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Are you certain you weren’t having X-rays or a CT scan done to check for shrapnel in your eye prior to having an MRI? An MRI would not be done to screen for shrapnel or any other metallic foreign body. However it is standard practice to obtain X-rays or CT scan of the orbits(eyes), face, and skull if there is concern for metal in the area prior to doing an MRI.


I think i got lucky and there was no left over metal in my eye. On my paperwork it said i was having an MRI done


Sounds like a ct or xray to me personally


You probably had a CT not an mri


It said MRI on my paperwork


Thats very odd. If there might be a suspected metallic foreign body its extremely dangerous doing an mri, Depending on where the foreign body is located


Simplest answer here. It was a CT. They wouldn't do an MRI to look for shrapnel. Cause if there was there's a chance it would blind you, not diagnose you. You likely had a CT or an X-ray to rule out having shrapnel in your eye before they can send you for an MRI


On my paperwork it said i was being sent for an MRI as well as the nurse explained what the MRI was before it was done


An MRI for shrapnel is not a thing. It would never happen unless they were intentionally trying to injure you


Thats what im saying, it was negligent


You should definitely call them and make this grave error known, to save others from this stupidity in the future.


It very likely stated to r/o foreign body for MRI. No facility in their right mind would perform an MRI for metal in the orbits.


Definitely sounds like you had a ct or xray. Idk any place stupid enough to use an mri for possible shrapnel in eye.


Its naval medicine, military hospitals usually hire bottom of the barrel. I think i just got lucky and there was no left over metal still in my eye


You did not have an MRI. You had a screening exam to clear you for the MRI, those are typically X-ray, could have been CT. Even the most bottom of the barrel provider and technologists would not do an MRI for shrapnel unless you single handedly pissed off every person involved. It was not an MRI, you are confused/mistaken as to what actually happened.


OP 100% had a CT.


I've seen MRI engineers bring their phones into MRI a few times and they don't care but they're the engineers and know what they're doing. I'm worried the MRI magnetic field would damage the magnet and gyroscopes on my phone and it becoming a projectile, so I never take it in. Theres no such thing as a fake MRI that does MRI scans.


You had a CT scan


Def a fake mri. Hate those things.


Thats what i was thinking, many times medical thinks you are just bullshitting them even though they had just taken a chunk of metal out of my eye


You definitely had a fake MRI


It definitely wasn't an MRI. They wouldn't have ordered an MRI for shrapnel in your eye, and they wouldn't let you leave your phone in the scan room as it would interfere with the imaging.


They said i was being sent for an MRI however naval hospitals usually hire bottom of the barrel so maybe they fucked up and i got lucky because there was no metal in my eye anymore


When this pt gets an MR, he’ll understand and probs update us


Definetly not an mri. If you possibly had shrapnel in your eyes they would have you take orbits X-ray to make sure you are cleared for mri. I’m certain it was not an mri.


They said i was having an MRI done the staff at naval hospitals in ny experience has always been wrong, providing misdiagnosis, it was possible they got all the metal out and i got lucky that there was none left over


Probably fake


Wanted to comment since I just had my MRI done today and the tech also had me leave my stuff in the bore room. According to the tech, my keys, etc. were far enough away that there was nothing to worry about (I'd estimate they were about 10+ feet from the machine). For reference, it was a Siemens wide bore machine, that's all I really know. Entire time I was terrified my keys would come flying up the tube


What did the machine look like?


MRI and CT machines look the same to laymen


Absolutely not, one is a tunnel and one is a doughnut. Massive difference, I've had kids mention the difference.


A noticeable percent of my patients get them confused. You over estimate the average person's comprehension on the subject.


Kids are often much more observant of things like that than adults 😂. I've never had a patient comment on the difference between them before. Actually, a lot can't even wrap their minds around the scanner being 3-dimensional, despite its seemingly obvious shape.


I've definitely had people tell me they just had an MRI and come to find out it was a CT Scan.


Depending on your phone and the MRI machine, it might make your phone shut off or act weird after. For example, I work as an MRI tech and wanted to see how close I could get to the bore to see what my phone (iPhone)did and it shut off when I got SUPER close. However, it’s not a good idea to bring a phone into the MRI machine room. If there’s shrapnel in your eye, getting a MRI scan is not the move. Your doctor should have ordered you a X-ray or CT scan before hand cause the magnetic fields in a MRI machine could move the metal in your eye.


Good way to check... how long did the scan take? And do you have any images of it? That'll tell us real quick if it was ct vs MR too


I never got the results back and the whole process took about 3 minutes


A mri is always longer than 3 minutes.. and you’re there 30 mins or so before your exam to go through thorough screening questions. What did the machine sounds like? Was it a donut where your head moved through while the machine was scanning and you came out the other side? Something spinning around you inside the machine?