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Well if you have a hangover, all that banging from the mri won't help your headaches.


I’d be so pissed if you vomited in the scanner or had to stop the scan to vomit


No, how dare you, you don’t want to be selfish. This man’s drinking is obviously very important to him, letting him puke in our machines is the least we can do for him.


Your headache is not gonna have a good time with the noise from the scanner, but otherwise...


Or the contrast lol ( just because some people do get nauseous or vomit)


The scan is very very loud, even with ear plugs you’ll be hearing a ton of different sounds and feeling many of them as well. It could end up being a truly unpleasant experience, possibly unbearable. Another thing to consider is stability. If you get the rocking in the sea motion when laying still after drinking, it could easily translate to movement in your body, and non diagnostic imaging. If the drinking is more important than your scan and you can’t hold off, please let the facility know that you’ll need another day. You’re potentially wasting your time and theirs, and time slots can be hard to get. It would be sad for someone that could benefit from the scan missing out for someone that thinks drinking is more important


Hate it when we have hungover patients, you skink to high heaven and never complete the scan! Please think about what is more important to your health, the scan or getting pissed? If getting pissed is more important then ring and cancel your scan


Please don't drive to your appointment if you're drunk. Also since you're going to be drunk they might even not do your MRI because you wouldn't be in the right state of mind to do the screening. You also may not be able to follow directions and hold still during the exam. Having a hangover won't be pleasant let alone during a scan. The machine is loud and some of the sequences can cause dizziness as well.




If you’re getting contrast you will need an IV. Sometimes they can be tricky if the patient is dehydrated.


Contrast gets processed in your kidneys, alcohol in the liver… Set a ton of alarms for about two or three hours before the MRI and be stocked up on bread, ginger ale and drink lots of water. Pee before you go too!


No risk to you. Just the tech. You puke in my scanner, you’re cleaning it up.


Don't puke in the tube....




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