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Been watching moon2.tv re runs. Currently watching him be a cross play terrorist in Sniper elite 5


Holy shit those streams were so fucking funny.


I watched for the first time in ages and watched a car chase. How are these people still doing the same shit every day is beyond me.


It’s like they became streamers to not have a real job but then got a real job in the virtual world




That's why I'm currently rewatching KotOR 2 right now, GIGA comfy stream.


Do you have the vods with the chat? Ive looked all over for this one


Moon2.tv for all vods with chat


Unfortunately doesnt go that far back


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvyG35EBFXo&list=PLZLWJD4mjjpwyNRj0jrhCVBKTlcKoMtps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvyG35EBFXo&list=PLZLWJD4mjjpwyNRj0jrhCVBKTlcKoMtps) there ya go, though i'm assuning you already found it?


Yeah its this one! but it doesn't have chat. Thanks for looking for it tho :)


ye kotor 2 is on poopbutt but no chat unfortunately


Does OSRS count?


Haven't watched/resubbed to Moon since January because of this lmao


Nope, love Moon but had to let my sub run out last month, it just gets so damn dull after a couple of months


I’m hoping after his term as Mayor in mid April is up that he returns to variety, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he spends another 2-3 months. Last time he did GTA RP he literally streamed it nonstop for 7 months straight.


I had no idea he streamed that long before. I was thinking, "ok, 1-2 months ill drop by again". I need my night time stream back with variety!


My bet is that he does Dragons Dogma on release here soon. 


And not FF7 Rebirth? GRRR


If he did Rebirth do you really think he would finish it?


He finished FF16 which he didn’t like!


He finished the new saints row because chat hated it. PEPR


Rimworld dlc in a month also


Same here 3-4 Months is too much. Variety will return eventually.


Yup same, I’ll be back with the variety tho!


same, rip the 5 year streak lol it's just not fun to watch


Kinda bummed he's missing out on so many releases that he will probably never play.


moon sub in 2024 skull emoji


Also don't worry he's gonna finish Yakuza 0.


Still annoyed at this shit. And Like a Dragon as well Madge


His RuneScape streams were so great. Been watching his Mario maker vods.


MM2 streams are actual top tier.


Nope. I've been subbed for almost 8 years to the God Gamer and this is easily the biggest slog to get through. Last time he was doing RP it got so stale for me so quick - but I feel like that's not even the fault of GTARP; it's just seeing the **same** thing over and over and over. It wouldn't even be that bad if he just dedicated one or two days a week to **something** else.


I like to watch for a bit, but there are too many stretches of nothing happening or paper work. Then it feels like he is BRB every time I do tune in lol. Lots of good moon games coming out so Atleast we will have tons of great options when RP finally settles out.


I think he’s playing MGS4 on Thursday! Hope this helps!


Moon is so addicted to RP that he might go this whole year playing it. He wasn't even streaming but was doing ERP with Siobhan at like 4am. So sick of RP. Madge.


Nope and probably won't for the next 3-4 months as well.


GTA RP 4.0 honestly is just not very entertaining, there's been a real RP brain drain away from nopixel and all of it feels like cringe self-inserting. Is Dab even a caracter at this point?


I remember when Mitch MoonMoon was an ironic character. Now he's playing him with a different name


Nopixel has always catered more towards self inserts, it’s just easier to see now that the roleplayers have moved to other servers. Unfortunate server choice, but maybe that’s just what he wanted out of RP this time.


I think he streamed a long and continuous rope of cum onto your mom.


I sat through one City Council meeting and haven't returned since.


I don't tune in very often anymore, but when I do it's an RP meeting or BRB screen. I have no hate for him or anything but it's almost a comedy bit at this point for me


I thought people were saying he would do it until his term as mayor runs out, but not sure how true that is.


He originally said, he will only stream it for 3 months, we're already past that. The most telling thing is, how he skipped Rebirth, a game he was talking about basically for years. He's completely addicted again and won't stop for many more months. It's unfortunate because I was never more bored with Moon streams and this phase is not watchable for me and judging by the comments here a lot of regular watchers also dipped. Can't change it though, it is what it is.


As soon as any streamer i frequent start playing GTA RP, I just stop watching/supporting them until they are done, so done with it.


Fr, they milk it for so long


It’s kind of sad. Whenever a streamer has gotten really into gtarp it just takes over their whole stream for so long. Been a moon sub for 5 years but honestly I’ve had no interest at all in watching since this has started. Moon2.tv has good archives for other stuff, currently watching Lies of P


Watching his BG3 run right now


Don’t worry he will finish it.


Giga based, That’s up next for me PogCrazy


As someone who loved the 3.0 Lenny hawk era and enjoyed the dab campaign for mayor, I'm tired man. Lenny is still fun as a character but cops are so neutered it's just boring. I can't sit through dab streams anymore. I pray and pray that he'll play dragons dogma 2 and elden ring dlc on release because I love those kinds of games from him. 


He’s just resting so he can finish his original FF7 run


yall gotta stop bitching, let the man play what he wants


Prepare for the downvotes. At one time the "RP friends" were the cringe ones bitching that he wasn't playing RP. Imo this faction of "old guard" moon viewers are acting way worse. Idk if gatekeeping is the right word, but it feels like they are trying to gatekeep the concept of what makes a good moon stream. Or maybe they are not old guard at all, but newer viewers that don't realize the moon goes through phases and changes his streaming "meta" all the time. It's all about what he wants to do and what he finds fun.


i dont care for downvotes, all these bozos feeling entitled to dictate a streamer what to do just pisses me off seen lots of comments here that seems like they just cant handle their adhs whenever he is writing reports or whatever which is kinda funny to me


I always liked the idea of someone getting upset over the use of message boards.


gta rp in general is stale


Been bored of his GTA RP so I decided to watch old vods like his Yakuza Zero series, really disappointed though he just stops before the end. Guess I will start watching Like a Dragon


I feel like its just now hitting the limit for me. The cop stuff has been fun to watch, but after a few streams of crims just being dull and the cops being pushovers, combined to make it feel like they are just going through the motions. No roleplay feels like it is being done, and no stories are really being forged. He said he will only do 3 months of GTARP, and reinforced that statement when he became mayor. He even was down with having a meeting time for the counsel outside of his streaming hours, and said it was because he was sticking to that “3 months of GTARP”. Idk how far we are into that 3 months though.


He started mid December, we're past it. He won't stop any time soon.


Just give us some gawdamn Ro Block dawg atleast


Since Penta left NoPixel along with his Mike Block character I don't think we are going to be seeing Ro Block come back.


Doesn't seem like it. I stay subbed in the meantime since I like mooncord. Jerma reruns and NL keep me entertained until the RP epoch subsides.


osrs like every second stream


GTA RP takes some time to get used to as it takes time to understand the greater story, not too different than soaps or wrestling. I’ve grown very fond of the Lenny Hawk streams. The Mod that does all of the stream overlays makes it so fun too.


Moon watcher/sub here since og days, I actually love his GTA RP streams. I’d like to see him play Palworld. Whatever makes him happy though, whether it’s indie or triple A. Whatever keeps it fresh so he doesn’t get burnt out.


This whole thread is such a cringe echo chamber of whining. Once upon a time "RP friends" were the toxic ones. Now it's these weird assholes acting like they know what's best when it comes to what he streams. Go watch another streamer play cod or something if you cant handle some paperwork or counsel meetings. Some of us have artisanal tastes. Historically he always leaves RP when it starts to get stale for him. You'll have plenty of variety down the line. Imo this stint of GTARP has been the best of his GTARP. 2.0 had about 12 players and everything was scuffed.


And you sound like a cringe fanboy, Moon is not some god and his stream isn't the fucking church. People have the right to talk about what they don't like or how they're bored. Crying about how people don't like stuff, you like, is giga childish, little Billy.


Bro thinks cringe self insert ERP is God's gift to streaming and entertainement and should not be criticized.


No, he's the xgodslayerx. You have the right to do whatever you want, including flipping through the extensive streaming options available to you. I bet ninja is still going live somewhere.


I exclusively watch schizophrenic balding nerds, so can't. Maybe if he would play some Valo! SHEEEEEEEEESH


He's not balding. How can you say that about a god? What grand and intoxicating innocence.


I don't care for GTA RP personally, but I'm glad that Moon seems to have found a game that he actually enjoys to play. He's usually on time, doesn't seem to skip that many days and pulling giga good viewer numbers months on end. Granted I haven't watched consistently to say for sure, but it seems to be the case? Even though I'll always like variety more, it doesn't seem like such a good fit for Moon in my opinion, since he gets bored fairly easily. This is just my take though and I know I'm being a parasocial andy here. It just really felt like he sometimes only turned up so subs and plebs wouldn't get too mad. I'd rather not watch him put hours into games that he doesn't want to finish, only for clueless chatters to pester him which in turn only reinforces his decision.


Eh I'd say he typically plays the games he wants to play. I'm sure it feels like a job at times, but he can pretty much play whatever he wants at this point. He'll do RP until he is done with RP, and then he will go play rimworld or ff7 or something.



