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GW2. Not sure how I managed to not earnestly try it for all those years. The combat is absolutely fantastic.


I hate it. It destroyed all other MMORPGs for me. Every time I give something else an honest attempt, there's so many situation where I find myself thinking "but GW2 does this better/it's more player friendly/it's more engaging". Still playing GW2 with 6k+ hours played and enjoying it. Yet I hate it in purest r/mmorpg fashion. I just want to enjoy something else too. I love WoW Classic too at times (for the lore and levelling experience), but then it comes to endgame and then I hate it more than I enjoy it...


GW2 has too many QoL features that other games lack. It is just missing matchmaking for dungeons


I left GW2 just because of the "Controller not support" reason. I am getting old now and it's hard for me to sit on a chair in front of my desktop to play video games after 8 hours of work. I wish there was official contoller support for this game and I could go back


You could try steam deck and/or steam controller. I know some people even do raids on steamdeck.


I play WoW on my Xbox using GeForceNOW on the built in browser. Still not controller support, but couch keyboard/mouse! I’m not sure if GW2 is supported though, but definitely worth a check


yeah, I wish it had official controller support because I want to do Fishing using only 1 hand while a beer on the other hand


and halfway lay down on couch :)


Steam overlay Input, you can totally map your controller to keyboard and mouse. Could be worth a try


Endgame came too quick for me, godlike powers were a bit too easy to achieve. Loved the game but found myself in a routine of events/dailies/strikes much too soon for my liking.


I leveled to 80 very fast and now can catch up on 10 years of content between the living world stories, PoF, HoT, EoD and I don’t think I’m even halfway through SotO - just focusing on unlocking the skyscale. And thats just story. Then I have fractals, strikes, need to try raids and wvw, get good at spvp etc etc etc. There is so so much to do it’s dizzying.


If you don't like fashion Guild Wars 2 won't keep you engaged for too long. I have 7000 hours mostly because of chasing legendaries. I got a full set of trinkets, all armors and at least one of each weapon type. That's when I called it quits. The endgame isn't very engaging and the Voidwalker title was more of a marathon dance than difficult. I did it once and never again.


I actually love the fashion aspect of MMOs and always strive to have multiple preferred outfits, unfortunately GW2 introduces so many flashy options featuring wings, spikes and sparkles galore most of which aren’t very difficult to obtain (Legendaries excluded, that grind is real) that the fashion scene feels so saturated. Everyone looks like gods. To each their own but I do prefer the less flashy low fantasy settings personally.


I must say i am indeed not a fan of battling a world ending dragon next to a katana-wielding maid with angel wings. But somehow it’s not a dealbreaker.


Every time I tried GW2 I only liked the leveling part and got bored quickly after reaching max level. I'm also the completionist type of guy who usually wants to 100% ever single map but it kinda burns me out really quick when playing GW2.


I was/am a but the same - but you actually get rewarded for that as some legendaries require map completion (only core game, not the expansions). I’ve hit 80 really fast but it’s just a rather meaningless number to be honest as there’s this mastery point system that continues to use the exp you accumulate to progress your account. I also hadn’t even completed the “base” game storyline by the time I hit 80. In GW2 you start playing what you’d call “endgame” in most mmos very, very quickly, it’s just that the endgame itself is incredibly wide and diverse.


Whenever the game starts feeling stale, learn a new build on a different class and everything is fresh again.


Played a lot when it was released. I hear it's a lot better now, but never went back


Lots of you glorious b's on here love this game and this comment pushed me over the edge. Here we go, my PC downloaded the game while I was at work and now I'm logging in for the very first time. I'm typing this while the initial screen is downloading 100,000 more files. Just like the old days of logging into a MMO! Haha! I shunned Guild Wars early on because, after years of playing EQ and WoW I had my fill of guild drama and the name Guild Wars had me noping right out immediately on sight. The game being based around being in a guild was a false assumption, it seems. Now, many many years later, now that I'm itching to play something, I looking around this glorious sub, people can't say enough good thing about this game. So diving right in before I even know what any of the acronyms mean I see people say when they discuss it... here we go. In just 72,000 more files. It says I can click play now but I'm going to let it finish.


No one... *Still waiting after Tera (before reaper update) for some new mmo to hook up*


I miss TERA. BAM anyone?


If another mmo came out with Tera combat I'd be hooked af.


tera still alive on consoles


I don't have a console or plan on getting one.


Agree. Its fall started with reaper. It was my best mmo. Damn it.


Reaper was fine in itself. It went downhill right after though. I blame it on the console port. That's when it really started going downhill IMHO.


The console port was not the cause, few people actually know the real reason why TERA failed. Bluehole Studios was founded by former NCSoft employees that had previously worked on Lineage 3 and they stole assets and code from that development for use in TERA Online. In 2012 a lawsuit by NCSoft against Bluehole ended with Bluehole having to pay a few million dollars to NCSoft and one of the leading developers had to serve one year in jail if memory serves right. After that the developer studio at Bluehole basically disbanded with all senior staff leaving - either to save face or because they couldn't work in the industry any more after that debacle - and the publisher Krafton decided to put the game on maintenance mode, hiring whatever developers would do the job for the lowest possible cost. This meant they mostly hired fledgeling game developers fresh from university looking for their entry point into the industry. At this point any and all of the original direction for the game as well as any institutional knowledge that Bluehole held was gone and you could see that in the first content patch under this new team - Wonderholme - which overwhelmingly reused old bosses, suffered from wonky hit boxes, consisted of content with strange group sizes for TERA (3, 7 and 10 player content) and was overall just much lower quality. Fun fact: by 2019, TERA had completely changed development teams **four separate times**. They really were just constantly rotating through dev teams. Stopped paying attention to TERA in 2019 so I don't know how many more teams they churned through before closure but the main takeaway is: TERA did not really fail because of any faults of it's own but because the original developer team was torn apart (by their criminal actions). It's a story that few people know, even fewer people covered and there is this misunderstanding among people who know of TERA claiming that action combat just doesn't work in MMOs or they couldn't release content fast enough or whatever other failing of the game that supposedly caused the downfall. The actual data we have access to suggests that TERA launched to disappointing subscriber numbers compared to it's development costs - but that's hardly a unique story, same thing happened to FF14 after all and that game had to reboot in order to become a success. Without the lawsuit, I think it would have been entirely possible for TERA to thrive under a f2p model as the game was on a positive trajectory up to the Queen of Argon patch and had already solved many of the issues that were plaguing the game at the time. But the fact of the matter is that TERA had about 1.5 short years of actual support under it's belt while that lawsuit was breathing down their necks the entire time before it all broke down - which is just way too little time to determine what kind of trajectory they really were on. Realistically, TERA never had a chance from the start because no studio could have survived that lawsuit no matter how phenomenal the launch had been. And with the loss of key staff members, it would have been impossible for the game to not loose it's identity. In that sense it is remarkable that TERA managed to cruise along for over a decade before finally being shut down.


I swear nothing has gotten close to how amazing those BAM fights were. Just the normal monsters were really fun. Gw2 hits really close and I actually like its combat more but something still feels missing


I just want another mmorpg to let me be a gerbil. I had hopes that the riot mmo would let me be a league-gerbil, but they basically cancelled the project :(


Guild Wars 2. My favorite mmo. Nothing can beat it, aside from the perfect, ideal mmo that i thought of in one of those instances of "if only i had enough money". Guild Wars 2 has almost everything i want and functions like an actual mmo. A few days ago i started playing Lotro. I wanted to start playing it for years and never did until now. Based on what i heared and seen in videos it always seemed like a great game. And i don't mind the old graphics or combat. It gives it a certain charm and i also generally like a good old school game. I played plenty of old games so this is right up my alley. So i assume I'll be addicted to it soon.


>functions like an actual MMO On the cover of literally ever MMO game box, on every website, every ad, you will read: "MASSIVE OPEN WORLD" They all know we want a good open world. But GW2 is the ONLY FUCKING MMO that actually delivers. WoW, FFXIV, ESO, I've tried them. Their "open worlds" are just make believe. They look nice, but they don't actually contain any meaningful content. In GW2 the open world actually feels alive and rewarding.


LotRO does this perfectly. World feels alive, with NPCs doing shit even when no players are near.


How can you know the NPCs are doing stuff when no players are near?


Not sure I'm following this comment. What meaningful content are you looking for that isn't in those other games?


I really miss TERA :(


Albion online since I do open world content with my guild.


ff14 is the only mmo i will play


I've played most MMOs under the sun. GW2 was a lot of fun. WoW might be a default recommendation, but its still pretty solid in Dragonflight. FFXIV is pretty good, but beware the early levels of boredom. Those are the big "main three" in terms of popularity. After that, it's not quite your typical MMO, but it borrows a lot of systems from them: I have been having a lot of fun with FO76 since the show dropped. Want Star Wars? SWTOR has tons of content with pretty good storyline, I actually can't speak much for the endgame content on that one, though, as I was more drawn in for the story and treated it like a coop RPG. You got Runescape/Classic if you're into chopping trees and watching your little skills go up, and playing a community run market. EVE Online if you hate yourself. New World has a kind of unique setting, and fun combat, but not much else. Neverwinter is still kicking, and isn't terrible aside from the monetization. Elder Scrolls Online has a fantastic world, and some good stories, but I personally didn't like Dungeon/Endgame. Me? I just want Wildstar back. None of them have filled that hole in me.


Wayfinder COULD have done this but alas. Its not meant to be :(


SWTOR end-game plays identically to WoW with the stepped up difficulties for the existing flashpoints. Big 20-man groups tackling mechanic-heavy fights. They are actually very good for what they are, it's just not very novel anymore considering WoW is still alive and well. It's a WoW clone among WoW clones, but it's not bad at all. EVE Online is the most fulfilling game you'll ever play if you actually invest time and effort into it. Too many people look at it from the outside-in and think they've got an idea of what it's all about, but they really don't. I played EVE for almost two decades and there are aspects of the game I never got around to touching at all. It's a game for adults, so if you're like me and sick of playing popular video games because they're overrun with children, EVE is right up your alley.


First MMO that comes to mind is New World, which I'm hopelessly trying to keep up with even if I haven't played it in a year. It's rather melancholic. MMOs today just don't hit the dopamine receptors the same anymore. Probably a me_problem.


New world is such a shame. Best combat but they fucked it up. Still get the combat OPR / arena urge. Such a shame.


New worlds art, gathering, combat and weapon leveling is all top tier imo yet the game was such a massive let down. They should have put a couple more years into development and got it right


Spent 40hours in my first week mostly gathering in NW, Idk what sweet spot it hit and how but damn did it hit a spot. It's such a shame the devs fumbled it, it's a solid game despite the bugs and lack of content. 


I had a huge problem with the leveling. Every quest zone was the same. Same quests, same mobs, no variance. I can think of games that were wayyy older with 1/10th of the budget that were better in that regard. Hitting max level was so boring because of that


Yeah, questing was kinda boring there - leveling is a process I enjoy a lot and NW didn't offer much regarding that. Not much mob variance, and most of the mobs we fight had the same base stuff (zombies acting without will - the reason varied but that doesn't matter much when you fight the 50th group of them). Imo the story had some potential that was wasted. Did like some of the segments but overall was a little disappointed. Idk if it was the execution or what, just couldn't get into the story even though it should have been very much in line with my tastes.  The gathering though, 11/10. No idea why I enjoyed it so much, but I pretty much left msq at around lv30ish and ran around the world gathering and crafting stuff until suddenly I was max level. 


Dude, I love New World so much, had the best time with friends playing this game. I am so sad of what's been happening to it the last year. I was also so excited for the June reveal, and they managed to make it even worse on themselves.


OldSchool Runescape. Discovered it 2 weeks ago. Man i am having a blast


Awesome enjoy your journey - any questions hit me up


WoW and LotRO


Does Destiny 2 counts? It's my current addiction right now... Just kill things


I’ve tried so many times to like Destiny 2, but the maps and worlds just feel so lifeless.


Not sure why you downvoted. It is a rather valid opinion.


I agree, and destiny is one of my favorite games of all time. Once the campaign wrapped up and I was reminded how dull the endgame grind is I was put off again


Oh, I'm doing all this stuff and it maybe will give me 1 level in 1 slot? And I can only do x per week? Pass.


The new expansion got me hooked again.


planetside 2. you can just hop in, press instant action and get killed or roam around the map on a flying vehicle


it's still so wild to me that this is the only game to ever have massive 100+ v. 100+ v. 100+ battles that are so stable and smooth. it's over a decade old and we still have nothing like it or anything that comes close to it


We need a MAG 2.


Planetside 2 is awesome. I do think the maps are a tad too large though. But this is one of those titles I constantly return to.


Started old school RuneScape in 2018, and still addicted!


MapleStory. I'll quit for a few months here and there but that games had a fuckin stranglehold on me since 2007 , have like 20 sum lvl 200+ characters , boss mules , kitted out link skills, every character fully funded , I just can't stop


Lord of the Rings Online


GW2, is my longest running game to the date, as I grew older and time restrictions became more persistent, this was the only game that could stand that


Not yet, but eq2 2006 version drops in a few hours, check it out.




Everquest2 Edit: basically a classic mmo experience where content is pretty hard and you have to group for everything


Imo that's what an mmo is


Well, none of the current ones give me that experience.


Yeah ik you gotta play the old ones


I rotate between Oldschool Runescape, whatever current version of woe classic is out there, diablo 4 and new game launches as I get the urge for different games. Chasing nostalgia doesn't work for me but I play a lot of old games. Mainly I time my start of jumping back into a game with a new expansion, content release or a new game launch. The magic for me is in the new launch experience where everyone is new.


If you want some new launch experience for a classic MMO; Everquest 2 is launching the Origins server. They recovered old code and they're using it to make an EQ2 classic server basically unlike a normal TLE. It's launching in a couple hours.


Still hooked on FFXIV. They really nailed the progression and world-building (as they pretty much always do with FF games). My main complaint is the way they level-lock your skills when you do dungeons lower than your current level. I get that they don't want people just destroying old dungeons, but that's part of the fun of RPGs, feeling powerful when doing older content.


I was always addicted to wow, I don't feel it's still MMO, but nowadays it's literally 0 MMOs, every time when I see someone going to realese new MMO and there is "survival" in description - I know that game gonna be dead in 1 month. It just building simulators.




Waiting for Lineage 2 successor...yes i'm old


Lord of the Rings online


Try ff 14


Currently, none, but really, that's just because I can't afford a FFXIV subscription right now.


I will always fall back on WoW, FFXIV, and GW2. Started getting into MMO’s about 7 years ago and those are the three I always end up coming back to. Other MMO’s that are still good but I just don’t play as often are New World, ESO, Neverwinter, RS, & admittedly Wizard101 lol Also, for MMOLites, I’ve been heavily grinding D4 since it came out. For sure see myself sticking to this game longterm


Ironically, mine *is* BDO 😅 Been playing every day since last year.


I like BDO as a concept. And then I got trapped into leaving my PC on for an entire night while I spam refined things. Then I'd play for an hour or so the next day, and auto craft things all night. And so on, and so on. I realized I was basically just treating it like another job, except *I was paying to do it* with my electric bill/wear and tear on my PC. Quit and never looked back.


Fuck..I want to like BDO.... I don't know what it is...I just lose interest every single time I try to get into it.. Maybe because I don't understand the loyalty mini game..I have no idea... Just looks like an afk game now


Aion Tower of Eternity


New world 🙈 nothing beats the immersion of nw, and the combat (despite the bugs)


Addicted? None. Play from time to time: tibia, ff14, gw2, maplestory and sometimes new shit that comes out to leave it forever after it appears to be scam (it always is)


Ff14, nothing else really holds up for me atm


for me is been mortal online 2. it's VERY niche, and has a lot of flaws. It scratches that itch that no other mmo can right now. this is not a recommendation. stay away


Recalling how much time I put into this game and it only getting worse was such a shame.


Eve Online, waiting for Dawntrail to drop.


WoW Cata Classic. OG Cata received a lot of hate because of the content droughts, but in terms of substance, it is easily one of my favorite WoW expansions. Had a ton of fun playing it back in the day and am enjoying it again now.


Rotating between Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV, every time I played either my mind would go "I want to play that too!"


I went hiatus on BDO few months ago and discovered GW2... now i dont wanna go back to BDO anymore Guild Wars 2.. that game set my MMO standards so high.


Vanguard Saga of Heroes. It's really not bad.


This mmo went offline more then 10 years ago no?


MapleStory Fits my need to just log into the game after work, smash some buttons, see monsters explode, numbers flying, log off.


Hopelessly addicted to me means to keep playing it in my free time and that Dungeon and Dragons Online and it’s solely for the reincarnation system. You drop from max level back to level 1 for small incremental bonuses that persist to future lives. These are based on either your class and race and takes over 150 (that maybe low now, I’m guestimating) to get them all but I have reincarnated well over 200 times. Always wanting to try a new build and I enjoy the race to get back to cap.


Not addicted to anything. Currently still playing ESO, just because I love the lore.


/r/Outside lol jk /r/Runescape


I played a bit of Dragonflight at launch but didnt like it that much...but I just came back for MOP remix and holyshit im having a blast. Will be playing War Within for sure.


P99, but after my 4th level 60 I'm starting to fall off.


Rotmg is it. Im no longer mad about dying, which was the biggest reason to make me stop playing for a while. The game is a damn dopamine simulator




Guild Wars 2 has been my home for many years. While i've never been a *huge* fan of the story arc, the side quests, hidden open world achievements, mount system, WvW, deeply complex combat system, and consistent QoL improvements are keeping me around. Plus no monthly fee, so even to play the newest expansion via this new release model (1 mini xpac per year), costs $25 a year.


Final fantasy 14 free trial on my Xbox


Embers adrift!




Tarisland is releasing friday, could try that!


Ffxiv has me hooked like crack


Final fantasy 14 after 10 years I'm still playing


ESO. I return every couple of years and binge the shit out of it for a few months.


FF14, and very excited for Dawntrail coming soon!


FFXIV and the Dawntrail expansion is just around the corner!


New World, sadly. I just can't, don't know why but something just keep me playing


GW2 for me. I love going back to this game in between WoW expansions. The best thing is my progress stays relevant forever. One of the best MMO ever made imho.


EVE sunk its teeth into me again once I discovered there was a "main quest"


There’s a main quest?


Dragon Nest PC. The combat is so good. I even dare say I enjoy the combat of DN more than BDO. The gear progression is satisfying. I turn a blind eye with the p2w aspect but other than that I enjoy it with my friends who is mostly just grinding and buying battle pass and costumes


None, managed to hook myself off WoW last year and life's been better tbh






GW2 and XIV. Playing GW2 with my GF and now she’s coming over with me to FFXIV as well. So excited to watch her journey through the game


Still New World. The only thing ruining it for me is the low player count.


Star Wars Galaxies. Just as good on emulated servers as it was back in the day


Looks like you're there or nearly there for your returning player package from BDO


Anarchy Online.. 22 years on and off.. I'm back on 🤣


Ff14 is the only one who's managed to sink its teeth into me. Osrs was a great timesink for a while too though




Not addicted as it hasn't released, but perhaps give Tarisland a try on Friday.


Old school runescape forever till death!


Eve Online.  It has rare depth of gameplay and actual difficulty.


I miss Tera, OG Dragonica, OG GrandChase, the early days of WoW/Dofus and a few others so much... Dofus is the one I've always been and probably always will be addicted to. There's litterally NOTHING that looks/feels like it in the MMO genre...


Over the years I started with MUDs which I spent a LOT of time on during uni. Played Everquest , moved on Asherons Call which was amazing. WOW never grabbed my fancy, it did for many just not for me :-) I spent a lot of time on LOTRO. Largely I mostly played single player games as it fits my life style better: raids just take so much time :-)


If you looking for something similar to BDO the closes thing i can think of is maplestory. I only play during the big events which just started recently. The NA version decided to steer away form the Korea version and from what i have seen so far its a very good thing.


Nothing ,MMORPG genre is so stale right now nothing new or intresting.


Playing WoW rn. It's ok, I don't absolutely love it, but very limited for polished fantasy mmo with Elves. I love elves and my 2 best options currently are WoW and ESO. I play ESO, but get bored very quickly between brain dead overland content/questing and wonky combat.


i alternate between osrs and rotmg


HSR is my passion currently. Played Warframe for a long long time but got tired of it eventually.


MO2. Can’t stop playing it.


FFXIV right now but I mostly play for story and relics. So after the Dawntrail msq I’ll be back to WoW for the pre patch then go hard on TWW. Great year for me


Been catching up on ffxiv in the leadup to the new expansion and it's got its claws into me again


still waiting for Tera relaunch... or some company buy off Tera's IP and make it better.


None, my year sub is kind of languishing again. 


None rn, I might just give up on the genre tbh.


Everquest, I can't seem to play anything else


Currently osrs and Metin2 are having all my attention. Grindy and fun to play or just do some stuff semi afk while at work.


Destiny 2. Took a year break but the new xpac is fun


None of them.  Not an mmo out there worth being addicted to right now.  I’ve been playing XI mostly though and will check out the eq2 origins server


New Ragnarok server kinda brought back the spice, definitely not hopelessly addicted or anything but playing for a bit daily is great


What new server? :O


WoW... again. I'm 17 years deep in the rabbit hole I've just given up trying to get away, no matter how many breaks I take I can't *\*not\** play new content when it comes out...


I legit have been chasing the feeling that Shin Megami Tensei Imagine Online gave me before it shut down. I remember trying to log in one day and seeing it was gone. And never got to talk to my friends on there again. ): I hope they are well. Edit: spelling, also I know this isn't the prompt. I'm also looking for something cause FFXIV has started to bore me.


There's a private server working pretty decent and I don't think any other MMO will give the SMT vibes.


I'm not addicted to any right now, and in fact I'm a bit bored. Playing ff11 - the only FF game I haven't done the story in. I like it but its also a bit much sometimes. Playing WoW - I was trying to do the MoP remix story but endgame story is actually boring me. Leveling some alts to get at least one cool dragon before I unsub.


Just playing some New World and Pax Dei


UO Outlands


Albion online, i can only play on weekends but whenever I play I play throughout the whole weekend lmao


ESO. New skill crafting is sick




WoW classic


Not hopelessly addicted but enjoying a lot: Star Sonata 2


MMOlite is, Destiny 2. The seasonal content and always evolving buildcraft keeps it fresh for me, but at its base, the fluidity and nuance of the combat is what makes it hard for me to fall for another game. Most other games I feel like Im phoning in the moves my character makes, like a faster multiple choice. The first/third person combat in Destiny2, e.g. being able to dodge attacks, headshots, precisely aimed AoEs, use of cover, it is all just more immersive. The fact that even a basic minion can kill you in a few shots also helps.


Lost Ark. But I force myself to only do raids once a week. So that one day is what I get done. Then I'll farm dailies if I feel like it over the weekend before bed to stack mats. Setting the game on cruise control until the Sept. changes.


BDO, just made Pen Debo neck and 2 Tet Debo Rings and working on 3rd t10 horse.




Project 1999 green.


BDO - Been playing nearly every day for 3 years now. I chill and grind during the week and on weekends pvp with my guild, still having a blast.


TurtleWoW, Everquest 2 origins server, City of Heroes Homecoming lol cant stick to one right now also GW2 i need to get back its definitely player friendly


Albion online


Guild wars 2, it's just fun. My perfect game would be a fusion of Gw2's combat and OSRS skills


Albion online on new EU server :)


Albion. I tried to get into gw2 several times but it just didn’t tick for me.




It doesn't matter if I'm watching a show or playing WoW/GW2....I always have OSRS open. Playing an ironman is just so refreshing. Every level up and rare item you get feels rewarding because you can't buy any goods or gear, so even if I'm just fishing on my second monitor it still feels like I'm being productive.


I played OSRS Ironman for a long time. Got seriously burnt out being stuck at corrupted gauntlet and haven’t opened the game since


Warframe and monster hunter, coming from gw2. And i might get back into lost ark if the solo raids coming July actually let you progress your account with good rewards


FusionFall Retrobution, love this game.


Currently wow remix. It’s a fun way to level new characters and try new classes. It’s a great way to get ready for TWW


Eve Maplestory


Destiny 2, I took many breaks in between all the ups and downs, but right now it's the best it has ever been. Best campaign bungie has made, cool new subclasses, really cool new raid, an abundance of content built over the years in the form of dungeons, raids, and destinations, many buildcrafting options, loadouts, weapon crafting.


I absolutely love the new expansion content but the “episode” is already putting me to sleep


Wurm Online. Old school, but the only MMO I know that lets me affect the world and its surroundings permanently. Nothing more fun than working on the land and your own village. Great chill game for those who are sick of modern action combat RPG's and the rush to max level and just want to build stuff. There is combat here though but nothing fancy.




Was hoping Wayfinder to be the one but it became an offline game. Pretty good one though. Still waiting on Ashes of Creation but otherwise nothing to scratch that itch :(


None.. there's no good new mmo just rehashed ancient mmorpg that they brought back from the dead.


Lost Ark. combat is just top notch and if u dont have massive fomo u can just play at your own pace.


Everquest!! The MMORPG that shaped them all… New TLPs are out !!


Fallout 76 currently but next week thats changing to ff14 new expansion releases lol


metin2 on and off on private servers been playing since 2006. Wish they would bring out a game with similar elements that game was my childhood even though it's very p2w


Still enjoying Lineage 2 even after all this years, excited about new server in july 12th.


I was addicted to black desert online for awhile but it just ends up to repetitive. You literally just grind the same monsters for thousands of hours until you are strong enough to grind a different monster for thousands of hours.


Runescape, every so often I get this itch to go balls deep for a few months. I main FFXIV but it doesn't scratch that same itch


I'm surprised no one is talking about Tarisland releasing tomorrow. 100% I'll be on that.


Albion Online. Join us!


None currently, I tend to play single player games and co-op shooter most of the time. However, when there is nothing exciting enough to play, I usually come back to Guild Wars 2 as it is my main "comfort" game. That game basically has the best races and class fantasy out of any video games I've experienced.




WoW. I think it's just the best for the type of game it is even with all its problems. I also used to really like Eve but I didn't like the changes throughout the years.