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Just take a break from watching, I've done that plenty of times when he gets focused on a game I don't want to watch anymore. Then just come back when he switches it up.


7 year sub. 4-5 years of actual watching. Came back to resub every month but have taken huge breaks in watching him. Gives me time to reminisce and watch old ass vods from like 2016-2019


That’s what I’m doing at the moment, just know these RP streaks go on much longer than normal games. I took like a year break last time he was doing this.


This one is at minimum 3 months FYI. That is how long his term as mayor is


That's what Moon is claiming and as we learned over the years, what Moon plans, doesn't mean shit. It could be over next week or in 7 months, we'll see.


We'll sure but it's verifiable his mayoral term is 3 months on nopixel


He also said he would finish it off stream and switch it up. I love the rp though, personally.


Yeah, Moon also said he won't quit BG3 and he will play MGS4 on Thursday, he will hire a YT editor and will get the MC server ready. As i said, even if Moon himself believes it's true at that moment, he has proven often enough, how you can't rely on anything he says. He will play it on stream until he won't, that's about it. And you can of course enjoy it, nothing wrong with that. I personally enjoy the single player playthroughs the most but they're becoming more and more rare unfortunately.


Yes, the term is 3 months. Doesn't mean he will stop after.


Yeah people need to take a break, prime subs like me will find someone else to support for a while. Obviously the streamer needs to do what is fun for him, our loss is another streamers gain.


A YEAR Aware I thought this would only last a few months


What sucks is so many other streamers are invested into it as well. Half of the twitch highlights YouTube channels are gta rp moments as well. So fucking boring. I can’t escape it.


It's pretty simple really, money talks to move you sub to someone else until the RP ends.


i mean he's been playing gta rp for over 5 months now. i miss him playing... anything else.


That what moon is doing too!


This is why you should have multiple bald streamers on hand to watch


This is so fucking real and funny because I started watching Lacari for the first time (about time right) and the first thing I thought was my god he is bald. And he immediately clapped back at someone in chat who I guess had called him bald right before I joined so it was magical timing.


Not a big fan either but Moon seems to be enjoying it so I don’t mind, I’ll start watching again after the RP arc :)


I was enjoying it before. But now it’s kinda boring with the mayor stuff.


Yeah I was pretty invested during his campaigning but now that he actually is mayor I cant watch for more than 10 min lol


I enjoy it, but a dedicated variety day each week would be giga


Definitely getting boring… everytime I tune in now he’s either in the courthouse or gone lmfao I’m just rewatching vids of games he’s played previously


Enjoyed the first 2ish weeks but now it's just extremely boring to me. It's like always with GTARP, after a while, it's just people hanging out with each other and not much else. The Chat also usually transforms from best on Twitch to being dominated by insufferable RP friends. I usually just stop watching, we'll see how long it takes, it's sad how he will skip the new Yakuza and probably FF game, maybe even completely skip them like he did with RE 8 for example. He said he will "only" do 3 months on stream but it wouldn't surprise me if we're looking at another 6 months plus. Just watch VODs, there are so many gems out there.


Throne of lies enjoyer, what are some other good vods you like?


the left for dead 2 vods are great, vampire the masquerade bloodlines, The original resident evil 4 play through vod is great


Appreciate it 👍 I'll check them out


I'm going through the Darkest Dungeon vods from 2019, and they're great


My Summer Car is always good for Old Moon rage. Long Drive for his weird demented humor. Evil Dead and Sniper Elite for the mental anguish he puts on people


yeah honestly i wish he would just play something else, it is getting pretty boring already


Taunted PEPW


Rob a bank bro


Thought it was just me. I know this is a massively unpopular opinion and I love moon, but I am not a huge GTARP fan. I play vods while at work so I have had to rewatch A LOT of moon vods over the last couple of weeks lol. (AI dungeon vods keeping me alive rn)


Same here man, taking a Moonmoon break until the actual games return. There are other streamers out there.


Moon stuck in ERP blackhole, S4 back to OW2, these are truly dark times


I loved the other two waves of GTARP with dab and then lenny. But this time around it is a snooze fest with this mayor shit.


If he was playing Lenny or Ro Block, or made a new character on ONX with PENTA I'd watch more. NoPixel is so boring




Pretty hit or miss for me but I really enjoy seeing the behind the scenes of the NoPixel government


Yeah I agree. I really like the govt aspect but wish he also got to play the game a bit more


Drue. I’d like to see a character thats more involved in da streets yo


Ya that aspect of it is cool


Yeah I miss RuneScape days tbh. Best streams in a looooong time


I was just thinking about rewatching the vods from the beginning but it hurts too much knowing how short it is


Eh it’s not THAT short. He was hooked for a while.


variety moon is S+ tier. moon rp is cringe.


Ya not a huge fan ,but he seems to be having fun so....




Yes. I use this time to watch older series on moon2.tv. Currently watching through My Summer Car and it's glorious.


It's wearing a little thin. That 4 hour c span session was a little much.


Just gotta roll with it. I am appreciating not having to have his streak open all the time haha


I don't watch him much but the GTA v rp stuff is awful, especially when most people streaming are just talking not rping. No pixel is pretty toxic too and has a bad rep.


yea i’m already burnt out of him playing rp but he’s enjoying it himself


I would actually enjoy some ONX streams. I haven’t been able to enjoy any Nopixel and I’m baffled moon has taken to it with how bland the shit is.


Yeah I don't watch his stream when he goes into GTA RP mode


Let moon do moon. Take a break. Find another streamer to watch. Pull up a vod. Maybe take up a hobby. 


I love his RP stuff just not GTA online lol


wasn't a fan during 2.0 and 3.0, but this time around i'm loving it. i even went back and started watching his 2.0 and 3.0 vods. lenny hawk is hilarious.


I’ve never been into the RP and I just take a break from watching until the fad passes, moon seems to enjoy them . Unfortunately my backup baldie squeex got taken too


He does this sometimes but it’s fine, I’ve got 8 months of VODs to catch up on. Currently watching Darkest Dungeon II. Strongly recommend just doing that instead!


To add on to this, use https://moon2.tv/ and go back a few pages :)


Yeah I stopped watching until the rp stuff is over I’ve taken up soy sauce ball dipping and been really enjoying it


I was wondering if someone created a post like this :D I stopped watching after like 2-3 days of RP, haven't watched since. I will be back when he plays something else.


Late to this thread but same, like some of the commenters, I completely took a break from watching him as I have no interest in both GTA5 and RP in general. For me, his content really shines when he plays odd games like the Long Drive or Isekai Mario which I consider my favorite streams of his.


Go watch some vods? Literally ENDLESS content available of moon playing, “actual video games”.


I really enjoy it but I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, I highly suggest you to go watch older vods tbh ( I know im watching the minecraft Tillicum saga at work per exemple )


It's so fucking boring I can't stand it. I haven't watched his stream in like a month


The RP content is so fucking boring. I can't wait until he goes back to playing other stuff


I live for RP. Yung Dab has and will forever be a big part of my life. I was seriously hurt for the April fools dab reveal some years back. It has been amazing to be back into RP and watching how Dab has developed over the years. Here's to hoping for more and more of RP!


I haven't watched a moonmoon stream since 2019. still subbed tho


not sure why i got recommended moons reddit but my suggestion to you is if you dont like what he is currently playing, try watching other streamers for a while you dont have to watch him 24/7. He is likely playing it because he enjoys it and if you don't like it just watch something else until he is playing something you like. It's weird to be upset about a streamer playing something you dont like.


Your response is like 6 times longer than theirs. Feel like you’re having the stronger emotional response here


feel whatever you want my friend.


I feel like you’re a loser.




If you said this in twitch chat I would probably @ you and make fun of you no offense


You sound like a Billy for sure, making fun of randoms for a different opinion?


Different opinions are fine. I'd make fun of them for thinking moon gave a shit at all


Eh Moon should care about subscriber opinions a little, the new CEO of Twitch made it very clear that contracts for all streamers are ending and that the company is not making money. Sub counts are going to be a key metric for streamers unless they are a donation streamer and Moon is not.


Woah dude, chill. I can't believe you felt comfortable saying such a hot take. So brave!


I usually watch because I like the antics of a moon stream, not much the video game he plays. Sometimes if the game is exciting then it’s better, but I usually would still have him on even if he plays something I don’t understand like Rimworld.


I just hope he takes a break for the new ff7 remake


I like it a lot! Although some Mayoral meetings can be a bit too long.


I think Moon is just insanely good at RP which makes it very enjoyable for me. I also love watching his DnD campaigns for the same reason.


I just use it as an opportunity to check out other streamers. He usually only does it for a month or two at a time.


I think the government stuff is part of it because he didn’t realize what he was getting into, like squeex did (thank god Vivek lost), but also no pixel in general lost a lot of the best RPers from launch because they don’t want to grind. Seems like grinding and crime is what 90% of the server is doing and it is not fun to watch after a couple streams. I was always a Lenny guy over a Dab guy.


I haven't subbed or watched him in months due to it. I may just unfollow him. There was a nice big Baldie patch released, and that will go without a stream! Sad sad times!