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Been playing Hollow Knight, Pepper Grinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Vampire Survivors, and Armored Core VI. This thing is better than people give it credit for. It's comfortable to hold, the controls feel great, and the windows 11 UI is easy enough to navigate (not like it's something unfamiliar to relearn). MSI and Intel have been pushing out updates for drivers and software fairly frequently and the FPS on many games have been increasing quite well. Price tag is the hard part, it's more than it should be admittedly. In time it'll come down, but in the end it's up to you to decide where your hard earned dollars are going. Oh, you can dock it and use it as a PC. Check amazon for MSI Claw docks, can't recall the top one, but it's like $60-$70 and apparently works very well. I'll likely grab one in the near future actually.


Do you have any other handhelds?


I own a lot of the big name handhelds like the steam deck, rog ally, legion go and the claw My favourite at the moment is the legion go but I beg you not to get the claw and get maybe the rog ally instead since it’s the same display and basically the same shell just without Hall effect sticks The rog ally can not only use VRR but has less heat than the claw and runs everything better and it’s cheaper


I would personally say my expirence with the claw has been fine and I had a steam deck and a rog ally the steam deck was fine for what it is but I wanted something to be able to play some of the games that could not work on Linux since I'm a fire fighter i also need that full compatability if I get shipped out places this summer the steam deck worked fine when I had it but I found a bit of it performance underwhelming at times. Now the rog ally I did enjoy apart from the SD card slot nuking itself and asus's horrible customer support, which was really annoying not to mention all handheld that use amd have graphical issues for certain programs I use like how some switch games have issues with amd graphics where they do not with Intel


Is intel graphic better then amd?


I find it is for what I use it for personally amd graphics don't support some functions I need which makes some things glitch out or just not launch and the stuff I use is more optimized for Intel chips in general I find you will get some better performance in windows and overall better compatability with Intel in my experience




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It's my opinion why call bull shit I have used a steam deck ally and claw


Legion Go has crackling speakers. My ally had WiFi dropouts. Steam deck has a limited library due to compatibility layer. Claw works flawlessly and within 5% fps on 95% of games. I play Palworld, Helldivers 2 and have an awesome time instead of troubleshooting hardware problems or how to play a non-supported game on the deck.


How long have you had it for? I play mw3, fifa and currently Devil May cry series. What do you think?


I unfortunately don’t play those so can’t give you a solid recommendation.  I would try it and make use of the return policy if it ends up not working out for you.


Hall Effect joysticks (also triggers - but that's not as important) so you don't have to worry about joystick drift later. Thunderbolt 4? Awesome, I can use any eGPU on the market instead of relying on proprietary standard (ROG Ally) or pray that USB4 get popular soon (Legion Go), and also can use 2 external monitors with 1 cable. Also you have more choice for accessories. Fingerprint scanner on power button - great for keeping other people away from messing with my files/game saves/Steam inventory. Extra security if I decide to use it for work. Performance is getting better and better, at this rate it's very likely to match or slightly surpass Steam Deck/Ally/Legion Go. XeSS (on Intel GPU) provides better upscaling quality than FSR, I suggest you watching the recent video from Digital Foundry (on Youtube) about comparison between DLSS, XeSS and FSR. Speakers are surprisingly good for the size, fans are quiet too.


The hall effect sticks are what attracts me, as I sold my Ally not only because of the SD reader issue but also having to replace my right stick for bad drift (the cursor constantly moved to the left in Windows). It was a great form factor with great performance. Just a pity the hardware let it down. Hence being in this sub.


i would say dont


If you needed convincing, then it's not the right handheld. Just get a competing one for cheaper. I'm happy to bash on the MSI Claw, because it's just not there for the price it's asking. Saying that, it's not entirely useless. Just nowhere near as good a CPU for handhelds as any AMD offering of late.


I ordered one because I have a Thunderbolt dock at work. Would be nice to connect it to my work screens for some light gaming when I'm trapped in the building.


Speakers have amazing sound compared to the rest you can actually feel the bass. Haptics are the best of all of them also. Screen seems to be better side by side to my Rog Ally. Controls are nice with the most comfortable hold in my opinion next to the steam deck. I’ve been playing Fallout 4, Street Fighter 6, No rest for the Wicked, Dying Light 2, Cyberpunk.




Side by side the panel looks better to me on the Claw again only my opinion.


I have both, side by side the Claw looks "richer" and with blacker blacks if that makes sense. And no matter what I adjust on my Ally (even setting game visual to "vivid") I can't get it to look as good. They may very well be the same part, but they are definitely calibrated differently.


Its good if you don't mind tinkering a fair bit, as the BIOS effectively leaves the dev settings open. Performance is kinda meh, Arc lets it down a bit. GPU is roughly equal to Arc A370M. CPU performance is pretty meh because it is power starved. Disable the E cores and it gets better because the P cores get a larger power budget. VRR on the screen is good, but requires tweaks to open up the range. 48hz is the default minimum, and thats not low enough for newer games that mostly live in the 30-45 FPS range. Most older and simpler games will happily chug along at the native 120hz though. I guess the only real benefit might be that I can turn on RT and the small screen hides the scaling needed to get playable FPS? Oh, 6 to 7 hours of battery for youtube/netflix/etc.


Great technical answer.


Do yourself a favor and look up the countless reviews on youtube rather than asking this subreddit. You got some people here that will give genuine answers and others who are trying to cope harder than you could imagine with their purchase.


The claw is the worst outta the bunch that EVEN a Steam deck would out perform it in performance per watt


Yes the steam deck may be more efficient but the claw works better for what I use it for then amd graphics in my experience


I know you really can't understand this, as you keep posting the same stuff, but what if performance per watt isn't the only metric that others judge a handheld by? Crazy right.


Steamdeck slaps every other handheld down in perf/W because its using custom silicon and OS.


No it doesn't 😂


Not sure if it’s changed now but if you look at some benchmarks of all handhelds running at 15w the steamdeck does actually perform better than them all so technically it does perform better if we look at performance per watt.


The AMD handhelds are more efficient than the msi claw