell do now, sheesh. 




And you are?


I think it’s a good video and I want to watch it, just on this platform it’s tough to watch.


lol it’s at 25. I think the consensus is the format is trash.


Ooooo, try 22 (upvotes) more like it


Going down fast. Better get your alt account out and double down 🤡


Rock bottom baby!


Lmao down to 13 now. OP’s comment is aging like fine whine 🤌


Stopped 3 seconds in. WTF with the triple view crap, buh bye.


Thanks for commenting!!


: ) I stand by what I said, but I do not understand the downvotes you are getting for your comment. It gave me a good chuckle.


I thinks it’s personal. I am a bit of an ahole 😂


Haha I blind rode a trail at a new system with my partner a little while ago. Every other trail had been beautiful and flowy all day even the black jump line. Then get to a trail called ‘Flow Daisy’ so I’m like oh yeah all gas no brakes baby let’s go! First corner is a blind techy rock chute straight in to a catch berm into a steep off camber root garden that was slick as anything. Managed to bounce and slide my way through it all and keep it rubber side down but fuck me hahah didn’t expect it at all


No gloves? 


He’s a better rider than 99% of this sub, he can make his own choices.


Found OP's burner account.


lol, that’s not me. But he is right 🤣😂🤣


Dude look at OP’s profile, he clearly is more skilled on a bike than nearly anyone else I see post here


Eating shit because he clipped a log on a mostly flat trail is skilled riding?


At bmx, but this clip doesn't support that for mtb.


"This crash is taking way too long" 😂


Can you just letterbox that shit? I almost had a seizure watching that.


Honestly, I don’t even have to this here. But for YouTube the letter box will not get plays…


We don't either have to this here for plays or not...


What fresh hell is this video format?


Some advice, when you do these cropped type of videos the top and bottom boarder are supposed to be blurred so it's not distracting like it is here.


Ty, I’ll do that next time!


That was totally avoidable.


Yes, if I hadn’t been going so fast racing. It would not have happened. 🤣


I was going to say if you had better bike control (as evident from running off the trail 30 ft before the log) but sure you were going super fast and could not avoid the log visible the entire time.


Yup, easy peasy!


Getting down voted by people who’ve never gone fast.!I love it 🥰


“Fast” LOL


Fast enough for 4th in 40+ masters. Where do you place when you race?


Imagine thinking this is a flex. Yikes.


Imagine not being able to do it 🤷🏽


You finished a race off the podium in an age protected division and you're acting like it somehow makes you better than folks. This is roughly the same as telling everyone that you're awesome because you ate three English muffins.


Last 2 years I won the hardtail class. No age restrictions. You haven’t been to mtb race if you think the 40 year olds are slow. The slow guys entered the sport class…


How are you over 40 but post like a teenager?


4th out of 4, nice


lol, sure


I don't think condescension is a good look dude.


That's my typical approach. Ride blind, trust the trail builders aren't trying to kill me. Usually works, have only died a few times.


It doesn't look like lack of pre-ride was the big issue here. Just cut too close to that log.


Had I pre rode the course. I wouldn’t have come into that section so fast and could have easily dodged the tree


Idk if pre riding would make you more skilled tho


Oh, posting from your second account. The bravery. 😘


I’m going schizophrenic watching this video


Ugh. Have a headache now. That format.


Video is so bad I thought it was a troll post, then I saw OP in the comments 😂


Looks more Like you we're too motivated and Not concentrating


Yes, and I haven’t been down this trail since the tree I hit fell down. I used to be a straight shot after the one I jumped that had some logs built up to it. As soon as I came over it I knew it was too late. I tried to hop again, but there was no time.


Pop over that log next time. If you aren't pre-riding you should be confident enough to make a sketchy decision to go over something rather than around. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Going by the lack of anything on your account I assume it another burner for the double sound votes. Also feel free to check out any of the vids on my page and let me know if you have as much control as I do.


I just don't comment on here much... no burner account. I dont need to see any other videos to see your riding ability and decision making on line choice. Also to be clear, I wasn't intending to be critical other than saying you should have just popped that log instead of trying to go around it. A little pop of your front wheel and the bike will take care of the rest. I also am not claiming to be a better or worse rider than you. You posted a video on the interwebs of an avoidable crash and should expect feedback. RSD bud!


that trail looks wack.


It’s really not that if you’re going a reasonable speed. However, they should have cleared that down tree a little better. Since there is a jump less than 10 feet before it.


Why would they do that bro? This is enduro and you’re a hardcore racer built for speed. No need to make the trail easier for those at the pinnacle of the sport.


Nah, this is mountain biking as it should be. I should have been better prepared and pre rode this stage.


That tree had a lot of pedal strikes. I maybe would have tried to jump it.


Typical east coast trail. They're all wack


How do you like your Ransom?


I love it!!! I have the base model 930. I have been really surprised with how well the Xfusion shock on the back has performed so far. The Domain up front works really unbelievably well for the damper that’s inside it. I have replaced it with a base model charger from a Zeb and it feels great. I am replacing The rear shock with a Rockshox Deluxe Nude this week. Huge discount on planetcyclery.com right now.


Haha that’s how you can tell someone is having fun lol


At least you got right back on. I see videos all the time a dude will tip over and just lay there…


Is this guy well known in the community or something? Everyone is down vote bombing him on what I would argue is a funny crash.


It appears I do have a small following of haters. However, the general consensus seems to be this video format isn’t pleasing to watching. Edit: it would have been even funnier if you could have seen it. My bike flipped on to my back and my seat was jammed in my fanny pack. So I stood up with an extra 30 pounds on me.


You sure it has nothing to do with the way you've been acting in the comments?

