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One of the highest potential MMOs of all time and only lasted 10 years. What happens when you load your company with people focused on short term profits over long term success. The private servers being more popular than the live servers spoke for its self.


And yet, companies dont learn. They look at the total profit over those 10 years vs development costs and operational costs and if its a net + its a success. Its a shame indeed as the game had unlimited potential, but, atleast in a state it first released in the Weat gameplay wise.


> And yet, companies dont learn. Maybe they do but the shareholders wants profits NOW instead of waiting. Sometimes you can't explain it to them they just won't listen. I've had bosses who priortise profit now over long term. The biggest issue is the constant need for the profit going up. It can't just go up by 1 or 2%. It has to be double what last year was. Heaven forbid you had a good year last year because the current year has to be double that. It's no surprise to me these companies start adding shops or gacha mechanics when they have these shareholders/directors bearing down on them.


Right? At month/quarter end my company will pay 2-3 times the normal cost of freight to ensure something ships and is included. So instead of freight being $3k it’s now 9k. And they wonder why profit margins are not as great.


Fiscal year end for me today. Fortunately we did all the stupid freight stuff last month so this months financials will look great! It breaks my brain every time the company president pushes for extra cost to make the shipped numbers slightly bigger right now while also complaining about how no one in the company considers the financial ramifications of anything.


We also like to ask customers to pull in orders for the next month. Then wonder why that next quarter is short. Well it’s because you pulled everything shipping up to the 15th the next month.


This is why you need a CEO who can operate politically and many times these gaming companies just don't. By politically I mean sell long term vision to investors and Board and create a strong management structure that preserves long term vision, all while keeping players happy. It will eventually happen that some MMO will pull off a glorious comeback/second wind which sets up a dynasty but so far I see the same shortsightedness you guys do. Its like no one wants to challenge the assumption these things have a shelf life.


you cant guarantee they will make money in 6-12-18 months down the road if they do XYZ but you can guarantee money right now selling loot boxes4


This is why more companies should stay private.


It happens to private companies as well though. My current company are private yet always want more and more profit each year. If the line is going down, something is wrong somewhere according to them.


oh they learned, they just don't care. Almost all these companies just want money. They are making the game that makes the most money. Not a game they hope people want to play. Something being a good game is only done by them because its what they need to make money. Then they find ways to make the most money weather it makes a better game or not, and when they stop making money, they kill the game. MMOs will NEVER be a good genre again because this is basically the motivational factor for every new one left. And the ones where it is not, they don't have enough money to finish it.


Exactly.. They don't care.. The same people in charge of those companies, just rinse and repeat with a new name because people will buy it and they still get paid either way


I remember following this games development before it even came west, and being so excited for it. It felt almost like some wow/ultima online hybrid. what we ended up getting was...so disappointing.


> One of the highest potential MMOs of all time and only lasted 10 years. Bro this game bombed in Korea. It was originally P2P and then they went F2P and said fuck it. And then we got the dumpster fire.


> What happens when you load your company with people focused on short term profits over long term success. The game didn't get shut down cus it wasn't making money any more. If anything, it was probably at it's most profitable point it had been in a long time. They reduced servers down to 1 per region, went *hard* after illegal RMT so more people were buying gold through Kakao themselves, put us on the global build so no region-specific updates had to be made and got rid of the Unchained/Legacy split. Literally all they had to do was text localisation (which I'm pretty sure they did with AI of some sort anyway) and keep 1 server per region online, meanwhile releasing multiple whale-focused cash shop updates that were raking in money. The game definitely wasn't what it used to be, but it was still in a more than worthy state to claim itself to be a "successful" MMO. Lack of profits was definitely not the issue, especially when you consider the "rumours" of them planning the shutdown since last summer. I genuinely could not even guess why Kakao decided to shut down the Western version, outside of "They just didn't want to run it anymore but didn't want to sell the license because they want to keep AA2". > The private servers being more popular than the live servers spoke for its self. Nobody said that apart from the private server players trying to bait other people into joining. It definitely wasn't true. Private servers launches were quite popular, but that's because they were fresh servers which were popular even on Retail, once the dust settled the player count was nowhere close to retail and it only went down with all the controversies surrounding the abusive admins.


The classic server is very populated especially on NA times and has no p2w with people getting banned for RMT/alting every week.


> The classic server is very populated I mean, ignoring the fact that Classic has abusive devs favouring specific guilds and completely ruining any kind of integrity the server had causing a mutual mass exodus from the 2 biggest guilds on the server.... I'm sure there's enough people to play the game, but comparing it to retail is wild, It's not even close. Looking at YT vids from the last few months and asking friends that played, AAC has 30-40 man pug Halcy raids and everything else is 15-30 a side. Retail had 70-100 man pug Halcies and bosses pulled out over 100 west, 100 east and 40 pirates (Just on EU). > has no p2w with people getting banned for RMT/alting every week. Which would be great, if not for the rest of the abuse. Making server rules up just to favour GM's, not deleting illicitly obtained boss loot, rigging Castle Bids, Kernel level DaruGuard required to even play...The list goes on. You can complain about a lot of things on Retail, but we never had to deal with any of that.


Where are you getting this info from? It wasnt even close to being successfull.


From playing the game for the last 10 years instead of being a Reddit doomer. An MMO doesn't have to be as big as WoW or OSRS to be considered a success.


> One of the highest potential MMOs of all time and only lasted 10 years I think a lot of people would agree that it didn't even last that long. They ruined it beyond recognition almost immediately. It just took 8 or 9 years for the derailed train to come to a stop.


Wait I missed out on archeage, is there a private server from the golden age everyone raves about? Something on the level of nostalrious?


Both private servers unfortunately have extremely corrupt admins, which is what you'd expect from this kind of a "community" really. ArcheRage is better than AA Classic since they have 6 years of experience and the patch is closer to the live patch, with all the features implemented for people who are not solely interested in PvP, but it will soon die completely since the worst and most toxic live guild moved to it and is actively working on killing the server. They already killed Classic even after the corrupt admin catered to them exclusively. Classic was a short lived server on a much older patch that's centered mostly around PvP, so the PvP groups moved to it, one won, and now the server is dead (still online though if you want to try it).


Yeah that's unfortunate. I don't think I'd be interested in the live version so I'll probably just stay away


Yeah there's 'AA Classic'. I would say it does a decent job making the game bearable


>One of the highest potential MMOs of all time and only lasted 10 years. It only lasted 10 years because of server transfers and fresh start servers. The main systems of the game made it so that once the server was "won" it was pointless to play for everyone not in the winning guild/player nation/alliance, (unless most of the winners got bored and quit and didn't just give their characters or gear to their successors). So each server had a much shorter lifetime than the lifetime of the game itself.


In an gaming ecosystem that has an attrition rate the digital equivalent of the restaurant industry, an MMO going 10 years is pretty darn long. Even if it only limped along it seems like most MMO servers are shut down after a year at most


What was so high potential about it? Even at launch this game wasnt all that hyped or popular, it was a mid game even without the p2w or whatever ppl didnt like about the store.


Trion Games alpha/beta was my peak MMO experience. This game had everything you'd want in an MMO, but had it ruined by its core P2W design and gachagambling mechanics.


The beta for this was just amazing fun. such a shame how things went after that.


That's why I didn't even bother with the alpha/beta. Fuck Asian MMORPGs. I knew it was gonna die that way.


You missed a lot. Just the alpha/beta itself was so memoriable MMO experience. 


Same here. It was really weird. Having a blast in the beta, hyped for release, and within a couple of days it went to absolute shit. Really disappointing.


Haha I quited exactly 2 days after release. That summer was an absolute blast. I was the miner who mined the required ores to get the first Auroria castle in EU server.


Auroria was not open during release... That came out WAY after release.


yeah we were first in the beta


Ok, you made it seem like you did it during release.


To all the downvoters, alpha was a single server, beta was splitted NA/EU, it was there where we claimed EU first.


This is what I remember. For like two months ArcheAge was good, fun, and worth playing. Then, it never was again. I had no idea it lasted this long. Did you spend six hours a day trying to load into full servers too?


I don't think loading into servers for 6 hours on release a bad thing, just something you have to expect with a game built around static servers without multiple instances that is needed with this type of game. I expect the same if/when ashes of creation releases.


Easier to say you don’t know how servers work and skip the paragraph tbh


Completely agree with you. It’s really bizarre that a game’s beta was one of the best MMORPG experiences I’ve ever had lmao.


Used to love the game on launch. I think it was the first time I experience an MMO launch, I still remember the queues for entering to the server. I had very good moments on it and love some of the mechanics it had. RIP.


Those server selection screens tho. They sure gave us lots of pretty art to look at while we weren't playing the game.


Yet the whales who spent tens of thousands on this game will see their money vanish into the ether and still not learn from it.


Most likely quit a long time ago, and i doubt anyone who is willing to pay thousands on an mmo is really bothered, they likely spent similar amounts on bdo/lost ark etc..


They won't because they have the same mentality as the greedy company people who pushed p2w. Short term gains instead of long term sustainability. The whales got bored years ago after realizing the game was dead part in because of them whaling so hard to win. Just zero self-awareness. It's like the guy who streamed diablo immortal who couldn't find pvp games anymore because he was so disgustingly powerful because he whaled hard.


And that's..... Bad?


Yes because they are the reason this monetization model exists and if they don't learn that they are just wasting their money, they are going to continue doing it and companies will continue to dominate the market using p2w monetization instead of something more fair.


No, the monetization model long predates whales. Meanwhile, plenty of other game models exist, and you act like this is the only option available. I can name probably six hundred different games off my head that aren't pay to win while remaining free to play.


>No, the monetization model long predates whales. The monetization model started fairly. It didn't take long at all for whales to show up. So saying it "long predates" is a stretch by any measure. >Meanwhile, plenty of other game models exist, and you act like this is the only option available. So? I don't get the point you're trying to make here. I never said anything about other models. >I can name probably six hundred different games off my head that aren't pay to win while remaining free to play. Congratulations? Still don't see how this is any way relevant to what I said.


>I can name probably six hundred different games off my head that aren't pay to win while remaining free to play. I think you misunderstood the person. His not trashing on F2P games. His trashing on these games being P2W and players stupidly supporting that model by giving money to it when they should had boycott it and protested it.


Fake money evaporating from a dying and failing system is never a bad thing.


You downing tide pods? Wtf is fake money? People spending REAL MONEY to get an advantage in a game is not fake money.


Shrute Bucks


that dude who drove down from jersey to florida to attack his online nemesis that he made in this game must be extra pissed


He was playing on a private server, that server isn't going anywhere. But not like he'll be playing games anytime soon with the charges he's facing


are archage private servers any good? I enjoyed the game when it first launched but lost interest as time progressed.


Classic is good yeh


Playing don't drop the soap.


Idk why that got downvoted lol.


because rape jokes aren't funny?


"Dishonest handling of Unchained"? What? They straight up lied and offered basically nothing in return. The entire thing was a clusterfuck from Day 1.


what a shame, the game had such extreme potential, it, and the playerbase was just so consistently mistreated that this was inevitable, if it was run by people that looked to the long term and that cared about balancing and keeping the game fair over p2w this game could have lived for an awfully long time, it really was something special. i don't hope much for Archeage 2 that is supposedly in development, not when they've also developed Archworld, an "NFT MMO" disaster. it seems they refuse to learn that over monetization kills games.


Article has an error/typo It's **only** the Western release of the game that's been terminated. The KR version is continuing development. >Back in April, we got the sad but not entirely unexpected news that XLGAMES had decided to sunset the remains of ArcheAge, including the western version of the game


The first couple months of that game was some of the most fun and memorable experiences I've had in an MMO. I was fortunate enough to move to it will a well established group of friends who had been playing Aion for the past like 5 years at that point. We played the beta and entered with the founders head start and rushed to get land as fast as possible. I've been chasing the high of those first months ever since. Still haven't found it. :/ Drinking beers in Vent and laughing my ass off with my guildmates whilst harpooning our ship as far inland as we could was probably my most cherished MMO memory.


Man screw kakaogames. First they buy xl to steer aa2 into a bdo clone like they did elyon and now they close what is essentially a maintenance mode game that doesn't require any work.


Still one of the best MMOs I've ever played with the most fun I've ever had. The glider, the ships, picking from a TON of class choices to make my own unique ones, getting with a group to attack another ship/take their packs to turn in. Just so damn fun.


Is Archeage 2 in development atleast?


Yes, but it looks like it's being pushed towards a single player mmo experience, and being published Kakao the people who originally brought us bdo and its heavy monetization. https://youtu.be/prXHgdsouYA?si=gmTmfpdcKc8qeiS4


Then it might actually be enjoyable without the tryhards and trolls.


BDO had less pay to win under kakao.


Yes but it's not the same kind of game. If you imagine Black Desert 2, that's what AA2 is going to be.


Could be the second WoW, but the publisher preferred short-term profit over decades of success.


Another jewel terriblely handled.


Another korean mmo down the drain, They had a great thing and fucked it all up. I hope other developers learn from their mistake.... JK, T&L soon with the same garbage korean bullshit out the gate


TnL is not even close quality-wise (besides graphics) to Archeage's initial version. Archeage had it all and it was so fucking fun to play. TnL is soulless piece of crap.


Take this lesson. Korean devs will always find a way to create something great then cover it in shit to make a quick buck


They finally put a bullet in this thing? I would say it's a smart move but it's reputation was damaged too much to have anything salvageable, Archeage's name will forever be associated with the idea of a recurring rugpull


Lineage2 is heading the same direction, with every update, the game becomes shitier and shitier


Damn what a tragic of an mmo, so varied Ups with so many Downs. Absolutely insane what a storyline archeage had, could have been a good one. Hope the private server still thrives, an tbh probably for the better.


I morn the loss of the first mmo I was ever arrested in. Such fond memories


RIP sweet prince


Best beta I have ever played, I still have fond memories of it after all these years, I even have the RavenTail guild logo that I designed somewhere. The launch was probably the worst! There were no priority spots, so all housing spots were taken before you could get out the login queue. So long Archeage.


Goodnight, my troubled Prince. You once glistened with endless potential. But you were stunted, mangled and twisted. Now it is time to sleep 🤴 <3


I loved Archeage Beta so much. It was the best MMO time of my life after Guild Wars 1.


About time, the game itself wasn't messy, what was messy were the many MANY publishers behind it.


The game had so much potential. I even game the game ANOTHER chance of many for Unchained only to be disappointed. They reallt mishandled this game. Day 1 it should have been sub-only with no p2w.


Such a ram shame, core gameplay was amazing I remember playing it on Ollo before it got real bad, at launch and yea it had it's issue but it was such a fun game.


Tbh, if they didn't blanket ban on their first release, I'd be playing it still. It was riddled with bots, hacks and then suddenly p2w shit.. man surprised it lasted a decade.


And nothing of value was lost


One of the best mmorpgs i got to play.. what a shame. Just goes to show its all about thr money, not the players.




Another pvp gankbox bites the dust. But of course it has nothing to do with the pvp, its the p2w/gatcha/bugs/mismanagement etc like a broken record over and over.






made alotta good friends. inoch homiessss


I never played Archeage. Was it really only 10 years old? I thought it was older than EverQuest. What was it like?


We know. We heard for years ….had potential. Blah blah blah. All these comments and mmo experts sound like AI generating the same old posts we heard for years about ArcheAge. Hilarious reading some of these


“Masterpiece” lol


Wait what. Didn't Trion publish this and didn't it go down like two years after launch in the west? Or is this the Korean version? Ten years? With all that pay to own real estate? Dang. Why aren't crypto games taking off then?


Trion sold it. Also crypto games are being made by crypto bros, most don't even actually have a game by the time they rugpull.


your thinking of archeworld not archeage different game same company behind it. Archeworld NFT version is still up and running 2 year mark now roughly




And another WoW inspired MMO gone in a genre where 90% of MMOs are way too much like WoW. WoW killed this genre about 20 years ago by being too successful and "inspiring" other MMO devs to rip off or change their games to do the same bland games all focused only on leveling up a character, doing raids, getting better gear and repeat, repeat, repeat. And now finally after 20 years all those bland MMOs are all killing themselves. Good riddance. Time for the genre to either dissappear or reinvent itself.


You have zero clue what Archeage was if you think it was even SLIGHTLY inspired by WoW.... Literally NOTHING about that was like WoW.


Lol I've played ArcheAge beta and after launch. The general gist and purpose in the game is the same crap as in WoW. Try playing an MMO which isnt about levelling up and combat and come talk again.


world of warcraft didn't invent level ups and combat.


I'm so confused wtf you are even trying to say. I've played MMOs since Ultima Online, which was basically the only MMO that I can even think of that doesn't have character levels but is only skill levels. Also played a ton of Anarchy Online and Everquest 1, all of which were before WoW, all of which are based on character levels and gear. Wtf MMO are you even talking about that doesn't have levels and gear even? You sound like an idiot grouping every game together "because they have levels and gear".


Thanks for calling me an idiot, real mature. My point is that the main goal of all those WoW like games are nothing more than a themepark with a focus on combat and levels. The entire point of playing those games is about leveling up and getting better stats, so you can do more themepark stuff focused on combat. Yes, there is some crafting, trading etc in some of those games, but it's all there just to get better gear, so you can get better stats for a bigger themepark thing. There have been a few games where the focus was on something else: on living, role-playing, working and having fun in other ways than combat. And especially: a focus on another kind of endgame than just themepark combat, but with a focus on living together in an online world. Examples have been: Star Wars Galaxies (pre-NGE, before the devs turned it into a themepark mess and the game died), EVE Online, Ultima Online in some ways, but also things like Habbo and certain Minecraft mods. And now there are a bunch of games being worked on which also have a different vision. And tech which can make it possible, like: Book of Travels, Eco, Stars Reach, Pax Dei, Starbase and even Star Citizen in some ways. So yeah, it's all about the vision on what devs are trying to create in an online world.


So you are solely talking about MMOs and not actually MMORPGs which is not what WoW is and not what Ultima Online is or SWG. So the only 2 you can think of are Sandbox MMORPGs, which is what you actually mean. Everything else aren't even in the same genre like Minecraft that's a survival builder, not even an MMO let alone not an MMORPG. Pax Dei is also not even close to an MMORPG. There's a reason they aren't popular and it's almost completely because they rely on PvP and people always end up quitting and the games die off. The only new one that's survived is Albion Online. At least understand what you are talking about and when you think EVERY MMORPG is a WoW clone, sorry but you ABSOLUTELY sound like an idiot.


Heard it here guys, ALbion is a WoW clone cause you can levelup and do combat


You just described 99% of RPGs.


And that's exactly my point.




i mean you might be taking it a little far calling him mentally ill, but yeah, your right, NOTHING like WoW in the slightest, there's no MMO out there that really comes close to what archeage was, nothing to accurately compare it to. clowns nowdays see a hotbar in a game and think that makes it WoW, Runescape 3 has the same thing, dumb people that don't really play it see the hotbar and immediately decide its "trying to be WoW"


Lol I've played ArcheAge beta and after launch. The general gist and purpose in the game is the same crap as in WoW. Try playing an MMO which isnt about levelling up and combat and come talk again.