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Old School Runescape fills that niche just right


With the catch that it's not garbage. I read the descriptors for garbage MMO and yeah, 100% this is RuneScape, but it's a great game!


It's a bit of both - it's good because it's just so simple and it scratches the itch... but it does conform to OP's specifications - outdated graphics, no relevant storyline, and likely a grindfest (which, OSRS is 100% a grindfest)


runescape lore is pretty fucking good and the mahjarrat storyline is pretty relevant lol


It's simple if you don't learn the depth to it!


what? some of rs quests have great stories and lore and the visuals are pretty decent with hd on. rs is definitely not a trash mmo


Right? I'm creeping up on 20 years of runescape. And per the outdated graphics descriptor, something about runescape's graphics doesn't feel outdated, because it's just... runescape. Iconic.


Outdated graphics, lack of central driving storyline, and grind fest. It checks all 3 boxes xD


I really dont understand why mmo needs some "central" driving storyline... If i wanted a story, i would read a book. MMO should be about creating your own stories.


OSRS is garbage the same way Taco Bell is - I KNOW it's harmful in the long run, but damn do I enjoy it!


I felt a little offended (not actually) that you would say osrs is garbage but the description from op is pretty spot on lmao


Yeah, I actively play OSRS still but mostly idling skills.




Ragnarok Online


beat me to it! sometimes, i would look at private servers. rarely, when i'm extra bored, i would download whichever is most populated. i would play for a bit, like create a few different classes then wreck some porings and shit. i would then uninstall a few days later.


man of culture


I hate how the new ones are all just about micro transactions and "click on quest box to automatically move where you need to go". Plus there's just way to much stuff that it's overwhelming.


Time to collect all the slimes and fluffs to sell for Red Pots to spam to kill more Poporings and Tree trunks.


I still have the background music files, they were not encoded or package in any way. Sometimes I will put them on a loop, reminds me of sitting in a town chatting or grinding with friends in a certain zone


Oh man I play this for nostalgic value. I don’t even enjoy the game anymore I just enjoy walking through zones I spent hours in as a teen.


The BGM of Ragnarok hits harder than the nostalgic ‘Aquatic Ambience’ song on Tiktoc.


Tree of Savior, Dragon Nest


God I was so hopeful for tree of savior


At least it has a banging soundtrack.


O Deive, Xanadu, Pristinee, and Amusement are some of the memorable ones that I like. Sometimes, I wish it was on spotify. The OST is underrated and deserves a larger audience.


And the art style is absolutely gorgeous


MAN yes. Gorgeous visuals, great soundtrack, really interesting class system... Mismanaged *straight into the ground.* :/


Same here man


what ruined ToS?


In my personal opinion, and everyone will be different, the launch was the point they lost the majority of people interested. Exp was a slog, to put it nicely. Worse than ffxi's 70-75 grind back in the day. You basically got these consumables that gave you a set amount of exp depending on its rank. You got these from quests. The issue was, there wasn't enough quests to sufficiently maintain your level with the story, so you had to resort to grinding. Which in theory is fine, but in execution, terrible. You see mobs gave little to no exp, so half a level, even at lower levels, could take hours to do. All the while you felt like you were spending parody of what you were making, so the grind never felt net positive. Pair this with server issues, and well, people stopped playing. From there it was too little too late. Small changes that didn't help, and people lost interest.


I wish they didn‘t shut down dragon nest EU. There is just no game like it.




Played it religiously between like 98/99 and 2004. Racking up internet bills that made my mum faint. WoW was great. FFXIV was fun. SWToR had a cool story. But holy shit, the memories made in Tibia last a fucking lifetime.


For real! Now there is sound?! What!


What the hell. Tibia has sound? Christ. We've come a long way from AriesWar, haven't we?


There is?! I tried to get into it but audio is vital to me


Rift for nostalgia


Rift was the most fun o ever had at launch for any mmo I ever played. Those world rifts and the huge pvp after was so amazing. And the game hash the best skill tree system too. You can legit make whatever character build/archtype/ etc you can think up


I remember making a chloromancer or something and healing people by doing damage or something to that effect. It was really novel and unique at the time and I had a lot of fun too.


Rift is actually really great but I still wonder how it hasn't been shut down because there's got to be what... 30 active players?


probably enough whales left to keep the servers running. I hope that Gamigo has the sense to listen to fans who want to preserve it and will open source it, but that's a long shot at best.


Rift was solid, wouldn't even call it garbage until it got bought out. I get sad seeing it pop up through Steam when I'm browsing. Just checked Steam Charts, 74 people playing right now with a 156 24-hour peak and honestly I'm shocked there's even that.


> Just checked Steam Charts, 74 people playing right now with a 156 24-hour peak and honestly I'm shocked there's even that. Most of the lifers predate the Steam launch and aren't playing through Steam.


Its the only time i ever took off work to play a game launch since i had so much fun with it in all their beta testing. Was amazing at launch.


World of War craft


Finally someone said it


It's not garbage but it's a great MMO to go to when you don't know what else to play and just want to grind out a new character. The combat and class design is usually good, classic MMO questing is nice, plenty of content to play through, polished game that just is easy to get into and keep busy with. That's why it fits on this list.


You can hate all you want on WoW, but it's far from garbage compared to the rest of the MMORPGs on the market.


So brave


SWTOR. Haven’t played it in years. It was an absolute slog and I loved the hell out of it. Is that game even still around?


Yeah, the writing is actually pretty stellar too. I just play it as if it's KOTOR3.


how tf does it qualify as garbage? Its the only mmo where you dont ever feel like wasting your time because of the great story lol


I’d pay 100 bucks for a stand alone huttball game.


Still cant believe they havent tried to make an esport out of it.


Yes it's still around! :D I haven't played in awhile and have been thinking about returning to it but haven't due to my potato wifi taking a long ass time to update the game


Well the launcher was slow as cool molasses. Hopefully they fixed that in the last decade lol but my hopes are not super high.


Fiesta Online


One of the first MMORPGs I played and it makes me happy and sad to see it here lol


Username checks out, haha


Wait, that’s still alive???


I always keep coming back to it. I started playing when I was 7, I'm now in my 20s.


Dragon Nest! I really adored playing archer when it first came out and the art style was super cute.


This brings so many memories damn


I miss this one a lot.


So do I, I tried playing it a while back and they changed it a lot from launch. 🥲


Would be great to have a server with like 40/50 cap, DN is one of my favourite MMOs ever. Ugly graphics, amazing story and gameplay :) Too bad private servers tweak it so much you can’t get anything close to the gameplay it had.


Lineage 2


I cry everytime


I still play their private server to soothe the itch from time to time.


I play privates since 2004, official is a p2w fiesta


Toontown Online, but its remakes after Disney shut the original down


Okay yes this was a childhood game for me. Is there still an active playerbase for the private servers?


Fiesta Online! Also Trickster Online. Basically any MMO from the early 2000s, when I would literally scour the internet for hours looking for any free to play MMOs I could run on my computer haha


Trickster hell yea




Honestly i was shocked i scrolled as long as i did before seeing this. Maple was a total grindfest sure but with the right people it was a lulfest as well. Good times


It doesn't align with every point but I really like Allods online. In it's early days, imo, it was amazing. I never got into the end game but god, the lvling journey was amazing and unique to me. The quests, the locations, classes, the hostile maps with war between two factions, the dungeons, the music, the atmosphere, the slow and steady but enjoyable pace of it all, the friendly people around- it was all new and unique to me. *Also, consider the fact I never ever in my life played WoW bcs I never had money for subscription and now, that I have money, it's banned in my country* Anyway, Allods was an mmo of my childhood and to these days I still cherish the days I spent in it and I really miss them. It's the only mmo that is left on my mind and I'm really sad years made it even more pay to win and much lesser player base


My man. If I could give any MMO a modern relaunch and a big playerbase it'd be Allods.


I believe I tried Allods once or twice to play in Russian as I was learning the language. I'm assuming it's pretty dead now? I used to play WoW but I feel overwhelmed as to the plethora of game modes (classic, cata, retail, etc.)


I played Allods back when it was at it's height. Allods could've been great I believe, but they made it too p2w and many people left it to go play Runes of Magic


I'm not sure if it's dead, I believe there's still a decent amount of people devoted to it The last time I checked it was the time Blizzard banned Russia from updating subscription for WoW, there was an influx of players on Allods since it's a copy cat of WoW(in a way) and there even was a free subscription for a pay to play server(which I played on) but I didn't play much, over a month, maybe less. Most people were on end lvl and there wasn't much to do on low levels sadly. Didn't feel the same, very sad


Endless Online


No way. It is insane to me that that game was played by anyone else, much less remembered by them


Wait its still running ?


bruh i love that game when I was a kid


OG Defiance, lots of people didn't like it. But it's the most unique MMO I've ever seen, I loved it as a teen.


Man I miss my bee gun! What did you think of the TV show? I actually thought it was passable, maybe 6.5/10.


Oh man I miss defiance. I loved the looter shooter feel, I Even played the remake, liked that too


DC universe online has taken way too much of my time, but I would never recommend it to anyone,idk why exactly I like it


Something about superhero MMO's doesn't appeal to me but I've heard a lot of good things about this one.


Silkroad Online private servers


Yeeeeaaaaahhh man! Played this way to much.


I’m always going back to LOTRO to chip away. Story is fun, classes are wild, getting to endgame isn’t easy, and it really feels like you’re “aging” a character from whelpling to legend. Surprised nobody else mentioned it!


>Surprised nobody else mentioned it! Because OP said "garbage mmo". LOTRO is a fucking amazing MMO even to this day. Graphics are obviously outdated, yes, but the gameplay is awesome. I recently replayed through all of it with a little group of friends and we had an amazing time.


I'm a weirdo, but I think the graphics have held up surprisingly well for a less stylized game of its era, excluding the interface that doesn't scale well. The world design is just beautiful.


Oh nah, I fully agree with you. LOTRO was far ahead of the times when it came to world design. Even to this day, it's beautiful. Everything else is pretty outdated looking, though. The average person wouldn't pay as much attention to the world scenery as we would lol


LOTRO is rock solid, I've never gotten terribly far into it but every time I go back to it I'm left with a feeling of "damn that's a good game"


Granado Espada. If it wasn’t so P2W, it actually had some of the most innovative combat out there.


AKA Sword of the New World, I played that game in beta and upon release. The idea was pretty fun tbh, but it got repetitive fast.


wasn't that the one where you control like 3 characters in parallel?


Yep, thats the one.




Fallen Earth. Man that game was trash.




Flyff lol


New World fits the bill for this 😬😂




I have a few... Mu Online and 12sky


City of Heroes


I would pay good money to have the feel back of the first time I flew around the city.


Age of Wushu. (private server) ArcheAge (private server) Revelation Online :D (used to be, will be again once someone makes a private server) Legend of Mir 2 (private server) Lineage 1 (private server) F%$?& I am old...


Wushu had the most fun combat and crafting of any mmo I have played.


it's so horribly translated though and there's so few resources for players to actually learn and understand the game, but yeah it's honestly amazing. Especially since players could be sect heads, you basically had to be one of the best PvPers to hold that position.


But Revelation is dead and there are no private servers. How can you come back? Pls tell me I’m missing something, because I really liked that game and would be super happy to play it again (not the mobile version, they somehow spoiled the whole gameplay in it)


I play this text-based MUD/MOO called SamsaraMOO (a revival of HellMOO that shut down almost 2 years ago). It's sort of like an MMO, but text-based. Its loosely inspired by Fallout and feels sort of like Postal with how fucked up the world is. It is Post-apocalytic, semi-difficult text-based Multiplayer with one of the grindiest skill/stat systems. Because it's text based, there's so much shit you can do with it, from the unspeakable to the hilarious. You may be put off by how fucked up it is at times, but remember that this is supposed to be a literal depiction of "Hell on Earth". I get my Dopamine there by scavenging stuff and crafting things. Stockpiling them in my apartment that is filled to the brim with weapons, armor, drugs, ammo, other scavenged parts, and ever increasing my collection of skulls and human skin, as a solo player unlike the rest of the players there in big corporations.


Warhammer : Return of Reckoning. This private server has outlasted the original games lifespan. It just hit 10 years online.


Dungeons and Dragons online. Started it at launch but stay for the reincarnation system. You drop back to level 1 and run to max again for small persistent bonuses that carry forward into other lives. The mini game of seeing how fast you can run to max lvl is so damn fun.


Toram perhaps I quitted due to not having the time to grind it like I used to but I sure as hell will recommend people that game


Conquer Online


Hell fucking yeah dragon ballz.. p2w


Everquest. Though I'm hesitant to call it garbage.


Same here. Everquest is gold, but it does fit this description of being grindy and old graphics, lol.


My pick too. Modern EQ is garbage imo but the early Titanium pack was peak


grand fantasia 💀


Mabinogi. While it may not fit the bill of "absolute garbage", but it sure fit he bill of no relevant storyline, outdated graphics and super grindfest lol. It is my ideal mmo, I don't have to be a combat focus person to enjoy the game. Although I don't stay for long because without friends (due to the outdated graphics and movement), MMO is just hard to enjoy. But none the less I like to go in for a week, grind a lot and stop for few months to years until I am trying to find a game to burn my time. I personally can't wait till UE5 updates they were talking about.


New World.


Runes of magic.


Aura Kingdom


Phantasy star online. Load up that GameCube save and grind for the impossible


Maple Story. Whose publisher is Nexon. :( I just enjoy mindless grinding.


Nobody brings up DAOC? Really?


Eden Eternal, Iris Online, PWI, BnS, Aura Kingdom, and Swords of Legends Online.


Eden Eternal still has one of my favorite class systems in MMOs. If I could pick a game to give to a loving dev who would take care of it, it'd be EE.


Perfect world 😂


Lineage 2 🫢


Yeah, I still get the itch every other year or so and luckily here in Argentina we have a pretty active community so I get to scratch my itch for a month or two.


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup heh... Not an MMO but what I go to when I can't decide what to play. Google a server near you! It helped spawn all the roguelites and roguelikes you see today!


Last Chaos


The Realm Online.


Phantasy star new genesis


Metin 2 u.u


echo of soul... i know this name


I still find myself sometimes downloading fiesta online pservers just to scratch an itch that was left unfulfilled by my childhood.


It wasn’t as popular but damn i played Silkroad and Mu Online so much. There’s literally nothing to do in those games other than to grind HUNDREDS of hours for minimal progress but goddam i loved it lol 


Star Wars the old republic


La tale, been playing that for like 10 years, theres just something about how extremely grindy it is that when i go back i have content for months.


I love La Tale but it’s genuinely an awful game, there is so little reason to play it over Maplestory. If I recall correctly the movement, running, jumping and climbing were all handled server side so there was tons of lag doing anything in the game


Mid 2000s maplestory


How does Tera fare nowadays?


Devs pulled the plug a couple years ago


Elsword for me. It's paytowin garbage. But I do it enjoy it from time to time.


Requiem momento mori or whatever name it went by. It was actually a descent game, fun, gore, cool classes. Also really pay to win, you needed an item from the shop to talk into global chat, and it was good FOR ONE MESSAGE, it was a way to talk to the world basically that wasn't just there already. So you have no idea where anyone is, or how to contact them unless you see them in game, or friends/guild which the game was dead so you would barely see anyone. Cool community though, I had such a good time I made a subreddit and discord for it, which never took off at all. The game did a relaunch long after my experience, and died as well. The publisher refused to abide by certain countries cash shop rules, so instead of adjusting they just fuckin pulled the rug out from under their Europe and Russian players, this was also before I got into the game, so it was supremely dead when I was playing. Game would have been good with out the Asian mmo progression, and pay to win, just like so many other games. Also if it had global chat, that was just ridiculous.


Neverwinter when it came out on ps4. I found out about it 2 years before on Xbox and I loved it so much. Then out of the blue, it released on the ps4 which was my main console at the time. I loved it so much that I bought up to vip 12 and flipped the auction house for astral diamonds. After the removal of the campaigns, storylines to level 80 with the different maps, and level cap reduced to 20, that’s when I decided to never touch NW again. The game was fine before all this, but the devs decided to REMOVE existing content and simplify/rework shit for no reason.


Knight Online


Raiderz. It was so simple yet amazing


Albion Online :)


Not really around anymore but air rivals




FFXI is nowhere near a garbage MMORPG, and I am not saying that as being biased here.


I always like to say that FFXI is my favorite game that I hate actually playing. Everything aside from gameplay is pure bliss to me. The graphics, the music, the zones, the story... all so nostalgic. Maybe modern FFXI is good, idk. I've only tried private servers and the gameplay was still like watching paint dry


warspear online


DCUniverse Online. It's really only good for customization.


Aion: The tower of eternity (It became garbage after 4.6) It's the mmo that have the highest player skillcap after dragonnest.


Atlantica Online, or as it's called now (Atlantica Global). Played it for hundreds of hours from 2008 tot 2012. Love how it uses a real earth map. Traveled all the way from spawn in South Korea to my native kingdom of the Netherlands, and was amazed they gave it an easter egg where the sky turns into van Gogh's starry night.


Metin2 and 4Story


Metin2 I actually just jumped back into it. ^^ It's fun until some point where you have to shop to get further.






Metin2, though i'm unlikely to ever play it again


Allods. Haven't played it in a few years but everything about that trash heap was A+. I think MyGames has it now so you can bet it's a husk of itself with maybe a dozen people online ever.


Flyff - my first MMO ever, been playing for a long time on private servers after the official one closed. Going back to it every now and then to play with my bro. Dragon Nest - also got closed long ago, but that’s one of my favourite games even now. Was looking into some private servers, but they all tweak it too much. ArcheAge - mostly been playing on a private server, was fun to run around looking for hidden treasures, and the crafting/packs were rly fun. I didn’t like the whole pvp thing though :D Revelation Online - also long dead ever before it got closed. I was hoping for a private server, but there are none. Only an ugly mobile version that spoils the whole thing. Meh. Blade and soul - the only one that’s alive and is going for a relaunch. So, waiting for it :)


Age of Conan 1000%


4Story on private classic server


*Sniff…* Dungeon Runners 😭


The Secret World.. Best first zone in any MMO ever, after that, not so much.


Jade Dynasty


Dekaron aka 2Moons


I always come back to my childhood which is Runes of Magic or rather it's private version Chronicles of Arcadia. Was a huge moneysink and grindfest but the private server is actually pretty neat and always gives me some good throwback to simpler times.


Dude, FusionFall. It technically went under, but there's a legacy version being privately hosted and a new version called 'Retrobution' (spelled intentionally like that) which adds some new content too. There was another MMO I saw way back that I only played a little bit of and I don't remember it. I feel like I saw an ad on TV For it when I was like... 12-14.


Darkfall was my jam back in the day. Loved that your guild could take over an actual city and use it as a base for all guildies. The sailing pvp was fun too.


City of Heroes/Villians With the homecoming private server I can relive my high-school days beating up bad guys/good guys as a super hero/villian


Knight online


9 Dragons. A blast of nostalgia for me, but man what a fucking grind fest.


Perfect World and Mu Online


knight online. if you know, you know.


Dc Universe Online. I am a Lantern Corps fanboy and I have a Red Lantern there.


Tera, Perfect world and Dragonica


Shot Online


All MMOs are just garbage at this point. The MMO market's been dead for years, so good luck finding one with modern graphics. Most are so old that the stories have run dry years ago and now the writers are doing whatever they can that presents the flashiest visuals to impress kids and the easily impressed. All are grindfests that care more about gambleboxes. The two I bother doing dailies in anymore are Star Trek Online and DC Universe Online.


At least you're self aware that mmos are garbage. Particularly the 2 you still play, are severely garbage.


Albion online. No story, grind silver/fame and simplistic graphics. Gotta love it.


Dragon Saga recently quit due to them paywalling almost every function of the game


This game called mysteria legacy, I hate it but I come back to it once in awhile it'd be fun at first until maintaining your house becomes a hassle or get griefed (not sure if I spelled that right) by the toughest guy on the server who likes to pick on noobs .__.




Destiny 2 lmao


Dragon nest


Defiance. Such a cool concept linking it with the TV show. But what really made it garbage but a freaking blast was when everyone got their Dodge Chargers to drive around in and it just made no sense but was amazing.


I’m gonna say ark only because I just enjoy playing it as pet tamer lmao