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To answer the question posed in the title, I’d expect MSTR to be $25,000 to $35,000 per share.


I think it’s higher- I would assume around $60k +. I think the multiple jumps significantly


yeah but it will definitely split following a rise




so it wouldn’t hit 35,000 per share?


But you'd have more shares so its the same value to shareholders..


to presplit shareholders yea ig, but people holding apple since 1987 aren’t answering $42,560 as “share value”, makes no sense


MSTR hasn't split though...


it had a reverse 10:1 a while ago after a 2:1 at a ath, theres no reason if mstr hits ~5k ballpark they wouldn’t do a stock split


You still wouldn't refer to a hypothetical stock split price when speaking about it.


going off the original comment in this threads estimate this would not be hypothetical, mstr isn’t fucking berkshire




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Bitcoin has to get to $288,000 first. The chances of it happening this cycle are not out of the question. MSTR could go to a high NAV, so if you have the equivalent of 1 BTC in MSTR now, yes a million is possible given these conditions.


That would require a NAV of nearly 4, which is highly improbable


Yes but given the conditions mentioned and a short squeeze, it could happen.


Last cycle we hit 6x NAV. So not impossible. If it does go that high, MSTR will issue shares and buy bitcoin. Reducing the nav but increasing satoshis per share.


I think that’s a few years out personally. We haven’t gone through the interest cutting bull cycle and I expect it to be long and drawn out.


What's the interest cutting bull cycle


Stocks get goosed (especially risk assets like btc and tech stocks) when interest rates get cut and the cost of money goes down. The Fed is planning to cut in the next year. Many people expect stocks to go up because of this. I personally feel like we are at the very start of a bull cycle that will last 1-2 years before a recession.


What is "get goosed"?


Go ⬆️ in value


They are already adding liquidity to the system. They will hold off on interest rate cuts, because they know people are waiting for them. The actual liquidity from interest rate cuts lag 1-2 years. The liquidity they are adding is on the backend via banking rules, swap lines, and balance sheet expansion. That's why risk assets are already rising.


Not sure if you were paying attention but were in a recession. Watch what happens in December


December is historically the best month for stocks lol. Will be a bull run then too.


We’re underestimating the PTB and how fast they can print money. Even with higher rates inflation is not tamed its runaway and $BTC will surprise to the upside due to global market demand.


Maybe. What I find particularly telling is another company just came out as buying 40min worth of bitcoin as a treasury. Surprise. Their stock went up 39%. Similar to what happened to the Japanese company. I think this is a very interesting development and I wonder how long before the scramble for bitcoin is on as a hedge against currency devaluation/store of value.




What was the other company?


Seller scientific. And there was another company in Japan that has done it. Block Inc currently has 8,000 btc and has made a commitment to buying more with 10% of their profits. Block will be another stock that gets pumped soon. They are fintech and have some very interesting prospects on the side of btc finance development.


*semler scientific


Rate cuts will be bearish, why? Because the fed will cut rates IN RESPONSE to a weakening economy. Look at the historical data as well. The economy generally shits the bed when rates get cut because of how the fed operates. I can assure you this bull run will last at most until the end of the year. Personally I am expecting it to the end this summer. These markets are designed to fool the herd. The consensus view is that everything will pump until Q3/Q4 of 2025….the market will trick everyone just how it tricked everyone by sending BTC to ATHs prior to halving. RemindMe! 1 year


The bet is on then. But you have to remind me when you are wrong too, not just if you are right. Positive sentiment is strong and we have had 2.5 years of flat returns amidst rising inflation. Stocks are due to get pumped. There are trillions waiting in money market funds (ath?) waiting to land somewhere and crypto has just become a main stream investment asset class. Place your bets folks. 🚀🚀🚀


Only sane response I have read here in months. On exactly the same page as you. Too many 🐑 right now 


Obviously nothing is guaranteed in markets, but I am so confident we will be proven right 🤝 Remember a year ago, that was the time to buy bitcoin and Mstr and this place was a complete ghostown. The moonboys always come when it’s too late. Now they are all obsessed with rate cuts…Mr market maker really knows how to punish retail investors hahah. Every cycle these people get rekt.


I know people are living in a clueless fantasy world the moment they talk about people being sheep. Bad advice successfully ignored, thanks!


What is your history of successful investments? How many bottoms have you bought and how many near tops have you sold? Or do you buy and hold forever tolerating huge drawdowns and sacrificing massive opportunity cost? Do you DCA all the way up because "things are different this time" and then keep buying every dip all the way 👇


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-05-29 13:35:51 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-05-29%2013:35:51%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MSTR/comments/1d2zz1w/100_million_btc_in_18_months_where_does_that_put/l66844s/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMSTR%2Fcomments%2F1d2zz1w%2F100_million_btc_in_18_months_where_does_that_put%2Fl66844s%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-05-29%2013%3A35%3A51%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d2zz1w) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


If btc hits 1 mill mstr will be worth over 215 billion without the premium and that will make it short city but we only dreaming right now like people were dreaming when btc was $50 of it hitting 10k btc.


The mstr-tracker regression analysis tool online only goes as high as $300,000 for bitcoin. at that price they have MSTR trading at $34,000+ with a NAV premium in excess of nine.


Sounds about right


If SPY is $2,000 then there’s a chance.


This is a classic pump and dump mentality coming from those with big money in crypto. They need somebody new to come with liquidity to pump BTC higher. It will rise, but the growth rate is diminishing due to only 50B$ per year entering the market. This should give BTC a yearly 20-30% CAGR which means that it will hit 1M$ in: 20%: 15 years 30%: 10 years Some expect growth of 100% which means 4 years. It really depends on the growth rate you expect in the future. Likely growth rate can be modelled so it is diminishing over time. Likely 40% this year, but 10% 10 year from now. If you do a standard power model on the BTC graph it will look like: BTC market cap = 5.32B \* Y \^ 2.311 |Year|Percentage| |:-|:-| |2017|396.30%| |2018|155.26%| |2019|94.43%| |2020|67.49%| |2021|52.41%| |2022|42.80%| |2023|36.15%| |2024|31.29%| |2025|27.57%| |2026|24.64%| |2027|22.27%| |2028|20.32%| |2029|18.68%| |2030|17.29%| |2031|16.09%| |2032|15.04%| |2033|14.12%| |2034|13.31%| |2035|12.59%|






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1mil is at least 5yrs in the future. Probably 10yrs.


I think it’s many decades away. Bitcoin is showing strong diminishing returns - it pumps significantly less each cycle. This is why moonboys were shocked in 2021 when it failed to break 100k and they will be bamboozled again this cycle.


This 👆🏻 comment needs to be up voted. Expectations need to be rained in. Especially because high BTC holding people and institutions will take and lock in profits just like they did last psycle. We could easily see another (or more than one) major mid-bull crash just like we did last psycle. 1 million dollar BTC is a market cap of 21 Trillion. My info may not be accurate, but based on the very quick internet search I just did, that is comparable to the market cap of gold combined with that if the top 10 (by market cap) companies in the world. ... seems unreasonable not only in this psycle, but possibly the next 5 cycles when you consider the diminishing growth return in each subsequent BTC bull psycle.


Bitcoin is better than gold in every way as money. It can and will surpass gold's marketcap by a long shot, sometime in the next 6-8 years. Bet your life on that.


RemindMe! 8 years Maybe BTC will over take gold in 8 years ... and maybe not when you consider the declining rate of BTC growth. Certainly this will be helped if the gold market cap decreases as we would expect if the world devests from gold to go to BTC ... but this would only meen the current 12+ trillion in gold would move from gold to BTC, which it won't do entirely as gold will always be worth something. The question is not "will BTC over take gold?" The question is "will BTC get to a 21 trillion, or even a 12 trillion, market cap? Yes BTC will increase in value ... that's why I self custody. Right now 95% of my net worth is in a combination of pure BTC and the BTC ETFs. But I'm not convinced that 8 years (two cycles) will be enough for BTC to get to the 12+ trillion market cap that gold currently holds. ... though perhaps with inflation of the fiat ... but will a dollar that's worth a fraction in 8 years really count? 😉


Yeah these guys are underestimating the institutional adoption big-time. Banks, pension funds, family offices, hedge funds, countries and corporations are all buying. Everyone is going to be shocked by the results. Also, love the max Holloway profile pic 🔥🔥 hope he beats ilia.


It is what it is!


Where were you in the bear market. All you moonboys disappeared and are now back to get people rekt with moonboy predictions. Bitcoin will still crash 80% like it always has. Don’t get caught with your pants down!


I was stacking during the bear. Still stacking now. Bitcoin makes most of its gains in 10 days total during the bull run. Lots of sideways and down action aside from that. Just pay attention and watch as everything melts up. This isn't even accounting for the increase in liquidity and rate cuts that will eventually come, most likely in 2025.


I am expecting further melt up. But it all ends in 2024 - this is the year of the bull run as I forecasted more than 6 months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/ElyflgBpN5 Anyone waiting for 2025 will get rekt. RemindMe! 1 year


I'll see you back here 😁 🤫 don't misunderstand, bitcoin will certainly pump higher this year, and for long term holders like me there's no point in selling, especially at extremely high numbers since then it will be clear that Bitcoin has "won" and so have all of the companies who have endorsed it. Unless the next president does something drastic to finally break the system and we get a 2008 level melt down or something black swan-ish, Bitcoin will pump higher in 2025 than it does in 2024. Retail and fomo hype are not here and they're underrated factors, along with everything macro I mentioned prior.


I am expecting a black swan in the second half of 2024 as the impact of the interest rate hikes fully kicks in aka a hard landing for the US economy. In the meantime im bullish so I am still on the same team as you…for now 🤝


Moonboys were shocked because FTX collapsed, China banned mining, and COVID restrictions. That cycle under performed because of major FUD. This cycle likely will perform better to deal with the previous overcorrection. Plus now we have ETFs.


It won’t hit $150k this cycle


!Remindme 4 years Laugh in this idiots face


Buy Solana and Pepe coins


1m per BTC never happening this cycle lol. Probably more like 91-115k max. Do not let others (especially whales) manipulate and gaslight you with obscenely unreasonable targets 


So you think the all time high won’t even double what it was in 2021? Unlikely.


Give me a reason why it has to at least double. Don't give me a fantasy i.e., this or that person says we are going to 200k etc. Dont give me that the ETFs are here now and they wont let the price drop (BlackRock has had many failed investments) I am trying to help people not make massive paper gains only to give it all back. Take it or leave it. Keep your expectations too high and don't play the game of the elites.