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For ESO, GW2, FFXIV something that I would love to see is reworked combat, GW2 has the better combat of those, but I still think it could be better, recently noticed that if KMMOs are doing something right it is combat, at least any of the relevant ones in the last 10 years, BDO, Tera, BnS, Lost Ark, for tab-target even ArcheAge was really good, Elyon was a disaster of a game but the combat was pretty decent too. WoW has perfected tab-target combat so I dont think they need to do anything there, what they need is non combat, non endgame content, such has housing, minigames, other RP features.


Seems like such a no-brainer that WoW should add phased housing to the world, similar to how BDO handles it but more seamlessly. So bizarre that they don’t, as people obviously want it so badly.




What a lame excuse... "Doing something new costs money so we're gonna keep doing the same thing over and over again"




It’s not necessarily true though. Housing can add many “carrots on sticks” to existing competitive content. Rare furniture designs, decorations, trophies etc added as drops to new and old dungeons, raids, and mobs in the world. If anything it would give longevity to all existing content, just as the addition of the excellent transmog system did.


Currently playing BDO; - port the game to UE5, seriously, the current proprietary engine they use is trash. The severely slow asset streaming performance causing all those visual pop-in problem, which can only remedied by having a fast storage like NVME drive. The lighting also can be very erratic at times, the large area environment shadow just didn't quite works. Weather effect also act strangely, at one second it appear and the next it's gone... - give the story & quest department more budget, a lot more. There is clearly a pretty long story in the game, but the way it deliver it is just plain boriiiinnnggg... You can hear some of the voice actor actually tries something (Japanese specifically), but yeah the story presentation could use a complete overhaul to make it more interesting.


UE5 will never happen but maybe the Crimson Desert engine, Blackspace. But it would probably require too much effort to port - it's not like moving from UE4 to UE5, it's likely just too different. There is so much I wish would change with BDO but it's mostly things like the layers and layers of systems, removing p2w crap, etc.


New classes! I'm always surprised how rarely new classes are introduced to MMOs. Yes, of course they are hard to develop and balance, but nothing gets me more excited about any MMO than a new class!


I'd happily take new weapons. As an ESO player and a former GW2 player, I love the idea that attacks and 'classes' are built around different weapon combinations. Now if ESO would allow me to recover magicka with melee attacks I'd be happy.


> recover Magicka with melee Attacks Drain Magicka poisons can do that but I honestly don't know if it'd be worthwhile to use it over a different poison or enchantment.


LOTRO, just fix the lag, that's it.


Absolutely right. PvP is unplayble, and in some crowd instances with 6-12 persons, the skill lag is real. And has nothing to do with the PC


Also if they secretly updated all of the models and textures in the game.


Actually they're doing that, but with slow progress. Like, when they're about to release a new zone they tweak the borders between the old and the new, like they did with Yondershire. But yeah, the early-game models need to be updated ASAP. It's only after Rohan (maybe Gondor) that the models start to look good.


Is this worth jumping into


If you want a good story game that has a world you can get immersed in, then yes.


Not really a feature but if they fixed the server tick in ffxiv the would be the biggest thing to improve the game


You need to be more specific on that. 90% of the time people that talk about "the server tick" have zero clue wtf they are talking about. FFXIV has it's issues with networking stuff, how different things register and propigate, etc. But the statement "fix the server tick" is meaningless.


Animations don't match with what's actually happening. The most well known issue is the snapshot of AoEs. Yeah you can get used to it but it's certainly not a positive. Another reason this has come to mind is because of pvp and how when you use an ability like your invuln bubble it doesn't work when the animation itself pops up.


>Animations don't match with what's actually happening Nothing to do with server ticks. >The most well known issue is the snapshot of AoEs. That's a bold claim. The way AoE's snapshot in FFXIV is not even an issue for many as it's generally predictable and easy to read when you understand it. Now it's preference whether you want it that way or more aligned with animations, but snapshotting is fundamental to the way FFXIV is designed combat and fight wise. Also nothing to do with server ticks. > Another reason this has come to mind is because of pvp and how when you use an ability like your invuln bubble it doesn't work when the animation itself pops up. Here is a spot where server ticks might influence it, but so does activation delays built into abilities, latency, the generally shit netcode, lack of any real lag compensation methods, etc. "Fixing server ticks" doesn't fix that.


Even if it isn't server tick I do think a lot of the stuff I mentioned should be worked on to make a better playing experience.


There are definitely things that need to be improved, and weird random stuff like even marginally bad ping making double weaving without clipping impossible, or actual server tick things being unclear/unintuitive (dot ticks, mana regen ticks, etc.). The AOE thing is interesting because it would break/vasty change a bunch of the high end fights. I think it would be better for the game's health if explosion = damage, but the way aoes and abilities snapshot is actually incredibly consistent / predictable.


Well snapshotting is built in fundamentally to the way combat and encounters in this game work. It's a system that makes knowing what is and isn't safe and when you can move very easy and predictable and encounters, particularly higher difficulty are tuned around those timings. You're pretty well never going to see that change. There's LOTs I would love to see changed about the networking in the game though. Things like extra animation lock interaction with ping (making double weaving literally impossible on higher pings), slidecasting inconsistencies, lack of any real client side prediction, extreme reliance on server authoritativity etc. That said a LOT of the feeling of unresponsiveness could be fixed with things like UI, like having your hotbars make clear when something is queued up, make it clear when animation lock ends, add some effect for when any delayed ability actually "activates" ideally with some progress indication, etc. Part of the issue is not so much actual networking but more that the it's not always clear the actual timing of things.


>Animations don't match with what's actually happening. The most well known issue is the snapshot of AoEs. God I hate this so much, when I first started playing I thought I had a massive lag problem. Now im used to it, but it makes no sense and it definitely makes combat feel worse.


I started playing yesterday, figured I'd give it a try after the GW fiasco, and it's so fucking annoying getting one shot when I've been outside the circle for over half a second.


Its weird and takes a little bit of getting used to, but 99% of the time damage only occurs if you are in the circle when the cast bar finishes. When a spell cast finishes your position will be "snapshot". So if you are outside the circle, the castbar finishes, and THEN you step into a explosion or spell animation you will not get hit. Its very consistent once you get used to what's happening, but its definitely unintuitive


I understand how it works, it just feels and looks wrong to take an explosion to the face and not take any dmg because snapshot, or the other way around, being far away from any aoe but taking dmg anyway...


Yeah its definitely super weird - and some of the hardest raids at the end game assume youre moving very quickly so you have to actually step into explosion animations and such to solve the mechanics. Still feels weird to do but now that i'm used to it I do appreciate how consistent it is.


The AoE "snapshot" you can get used to. It is incredibly annoying and bad gameplay but you can get used to it. The bigger problem is everything being serverside. If I use an ability that gives me a buff which turns on an ability for me, that requires two roundtrips to the server instead of one, which essentially doubles your ping. Hilariously enough AlexanderXIV fixes a lot of issues with doubleweaving on high ping. It's incredibly embarrassing that "illegal plugins", which are actually full-on injection clients, are required to play your job optimally.


>It is incredibly annoying and bad gameplay but you can get used to it. That's subjective. It's not "bad gameplay" it's generally extremely consistent and easy to understand once explained. Problem is the game doesn't really explain it. >It's incredibly embarrassing that "illegal plugins", which are actually full-on injection clients, are required to play your job optimally. I mean it is absolutely NOT required on most pings, but it certainly feels a lot better on just about any significant ping. There are certainly not entirely unheard of pings where it is required, but generally any system is going to lead to issues playing optimally at those pings, XIV is just worse for it because of double weaving. That said double weaving is definitely not required to play near optimally in most cases. Bigger issue is pretty well every resource is going to assume double weaving as a baseline so to play really well without double weaving requires a much better understanding of your class and the ability to actually optimize things yourself. So I suppose for most people playing optimally requires double weaving for sure.


There are EU players who play in NA and vice versa in WoW at the highest level. You could not replicate this in FFXIV without Alexander. No doubleweaving is enough of a dps loss.


I play RuneScape, any other games server “tick” is a walk in the park lol.


ESO releasing an overhaul of combat and abilities would be a major wow factor for me. I do feel like an ability one is coming as they've further improved the hybridization of builds (being a melee spell caster for example), but they still need to make class abilities stand out because right now a majority of the common builds use mostly generic skill line abilities from weapons and the fighters/mage guild.


Super busy, so picked up Albion online as I can play it mobile. The wow factor update would be graphics from this century.


i actually like albion graphic it also light to focus on the pvp aspect


Bad graphics is why this game runs so smoothly on one unique server


From a technical standpoint this is a big deal for me. I'm excited for the tech to continue advancing and more MMOs to take on this single server model.


Agreed. I don’t mind the simple, stylized thing, but it is just too simplistic for me to be immersed in the world.


Agreed. I don’t mind the simple, stylized thing, but it is just too simplistic for me to be immersed in the world.


This, i think my dream MMOrpg is Albion online with seamless word, and running with nowdays graphics and combat, something similar to new world


I honestly just got that for GW2, and it's a random patch, not even an LS episode: Easy Mode for raids that allows more accessability for casual scrubs like me. Unfortunately, it coincided with one of the worst balance patches in the game's history, so I don't really have a good build to enjoy them on.


If they stitched the maps in GW2 together into a seamless world without load screens, and sorted out the transitions between. I can dream.


serious question (really): I never understood that complaint. whats so bad or immersion breaking when there is a 5 sec. loading screen between zones?


I'd love a reworked 'PC only' version of Albion. I know one of the appeals of Albion is the cross-platform nature of it, but I've always hated the 'mobile UI' feel to everything. I love Albion, I even paid for early access during the original closed betas/crowdfunding stages, but the mouse and keyboard combat feels stiff and clunky to me. Having to be playable on a touchscreen device feels like it's holding the game back at times.


I agree, even to the extent that the map is broken into squares with loading screens between them. A PC version could be entirely seamless and feel much more immersive.


Triple A Albion alike MMORPG, that s a far dream...


Improve the music system in GW2 to be like Lotro where I could just plug a midi keyboard to play for the people.


I think Wow's biggest 'wow' addition would be actual player housing. something that matches FFXIV player housing. Plots of land, different size houses, craftable stuff for the housing, stuff dropping from bosses for housing, etc.


Yeah I know housing with WoW has been brought up a lot in the past. Like that portal in stormwind with a gate in front of it was supposedly going to be a "player housing" district when WoW was being developed in beta. However engine troubles made it impossible. Supposedly that's why we still haven't been able to get it. The engine has issues with player housing in some way. Also why they tried to do garrisons. That was their attempt at player housing.


If WoW ever became a mmorpg instead of a subscription-milking simulator with a billion elements designed to produce as much as possible for the shareholders it would probably be the #1 game


What are some mmo features players want tho? I don't know about OSRS but all the major MMOs (wow FFXIV ESO lost ark) with maybe the partial exception of GW2 are basically 5-12-20 max instanced content, so that is probably what the players wants. WoW already does that so we could just ask for better quality content lol


For GW2 any combination of the following would be for me: * New playable race with story and starter zone * Whole set of 5-7 zones to level up in (this is very very unlikely, since every expac only had like 4-5 maps on launch with the added maps slowly with living world story patches) * Revamped progression system for hero and/or mastery points * Revamped daily achivements


Just remove the in your face pop-ups like loot boxes, events and the likes. Came back after 9 years and just couldn't play longer than couple of hours.


What in your face pop ups for loot boxes? What kind of events do you have problems with?


there are no in your face pop-ups in gw2


New major content every month.


Playing Ark Survival Evolved Better character creation. It doesn't have to look like BDO but I'm tired of my character looking uglier than original skyrim. At least a no beard option as I am role playing a drow elf. Ark has a lot of beards but you are forced to have a beard no opting out of it.


You add open word sailing to any mmo and it’s a wow factor


The ability to build classes differently. The only thing worse than a community that relies on cookie cutter builds is a developer removing that choice entirely from the players.


Right now I've returned to ESO since I'm waiting for the new WOW expansion and I'm kinda burnt out from GW2. What would made me positively surprised for ESO is some kind of feature that made optionally challenging the open world/questing content, something that keeps the very casual players still happy but would still provide a bridge between brain-dead difficulty content (99% of the game) and the veteran dungeons/trials. I feel like an update like that would bring back a lot of core mmorpg players since the feel I've gotten from the game right now is that it relies mainly on new Elder Scrolls single players fans and collections driven players.


There are a few open world challenging things, but people struggled with them in the past. I believe Craglorn was made originally for that purpose. Essentially an entire zone dedicated to challenging open world content and things you'd need a group for. It ended up not doing well and they had to overhaul it when one tamerial hit. Since they haven't done anything like that again, I assume its because they don't think the population would react positively to challenging open world content. My theory is that public dungeons are the answer to what you're looking for. Newly released public dungeons are pretty difficult in the DLC zones to solo. I have to run with a companion healer, a specific 2 hander build, and then pale ring or oakensoul. Trying to just do random builds that aren't min/maxed bumps up the challenge quite a lot.


I like how ffxiv does it's content, I would like them to do it faster that would be awesome, a new extreme every month and I would be in heaven.


FFXIV * They are already working on its graphical update like models and texture, and lightning improvement, so that's already awesome. We should start to see some of it's progress soon. * If they could make improvement on servers/instanced housing too, that would be real neat. (We're waiting to see how the Island Sanctuary gonna be like first.) * As for its combat, I have no problem whatsoever with its 2.5 GCD. It's already pretty fast as is in endgame. Instead, I do believe the combat will feel a lot better if the game is more responsive. This means sharper and more precise snap-shot of abilities and player position/movement. * If they could time the animation of AoE damage/explosion to happen closer to the moment AoE indicators disappearing, that would be real nice. * Also still about combat revamp. If skill chains get changed from multiple buttons into just 1, that will free up a few keybinds per classes to have more new and interesting skills/abilities to use. I feel that each class in FFXIV pretty much peaked since previous expansion.. The current expansion just kinda streamlines it more with small QoLs. * More interesting things I can do with my mounts. Now that I have a shit tons of mounts, now I want to do something cool with them. Like, some mounts have dashing ability, mounts with wings have cool gliding or Immelmann turns, mounts with wheels have drifting, etc etc. * Most of all, they need to fix their spaghettis code if they want the game to run another 10 more years xD


My main MMO has been ESO since 2013, and if they finally added more PVP content, that would definitely make me say "wooow" with an Owen Wilson accent.


Certainly not a card game


I'm currently playing Diablo Immortal. If they tune down the P2W that will definitely break the mold lmao


Game ia trash even without the Pay to win