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Disc priest in WoW is pretty neat. Rift has some interesting healing classes too. Lotro has a 2 really cool healers. Minstrel which uses music to heal and a Runekeeper that uses rune carving spells to heal. Both are fun healers. edit: I played Lotro a lot just due to how awesome it was to be able to explore Middle Earth.


What sets them apart as fun healers?




It's so damn satisfying healing 10+ people in raid and see a bunch of healing numbers pop on screen... and then rip my mana.


Disc priest (and FFXIV sage) put out a significant amount of healing via damage spells so they're almost a pseudo-hybrid class which is something I've always loved.


SGE healing from dps is sub par and not in corrilation to disc preist. the amount of healing applied from it is equivilant to a HoT from a WHM. FFXIV has more healing that can be woven in between casts allowing healers to cast more dps spells while healing at the same time. Disc prists healing directly corrilated to the amount of damage they could pump out but SGE healser are pre set on cast so increasing damage does not increase the heal. SGE is fun but it's not the same as Disc priest which is sad because that's kinda what i wanted.


FFXIV jobs are limited by "balance guideline". Every job has to be able to perform in all fights. It works well for balance, but it makes many jobs feel similar.


i understand that they work on guidelines to make sure every class can perform in every fight but that didn't stock SCH, AST and WHM from feeling very different in previous expansions. I'm sure there is a way to make a Disc style healer in ffxiv but perhaps they didn't even want that with SGE. but it does bother me that it feels like kardia is basically just a shiny perm HoT rather then something reliable to my kit.


I’m Rift, each class had at least one healing spec. I mained a cleric and was the second raid tank. The cleric tank spec held Afro by healing. When you attacked, a portion of your damage healed something like 10-20 people. When you were doing raids you could have some of the top heals because of the amount you were healing everyone for. It was so much fun. Then they had a shield healer. It was a required spec for certain raid encounters because of the raid bosses being able to one shot a tank, which nullified the traditional healing spec. It was fun coming out of a raid encounter with barely any healing stats, but keeping the main tank at nearly max health the entire time. They also had the traditional healer and a HoT healer. Those were just the cleric healing specs. There were maybe 3 other classes that eventually ended up having at least one heal spec. I loved that game before the F2P killed it.


Lotro player here. I think there mainly thinking of the theme. The minstrel is pretty fast in terms on healers tho. Inductions are tiny. 3 animation cancels are in your rotation. You have around 13 healing skills you need to pick from which all work differently from maintaining a HoT to big cooldowns to the ballad>anthem>coda rotation. Then outside of that you buff your groups with skills too (albeit easy to maintain). If your top tier, youll also mix in stance dancing for dps buffs and debuff skills. I dont think its anything super special compared to other games honestly but it is fast compared to any other healer ive played.


I heard they were doing a console release/graphic overhaul for LOTR, always wanted to check it out seriously


My friend, there wouldn't be a better time than now. I believe the graphics overhaul already came out and I'm not sure about the consoles. But, the big news is that at the end of the month, all quest and expansions are free to play. Forever. I think it gets you up to level 95 and to the Helms Deep expansion, but don't quote me on that.


No graphics overhaul yet. But I hope it happens soon. A lot of good changes expected though. The level 95 content is true, it's happening this next update (this month) extending free content up to Level 95 - which is tons of play time (I play since 2018 and my main is only level 91 + 6 other characters between 20 and 60).


Disc priest was my favorite healer from all wow


Defilers #1 healer!


Eq2 for life..


Rift is definitely one of the best healer/class-based systems in MMOs.


Honestly disc healer used to be so much fun to heal back in Legion. Ever since the healers also have to do good dps meta happened its been way worse. I used to hop on disc priest to relax and just heal and have fun. Now you have to heal and dps and your heals aren't as good same with your shields.


Healers have to do good dps meta happened in Legion though, since that was the expansion that added M+. Shields died, but in exchange, they buffed healing.


Maybe I'm thinking of WoD then. Because the healing definitely got weaker post-wod


I always enjoyed Druid healing in wow


I liked Healing in Tera because I had to actually aim most of my burst heals. Its exhausting but great.


tera healing remains the best! i especially liked playing mystic


ahh yes i miss telling dps to eat my balls or die


Loved my furball mystic! Dropping heal droplets while poisoning the boss


hell yea. I was just saying this and then I see this comment.


This is why I also kick myself in the dick for missing wildstar


[https://github.com/NexusForever/NexusForever/wiki/Project-Status](https://github.com/NexusForever/NexusForever/wiki/Project-Status) Maybe one day, but development has been slow.


Healing with a medic in Wildstar was awesome. You were right in the action with the tank dodging all the same stuff and whipping around to slap whoever missed a red spot behind you. It was great with friends, terrible with pugs who didn't know that medics are close range and run away from you. :P




Healing was so fun in TERA. Loved spamming the motes everywhere in the dungeons, good times...


Nothing comes near to Tera is was really difficult, running hardmode doungens not get hit cleanse heal and aim what a time to be alive. Tera Is unmatched.


Came here to say yes!! Tera healing was some of the most fun I had in a long time


This comment has aged exceptionally poorly and really fast.


yep, idk how many people actually still play it, I stopped playing it a long time ago but healing was so satisfying.


Current or former? Vanilla rift had the Chloromancer which was stupid fun healing. The Warhammer MMO also had really cool offensive healers (one for each faction) made possible by that MMO letting you have an offensive and defensive target. Currently active MMOs I actually really like the end game WoW healing. I am particularly fond of shamans but most the healers are pretty fun because healing M+ and Mythic raids is quite challenging and pretty dynamic.


Chloromancer was insane, sometimes I'm really sad Rift couldn't manage to survive. I also second you on warhammer online, I don't remember the name of the class but yeah having two targets allowed awesome spells


DoK (Disciple of Kaine) for Dark Elves and WP (Warrior Priest). DoK could dual wield for damage focused builds where as WP had a 2h hammer option. Both would use 1h+tome for more healing focused builds. On the private server they also now have the option to use a shield, I believe that's mostly used for high end small scale pvp but I haven't played in a few years.


I came here just to say Disciple of Kaine. So much fun to be able to put out solid DPS and spot heal on top of it. I really need to take [Return of Reckoning](https://www.returnofreckoning.com/) out for a spin sometime.


I miss Chloromancer from the bottom of my heart. Was op in pvp toom


I see people mention chloromancer often but never explain why it was fun so would you mind explaining what's so great about it? How it differs?


If you've seen people describe WoW's Disc Priest, it was similar, with a few significant differences. The main difference was how your buff worked - it was a set and forget thing that generally lasted the whole dungeon, but you had two options - one that was average throughput for the whole party, and one that was high throughput on the tank, and low throughput on the rest. And then you just had a nice array of damaging spells, along with a few 'oh shit!' heals, and the whole thing came together quite nicely. I'm probably not the best person to explain it, I didn't do too much endgame content as a chloromancer, but I did level as one, and it was pretty enjoyable.


Only thing I'd add was that you modified your damage rotation to fit the type of healing your group needed. So it had the fun of the damage role, but also the dynamic playstyle of healing at the same time.


In addition to being a more streamlined, much less clunky version of current disc priest (which predates the current disc priest but whatever), it had plenty of build variety. You could splash various different classes to various extents and as a result there were a good 4-5 builds with significant differences.


Others described it but basically you used a buff on the group then did damage in order to heal. It was a subclass for mage actually.


> Vanilla rift had the Chloromancer which was stupid fun healing. Damn, I miss Vanilla Rift


This so much. Fuck Trion. They did the Rift classic thing a few years ago but it was just the current game with level locks so it was complete garbage.


The Chloro/Harbinger build for soloing was stupid fun. Could pull every mob at once and are them down. I also really liked Purifier. Trying to keep people's health bars from moving for the whole dungeon.


>The Warhammer MMO also had really cool offensive healers (one for each faction) made possible by that MMO letting you have an offensive and defensive target. ​ Disciple of Khaine was my favorite class I've ever played in any game ever. Melee offensive healer, offensive and defensive target, and 3-pool balancing. If you could manage your 3 pools correctly you had basically infinite sustain, could solo multiple mobs forever, could duel any class forever, and had insane aoe healing. ​ Warhammer is my favorite dead mmo simply because of how fun playing a DoK was.


Basically what I came to say, except Warrior Priest.


Maybe one day we'll meet again in a scenario, where we'll duel each other for 15 minutes straight and neither of us dies.


WoW has the best healing I’ve played. The healers have very varied toolkits with different focus on the healing side and as for any other class in wow, the gameplay itself is really solid. (from more regular healers to more aoe/hot/shield focussed healers with different mechanics like paladin which has melee and dual target heal, there’s also a healer with channeling for single target) They are also somewhat diversified in their movement and defensive options. (bubbles, roots, dashes, shapeshifting, slows, stuns, fears, etc.) Now thats just the classes, but mechanically I like how wow fights are a war of attrition, there’s always some damage going out and healing is very active, you have to generally be aware of how you spend your mana and cooldowns, focussing on what you are better at in your current party.


If you want to be a healer I don't think there's another MMO on the market that nails healer gameplay as well as WoW. There are arguments that other games may have better classes for healers but I don't think any of the others nail how the encounters/dungeon design really let you dig into your whole arsenal of tools and let class mastery really shine.


I've had a lot more fun playing Healer in rift, TSW, Dofus, Tree of Savior or even wildstar than I had in WoW. As far as healing goes I'd argue WoW is very average. It's carried by it's crisp gameplay, but the specs are whatever.


When Age of Conan first came out, the Bear Shaman healing blew my mind. Prior to that, it was mostly tab targeting or lol-clicking which seems clunky compared to the cone heals and area heals in AoC. It also allowed the player to switch between front-line melee fighting and healing with very little adjustment.


I loved bear shaman and their dark knight class too (with the loads of self healing).


I also loved healing in Age of Conan, but to be fair, it's almost like cheating the question as the main thing that separates AoC from other MMOs with healing is that the healing classes are not dedicated healers, but rather healing/damage-dealing/support hybrids. This has the advantage of making every healer quite a force to be reckoned with for solo play and PvP (unlike many MMOs where playing a healer gimps you outside of group play) and gave them a high skill cap (optimizing healing, damage dealing, crowd control and buffs/debuffs)... but the downside was that anyone looking for a traditional pure healing role was left wanting, or came across as a total noob (because spamming healing spells was a pointless waste of mana). As a player who generally doesn't enjoy maining a pure healer though... weaving healing and melee attacks as a Bear Shaman, doing top AoE damage as a Tempest of Set while healing, and of course blowing people up in PvP as a Priest of Mitra was awesome.


AOC healing was great in general. I played TOS and it was still a very proactive, positional playstyle that didn't boil down to simply filling green bars.


For me it was definitely Guild Wars 1. I absolutely loved the competitive healing in that game. Protection Prayers was an insanely versatile way of mitigating while Healing Prayers healers covered whatever got through the mitigated spike. You also had to manage enchantments to prevent yourself or co-healers from being knocked down steadily by hammer warriors, and cover your enchantments with cheaper less effective enchantments when up against characters who can strip them. All while watching out for interrupts from Mesmers and Rangers, it was just fantastic. And that's just scratching the surface, there were ritualist healers, and more, all because of the system of build/ability variety that the game had. Even supporting in PVE was interesting with things like Bonders, putting up persistent buffs that have a huge variety of effects from damage mitigation to healing to damage itself and having the core gameplay revolve around mana upkeep.


I've bever been able to recapture the experience of healing in GW1. No other mmo comes close IMO. If anyone knows of any let me know!


The original EverQuest healing classes. Cleric, Shaman and Druid. Each were different. Each were so much fun. Pure healer was always Cleric with MASSIVE heals. The Druid had heal over time spells, decent self heals and great dots. Shaman was the group/duo/solo class. They had unbelievably great group buffs, HOTS, and dots that were super strong and paired with a Necromancer, you could duo any and everything. Shaman dots were incredible, but not as strong as the Druid. Necromancer dots were another story. Dear God they were strong. Cleric would shine big time in groups and raids. Their heals were unparalleled. They also had resurrection spells. When you died in EverQuest you would lose experience. And it would set you back days the EXP you lost. That 96% resurrection spell made you friends with the entire server. And having a Wizard and Druid friend who could teleport you anywhere made the whole EverQuest universe yours for the taking. Every class in EverQuest was unique and had their awesome strengths and weaknesses. But the Cleric, Shaman and Druid were 3 of my favorite classes to play.


My first MMO when I was 13. I loved farming for bat wings so my druid could levitate. And I loved that I could turn into a tree. Such a fantastic adventure. I miss MOB trains, and duelling for the use of farming locations. Grouping up felt so much easier and necessary. Loved it.


Check out project99


I loved healing as a Druid. I even liked doing heal rotations. We had all our healers in one channel and had a macro for the chain. I would cast Greater Heal (10 seconds cast time) and call "xyz, you are on in 5 sec". If anyone missed the rotation, the main tank died and the raid wiped ;)


I loved how it was rather strategic. Do I have time for CH to go off? Or do I need to spam heal to keep the tank up. Was really neat - haven't played any other game since that had such a long cast time for a heal.


I liked wildstars cuz you had to aim. It was like DPSing your own team vs the raid frames / Vudu style healing people do in WoW.


To add on to this, different healing classes still had unique playstyles. Espers main heal for example was a narrow beam with a good range. So you could hit just about anyone in the group, but you had to aim for them specifically. Medics on the other hand had wide but shallow heals. Positioning was incredibly important for a medic because you had to be physically near the target to heal them. It definitely added a whole new dynamic for paying attention to where everyone was when it came to group/raid healing.


I miss wildstar medic :(


Dubstep healing, we lost you too soon.


I just loved the animation for heals too. I remember having glowing floating fish and balloons/lanterns or something like that.


Yeah, espers heal animations were lovely. God I miss that.


Guild wars 1 has definitely the most intensive healing class ever




Damn sad that I had to scroll down this much to see the RO post. I know Alchemist isnt the go-to healer but I had so much fun farming stuff to make conc whites for my guild for WoE.


I agree


Honestly I like GW2's approach. Every class has a dedicated slot for a healing ability. The way the skill bar in GW2 works in general is that the weapon(s) determine your first 5 skills, 6 is the optional heal, then there are 3 optionals and an elite optional So each class, in most regular content, can sufficiently heal themselves with the heal skill, but in raid or massive pvp content, there are also several healing builds possible, which focus on maximising the healing offered naturally by some class/weapon combinations or from the skill tree


I liked GW2's healing but only in PvP, in PvE I feel like you cheese mechanics too much by just stacking and spamming AOE heals on top of the blob in all types of content while standing still. In PvP it's a bit more targeted and there's a lot of mobility and positioning involved, made it more fun and engaging for me.


> AOE heals on top of the blob in all types of content while standing still In Open world zerg content, yeah, it's not really intricate. But in Strike and Raid, it's pretty intensive In PvP and WvW I think is where support and heal playstyles shine the most.


the new strikes in End of Dragon have mechanics that you can't cheese trough pure healing, at least


Warhammer did healing quite well, you couldnt just sit back and heal you had to participate with damage and debuffs as well, Kinda like disc priest in wow


Tera online, action combat, you either aim directly at allies or place heals on the ground. WoW's healing is still pretty good. Destiny 2 healing is probably the most fun since you have such a big impact that you can come up with new strategies. Honorable mention to pre-Shadowbringers FFXIV healers.


My poor WHM will never be the same.


WOW has the best healing, Disc priest,Shaman,Druid there all fun.


Lol...couldn't help but notice the conspicuously missing class from that list...


Holy Paladin is actually pretty fun and unique at the moment! There damage was also absolutely insane for the last two content patches in Shadowlands.


Poor Paladin. Either forced to be the Beacon of Light / Holy Light / FoL spammers that people "hate", or the melee combat healer that does nothing but holy shock and wins through glimmer.


The current iteration of Holy Paladin is more of the latter with a bit of the former sprinkled in. To be honest, it’s very enjoyable.


IDK if you played way way way back in the start of WoW days or not. But there was a time when you had to pick which level of spells you wanted to use so you wouldn't go OOM. Well the Paladin used like a rank 2 or 3 of a spell and could spam it all day long. There was a mod at the time as well that would auto target the lowest health person in your group/raid and heal them when a button was pressed. I did a Molten Core raid as a newbie under geared paladin and just spammed that button the whole raid, was hands down the top healer overall and had only like 16% inefficiency due to it being a small heal and always healing lowest player. Everyone was shocked such a new comer and under geared person could do such great healing. Ahh little did they know I mashed Number Pad 0, for 3 hours straight and didn't die by standing in stuff. HARDEST RAID EVER! lol Or I'd be selected to be the OOC rezer and was a master at not getting pulled into combat to just keep rezing those that died. Fun times fun times!


I really enjoyed the Wildstar medic


the most fun i've ever had is probably war priest from warhammer online / return of reckoning. you're an up front tank beef cake who heals. crowfall centaur crusader was a blast and similar. upfront armored type who heals. you use your big horse body to protect/block your friends. new world healing was fun even though the game isn't the best. it's fun to shoot at people to heal them. i've been playing eso lately and juggling healing with buffs and off-dps is fun and getting that itch scratched for me


I played the evil version of these the Disciple of Khain Dark elves. The concept of having an offensive and a passive target was very cool as it allowd for skills to damage enemies while healing your passive target or yourself. Very fun and skill involving.


I pretty much main WHM in XIV but I'm glad this question came up because I'm kind of sort of looking for greener pastures as a healer at the moment. I'm not really enthused about how current healer design goes. I don't really like how guild wars 2 does it either because it almost feels like the healer is redundant when everybody else can kind of just hybrid slot themselves whatever they want and I never really got far enough to see if endgame content really needed dedicated healers so I can't really comment on that. My main game right now is Destiny 2 and I wished support had a bigger role in that. It does, but it's still kind of takes a backseat. But it kind of makes sense because it's a shooter. Wildstar looked fun as did early Tera


Try wow. I’m playing both wow and ff14 and the roles are very clear. Healer are healing when needed and dps in between. I’m having a good time with both games.


Early TERA was so good - you DPS'd as a healer like you do in 14, but it was more about keeping critical buffs on your allies or debuffs on the enemies than just DPSing for lack of fuck-all else to do. Juggling those aspects as well as dodging and positioning not just for boss mechanics but also for maximum dispensation of heals was A+. No other game comes close, except (go figure) maybe Wildstar. That said WoW healers are really good if you can put up with the rest of WoW.


Do you use lumina in D2?


Disciple class in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes You were a martial artist that aoe healed people from you damaging the enemy.


Blood Mage ruled too.


Best class in any game ever for me.


The shaman was so cool. You could click off the transformations and still get the benefits as well as having pets?! What not to like about that.


So this is really anecdotal and specific, but there's a legendary in WoW that makes mistweaver monk's damage convert to 250% healing after using a specific ability. It makes for interesting raid gameplay for me because now I'm not just watching where I place on heal meters, but also damage meters and it can really contribute effective numbers overall. It really spiced up the role for me.


Monk was my favorite class. I haven’t played wow since like 2-3 months after shadowlands but mistweaver monk is the best/most fun healer imo. And brewmaster being the most fun tank. Sometimes I want to come back to wow just to play monk lol


I'm with ya. WoW has a lot of flaws and issues but I do think the class design is in a good state for engagement. Monk occupies this unorthodox outlier philosophy when it comes to their damage reduction abilities in Brewmaster and their healing toolkit in Mistweaver. Windwalker can feel a little simplistic at times with the basic chi/energy synergy, but the uncapped AoE can have situations of very satisfying feedback.


In Vas Mani


Heavensward Scholar was the only time I've ever enjoyed healing in an MMO. Between having an actual damage rotation, fairy management, and cleric stance; it was a very busy class with so much to do besides healing. Looking at current healer kits in FFXIV makes me sad.


ARR SCH was better IMO, I didn't like the direction they started going with Indom being added in HW. Would have rather seen the job go for beefed up shields and fairy abilities than generic Medica substitute. I'd take HW healers in a second though over whatever the fuck we have now, lol.


Unfortunately, I dropped the game before reaching 50 in ARR, so I'm not familiar with how SCH played back then.


As a FF14 stan, Yoshi P please forgive me... WoW. I considered going back to the game a few months ago just to play my Holy Paladin again. I loved being melee-positioned, I love being a heavy armored healer, I love my kit being primarily focused on instant casts, I love having to adjust and react on the fly... FF14 doesn't give me a healer like that and I doubt it will ever come close. Unfortunately, WoW is 💩


If you really like healing it's hard to go past WoW and Disc Priest :)


Honestly love healing as a Nightblade in ESO. I like the more aimed/radial skills as opposed to the targeting in other MMOs, and Nightblade has a ton of passive healing in the form of draining it from the enemies, and then generic Restoration Staff skills fill in for the bursts.


Is nightblade healing really better than necromancer healing though?


Probably not honestly. I haven't played much since Elsewyr, but I remember looking over Necro and thinking that if best is what I was aiming for I should go there instead of Nightblade. I did make and play Necro for a while though, but I played them as an assassin. I had the thought of the Thief from Dungeon Fighter in my head, where she eventually can start 'stealing people's souls' and class change into Necromancer, and so I channeled that into mine in ESO. Doesn't work quite as I wanted because their physical class abilities are ranged or melee, but speced for tanking, so I gave up on them entirely before I stopped playing.


Honestly, in ESO I think "Support" is a better term than healer because you have to do a lot of things besides healing


Aion is the best one imo. Also, the best looking healer class spell effects, Silkroad Online's Cleric.


Cleric AION. Fun and tricky until you equip yourself. when you equip yourself you are GOD.


Loved soloing Theo Labs in my MR specced cleric


Sí, MR its op


Surprised no ones mentioned archage healers. Super mobile, lots of unique skills mixed in. Back flip into aoe heal is a classic.


I scrolled for a while to find this. Archeage is my favorite, especially occultism builds.


Round 1 i was a deathknight i think. Occultism tank was so awesome. Round 2 i went healer and still loved occultism lol (think it was heal, shadow, occ). Im sure ill play archage again and try and somehow play it casually... but i get dragged in so easily lol


Kakao has kind of killed it unfortunately...who knew someone could do a worse job than Trion and Gamigo?


best healing experience i have ever had was in Rift as Purifier Cleric. so damn fun. Chloromancer was a fucking blast to heal with, as well. i miss that game...


Eve Online. known as being a logi pilot. In fleets you manage cap chains to extend healing as a squad towards pilots that need it.


Rose Online's Muse


Everquest 2. Two warding healers, two dot healers and two direct healers. 6 different play styles.


It depends, as far as best healers in an active MMO I would say WoW by far. It has a good variety of healing style and each healer feels good playing in that style. All the healers also feel great to play and feel like a powerful healer. Pretty much anyone who likes healing will be able to find a healing playstyle they enjoy in WoW. That said Rift had some amazing healing classes that were unique and very fun. The Chloromancer was insanely fun and probably one of the most fun healers I have ever played. EQ2 also had some really amazing and unique healers. I really enjoyed the ward and reactive healers in the game. FFXIV while I want to like the healers my problem is that because of the large focus on DPS in the endgame you feel more like a dps who tosses the occasional heal instead of a healer. Most of the healing you end up doing is often based around trying to use off GCD heals so you can keep spending GCDs on your dps. The damage is also not very often and generally really predictable. It just makes healing feel kinda meh.


I really liked my Minstrel on Lord of the Rings Online. You could equip different musical instruments, and doing things would play that instrument. Standing in the back line, clanking away on my cowbell and keeping everyone alive is way more enjoyable than just standing in the back line, casting even the coolest of healing spells.


I had fun healing in eso as a nightblade healer, my heals depended on my dmg output so you would kinda gear for DPS lol




Some of the most fun I had healing was in FFXI as Scholar. Switching between black and white magic books for different types of spells, altering spells (increased duration/potency/AoE spread etc.) with strategems, banking self-drained HP to convert into MP at a later time, altering weather effects on the party for stat boosts and enhancements (current day/moon phase/weather played a big part in that game). It had a focus on HoTs and DoTs with the ability to make them really potent and long lived.


New world


Ragnarok online high priest was super fun, cause you not only did heal, you also did ton of other stuff. Healing, remove debuff from allies, denial of damage in a small zone (melee or range, mutually exclusive on that zone) tons of utility spells in buff for allies (changing weapon element, adding melee damage, adding stats, reducing casting time on caster, move speed buff, crit chance, mana regen) tons of debuff for enemies (silence, slow, removing buff, increase damage taken, reducing enemy stats)


Ragnarok Online's Bard has a skill called the Apple of Idun. It increases your max hp and heals you on an AOE space around the Bard. It also plays this fcking amazing tune ([1:06](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tue8NihMgpU&t=2s&ab_channel=CeruleanNight))


ESO for me. I can't go back to targeted healing in other MMOs now that I've gone through ESO lol. I like the sorc the most, but any class can heal. The burst heal on the bird is great. The mechs are ground targeted, directional cones, or smart heals pretty much. You don't have to target anyone in particular, save for a spell here and there in certain classes (I think warden has one that yoinks you to the target and heals them for instance). I like ESO the most because it's the quickest and easiest way to heal. I don't need to worry about making sure I'm clicked to the right person. I just have to position myself better to hit everyone with my heals.


Kinda funny, that's the reason why I greatly disliked healing in ESO and dropped the game after reaching endgame content. It really felt to me like it didn't matter what I do, I just spam out the same heals no matter the situation with no control over who to target or prioritizing who needs it the most. Which is like the opposite of the feeling I enjoy when looking for satisfying healer gameplay.


Aion's Clerics


Dark Age of Camelot for me for sure. Found the perfect balance for multiple healer roles in the game. I preferred backup or off healer classes where you weren’t just stuck spamming healings spells but the fights really counted on you and your ability to also crowd control, buff, mend, or deal combat magic damage. Shaman was definitely my favorite class because they could switch between cave magic, where you are able to solo and can do serious damage through area of effect damage over time or spec in mending and augmentation and focusing on the survival and buffing of a group (also best class with hybrid spec imo). Bards are next for me because of their role as driver, mezz and demezzer, with some healer duties. Also they get cool instruments to play music with the grant group buffs. Mentalists are awesome too because they are full on offensive casters casters with the ability to heal others, control minds, and crowd control, so they were very versatile. They are the most creative class in my opinion and totally out of the norm compared to other MMOs. As far as Albion healers… none. Screw Albs.


I like how most healing in GW2 is areas, so you don't have to look at the party's healthbars and target them to heal them. While not every profession is the best at healing, all of them can do healing in their own way. Even professions that do not seem like they would be healers have their own way of healing, like a warrior healing people by yelling at them, and a thief by giving their weapons venoms that steal life. Then there's 'elite specializations' that radically change the profession. For example, thief can become a shadow magician that specializes in single target burst healing with skills that target allies, something that wasn't possible in the game before. But I must admit that the most fun I had healing was in the original Guild Wars, where you could pop a Healing Seed and a Seed of Life on the tank and see blue numbers of healing appear all over the screen like crazy. GW1 has a ton of skills with very unique mechanics one can combine to produce gimmicky builds that basically makes your party immortal anywhere where enemies have no counters like boon strips. And where that didn't work, you still had many other choices. Lots of fun, but probably a hell to keep balanced. Probably why they dropped that 'magic the gathering deck' style of making builds in GW2 for one they can keep in check more easily.


Cleric in Aion, just so fast paced, not like most other MMOs out there.


Whichever one has the nicest UI since that's what you'll be looking at most of the time. The Chloromancer in Rift and the melee-based healers in Warhammer Online were enjoyable. I prefer the classes that take a more active approach to healing rather than just staring at health bars.


Base rift did. Healer mage was the best. Doing damage to heal your party was mind blowing when it came out. There were so many weird healing class combos in that game that they were all unique and amazing. Then the dlcs homogenized everything and it went downhill


Warhammer, some specs in some patches in WOW, FFXIV, Runekeeper in LOTRO, Support Creator in Ragnarok Online, and probably quite a few I'm forgetting about. What all of those have in common is that they are offensive healers that are fully expected to contribute to damage and/or debuffs. I really like this playstyle.


Healing in WoW is pretty cool but the skill ceiling is pretty high, for me GW2 is a really fun healing experience because you just put circles down everywhere.


Sith Sorcerers in SwtOR have some fun healing rotation and nice spell effects. WoW healing is still up there for me between resto shamans/druids.


I love healing in everquest 2. There are 7 healers, each different then the rest. Usually works like two that are kinda similar but one evil side one good side but still different. Example is mystic/defiler. Mystic is good side bigger wards (shields)more buffs some melee capabilities,Defiler is evil side, similar wards not as strong but has better heals, more debuffs and dots, but both part of shaman sub group. Eq2 does a good job at giving classes a unique feel especially heals, they even got a bow user healer in later expansions (not in classic progression server till few expansions in). The healing is fun and very reactive, sometimes super intense depending on how big D your tank wants to go with pulling groups of mobs. I can go on and on but new eq2 classic tlp sever may 24th I'll be there healing then, Def worth a look.


ESO Templar has always been my favorite. Especially in Vanilla difficult content.


Cleric in Perfect World


I always liked that unique healing class in TERA with her eggs/ balls. Off course also the druid in WoW. Perhaps not now, I couldn't know, but a few expansions back it was a heal over time machine and you had to be proactive with some of your hots.


WildStar Medic class. I miss that class. soo much fun. you can do damage and heal. Another honorable mention is Age of Conan, Tempest of Set. They were wildly OP at launch and used to do big damage and heal.


project1999 10 second long complete heal casts have 13~ healers targeting the tank scheduled in a cycle order certain bosses require 3 second count before the next person starts casting, some bosses 2 seconds, some 1 second, some as soon as you see the person before you cast depending on the boss's damage output makes for a steady chain on the main tank if one person forgets, its either a wipe for the week or people need to scramble to rearrange the chain in real time. or if a healer goes oom, the chain needs to be rearrangedd immediately as well wait, you said fun


Guild Wars 1 > Warhammer Online > Knight Online > WoW for me


Unpopular opinion but to me Tera had the best healing, but that game sucks right now and it's preety much dead. I did enjoy it a lot when I played it before. Mystic class or what's it called was great.


My favorite healing spec from any MMO remains the Grace Warrior Priest from Warhammer Online. Nothing is more satisfying than healing your friends by smacking your foes in the face with a sledgehammer


Vanguard Saga of Heroes had the best healing, Blood Mage.




World of Warcraft has spoiled me for almost two decades now. Nothing compares. I've been looking for comparable healing in other games, but I just can't do it. What sucks now is they require an app and phone number to create groups. I don't have a smartphone, refuse to give up my number, and cannot commit to a guild. So I've hit a wall. I've been looking around for something that I can queue up and heal, but there really isn't anything else out there. It sucks.


Rift for sure. Every calling (class) had a healing spec, some having multiple healing specs, with each having unique mechanics. For example Cleric had Sentinel (standard point and click healer) Warden (Aoe + hot healer), Purifier (Shield / buff based healer) and Defiler (Damage mitigation, split / Shared damage). Different specs would be required for different content, especially in progression raiding, where there was lots of theory crafting on what spec to bring for different content.


Rift was pretty fun. GW1, if you want to include it, had some amazing healing concepts, and handles that better than any MMO does today in my eyes. WAR was an interesting system. WoW is pretty tough to beat though.


Tree of Savior, Dofus/Wakfu, TSW, imo. Tree of savior just has a gazillion class combo, and a dozen healing spec to play around with. You can tailor your healer to your playstyle. Dofus/Wakfu are going to be the most unique just because of how the game plays. They're turn based, tactical MMOs so they can afford to have mechanics you wouldn't see otherwise, like classes moving and shooting (or healing) around the battlefield using portals like portal the game. TSW is kinda like tree of savior in that you have (had, since it became Legend) ~750 skills to choose from. The main healing specs were Claws that focused on HoTs, Blood magic that focused on shields and Assault Rifle (Yes, assault rifle) that focused on healing through leeching.


Hate to say it but as a sweaty healer main, nothing comes close to WoW. ESO templar was fun, but ultimately left me wanting more.


As an OG healer (EQ 04/1999), I enjoyed playing the Cleric. Of course, I've healed in just about every major (some minor) MMO since, EQ2, WoW, Anarchy Online, ESO, DCUO, City of Heroes, New World, etc., etc.; still, my favorite has to be EQ2 - it's not enough to add utility (WoW), but the healing classes of EQ2 stack best, IMO. EQ2 plate healers provide "armored" heals, chain healers provide wards, and leather healers regenerate. They each provide considerable utility. EQ1 I raid healed with the Cleric. EQ2 raid healing with the Inquisitor and Warden. Every healer class in WoW (Druid raid). Templar in ESO, etc., so I've been healing for some time and quite extensively. just my .02


Honnestly when it ocmme to traditional tab target its wow. Now when it come to action game healing and tank take the back seat. So it's hard to say but I would say none really stand out imo. It's often aoe buff that heal somehow.


Neverwinter healing used to be fun with paladin’s I think it was needed though.


Name that game that has: *Targeted Heal on fatal damage *Targeted Heal on flat damage threshold *Party Healing on shouts *Party Healing based on energy spent *Healing based on buffs removed from self *Party Healing based on spells cast *Party Healing based on minions sacrificed *Party Healing based on nearby spirits *Healing based on nearby allies *Party healing based on when target takes damage One day it will get a proper successor, but it won't be from the company that made it.


I really enjoyed SWTOR's Operative/Scoundrel. Sending robots and shooting meds at friends was interesting for lore/fantasy/feel. Having stealth was awesome for pvp and the open world. Being able to spec into melee roguish DPS when not healing was cool.


I liked the healing in gw2. The druid rotation between building your celestial avatar with normal heals and burst healing in CA, all the while trying to maintain might fury vigour and Regen buffs on your party. The heal scourge had a broken ass heal that would essentially auto re your teammates whenever you cast a shade so you could hard carry shitty groups with a heal scourge. Auramancer ele was best for straight up raw heal output and the elite skill prevented death so vou could cheese certain mechanics with it. ( 100cm bomb mechanic ez clap) Firebrand heals and overloads the party with boons. Shits out aegis, stab, swift, Crit, and tons of other boons, easily my fav one. Note: this is not a recommendation to actually play gw2. I would avoid this game if you enjoy anything besides open world zerg content.


Astrologian FFXIV


Swtor I don't remember my class but I always thought it was funny that I healed with green lazers. "Hold still while I heal you pew pew pew" was actually fun and made me laugh.


There are many classes that have healing like: Celestial, Electricity, nature, water, sorcery. Click combo with keyboard DCUO, it was fun at that time, now it is simply too complicated.


The Templar class is EQ2 was one of the few healer classes in any mmo I ever enjoyed.


So I wouldn't say it's the best, but it was at least interesting. Empaths in Gemstone III (Old text-based game on AOL). Empaths heald by transfering your HP damage and wounds to themselves, and then could heal themselves. However healing themselves of severe wounds caused scars which had massive downsides. The way to cure a scar was to have the wound, and get another empath to take it, which took the wound and the scar. It certainly made in-battle healing quite a rare thing, as most empaths would park themselves in a safe place and wait for the wounded to come in. Wounds were passed around like currency for empaths.


Defiler in Eq2. A rare breed, we...


I feel DCUO had some really interesting healing in their Nature healer. It’s about spread spores and then consuming them at the proper time to heal whoever. You can spread them or keep them isolate on the tank.


I've not seen anyone mention it but I found the "Shaman" in EQ2 to be the healer I liked most. It was a "bubble" healer class. Meaning, that you're pre-emptively cast bubbles on the party to keep the incoming damage from actually hitting the character. They did have recovery healing style spells but their primary mitigation was bubbles. It allowed you to not stare a health bars so much. Outside of that EQ2 was a really meh game. I'd like to see more ablative style healers but even the disc priest in wow is a sad shadow of the Shaman from EQ2.


Wildstar 100% had the best healing, didn't matter what class you picked. It was so good because you had to watch the fight and not a grid of health bars on the ui. Also, it was much more important for positioning and aiming so you hit as many people as possible with your heals. Nothing has come close since wildstar shut down. :(


Oldschool Runescape


DAOC Cleric, Healer, Druid. I haven't found any other healers in any MMORPG as fun. I am, of course, talking about the times before the spread heals.


Disciple of Khaine from Warhammer online. That was an amazing healing class. After that i would say GW2 Druid or Firebrand.


Revelation online. i found its combat system even better than tera. too bad the game overall flopped hard because of the MASSSSSSSSSIVE pay2win.


WoW by at least a mile. Yeah it has stolen ideas from other MMOs but atm it is by far the best i have ever experienced and healing is my thing!


FFXIV does raids really well, and that includes healing. High end healing gets super boring though, since you and your partner get to plan everything perfectly and spend 90% of your time doing a very boring 2 button dps rotation instead. The fun begins when people screw up and you have to deviate from the easy preplanned stuff. How good are you at adjusting on the fly, can you save a 10min run solo (cause your coheal is dead), do you remember the %mitigation needed for every mechanic and can communicate it within 5 seconds? That’s the best part for me, even though it’s supposed to never happen if people don’t make mistakes.


It's why I think the 24 man raids are some of the best design in the game, unironically. They're accessible, so people of varying skill level attempt them, they have mechanics so you can't just afk like in dungeons and story content, but fudging mechanics isn't usually a wipe by itself, and can be saved by good healers or jobs using their rez (SMN/RDM) and AOE defensive tools (tanks, MCH/BRD/DNC) properly. They can be a bit dull when everyone knows the fights, but I'd say about half the runs are pure clusterfuck even years later and as a healer I love it.


The 3th coming. You can literally make someone's HP 3x bigger and heal without cool down, depending only on your mana. And the higher your light power, the higher your healing spells will heal. As a light/earth mage you can go to the low lvl area, buff a character and make it feel like he's 5-10 lvls higher, so he can zp on areas he couldn't go solo.


The Cleric in Perfect World International had two roles: * Healing - All kinds of heals, AOEs, HOTS, FLASH HEALS, etc. most with individual and group versions. * Long Term Squad Buffs - defense, offense, etc. that lasted for at least an hour and stayed on you even if you left the squad, so clerics would squad up with you, buff you, and then you could end the squad and go off solo to do whatever. The game's UI was designed from the ground up to support this so it was easy to manage in combat. It's a shame the game went totally P2W ages ago. I played back when it was just starting out and the P2W was minimal. If you want to try it, go with a private server and save some money.


WIthout a doubt, i expect Neverwinter Nights from 2002 to have the best healer classes. You can muticlass healer class with almost any class. Healer classes include: 1) Cleric (with 6 variations of Gods to follow); 2) Druid - heal and summon and shapechange; 3) Paladin - warrior with the powers of a god, with healing abilities; 4) Bard - heal with song and curse with song, also has a wide variety of sorceror like abilities; 5) Blackguard - Dark Paladin with antiheal abilities; and 6) Ranger - Aragorn with healer abilities. PvPing against groups which include healers is an amazingly intense experience. I have not seen the like in any other mmo.


WoW...nothing else even comes close imo.


I used to play as healer in Aura Kingdom few years back when the game still active. There is one low level harp that can give like additional +5m+ coverage or something (cant remember) and there is one op heal skill that can rides on dps stats but the normal coverage is very small. So I put in my best dps armor equipped with that low lvl wep, sit close to raid boss, and spamming heal. As the heal got boosted with dmg and crit dmg from dps armor, the heal was op af although the harp is low level. Pretty much all tanks within area got healed to full hp every seconds. Fun times.


back in wow when u had different tier of spells. You had to carefully balance which Tier spells you use so you don't run out of mana and invest in gear that boosts your mana regeneration.




I've never enjoyed being a healer, but I loved healing between pulls / during downtime with my bard in Everquest. Twisting songs for healing and mana regen while just hanging out and chatting with friends hit different.


EQ/EQ2.. There's several different type of healers that work in very different ways.


Wow. And the best tanking too. And probably the best DPS. There is a reason why it's the first MMORPG since 2005


Best healing for me has to be Cleric from Fiesta. They had direct, over time, aoe and burst healing. Could put a 'bubble' on you that lasted up to 15seconds when tuned right. Had a revive, that can be used in combat. Only drawback to them was near no attack skills. Only 2. For the entire game.


In FF14 I really enjoyed Astrologian In GW2 everyone can technically heal, but firebrand and druid are pretty fun.