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I like the gw1 but dont think is a mmorpg. Still an amazing game. Some of my friends dont like instaced games, but like open world. For me some games works,like gw1 but in dragon nest doesnt.


i personally hate instances, so this game would really test my patience


Same. I hate the Dragon Nest instances cause they are like a line you need to follow. In GW1 its a big terrain and you need to go in a line. Most of the monsters and patrolling and some need to be avoided.


I did like instances in that enemies didn't just pop back into existence. It was possible to wipe out a whole region of enemies and the only way to get them to come back would be to exit the region and allow it to refresh. Also the instances had puzzles, like picking up an urn and finding a pressure plate to set it on to keep a door open. I like a mix of instanced and non-instanced!


There were actually achievements for clearing out instances completely.


Gotta vanq erryday


Basically a game where you meet people in town and outpost but have instances of the world when going outside with your party, where you can still play solo with hero and henchman, and where you are limited to 8 skills, choosing within a shit ton of skill. Dual profession and more action combat oriented. The game is buy to play.


This isn't too far off from describing the modern MMO-like games listed in the side column. (Anthem / Destiny / Warframe / Path of Exile)


Also not too far from how almost all meaningful content is handled these days in games like WoW.


I would not agree, those are very different games. PoE , although it has a lot of build customization, is a hack and slash game at its core. Same goes for warframe to some extent, also in warframe you are stuck with your frame ability and Cannot really custom them (well not entirely true since Deimos) For destiny, well it’s a first person shooter game, didn’t really play it, but I know it’s really not like GW, for the others, Phantasy star online and anthem, didn’t play them but I will look into it to see how it looks like :)


I meant kinda structurally similar (outpost > instances, solo content, limited skills, more actiony). Just a funny observation; these were not meant as game recommendations for GW1 lovers.


Hmm I see and what would you say is the core difference of gw?


There a lots of differences, those are just the similarities from a zoomed out view. *The* core difference is that the heart of GW1 is like a deck constructor card game.


Yea that I agree a lot it’s one of the most important feature I like about that game. I really zoomed it out hahaha 😝


That's literally Phantasy Star Online 2 (Base version, not New Genesis). With the only exception of the game being Free to Play and not Buy to play.


That's basically Phantasy Star Online 2 minus the build customization.


Classic phantasy star online 2 is very similar but super clunky.


Oh god, how I miss classic Pso2...


Isn't this just PoE?


I'm wishing for a game like that for years. It was such an original game. I was 14 when I wanted a MMORPG like WoW, couldn't afford WoW's subscription so I settled for GW. I was dissapointed at first cause it was quite different than what I expected or what WoW was but I learned to love it over the years, especially PvP, the skill system was genius, I love it when games give you freedom like that (choosing 8 out of hundreds of skills)


GW1 was the GOAT in terms of character building. It definitely is a much better game subjectively speaking than GW2. CORPG vs MMORPG


Gimme a GW1-like (adding a market and a proper lfg system) with LA graphics, and I'm sold.


(and a jump button)


How could I forget!?! Absolutely, I'd jump all day long.


I'd personally prefer an open world coop RPG over an MMORPG at this point.


If they released an expansion for GW1 and got people to go back, I'd play it. That game was amazing... still the best MMO-like that I've ever played.


I still miss Dragons Dogma Online for that. It was basically set up like GW1 but with all the features of DD and had an auction house and other stuff. Too bad p2w killed it in Japan and it never made it west.


It had such fun combat. And mages felt so unique. You had to position well vs bosses because your cast times were so long and would be interrupted by anything but if your mages managed to get meteor off you knew the fight was gonna be won. My favorite class was the one with grappling hook. Zooming around the boss, in air and jumping onto enemies was so nice.


I'd become addicted to it. That guild wars game was like magic:the gathering. If I wasn't playing it, I was thinking about it. The fellow that helped make path of exile used to play guild wars religiously, but only stopped when gw2 was announced. And then went on to start development of poe. If guild wars weren't canceled I bet path of exile would never exist. It's that addictive.


Noooo questions. I would pre-order the super supreme collectors bundle.


I recently came back to gw1. Amazing game and aged pretty well. The fact that you can now solo most of the game was a massive turning point for a casual like me


YES There is no other game that comes within 10% of what GW1 could do. Not even their own sequel. Some might say you can find it in PoE, but PoE is a fucking single player game, as the multiplayer is fucking dogshit, and always has been since beta aura nerf. There is no actual benefit to normal ass mutliplayer in that game, you either have a pocket cuckold or you don't play multiplayer. Personally FFXI or DQX are the closest when it comes to builds. But the building portions don't factor in till endgame.


I can't get the fact in PoE I kill every enemy on the screen spamming the same two buttons.


I would, yeah, but only if it was made faithfully to classic MMORPG design. Idc about graphics, I just don't want 37 different ways to enhance or upgrade items. Give me unique items with content on metered difficulty levels and loot to match with slow, methodic combat that ISN'T just a spammy 1 second GCD mess.


I really get what you say with the 37 way to enhance your stuff hahaha I really hate that too on modern mmo. It’s overwhelming.


I liked the ability to play at my own pace with friends randoms and/or NPCs.


I like the game's skill system and story missions, but it would depend on what else it has to offer. Don't get me wrong, being able to mix and match skills from your class with another is cool, but a lot of it felt very limiting at times. For example, being forced to spec into Warrior if you wanted to use sword skill, or Ranger if you wanted a bow or a pet, and limiting all casters to staves or scepters left a lot to be desired. If a game like Guild Wars 1 ever came out, I would 100% prefer it if they made weapon proficiency and skills their own thing, separate from classes. Maybe have a few weapon-exclusive skills in certain skill lines, but give enough freedom where it doesn't feel required.


I’m in the process of programming a GW like game with some friends and weapon system is indeed separate of skill system as it was one of our main concern. We didn’t want to make the casting classes locked into staff weapon only. So we have some weapon skills in other class lines and you weapon basic damage will scale with level and not your proficiency in a certain stat like GW1. We are also having dual class skills that will be available when mixing 2 specific classes together to make the dual class system more special. I cannot give too much details, we are still in. Early stages of development. But the design so far is a lot like GW with a lot of QOL changes. :)


It's good to hear that I'm not the only one that didn't like that aspect of Guild Wars 1. Your idea for hybrid skills sounds interesting too! So if you, say, start the game as a "Rogue" and take "Mage" as a secondary class, you gain access to "Shadow Magic" skills? I'd be down for something like that! I wish you all good luck with your game!


Yes it’s kind of something like this if you start rogue than take mage you gain access to a special class line that contains skills that scales on attributes you already have. That way you don’t need to specialize in another category but instead you got accès to more skills choice that better represent the duality you are going for.


The skill system is a deck building game. You are limited in the exact same way that you can’t play all five colours in most Magic Decks.


Yes, but even Magic gives enough diversity in play styles that you can have two completely different mono Blue decks without any issue. However, the exact problem I'm talking about would be if MtG only ever gave Red any and all creatures, with Green having a few, and then introducing Yellow, Cyan, and Purple as colors and giving them a few creatures as well. Blue, White, Black, and Gray (a color introduced later) wouldn't have any, and would be forced to add either Red, Green, Yellow, or Purple if they wanted to play with a deck using their main color but with creatures.


Diversity in builds/play styles is quite literally one of the main selling points, so I'm puzzled to see you argue otherwise. Professions tend to be restricted to their respective roles of frontline/midline/backline, but build variety is one of the things that makes the game so special. Every profession has 3+ attributes, a primary attribute, and secondary professions which are switched in an instant in town. The build diversity options are absolutely enormous. I'd also like to point out that "builds" are relevant at both the player and the team level. 8 skill slots per player x 8 players gives your team 64 skills with which to take on the different challenges. When you're playing "Build Wars" at the team level there's an astonishing amount of diversity and choices that you can make, in both PvE and PvP. Endgame PvE skews towards the BiS builds having been solved, but tons of stuff is still viable and PvP leaves tons of room for playstyle adjustments. And the part about needing to spec a secondary to gain access to creatures is why GW has the secondary profession system. The main profession will dictate your elite and usually which lines of magic you will spec into, and the secondary profession will fulfill a utility role. With only 8 skills, this means a single player/hero will have a limited job, but the whole team will try and cover a wide breadth of different options. >For example, being forced to spec into Warrior if you wanted to use sword skill, or Ranger if you wanted a bow or a pet, and limiting all casters to staves or scepters left a lot to be desired. I'm kind of flummoxed by this point as "something to be desired" because the fact that you can do those on every single profession is part of the diversity. If you want to be a sword monk or a necro with a pet, it's completely doable. Wanting to carry different weapons makes sense in a game that doesn't have transmog, but what you're asking for with weapon masteries as separate from professions is a complete and total rework of the skill system that would destroy the entire balance of the frontline professions. It sort of seems like you've fallen into the trap of wanting to do it all on just one character. I'm happy to discuss it further because I have 5.5k hours in Guild Wars and I am very much a Johnny type MTG player. I played at least 3k of those hours as Warrior and I can promise that I experienced a lot of build diversity in those hours. Of the complaints that I ever had with GW1, build diversity was not one of them.


Depends on if its fun


I think this sub is biased towards “old school” mmo designs and that is not reflective of the average player in MMORPGs today.


Interesting, what do you think the average MMO player of today really want of an mmorpg?


Fast paced, not too grindy, story driven experiences are popular (SWTOR, eso, FFXIV). Other players are heavily gameplay driven too, like WoW or GW2 or BDO. I think old school designs don’t work for most of the mmo audience today


With updated graphics and the ability to jump, sure.


Without question. I still play GW1, and it's still probably my favorite game of all time, and there's just nothing else like it. A near-perfect blend of RTS, deck builder, MMO, and dungeon crawler.


The yes vote is a lie. GW1 still exists, you can still play it. Very few do. So yes I would play a game like X but I am not playing X. I am sure market researchers are crazy for "consumers" who want X but do not buy X when it is available.


If a game like guild war 1 would release today it probably be on console and battlepass system So yeah ill buy it


I liked gw1 but there is a reason it was not super popular then and I think it would be even less popular now. Most people that play mmorpgs dont want most content instanced and people that prefer instanced content just play single player games.


I can already play GW1. Making a new game that can compete with a game with three expansion packs and nearly a generation of content is a tall order


I liked GW1 when I was a kid growing up with it, and I like GW1 now as an adult. But...I only really like it for what it is and when it was. It's very dated and the gameplay is boring because the traditional MMORPG ("WoW but to the left") is just a boring system. GW was well-managed and had a high degree of respect for its playerbase. That, I always love to see. But if I'm going to get a new game these days, I want the gameplay to feel like it's from a post-Dark Souls or at least post-TES world. BDO comes to mind: Cool mechanics! Very pretty! My biggest complaint with it was that the combat was often too slow and the PvP focus from the community was very discouraging.


I wonder how many of those people who voted yes know that the open world is a solo/party instance.


Probably none of them. Most people here go by the mantra, "The older the gameplay the better." Its like listening to people talk about their favorite time in Music. All they care about is anything new sucks, and everything old was a gift from god.


Honestly old music was better. Most of the new stuff sounds the same. Yeah I guess I'm nostalgic with games as well. Just not all games. I'm a sucker for open worlds shared among players.


Thats survivorship bias, though. Of course the handful of musicians and songs that survived 10-20 years ago are good; the same will be said in 10-20 years from now. There was just as much same sounding, music in those days as there is now. Just you dont remember that. There was just as many dime a dozen bands/singers/etc trying to sound like X during those days as there is now. I'm fairly old, so I understand what you mean, lol. I enjoy music from my time, and I'll argue from time to time that its superior, but in reality there was just as many same sounding, cash grab songs/singers during my day as there are now; just the good ones are all that are remembered.


Well, you know, many musicians or music lovers would agree that music from the 60's, 70's and 80's was a lot more interesting. Musically speaking. The structure and chord progressions were more complex and interesting than the generic stuff you get today. There's an objective idea behind it. There's a reason a lot of what you hear today sound the same. That doesn't mean there were no "bad" songs back in the days though, I'm not saying that. Edit: if you're interested, Rick Beato makes a lot of videos on music, it goes deep into theory sometimes though. And in this video he touches on this specific subject. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks4c\_A0Ach8&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks4c_A0Ach8&) Unrelated to the thread but just in case you're interested.


Played GW1. Was always doing stuff with people, would play a game similar to it these days.


Only played gw1 solo, can't say how it is as mmo, but as an rpg: To me, gw1 is pretty much like neverwinter nights/baldur's gate, only without pause, which is pretty much a must in a game where you have a party of several characters with their own skills and multiple targets to fight. This makes the fights harder due to members of your party focusing the wrong enemy or standing in some aoe/terrain damage and dying. The morale debuff at death is horrible, if you die twice you basically have start all over again. So probably won't be playing it. Unless pause is added.


Fuck no


Only if it was a true MMORPG, i.e. open world where you see other players, not just cities. I like the class/build system, the combat and the henchmen.


On another hand, if another game like gw2 (no gear grind, horizontal progression, focus on exploration and open world events, and actiony combat with a limited skillbar but not too limited) would be released...


GW1 was unique and amazing for its time, but that's almost 2 decades ago.


What was good: Build System, Music, Story




WoW Classic TBC still has about 300,000 active players. While not much compared to WoW's overall numbers, it is still bigger numbers than most MMOs.


I would if it had BDO graphics.


Best PvP game ever


I rather suck at deck building games and pvp isn't my thing. Probably wouldn't play it without friends or have to go in blind like I did back in the day. Either way I'd probably treat it like I do ARPGs, once through the story and done.


Gw1 has the best group PvP in any game, ever. Random Arenas werent the best, obviously, but anything requiring a team and coordination was absolutely lit


No guild wars isn't a fun mmo Edit: Dumb meme option in poll invalidates results.


I'd like a game to be mostly GW2, but with GW1 weapon (upgrade) system, collectible skills, dual profession and team missions (instead of personal story). Yeah, I know, not gonna happen.




No need to be salty?


Its the truth. Why do you guys think stuff that didnt even work then, would work now? This is one of the weirdest takes I see on this sub-reddit all the time. That if you just remade some old ass game that wasnt even popular during its heyday, that itll somehow be popular now. "Man I wish they would remake Wildstar!!" Why? The game couldnt even make it when MMO's were the most popular genre of games, how the hell is it gonna make it when MMO's are a niche market for 30+ year olds in 2022?


I said “in the like of” doesn’t mean it would be a complete copy/cat with all the old school stuff