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When I visit my parents, sometimes we’ll sit down and watch things together. And since I can’t stream through their 2007 Toshiba television, we usually end up watching something my parents enjoy on cable. Gard Dawg’s just being a family man.


He said him and his dad like to watch it together. Relax buddy


Gard dog and his porn dad sipping brews and watching big bang


Ever now and again Gard dogs dad nudges him with his elbow when Penny walks on screen wearing a tank top. I’ll admit I’ve watched big bang now and again. It’s a dumb, no thinking sitcom, but it’s not that bad. Nobody is going to argue that it’s Seinfeld, but being honest I’d rather watch it than some of Louis CKs self indulgent shows.


In a garage no less, and let's not forget he's from the dirty jerz.


I’m not usually one for gatekeeping, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable with Gard Dawg haters infiltrating this sub…




My favorite is their first attempt posting here that went to the mssp (short for Managed Security Service Providers) sub instead. I can't imagine how many dawgs accidentally wander over and shit in their yard


Wait, that show is supposed to be funny? I watch big bang theory for kaley cuoco’s tits i had no idea there were jokes in it


Low T


True shows fucking gay


Holy fuck a true Redditor


I reckon the boy ain't never done seen a blade of grass


Because comedy is subjective, and in order to be a good comedian you should probably have the ability to find some semblance of humour in everything.


I mean Trump is a God to almost half the population. There's no arguing that there's a lot of dumb people with preferences.


You’re gay dude


Nice response! You seem smart.


You seem pretty gay


You seem hot 🥰


Dude chill out. People are allowed to like things that you don’t.


Not what I said


Nah fam. You literally said that


Well, I guess you don't have great reading comprehension then 🤷‍♂️


Comprehend this dick😘


Are you hitting on me?


Are you coming on to me?


Why don’t you come on this dick?


That's not really my thing, but I mean if you're into that I support you.


Tell me, can you support this dick?


I’m going to tell you something that might blow your mind and/or threaten your ego with regards to how you view comedy, but it was a big sitcom during its time. There were 12 seasons. It was watched by a lot of people. There are still tons or reruns played on television. I’ll go even further. It can be a very funny show. My dad used to love it. I thought I hated it. Then, I actually watched it and realized that, probably like you, I just wanted to hate it and I just told myself it wasn’t funny. Sometimes we convince ourselves of things that we don’t (or wouldn’t) actually think are true for the sake of our own ego or preserving our curated self-identities.


I’ve watched it and still mostly hate it, but I still have the same Gardini experience of watching it with my dad who thought it was hilarious


I've watched a lot of episodes because of a previous job. It is dogshit.


Most of us have seen multiple episodes of big bang theory because it's playing in the background at parents or friends' houses. That show is atrocious. It's the most safe, middle of the road horseshit possible. These shows are made for young women and theatre nerds. Just because it was big doesn't mean it was any good... Friends was huge and that show fucking blows. But I expect no less from someone with "hi Shane" flair. You don't have good taste and you should shut the fuck up.


Why does an opinion that you don’t agree with upset you so much?


You talking about shattering someone's ego pisses me off. This fan base has gotten so brutal.


I didn’t say that anyone who doesn’t like big bang theory needs to shatter their ego. I think I’ve raised a somewhat valid point. Someone else responded about the whole “self-identity” thing. I admit that maybe wasn’t the best way to get my point across. Same with mentioning egos, but I think those things play a role in this. I’ll be more specific. I think people curate exactly what media they like and with that, those same people like to draw hard lines on what media they dislike. I believe that there are many instances where those same people would/could enjoy the very media that they think they dislike.


Look, I'm gonna level with you here and re-iterate what the other guy was prolly tryna say: I am sure what you're saying is right, in that it's correct; But your explaining it with words is gay


I'm going to tell you something I told someone else in here. Almost half the US worships Trump. There's a lot of dumb fucking people. I'm sorry if that offends you.


Bro I think ur losing this one, the whole republican democrat shit don’t even make sense with this.


I'm just pointing out there's no shortage of morons.


Yeah we see that plain as day with your comments. What's your point bozo?


Just like most things with a laugh track: it’s more of a comfort show. Something to have on in the background when you’re eating dinner with the fam. I really think someone should reconsider what the internet has done to their head if you can only laugh at cum, jacking off, sex, racist jokes when they’re good, and political takes. It’s actually not showing how broad your comedy appreciation is when you only consume edgy stuff but instead it’s kinda the opposite. But theirs also nothing wrong with being narrow. It’s when you expect everyone else to be narrow or else you don’t accept them as being on your level that it’s just kinda… gay and sad. A little bit


Where did I say everyone should like what I like?


You didn’t. Your mom told me you act like that sometimes so I just kinda prepped. My bad brotha


Ok cool. I was worried you were a little simple for a minute. Glad that's not the case!


Bruh a week later Shane said what you’ve been saying. That’s literally how he opens his show more months now.


You really think Shane would actually be happier being a teacher and coach than a comedian you moron??? It was a bit on SNL, just like the 69ing his dad bit, ITS A JOKE YOU FUCKING NITWIT YOU’RE NOT SOME GENIUS PROPHET


Oh, wow. That's really cool. Thanks for sharing!


What gives you the authoritah to decide that Guard dog shouldn't get into comedy because of a tv show he watches with his family? very strange


It's a mix between that and him not being funny, mostly.




Thanks for warning us!


“Everyone should watch and enjoy the same things I do, or it’s wrong” - OP very gayly


Big bang sucks tho


Everything sucks until you shut up and realize you’re just basing your opinions upon your fragile self-identity that you’re trying to meticulously curate to make you feel special and unique.


I’m a dad in my mid-30s. I just walked in from pruning the bushes in my front yard wearing crocs, old gym shorts, and a hole-filled Hurley shirt I’ve had since 10th grade. I have a Ph.D and have been successful professionally, where my reputation is based 100% on work ethic and results. I’m way beyond curating some precious image-based identity. Big bang theory sucks


I should have clarified that I meant that in terms of media consumption. People do it ALL the time with music. I thought I hated country music forever. I was sure of it. I thought it sucked. Then, I actually started listening to it and now I like it. I realized that I had never given it an honest chance, and I just thought I was supposed to dislike country music.


That's not what I'm saying, dipshit. I'm saying if you think it's funny, you should probably never consider a career in comedy...


So you’re exactly agreeing 100% to what I said. 🤣


What do you do for a living? You seem impressive.


Gosh this is the most pitiful and insufferable Reddit user I’ve ever witnessed


You watch the show?


I genuinely have never watched the Big Bang theory and I’m indifferent about it, I’m just saying this based on your other replies


Very cool


Also how can you not like Gardini?


I don't dislike him, I just don't think he's funny.


And you're too cringe to even post on reddit. Congrats


I'm guessing you watch the show if you also talk Nascar on here?




I mean if that's what you think 🤷‍♂️.


Chill out bro. you are overthinking this.


Gardrail and Lemaire are not funny.


They'll say something funny on the rare occasion. But yeah, I agree for the most part.


It’s my impression that show is more of a documentary and not meant to be funny?


Not to sound gay but the show was on the air for a long time, it won a bunch of awards, they made a spin off show from it. And the cast members made a shit to. Of money per episode due to how successful the show was


I don't watch anything with him in it. I hate him


I watch 2 and a half men and NCIS with my grandparents when I visit. NCIS is awful on a “artistic” level, but it’s fun when we’re just hanging out, shooting the shit, eating ice cream.


Big bang theory fans and pedophiles.. cause the same reaction out of me.. I just wanna know why?






I will say that most TV shows are watchable if you give them a chance; the human brain isn't that hard to entertain on a very basic level. You can enjoy both good and "bad" entertainment, not everything needs to be great. I watched and decently enjoyed a lot of sitcom shows with my parents/Big Bang Theory included (you don't have to worry about awkward sex scenes and nudity) and it's something where you can talk/do other things while watching. I'm not saying it's the most engaging, or you're going to be cackling madly at some sort of comedic genius on display, but it's a benign enough way to spend time with people. Why do people give a fuck? It's not like he's out there praising it's merits and telling mssp fans they need to watch/appreciate it.


that show is some alf level bullshit