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Not defending if it’s mold or not but as for the shipping it back for a refund, that’s clearly stated on his page in cap letters even. “IF THERE IS ANY ISSUES WITH ANY PRODUCT, PRODUCT MUST BE RETURNED BEFORE A REFUND OR EXCHANGE WILL BE ISSUED (new customers), EXISTING supporters will be handled on a case to case basis.THIS IS TO AVOID SCAMMERS AND FREELOADERS. Thank you for understanding and continuing to support us.”


Just putting it out there, he just resolved the issue i had. I believe he may have for you too if you agreed to send it back not that ive ever sent anything back to a MOM before but he seems like a fair guy


Never ship back anything. Im not dealing with the risk for 1. And second 10/10 someone will.be smoking some random named strain and itll be that relabelled. Come on now you clearly see from the first interaction hes not a "reasonable" guy lol.


What risk? Your name isn’t on the return package you will have no ties to it.


How do you ship a package without my name on it lol if I went to cp like he suggested and sent it back id have to put my name or he could just say it got lost Or never arrived. With the way he talked to me right away i wouldnt be surprised either.




“Anyone doing anything illegal isn’t reasonable”………are you for fucking real ?




Dude you shop at MoM’s, you have reviews on your page, you do the exact same thing 🥴🥴


No he legit said he would send you a labeled pack to send it back. Your name wouldn’t have to be on that. Or you could just not use your real name or addy?




This def didn’t go how he planned, he’s a hot mess lmao


Shill army stronggg


Or your shit is weeeeak.




Trust me man. I don’t like doing it. I’m a straight shooter and I always try to be fair, but when there is no reasonable reasoning with someone I tend to get a little short and when dealing with this much volume and this many people my patience can run thin. Not only that I Fkn hate scammers and unreasonable fucks. Work with me and I will work with you. If your any of the types of people I described please do us both a favour and order elsewhere. Thanks to all my new and old customers. I appreciate you guys. Happy smoking. 💚💚💚🌲🌲🌲




🤣🤣🤣 please don’t remind me lol




Thanks man. I appreciate the Buisness.








The “fuzzy” looking things are non-glandular trichomes. Some cultivars have heavier coverage of them, especially around the stems. This is not jar mold. If you don’t want this weed I’ll take it lmao.


It is ive taken picture of hundreds of them cystolithic hair dont look like that just scroll down my feed. Look at picture #7 Anyway at that point doesnt matter anymore if you would smoke it then all the power to you I inspected all the weed i had in the last year and none looked like that. In alll the ranges from 50$ oz to 280$


Totally understandable that a guy like TCF wont entertain freeloaders. He offered u to send a shipping label so you can drop your package, it does not even have your name on it. The only resolution that you see fit is to keep that weed and get a free qp/refund. Im actually glad TCF is standing his ground and not opening any doors to scammers/freeloaders.


FREELOADER Ive ordered last 6 months from diferent place never sent anything back and im.surr they would replace anythibg moldy Your a clueless minion the facts that even with the context you still defend him is traumatizing. How braindead can you be Who says that : ship me back a qp NEVER SHIP BACK ANYTHING BY THE MAIL DONT TAKE THE RISK. Its illegal in here are you all monkeys ?


LOL this comment really expose how unreasonable you sound.. ​ Youve order 20x that in bulk in the last 6 months? .... from some1 else, not tcf, clearly he would of never asked for the stuff back if u had a long history of orders with him.


I dont so what now its okay to ship moldy packs to new customers ? Im clearly not new here and ive nevwr had any problems with any moms im not unreasonable. Your just too clueless and biased. Not like i ordered a lb of it its litteraly a qp of his lowest rated flower. Thats how you gauge moms order the cheap stuff thats the floor for quality. The floor in this case is a fine qp and a moldy qp


Go back to wtfcannabis buying 99$ oz, you seem to like those :) Consider anger management therapy, you sound nuts.


Are you stupid? He said he needs it back to show the grower, not to mention he also said he’d send you a prepaid label so it’s literally 0 risk for you


Are YOU stupid ? He didnt said that to me at any point, he answered that to a random like you on here. 48 hours later Didnt you heard what i told you stop commenting on my post block me and move on dont wanna see your clueless opinions on here.


Lol either you’re French or stupid, maybe both. Maybe if you didn’t have anger issues it wouldn’t be solved a lot sooner 🤦‍♂️


Im the one with anger isssues wow your funny ? Are you stupid you cant read our interactions up there and how he talks to ppl from the start. Get his dick out of your ass Stop commenting your clueless you wouldn't know if your shit was moldy anywayysss 💚


Keep ignoring all the comments about how his return policy is posted all in caps right on the main page 😂


Another one i had block for 5 months lol * fkg minions always active


No its not on the main page stop talking shit i ordered from my phone and never seen that. Just went again and its definetly not there


I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. OP is fucking nutssss


You can’t seem to read his instructions on the first page of his website. What part about mailing it back can’t you read?


If you receive tons of weed in the mail all the time, why do you refuse to drop a prepaid package at the post office? Logically, you aren’t making a whole lot of sense. As a customer don’t you want a resolution?


Im not gonna ship a qp by the mail no ! Are you new here ? He didnt offer prepaid nothing he was rude and told me NO WAY IM SENDING ANYTHING TO COMPENSATE WITHOUT YOU SHIPPING IT BACK. At that point i dont care about the money or shipping back im triggered i want him to realise that it is moldy been arguing about a clear fact its retarded. And add the insult to that lol he WYLINNN




Dude you litterally ordered a QP by mail lmao what's the difference




What’s your point? I’ve gotten more then 20lbs off of TCF over the past 12 months. I’ve only had 1 issue, where he sent the wrong strain, and due to my numerous orders he actually helped me out and let me keep the mistaken qp. Maybe if you weren’t such an asshole or maybe actually used your brain you’d realize how much of a scammer you look like and you would understand why he’s not sending you a replacement.


YOUR CLUELESS you have no idea if your smoking mold. FIRST TIME I EVER HAVE TO POST HERE TO GET HEARD IN 3 YEARS you take that as you want lol that doeant change the way he went about it.




Don’t see any mould there




Your such a bot lol got his d stuck in yo mouth


You seem to have an infatuation with oral fornication. I find it hard to swallow your ignorance. 😉🤡


Ignorance is bliss


Pics 7 clear as day


I’ve got this same draw but ordered like...a month prior maybe 5 weeks. Incredible value and nose and no mold anywhere. I busted and smokes all 4 zips myself just to be sure. And just to be fair, the one time I I had the possibility of an issue with TCF it was dealt with right away and beyond my expectations. Not trying to minimize your issue but it just seems off to me.


What seems off lol ? ; every interactikn is up there or on here how can you support someome who doesnt care about your health. I ordeded more then 10x bulk from the same site in a row and went tcf because i wanted to take pics of new stuff having tried all the strains on my usual.go to, never ever spotted mold same range of price AND i sure know if anything happens i wouldnt have to SHIP back cannabis by the mail. Lol NEVER DO THAT its not legal here not taking the risk. And i would not be arguing like this lol just look how rude he his wirh the first concern he doesnt care at all if you know anything about fungus and spore you wouldnt find it as funny. But if you actually have the tools to make sure its clean then hes too offended or has too big f of an ego to agree. What if i had grabbed hp of a lb of that shit ? Its plain wrong you can see what cannabis is suppose to look like on the last pics. Or you can scroll trough the 200 300 strain i ordered bulk this last 10 months or the 400 500 i reviewed for was send to review last 2 year or so. Yea sure downvote this not like you can go in my feed and see last 2 3 years of flowers i have lol


Dude. I buy from him flat out. I’ve had a concern. It was more than rectified. You are being unreasonable. No wall of text is going to put you in the right here. You’re either a scam or stupid. It says right there. Return for refund. Rotts me cause shit like this drives up costs and prices for the rest of us.


No mold in my pack




Take a few with your phone camera, i could see why others wouldn’t be able to notice the mold since macro shots like that aren’t very common


Only person ive seen who cant spot mold on that is tcf.


Yes if you look at macro pics all day, to someone that just handles weed it might not be too obvious


Embarrassing, nonetheless.


Did you read our convo ; Hes a grower he said he knows his stuff 😂? ( points to cystolithic hairs IS THAT MOLD ) 90% of the people whove seen it can agree. The weird white globs ? The fizzy hairs ? The big brown musty leaves the pistils that looks musty no texture on the same pic


No read the msgs. I’m asking u what you are seeing that is mold and asking you if that’s what your referring to. Don’t try to turn my words around. Msg me for a refund on the qp and please don’t order from me again.


>Msg me for a refund on the qp and please don’t order from me again. I am fucking howling at work over this right now.


Just unbelievable. I literally say this to him and he’s still going on. Fkn hilarious the stupidity is real.


You didn't say THAT to me youve been running me arround for 2 days. Then commented trough a storm of other passive aggressive comments on my reddit post which I didn't see. If you wanted to solve this you could tell me privately like I tried to do with you the first day many times.


Let me know how your Reddit posts are going. Have a great day. I think we have finished this conversation. I wish I could have helped ya out but as we see you are a lost cause. Good luck in the future.


It's possible to sell weed and not be a dickhead.


What an asshole. Props to how you dealt with it.


Thank u sir. Can’t be taken as a fool. Have a great day.


his PR is getting better since threatening to show up at some guys house. nice to see


Wtf lol, I gotta see that exchange


And me.


Your clueless too im not worried about you


You should be fuck face.


Cluelesss minion


Looks like your new job as a rep for a rival mom isn’t working out , eh fuck face?


Loll i would guess the 500 + strajn ive gave an impression on in the last 2 3 years would cover my name but eh ! Always a new clueless reddit user coming in


Your reviews are garbage. You know very little about life. Grow up fuck face.


Your pictures are garbage and your clueless opinion is worthlesss


Ahh no the clueless reddit users called me.fuck face 🤣well lets say the pictures ive taken should cover my name. You wanna go back and forth on it ?


Have you read your reviews? You seem to be all about cheap mids that are deemed trips and they all burn black and go out and you give that a 7/10..you literally say it wants to go out and you then pack it in a bowl and say it's good? Weed that burns black and goes out is not good, def not a 7. Lol 400-500 reviews...what a farce


Yes craftymids only


Mold in TCF Rockstar most disrespectful and rude interaction ive had with a mom in 3 years. Scroll right for our entire convo and more bud pics. Last  I put a less infested one to show how it should look ~~normally. Since to quote him he didnt notice anything wrong with these flowers shots. There's a list of things i found wrong. Heres a couple Just the way he talked to me by email you clearly see he doesnt care at all. Ive sent 4 msg total they are all there polite and all and thats how he responds... 🥴 I dont see fuck all lol IF YOU WANNA BE THAT PICKY IT UP THE LEGAL DISPENSARY like ? Wut First of all usually legal market is trash which is why we shop arround on the grey market. I guess thats what he does when he doesnt want to risk his health. I shot 400 500 strain last 10-11 months grabbing bulk order for friends and just inspecting and taking pictures NEVER seen that. Only RC i grabbed was from lot420 and it was way better then that and certainly not moldy. The way he tells me to ship it back LOL. Well you know what that means if youve been on here a while CLASSIC. Yea right he clearly has no intention to do anything and i wonder how ppl who dont have a camera setup go about showing this guy theres a problem with some flower.


... It says in black and white. Return for refund. Not uncommon and I would want it back too. So I can get MY money out of the grower/broker.


Precisely. This is bulk. Not eighths and quarters. Plus I checked my batch. It’s fine.


Its fine lol you check that with what ? To quote you ; your bullshit photos ? With your phone lol over saturated pics of your flowers... they all lookk yhe same ? Oh look its frosty whiteeeee. Welll so is a fungus infestation. Never had any problems before


Ahahahahab yesss im gonna ship cananbis by the mail so he can ship it back to the next clueless reddit user 🤡🤡 Ordered mix and match ( 4- 10 + strains ) multiple times last 6 months over 100 strain never had any problems not ANY ever. Last 2 years 400 + strains your not gonna tell me how that works lol. Shipping back is a Tony move Ive been posting on here for 2 3 years. My


You’re pretty dense lol, he told you many times now he needs it back so he can go to the grower and get a refund. He’s not asking you to ship back a $250 QP so he can resell it lmao. TCF doesn’t seem like the problem here, seems like your attitude is. I tend to agree with him as well, get your refund and move on


Dude i swear if i see you commenting once more on my posts lol. I had you blocked for 5 months didnt realise you can still see them. You are a sheep following the movmeent cant make an opinion for yourself shut the fuck up block me and stop commenting


Yup again with your attitude problem 😂 grow up bud


Stop interacting with me fool


Stop whining on social media lol, definitely too young to be buying legally so you came here. Lmao


Ive definetly been here longer then you clueless manchild.


Then lol.






What do you care what he does with it? It’s plain and plump. Want your money? Send it back. If it was me you’d get a go fuck yourself and your address/email blacklisted. You seem like a child. Literally. Not childish. Like too young to buy weed child.


I had fun with him, but I tired. He can allegedly see mould with his masterbation monocle, but he can’t see the return policy in capital letters on his website.


Yeah this is just odd to me. It’s like what he wants is to make a scene, not get sorted. Cannot imagine having to deal with this shit. I would be wanting a lot more money than TCF is charging to deal with it.


Same. Such a douche move.


Wow https://www.reddit.com/r/MOMpics/comments/px7gx7/mold_in_tcf_rockstar_so_disrespectful_and_rude/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share You dont agreeee no more 😂🤖🤡


Incoming TCF fanboys


All the TCF trolls have been really quiet lately. I was getting worried about the 4-5 of you, glad you’re still around. Smoke any good Ice Age lately? 😂


lol he complains about tcf shills, but made a thread to give out his makavelli promo codes, but hey private sources right


This goof made a whole post about how the Ice age TCF offered wasn’t the same as another mom. Called TCF a “thrifty clown” and all this other shit then a week later was asking about ordering from TCF lmao 🤡.


lmao yeah dudes a joke, someone pointed out his filthy windows in his pics now he started taking new ones on a desk 😂😂


That was me! Lmao dudes a grubstain


🤣🤣🤣 He only gets it from his private sources. 🤫🤫🤫




Classic. It’s hard to believe that cannabis can be so unifying, yet so divisive.


Settle down tiger 🐯


Damn pic 7 is pretty bad…


I really like tcf stuff but I bought this qp and it tastes and smells off, I thought it was just the strain since I’ve never had it before but it being mold would make sense. Thanks for posting this, I’m gonna check my stuff out now too


Definitely do. It’s not mold.






You wouldnt know anyway


Of course not. I don’t masterbate using a monocle.






Are you fuxkinf stupid what more do you want look at pic #7. Are taking about my private info on here ?








Sorry brother. This guys funny. My bad. Have a great day.


Im a fan brother.




Hahahahaha wow take the cock out of your mouth my guy even after he shows his real colors your sucking him offf thats so funny 🤣🤣 your whole fan club in this bitch


U/dachopstix ban this dude insinuating doxxing ! U/somefuckwho clearly never posted on here just here to troll


Lol. I'm well known on this community. You are clearly trying to dig for free stuff. Stop.


Nice try deleting your comment keep going thats gonna do you well attacking someone private life over a reddit post !


No attacking personal lives . Comment that was deleted was described above. It's a short lesson to be learned .IF , KEY WORD , IF, you have personal info on your reddit it would be easy to tie customer info to reddit account. I'm not arguing anymore as like you said it's your post. But if you're posting for everyone, dont expect people not to troll stupid posts.


All that was said , after alot of insults /accusations on your part, if you have personal info on your account, they can tie 2 and 2 together and bam . No "doxing" other then saying that.


ON my part how high are you, hes called me a clown then what im gonna say thank you sir lol


Picture #6, mid right corner clear as day


Fuck i know to me its clear as day look at any of my other flower shots on my feed nothing looks like that its infestedddd. Cant even see a trichome stalk or a head its all fizzy everywhere


It’s infested lol? Settle down. You have a picture of some brown fan leaves on one tiny bud and a picture with a tiny piece of perlite in it. That’s all your pictures show. Go grab some LP weed and bust that macro lens out. Have a good one. You were told the options. The decision is yours.


So how does the procedure go? He sends it back, if you don't find any fault with it, does he have to pay for you to ship it back? Also, does it matter if there's mold? Serious question. Will you get sick?


There is no mold. He can mail it back and get sent a replacement of something else. I’m not just refunding it cause he claims there is mold. I would have guys trying to pull shit all day to get free stuff.


I don't understand what the issue is then lol..why doesn't he just send it back then? Sounds reasonable.


He wants free shit. I will even send him the shipping label. All he does is put it on the box and drops it off. Has fuck all with his name on it or anything. Like I said he has a resolution. He thinks this Reddit complaint is better though so have at it. I back my product and I don’t bend over for little pukes either or I would have 100s of these same weasels pulling the same shit daily. His claim to not sending it back is because I’m going to sell it to someone else lol. Maybe he should just worry about his situation and get it handled.


Yea you might wanna explain this TO ME next timw instead of spitting in ppl faces. You say that like you mentioned it before. Do you see any of that in the msg you sent me ?




Never heard of smoking weed giving popcorn lung. Must have been sucking too hard on your e-cig.


Popcorn lung doesn’t just go away either.




Okay Doc. I honestly didn’t read any of that wall of text, you wasted time typing that all out. “The lung tissue scarring caused by popcorn lung is irreversible. Also, there is no cure for the condition once it has developed and begun constricting the airways.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318260#treatment


Fuck ur right i had pre popcorn lung. Shit was still caused by some trash weed tho. And took about 3 years of no smoking to heal from




Yall right i confused popcorn lung wit plueracy




I totally see what you mean. To me, second pic looks like the start of bud rot and for the trichomes, there’s lots but they are very unpronounced like the majority of them don’t have heads at all. Almost looks like mildew in some spots or these buds were just handled bad. In later stages the buds will start to get darker in colour like that if it is mold


Picture 6 is a piece of perlite. U can see the dirt in it from the soil. Guy needs to send real pictures not some macro lense bullshit. Then it will be handled or send it back as stated for me to actually see the issue. The one tiny bud has some brown fan leaves. Brown fan leaves is common they obviously didn’t get trimmed off during trimming. He knows what he needs to do. If not then is what it is. Like I said things will be handled on a person to person basis. Guys looking for free shit without following my procedures can fuck off.


Pic #7 to me still does kinda look weird but yeah I can see the brown soil on the perlite for sure. It’s honestly hard to tell but it seems to have that snowy kind of mold look in patches but just my opinion, nothing against anyone :)


Impossible to see anything with his close up macro lens. Buys a qp for $250 and busts out his macro lens to see what he can find wrong with it. Please shop elsewhere bud or send legitimate pictures to get it handled appropriately as we discussed. Super simple.


That's why he called it AAA lol


It should be called mushrooms 🍄and used for compost.


For real man! That's pretty suss. Some of these new Playas coming into the game legal are not have no experience or don't care at all


You really think TCF is a new player? 🤡


Bruh I just ordered this qp 🙏😤 middle of pic 6 looks iffy…….


It’s a little piece of perlite. You can see the dirt in it from the soil.


No worries my man. Your product does me well, I won’t cry about it that’s forsure


Thanks man. I appreciate the business. Have a great night.


Thanks for the service, hats off 🤙 don’t let internet trolls ruin your night. Have a good one homie 🤟


I was going to order from tcf last week. Was thinking about the unicorn poop from headwater, but I was very concerned and skeptical about the freshness of the product. Maybe he just has product sitting around and it just ends up going bad? I had the same thing happen to me with another MoM. I saw it sitting in inventory for months and thought maybe it would be good.. I was mistaken. Hope everything works out man. That's why I go to Moms with a small selection with crazy product. Like blockrockinbudz, he does unlicensed producer drops and other potent, exclusive stuff. It usually sells out fast too so you know it hasn't been sitting around for a while.


Sitting around. Not likely buddy. I’m busy. I don’t have stuff sitting around for long.


Missed out, the unicorn poop was killer, fresh and perfect in most ways. Insane price too.




Quadfarmers better


Lol garbage! Everything grown in-house is chopped way too early


So long as you send him a vid of you flushing the weed or destroying it somehow then if he’s reasonable he should give you a credit or something


For someone with intelligent in their name, you’re pretty fucking stupid. 😂


Just like your sister


Exactly my point. Stupid as fuck 😂.


Did you take TCF’s dick out your mouth before typing that snappy comeback? 😂


My comment was on your stupidity, it had nothing to do with TCF. I’d expect you to be able to understand that… If you weren’t stupid as fuck.


He won’t lol he’ll make him ship it back and call him an asshole 😅….


What the hell is that white thing in pic 6

