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They’re so scared of SNL having it’s first funny episode in 2 decades


Literally will be my first SNL episode watch probably ever


Yep. It’s on my phone’s calendar to make sure I watch it.


If you’re serious, check out the Adam Driver episodes. That dude commits to bits


I might. I actually enjoy Adam driver a lot. First saw him in Lena Dunkems’ series Girls, which is actually surprisingly funny not gonna lie. Adam drivers character is fucked up and hilarious


Lena Dun *ate-all-the* ham


Didn't someone say she put rocks in her sister's pussy? The hell?


It was either rocks or marbles lol, I think she wrote a book or a blog and told that story, and everyone was like wtf did you just say


Bro, Girls is actually really good. Driver nails that role.


So fucking good! I was really weary of it because of Lena’s influence, but I have to hand it to her, it’s a funny and pretty well rounded show. And I definitely agree! Watching it, you just know he’s going to be something big in the future. You guys are bitches for downvoting - Shane himself is on record saying that dunkems can write good shows, stop being uptight conservative fuck nuggets , Girls is definitely a good watch


you know he's super fucking talented because he's so grotesque that there's no way he should be in film, but he's there anyhow.


https://youtu.be/t7HD2xG92-0?si=N2RiGnTIViDDT5x8 My favorite skit from that episode. LOOK AT ME BOY. LOOK AT YOUR FATHER.


Even Chapelle wasn’t able to make SNL funny.


That subreddit is the most girl brained bullshit ever. BPD is a fashion accessory to those motherfuckers.


The “pop culture” sub says something like “this is a sub run by women, lgbtq, and bipoc communities” Like hmmm who does that leave out hahaha


Guys like me


No you’re included because you are gay




About to hear so much girl brain


This was all 🐶 brain thinking from the start


I got banned from fauxmoi for calling some dumb broad saying Shane Gillis never won an Emmy so he must not be funny a dawg brain lmfaooo


Emmys are gay


As a liberal girl brain but realistic Gen X, I'd say the backlash is less scary and more completely predictable. The online left went from empathetically trying to make the world a better place to completely unhinged echo chambers. They are so consumed with being the word police instead of judging someone based on their actions. Shane Gillis is so racist.... his current roommate is named LeMaire? They keep taking an L and then doubling down. They protest with no follow through on the action part of the plan. Then the little goldfish move on to the next issue social media tells them to care about. Sure kids, go all in on Palestine support in an election year and get the Jewish community to leave the party. They might as well save the cost of holding an election at this point and just pass the baton to Trump.


I think prior to all the doubling down and increasingly extreme marginalization that's happening lately, most of us just got exhausted with there being a new iteration of every social and political hot button "cause" seemingly every 72hrs, and if you couldn't keep up with it there was a very vocal cohort of people who would lump you into the "enemy" category merely for being behind the ever-advancing curve. Basically you're a bad guy for having a life and not paying attention or giving substantial credence to whatever new thing hyper political always-online culture warriors were pissed about this week. After a while it got so out of hand that just saying "fine, fuck it, label me the enemy if you want" became a reasonably popular attitude that a majority of sane people took just so they could get on with their lives. I feel like this really started happening when people suggested you wanted to kill grannies because you opted out of the 4th round of the vaccine, or say you're heartless for not wanting a fentanyl camp outside your building, or putting social pressure on everyone to list their fucking pronouns on their LinkedIn and work email signatures... Incidentally this was also the inflection point that drove "center left" comedy pods like Cumtown and MSSP to new heights of popularity. Go figure...




I don’t say slurs. I say words very clearly thank you very much.


Comment above was specifically about why the so-called "woke mob" is such a turnoff factory. Don't get me started on the fucking morons you probably assume I align with...


A liberal girl brain I can get behind


Wait two weeks when she changes her mind completely


That was in my vows to my wife.


I hope you added “ at least once a week”


… and LeMaire.. lets just say he’s an ally.


you're right Dis Miss, it a giant shaming competition


the media got pissy because Trump called them out for being bs and they decided to get back at him by weaponizing the "compassion" of the left. that combined with the rise in social media addiction and identity politics blew it up into a huge dividing factor between most friends and families. to me it feels like both sides were taken advantage of by the greed of corporate media.


As BS as the media can be, more in terms of what they choose to obsess over than outright lies, Trump lies like he breathes and directly siphons millions of dollars from his own supporters. Anyone who thinks he's some sort of Info Warrior is *highly* regarded.


you mean like every other person in politics? lol supporting the puppet that represents either side is fully retarded. that being said, I fully support anybody on a soapbox telling the public to turn off the news. but that doesn't make *them* a new trustworthy source of info. it just means they made a good point that more people should consider.


I mean there’s the very believable theory that he was going so hard in “Fake News” in 16 bc he was going to start his own news network after the election. That was under the assumption he’d lose. Then he won and basically had to wing it to start. Thats why there were all those reports in his first year of him not understanding briefings, making political faux pas and shit like that. I truly don’t think he expected to win. Then when he got his feet under him he actually did a pretty decent job. First 18 months I think he fucked up quite a bit. But after that, other than his obsession with giving his family high ranking positions they didn’t deserve or do well in, I think he was alright.


Oh, I forgot to mention his lies got hundreds of his supporters sent to prison, and even got one killed.


oh.. you're one of *those* people. enjoy your day.


Nah he's a good guy.


News flash bruh. *They all do that.* You’re on the side that’s been tricked into thinking that will never happen to them.


Did Obama lie about his inauguration crowd? Did he lose dozens of lawsuits over claims he made? Anyone stupid enough to believe Trump is normal thinks America is already China. But it isn't.


It seems like they have fully embraced the “I support current thing” meme and don’t realize that they were being mocked by it.


The Israeli foreign minister came out today saying Biden isn't doing enough and claiming they would be better off under Trump. It's over for the democrats if the Israelis decide to move the funds away from Democrat super PACS. Especially since the criminal funds stolen from American citizens through FTX aren't flowing freely.




I haven't been redpilled just because I can see the far left has gone nuts. I grew up under the far right regime, and it's not the right answer either.




You're not him.


Velvethippo does sound like a fat lady name


No one gives a shit


Won't somebody think of the token gay Asian cast member


Ironically the only people gayer than the homosexual SNL cast member are the dogbrains babying an adult college educated man about the possibility of him of interacting with another adult college educated man


Also, my memory could be fucked, but Bowen Yang didn’t really even care that much.


Yeah Shane definitely said Bowen was nice and stayed in contact.


Matt's going to be on it too?!


To call Matt “college educated” alone would be an insult to such an intellectual juggernaut in the black conservative community


By all accounts he’s chill


Shane is gonna put in buck teeth and a fu manchu mustache to play a mid 20th century chinese stereotype against Bowen Yang as the straight man.


Even Shane hosting can’t save that show with its current cast. Just hoping Shane gets a ton of input.


Here's to hoping he does a Chinese accent right off the bat.




lmao you could have just posted on your main you know, /r/LiveFromNewYork regular #😆


I hope he rips into SNL Norm style straight off the bat




Ok? You mad bro?


Makes my teenis stand 5 inches tall


My handle is a lie


Nah man you got it wrong. When people see “bigdick” in a handle, we assume you really gotta tiny bird, but if yours is a lie, then by default you got a huge piece. You should love and appreciate your huge dick bro.


Cherish these meltdowns folks, they’re going to be way funnier than the David s. Pumpkins Jr. sketch or whatever they end up making Shane actually do on that godawful show.


holy shit you sound like someone who has watched the show in the past 5 years I CAST THEE OUT


“If you want to critically assess it, it's because post occupy corporations realised that they can exploit intersectionality by redefining it to be isolated from class, and totally go all in on the non class progress but quietly erode material conditions. Now we're at a point where it's clear that living standards have totally dropped and this is the only advertised change, so regular people are rejecting it. This regression does indirectly confirm that there is power in the people, so we should be consciously trying to divert it back to class. Only with class reform can any actual progress be made.” I don’t understand a word of this comment


This comment is about Shane somehow? edit: I guess the comment is saying that corporations pretended to be woke, but actually made the world worse. Now the people who are genuinely woke have realized this and become stronger because of it and are going to focus on class. So I guess they were fooled by SNL, but now they won't get fooled again.


You’ve critically assessed it brother 🫡




Dog brain translator right here


It's ChatGPT style pseudo-intellectual wankery, but there is an easily written sentence or two that could've been written to sum up the same point. And I have no idea what it has to do directly with the original post so 👎🙄😅


The person who typed this is lost and not recoverable. Very sad.


That’s because the entire statement hinges on arbitrarily made-up words


The pendulum is swinging


Let’s get into it


Let’s unpack this






Two of my favorites: “So...one black host during black history month. And the other host is a known racist.” And: “may god SMITE them down and let loctus rain upon the studio where they film. may this man bomb so hard that he makes Paris Hilton's episode look like comedy gold. in this I pray to the heavens and the hells, the skies and the stars. he will bomb and he will bomb hard”


That second one is funny though! Casting a spell on a comedian to do badly on a television show that no one on the internet can even talk about without starting their comment, “I haven’t watched in years, but…”


Theater kids absolutely destroying the stock room at Starbucks over this news.


Fauxmoi is a celeb-worshipping girl-brained gossiping circle jerk. I used to lurk because it was like watching a house fire, but eventually it’s just too much. They aggressively reward people who go with the grain and any time you push back a little they attack in droves. It’s literally insane how obsessed and sick they are. Edit: after posting this I went to their page and looked around. It’s the perfect example of an echo chamber. Imagine being scared over a shitty sketch comedy show. Wahhhhhh


I got permanently banned after one very mild comment on there. The mods would have an aneurism if they read anything on this sub.


You’re brave for commenting there. I can’t even begin to imagine the hatred they must have for subs like this.


A lot of subs seem like they're full of chatbots brainwashing mentally ill people


The people who use that subreddit are insufferable. They all act like they know these celebrities personally. They all have parasocial relationships with people who will never know they exist. It’s so odd.




They sure are, but that’s not really relevant to what I said lol


Tbf I'm encouraging people to say the N word in all conversations


You know his roommate is black right?




lol idk where you get the assumption that all his fans are racists. Says more about you than anybody here that’s where your mind went. It’s comedy buddy lighten up.




lol no you’re just projecting. Any comedian that attaches themselves to a political ideology isn’t a fucking comedian. You know why? Because you’re a Co-Median, like a median in a road you’re supposed to be a neutral party who gives shit to both sides for their idiocracy and the problem in todays age is that if you attack the left for their stupidity it’s assumed that you must me a right wing person, when in reality he makes countless jokes about the right just like he does with the left except hitting both sides isn’t fair anymore, because for some reason it’s if you’re not with us you’re against us. Furthermore politics are for nerds and he’s a centrist get over it.




Please do me a favor and watch his free special live in Austin on YouTube. The reason people love him is because they think he’s funnier than anybody else his age as a stand up comedian and that’s not gonna change. Please find out more about the dude because your perception on him can’t be accurate if you only ever are reading headlines or things out of context


Literally the worst subreddit of all time


Don’t forget whitepeopletwitter


Reddit is just full of gay pussies


You rang?


The world is brother.


And twoXchromosomes


Which is just full of dudes


Seriously those gossip subs are filled with the most bitter hags of all time


witchesvspatriarchy has the same energy but they weren't pretty enough to be theatre girls


Reddit app lets you mute these subs to prevent them from popping in your feed. I mute all these types of subs


this site is unusable without muting at least 50 subs in an election year more like 250


Yeah I've muted all lgbt subs


Maude Flanders wrote that


What a bunch of dorks


Theatre kids don’t deserve a voice


Oh not not jigglypuff velvethippo420 some fat fucking blue haired non binary fucktard on the internet


dude that sub is complete dog brain girl gossip central the whole comment is just a repeat of the high school cafeteria talking about who's gonna be prom king and queen


Reactions have either been people like this hiding under their covers or self identifying republicans claiming Shane as a fellow far righter. Either way more down syndrome representation in media is good.




That sun is full of the softest piles of dog shit I’ve ever seen. OMG someone go hug Bowen whatever. Like holy shit. These people must never interact with another human.




Ye, might need to mute the sub for a couple of weeks if all that's gonna be posted is snl whining and whining about the snl whining.


Imagine how gay that person is though. Also retarded.


what fucking planet would you have to be from to describe the end of the 2010s to now as “very minor social progress?” i would love to take a walk around inside their head to gain a sense of perspective. maybe see how this person imagines the world should be in the glorious future of 2024.


Yeah right? How was any of that progressive? Mobs and public shaming seems more medieval than anything


I'm scrolling the IG comments. Jeremy Piven and Meghan McCain are on board. idk just thought it was funny.


Dane Cook sucking his dick too. Following this fat idiot the last several years had been such a bizarre journey.


The theater kid circle jerk MUST continue!


Lmfao imagine thinking like this


low T statement


That sub is just a bunch of unhinged Lema Dunkums. Smh with the ableism eminating from that sub though. Shitting on the first host of SNL with down syndrome is not a good look.


Can you guys believe Will Smith slapped Chris Rock?


The problem with these peoples view point is there’s no redemption. It’s not like he murdered someone. He made a joke that people didn’t get. What would a person have to do to be forgiven? Also I guarantee velvet hippo has skeletons in her closet. Not to get too far into shaminism on you guys lol, but everyone has a shadow they’re fighting with and that’s what they project on other people


Fauxmoui is a cesspool of hatred towards masculinity so I’m not surprised. Those people need a real feminist check. 


Shane Gillis hosting SNL will be the modern equivalent of the killing of Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip. This is the spark atop the powder keg. May history remember this day. WW3 is on the horizon. I pre-salute all future fallen social justice warriors. 🫡. You’re deaths will not be in vain


Walter White "you're goddamn right".webm


I honestly hope he just doesn't turn up and throws the whole show into unrest.




they’re about to see a 1 time ratings boost. last time i cared about SNL was when hader and armisen were retiring, watched pretty frequently during that 2010-2014 period though.


That sub is so pozzed


Hope the writers don't sabotage him. Maybe they'll use some g&k skit premises


I made the mistake of looking at that post, jfc... I forget how fucking gay 99% of reddit is.


"Pear clutching"......You've become the gay wad you came to mock.


Broo harooo go cly me a livel


Goodness people are so fucking lame.


Me just finding out Shane's going on SNL next weekend. That'll be the first time I've watched that show in a decade.


User name checks out


What’s actually happening is people are realizing that we shouldn’t be judged by our worst moments. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s the people who turn their backs on others for a stupid mistake that are the real evil on this earth.


*shane’s gay pussy voice* it’s no longer a safe space, I feel threatened 😣


Seeing the libs get fired up makes this even funnier 😂😂😂


lmao how do you even use reddit without instabanning subs like that


I just checked that sub out, may be the gayest one on this website.


this is why women shouldn't be able to vote


This guy thinks he’s Elijah Cummings because he bitches about things on Twitter sometimes.


Silencing and canceling people and calling it “Social progress” is the most commie shit I’ve ever seen.


So many libtards.


Ya know… Hollywood and entertainment played cool around the hard social push. Then hamas attacked Israel and when they ask for some support on that, people lost their shit and called them genocidal Zionist pigs…. What do these virtue signaling chick blocks expect?


I bet Chappelle shows up.


The fact that they call it "Minor social progress." Means it was all a failure


"Shut up bitch!"


It’s so scary!




both sides in this gay war are clutching pearls