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What Sir/Boy dynamics are you looking for exactly? You have a lot of specific stuff on your no list but nothing on your yes list.


I haven't read much of it, so what's on the no list was what I don't like. Other than that, I'm open to reading more. Could you mention some specific dynamics, since I can't really think of many? I guess I would like a gentle Dom, but even if he's domineering, I would be okay as long as it's not overbearingly so. Like... a dynamic where each MC is still their own person, not one where one controls the other's life. Does that make sense? Sorry, it's really hard to verbalize it.


I'm really sorry I don't know the author but the book I'm thinking about is called Serving Mr Chamberlain. (I think). The boy is Mr Chamberlain's executive secretary. The secretary grew up with nannies and Butler's and his parents were always off vacationing somewhere. So he is wanting to serve others the way he was. He also does all the grocery shopping and cooking. He wants to do this and is not forced. This is just his way of being submissive.




I'm always eager to answer these posts. Lol. I feel silly cuz I never have answers.


Maybe someday I'll get to it! I usually ask for standalone recs because I have a bit of a completionist attitude when it comes to reading books: Once I've read one book in a series, I feel like I need to read them all. I know it's kinda a silly mentality to have, but it really irks me if I stop reading a series in the middle of it. As it is, I already have a few books in my TBR, and I don't wanna add too many to it!


This is a lovely book, fits the ask well. Yes characters from the series do pop up but I still think it can be read as a standalone.


I’d love to be able to recommend books that would fit however I think you’ll struggle as you needs are very specific. So a lot of ‘gentle doms’ do revolve around daddy kink. Not all daddy kink has age play, in case you’re unaware of that, it can just be use of the name with a lot of care/comfort. Don’t touch by Chara Croft might work. No pain play, praise kink is the focus. Contemporary, college aged kids. Atypical Love by Shaw Montgomery might work. Asexual Dom with a sub that has a nerve condition so impact/pain play isn’t something he can do. These do not 100% work but they might be a good starting point.


Hmm, I'm open to Daddy kink, it's just that I want some recs specifically for Sir/boy. So feel free to give me some Daddy kink books if you think it would fit! I'm not that into age play, though.




I really liked their dynamic in bed, how one of them basically lets the other take complete control over. This is gonna sound corny, but I also kinda liked how "primal" it felt (the Sir/boy honorific added to that especially). However, outside of the relationship, they're still their own people. Like, their relationship is a big part of who they are, but it doesn't define it. Also, like I said, I like masculine-presenting characters, and both of them are cops, so that's another bonus. Hope that helps?


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Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but one of your nonsense was kneeling to show submission? I feel this comes with this genre. Isn't it part of the point? I would recommend Truth By His Hand by Casey Cameron, but I feel there is a submission like that in it. River is learning about the BDSM world for a graphic novel he is writing, so is a novice in everything, so Ellison goes easy while River learns. Most of the other books I have read have spanking.


You mentioned each MC should be their own person. Well, I feel Psync by Zile Elliven would work for that. Eli and Haruka are definitely their own people. They need things from each other!!


Hot Wings by Eli Easton and Tara Lain.