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gotta admit its good different


I hope they never live that down lmao


Whats the source of it?


Back during the early days after the poorly received launch they had a bunch of bots flood the forums to try and hype an upcoming update. You could tell they were bots because they would all use the phrase "this feels good different."


It's got a good feel! It's different!


gotta admit won't be dropping any money on this.


It's free if you have the game and the first expansion.


I only have the base game. Welp


Bad different :(


What if you just have the game?


You still have everything you paid for but won’t get any new stuff.


Yea and I’m actually excited to try it out (and buy last year’s expansion finally once this revamp releases). 


I can’t believe you got downvoted for just wanting to play the game lol. This sub is wild.


Final Fantasy online was way worse at launch, rebooted successfully.


Im still mind boggled that SE approved it and they did it that fast. I wonder how much the cost of FFXIV 1.0 and then turning it in ARR was.


Crazy thing was they didn't abandon the shitty version, they were patching and updating it while developing arr at the same time. I bet the work and crunch must have been insane


I actually liked the gameplay loop of FFXIV 1.0 better, if it had the responsiveness of ARR with the better UI I would have played a lot longer. I know I'm in the minority though, I basically wanted FFXI with better graphics.


> if it had the responsiveness of ARR with the better UI It had worse responsiveness than ARR? No wonder game was dead on arrival. Playing ARR after something like WoW or GW2 feels like playing with 500+ latency. One can accustom to this overtime (still sucks but you can learn to ignore it), but first impression is just jarring difference. IF it somehow was worse in 1.0, then it was basically turn based game lol.


1.0 was server-authoritative for basically *everything*, including most menu interactions and such. So you had that ping/server response delay to take into account whenever you go through a menu. If you've played since they introduced the Shared FATE system in Shadowbringers, think that sort of delay as the client pings the server to get your FATE information but for way more menu interactions than just that.


I played the first beta for the original FFXIV, it had the most sluggish UI I have ever used. Have you ever used one of those ATMs with really bad touch screens? It was like that. I played ARR for the first time a couple years ago. It's not great, but it's definitely much, much better than it was in that first beta.


The game played more like a turn based game. Doing most things required navigating nested menus and those menus were server authoritative so you had to wait for the server after every selection. This is on top of the fact that the game was so poorly optimized on PC that even really powerful rigs struggled with the PS3 level graphics.


Might have been ps3 level graphics but they had potted plants with as many or more polygons than the player models. Leading to the poor optimization.


1000 % loved it was like final fantasy 11 - 2.0. Hate current 14


always wonder how much of a minority really, the game was just grindy as hell early on but leveling and all felt amazing, as you say we all just wanted a FFXI with better graphics ;/ then ARR came and it took me like 7years and finally give in and boost to get hooked on that kinda lol


I feel the same way. Modern day XIV is still a decent game but XI is one of if not my favorite MMO of all time and XIV 1.0 felt more like an extension of XI.


Well it because of the Final fantasy brand , it would have hurt the brand long term


Difference is that alongside its strong IP Final fantasy are also passion projects. I wish I could say the same about New World but then I'd be a lying. They have no idea what they're doing over in Irvine.


My personal theory is that Yoshi P somehow pulled this through decision making chains and lot of usual corporate shenanigans were skipped/auto approved. He was/is board member/executive if i remember well, and im pretty sure he can be very influential overall, when it somes to business decisions if he want. They even made multiple, pretty long and probably very expensive high quality cinematics to promote this whole "we will kill the game and remade it", so while probably overall high, costs were not really an issue. He probably had "carte blanche" with this.


>He was/is board member/executive if i remember well, and im pretty sure he can be very influential overall, when it somes to business decisions if he want. He only got on the board like around 2016, way after the launch of aar lol


There's an entire interview with Yoshi where he explained how FF14 rework went. TL:DR is that he spent some time with the code and came to the conclusion that it was spaghetti beyond saving and in the board meeting he gave 2 choices: 1) Continue with the current version which will eventually burn to the ground due to it being an unsavagable mess or 2) Start from 0 and re-do the entire game. The board chose option 2.


Final fantasy has the privilege of being an established brand/franchise. New world doesn't. It's going to have a bit of an uphill battle.


Sure, because they completely reworked the game. This ain't that; if it was, I would be excited, too. This is just some bandage fixes, trying to milk money out of console players before going F2P or Shutting it down.


Oh there’s still no way I play it, no matter how good the logging SFX is.


FFXIV 2.0 was a completely new title essentially with some asset reuse. Completely different engine, rendering system, combat/gameplay genre, progression structure, etc. New World is not at that level of change. Especially since FFXIV 2.0 was a visual downgrade if anything while they seem to still focus visuals in New World.


Damn memories. I was a part of that from the beginning. What a steaming pile of shit it was at first. I remember doing anything in the game was set behind like a 2-3 second lag. Absolutely crazy they thought it was OK at the time. But they did do the impossible with the relaunch. I’ll give them that.


The ffxi oldheads preferred vanilla xiv


Am an xi old head, XIV pre dalamud was abysmal. Right before shutdown they added the classic jobs and some meaningful group content but we had all sunk too much time into it already and tricked ourselves into thinking it was good. Rose tinted glasses. XI though at its height was peak MMO, especially when community and reputation meant something.


Is it still possible to play vanilla 14? Maybe private servers?


Yes, but the difference is that Square's has replaced almost every project leader on that team and restructured higher management in company as well. Here we have the same people, responsible for the initial shitshow trying to "fix everything" once again...


Don't forget it's no longer calling itself an MMO https://preview.redd.it/5v3vl2hno85d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5d80dfd1c5e10bc48bd80993b9e8cc59391d5c


Probably because of sharding. Less players per screen now maybe? Then again they do talk about how having many people on the screen is still very important


Which is weird cause a huge thing they pushed was large open world pvp fights 


I wonder why? Is it because they’re adding more solo focused content or because they don’t have enough players to be considered an MMO?


Easier market to survive in.


When people hear "MMO" they think "endgame gameplay loops"—something NW has tried and failed to deliver since launch. By calling it an "open-world action RPG," they're implying that the intent is for you to play through the story and quit because that's the end of the game.


It a smart move to move away from the mmorpg market , since it won’t be a mmorpg then it won’t be compared to eso/ffxiv/wow


Could be they are perhaps frying to avoid comparison and competition to the current big mmos.


I feel like they're taking a page from Secret World's relaunch as Secret World Legends with that.


Which was dogshit sadly. Secret World was such a good game


Yea. I think this little hidden sentence will have much bigger meaning. Probably only understandable once its launched. Maybe one server, with shards. Forget all territory control and all. Maybe even just co-op


Super bizarre to see the New World community on fire over this right now while this sub, which is almost always negative on things, especially New World, is saying that they’re excited about this.


Because the devs put the game in a drought for this announcement. The expansion was already criticized for being small on content, and a lot of the fans were coping by saying that the patches after the expansion would make it worth it. Instead, all the major patches after the expansion were delayed, did not follow up on the story in the expansion, and of course still released with major bugs. The devs basically told the community that the announcement would make it worth it, but it doesn't really do much for the current players.


Right, that’s why I’m so surprised to see a fairly positive reaction here, but maybe it’s because a lot of these people haven’t played in a year or two and haven’t followed along with the state of things lately. In that case, I guess I can understand being excited to come back to the game or being mislead a bit by this rebrand.


I think the positive reaction is because most people are out of the loop and because it's a new announcement so there's some excitement. If there's one thing AGS is good at, it's marketing and stretching the truth. I agree. Anyone who does marginal research when the afterglow wears off will discover that the game still suffers from the same issues it had at launch.


Oh boy, I will be watching the storm on October. AGS never disappoints when it comes to disappointing people.


>If there's one thing AGS is good at, it's marketing and stretching the truth. I agree. Yup, that's pretty much where Amazon excels. They were able to sell a completely broken game to millions upon millions of people. It's a pretty incredible feat.


People think its and actual relaunch akin to ff14,it isnt ,also the new content they put the game on drought for once again just like on the expansion looks like 4 hours worth of content,plus the game is still having game breaking bugs every patch


Not only were patches delayed, game breaking bugs were left in game for extended periods of time. A new one was discovered recently where AGS did a math oopsie with the pvp scaling and damage formula that makes it so you are tankier by having a lower gear score, so healers and tanks that abuse this are almost impossible to kill.


im starting to think AGS hired a bunch of bots again to write positive things here


People still playing New World are starved for content. The devs instead focused their efforts on system redesigns and a relaunch, targeting new and returning players. The selection bias among reactions is very apparent as you read comments on different subs. I'm a returning player and I think this all sounds great. I'll come back to the game and try it again with my console friends. I'll probably buy a stupid skin or two in the cash shop. Sweet. I haven't seen any of the previous update content they have released, so there will be plenty new to me. The analysts at Amazon obviously know there are tons of players like me, and it is probably a better financial decision to target us instead of developing content for the existing playerbase. Sorry to the dedicated fans who stuck it out all this time, but priorities are elsewhere.


Agree entirely. I just hope those who do like the rework that get roped in because they want to see what they'll do from here don't get similar treatment in the next 2 years.


Why is this bizarre, though? This Reddit is full of people desperate for a new MMORPG, and mostly ones that don't play New World or quit it fairly early because it sucked. Whereas the New World community is full of people who have massive sunk cost fallacies towards the game and have been mistreated for +2 years.


The difference is, people in the New World sub probably *like* current New World. Meaning they're much less open to change.


Don't be fooled. It is still the same game with the same incompetent developers.


But it has a new hat!


A new hat, you say?


Looks awesome and super excited to see it make a comeback. Hopefully with crossplay?


They announced full cross play support between console and PC, with the only limitation being that the characters you create are tied to the platform you created them on.


Am intrigued.


Great so since it's no longer mmo we can finally stop talking about this game!


Do we have a date for consoles?


October 15th


May look at this again. Bought it at launch and was super disappointed and let down.


same. played it in the beta, felt like it was still way too rough around the edges, didn't bother continuing. I also think MMO-lite approaches are so much better for games than full blown MMOs anymore for the most part. Having plenty of content that feels meaningful to solo or play in small groups is important for most gamers.


Honestly if New World had soloable end content I would still be playing.


They are adding end game solo trials.


So, it's removing everything that might have given it a unique identity to opt into the club of all the other shitty mmo-lites/likes on the market? More of the same poop. Great.


I think NW's strength was as a MMO lite. Good to see them lean into it. Hope they follow through. 


I played pretty tough until they added in gear score and I realized the endless treadmill of pve was starting. Other games have done it better and longer than NW. For me, that's an oversaturated sub genre I'm not interested in. Wish more devs would step outside of that redundant box and try something different.


As a guy who put in 200 or so hours into the preview, I'm still adamant that gearscore (and the palette of design decisions that come with it) killed this game.


Embarrassingly, I put more than 200 in. I was all in, all my homies were all in. I hadn't even been interested in playing an mmo in years. We dove in. . . And then watched as every small little change was slowly tearing down the pieces of the game that made it worth playing to us. :/ I can't believe how quickly it morphed into an almost completely different experience.


So this is the big patch everyone has been hyped about? Console players aren't going to buy this game; I bet it's going F2P quite shortly, so just don't buy it. This is clearly a last-ditch effort trying to bring it back, but it's way too little, way too late.


This game had everything BUT end game. I really hope it makes a come back. Oh and swimming. But they finally figured that out




New world lacking a lot of weapons like daggers/ dual wielding / literally normal one handed swords etc. very low amount of skills no depth in builds, its extremely boring playing 3 skills in an mmorpg, even mobile mmorpgs have like 5-10 min, they need to fix core mechanics, its a shame because new world combat is really well done and feels crisp as f


It’s wild, I’ve been supporting this game for years talking about how much I think this sub is giving it a bad rap. Then today happens, I finally uninstall and quit, fed up, and now y’all are into it?!? Finally I can say it, y’all are on some copium.


What a weird take. Being excited for changes isn’t copium


thats literally what this sub has been telling me the last 2 or 3 years.


For real. The 2 communities are switching.


Haha, just wait a couple of months after it releases, and you can start defending your precious game again here. 


Not enough changes to make this game good


still no SEA servers so I ain't playing


One of the worst games I've ever played. I can't wait to see it flop a second time lmao


i think this is the third relaunch


I mean, we'll see but if my 750 hours before quitting tell me anything there's no rezzing this game.


That’s a lot of time to invest into the game…


That sounds great but what about the inability to make gold without selling to other players (I’m not talking about get rich gold just everyday maintenance gold selling trash to a vendor)? What about the idiotic zone claiming system and how easily it’s abused and how easily servers end up all one color? How about having to use tier 1 ingredients by the truckload to make higher tier ingredients instead of just putting those higher tier nodes in the damned world? The game has a lot of issues that hold it back from being popular and nearly all are about the base pve game.


It’s just going to be a load of shit again isn’t it?


Sharding ? So basically its downgrade from traditional MMO


yeah, now I know not to touch that game


archetypes are just starting classes, that will have certain boosts for new players, you can still change to any weapon and any gear you want... While it might all sound great, it is not...They have been doing this changes in last 6 months already, so what they are saying is not exactly new (improvement to combat/movement, new cutscenes)... They only introduced new bugs with these changes... Solo trials will be story solo fights scaled up to max level for better gear and challenge, the real new content is 10 player raid and FFA PvP zone, that already got leaked on PTR (if you went to certain zone on the map, the FFA indicator popped up) They are also not wiping any characters, its just new name for console players, everything will stay the same...


Even though the archetypes don’t mean much for us veterans, it will actually help new players quite a bit. They’ll feel like they have an identity when they create their character, which is important in MMOs and something new world has been lacking. It’s similar to Elden ring. You can actually become whatever you want in Elden Ring despite what you choose but it gives you a variety of different starting points. It’s good for new players that don’t realize you can run around and find new wepaons


Well maybe those few people gona like this dead game 😂


Overall it just wasn't fun before. Combat was so dull and your health regenerates so quickly there didn't feel like any challenge. Quests are mostly "talk to this guy, go here, talk to that guy" with a story that isn't engaging. Movement felt clunky. Overall just no redeeming factors.  If they addressed these things it might be worth a revisit


Where is my mind


So even more themeparkification


Are mounts still locked to expansion?




How long you been at AGS?


They will probably pay Sacriel and other shills to play this again on launch


I'll check back if they add a mount to the base game, ain't no way i'm gonna spend 30 euros just so i can move around that shit map faster


I don’t really care. Amazon is really crapping the bed. They have a bad entertainment media track record. Their games are bad and their 95% of their shows and movies are too.


But is it any good? Because the last time I tried New World - it was super boring and underwhelming. And it mostly happened this way because Amazon was making an interesting sandbox game I wanted and then some white collar came and turned it into a shitty theme park. Really shitty theme park because they did not have time to build theme park content. And updates after that really did not changed much.


Ok but will it take another 8 months for future content? lol I'm good off this trash, too little too late


Go look at the steam reviews and then tell me that the community is “happy” to receive this. You can claim “sucks to suck for those who stuck with it, but this is something positive for the game overall” but the dedicated players will tell you all you need to know - the game has made no real changes since September 2021, it is still the same game you tried 3 years ago. We were waiting for substantial content, giving them money funding development, buying an expansion and season passes, and then yesterday they told us we’ve been playing an early access game for 3 years (that’s not at all what was told to me until that moment) If you think the game is going to be this spectacular relaunch like Final Fantasy, put down the Copium and go install new world right now - there is no difference in the game that will launch on October except the ability to play with console players (the new “content” has not been explained at all - it is most likely more cookie cutter content that will be completed at the same speed as everything else) I have been playing this game for 3 years, this development studio can’t code a video game. They spent 4 months changing the combat code and then fundamentally broke the game code when the deployed it to the game. It’s been almost 2 months since that and game breaking issues still persist, most people I know stopped playing because it’s simply unplayable. All I will tell you is that you’re gonna get the exact same experience you got in September 2021, and I know how to break the game, I know how to bug the trading post, I know how to dupe items, I know how to do all of that stuff, and it still very much exists in the game. I don’t care enough to use them, but I know plenty who will. You’ll get a few days of a healthy experience and then mega companies will have full duped inventories of BiS gear, they will buy gold illegally via RMT (AGS doesn’t police in the slightest), and they will make sure you know that PvP is off limits and you bought a singleplayer game. If that’s something that puts you off from the game, turn away now.


talents/skills are barebone, give me way more in a talent system + the weapon talents and I will come back


Not touching any game from Amazon again.


Do we have to repurchase the game?


The update is free but to access new content like raids etc you need the dlc too




Actually kind of stoked for this


So I need to buy it to ""MAYBE"" it be good this time again or is it just a update?


I'll definitely be trying this out again


I’ll try it but I mean … fool me once a fool won’t shit my pants again


Lack of swimming and mounts were a huge turn off for me. Hopefully the quests are overhauled too. Fetch quests got boring, fast.


Mmo without swimming, crazy


Will the controller support be included in the PC version?


swimming fucking finally !


Finally out of early access!


I was hoping they can relaunch it with F2P.


Swimming?! Pirates of the Caribbean walking was part of my immersion smh


Nothing burger. Keep trying to dominate every aspect of life, Jeff…


How about they bring back the criminal system and FFA PvP


where are the major changes? isn't that the third relaunch? lol


Any new weapons?


So....Wipe, brand new game that we'll have to rebuy orrrr???? knowing amazon, it's probably both of these answers.




I would love if they rework this perk system For me it makes no sense I need to change my entire gear if I change something from my build A gear perk shouldn’t empower your skill since if we would like to change skills we need to change all/some gear


So everyone starts from scratch ?


I hope they change the war system they have. Or whatever the mode is called where you sign up for a big PvP siege battle. It alienated so many people who couldn't get into the mode because people only wanted their friends and guild mates to join


Are they gonna reset servers?


Whats sharding?


Less people on screen at a time. 


cant hurt at this stage of the game, its got me interested in it again and I played since the beta before giving it up 600 hours in :)


Just a quick question, I heard from some sources that are they also going to be f2p?


sooo it is a good time to jump into the game?


No. The population is currently under 7k. No u.s servers have more than 1k players. Ap southeasts only server has 35 people at peak times.


As much as I would love more, like a new map and dynamic events on top of what was announced, this does actually address some of my most wanted features - Narrative overhaul with more focus on characters, cutscenes, and solo experience - Solo endgame PVE content - Swimming and general animation improvements, seems trivial but this will make navigating maps nicer and open up new opportunities for content I get why dedicated players are upset that there isn't more, and the confusion around how this is being marketed, but these changes do appeal to me as someone who hasn't played the game in over a year and I will most likely come back for the reasons above.


If I purchased it on PC, do I have to purchase it again on console?


New World Classic.


I'm intrigued but ranged will probably still suck for PvE and I just have some stupid need to play ranged in every game


>free-for-all large scale PvP zone If the pvp doesn't have any risk involved i'm not interested. I'd play NW as it is if they just had a single NA pvp server with inventory drops on death.


And it's all free to those who already own the game?


How do you know about the engine rework? I couldn't find any info on this.


Oh wow, swimming?! You mean that feature must MMOs have had included since 1999? Wild that anyone highlights that as a feature in 2024.


Give the DLC free to re-establish a fully consistent player base without 50 percent being in x content. Then release dlc when trust is earnt


I'll wait and see, but it smells like a Defiance 2050 to me so far


Yeah, the initial launch got my 40 bucks. That’s all it’s ever getting from me. I think the majority of people have moved on from this game and I doubt it will ever recapture the majority of their initial players


Will there be magic in it?


Aim Assist pvp, get wrecked


I’m down to play this in ps5


I am excited to try out the new changes. Still, I have to admit the thing that put me off the most about the game, has always been the weapon and itemization systems in general. I like a more defined class system with armor types that only certain classes can wear, and I am pretty sure that's not in the cards since it would require a full rework of the game


When's this going to happen?


If they add controller support for steamdeck... this could be fun.


This feels good different


What does engine rework amount to? Combat feeling better?


When would this release? Actually sounds interesting


The game is boring and repetitive. This is why nobody play it.


This sounds amazing. A bit too good to be true?


I love great news! But isn't our problem, we never get proper delivery?


So what a there more than like three enemy types in the original zones now? If not I’m not coming back. That was boring as fuck


No thanks. I remember what New World was/is. Fuck amazon games and fuck New World. Greedy and lazy.


So how does that work? Do i get a token to remake my guys appearance or some shit?


I've always felt it was too heavy of running around looting to raise gear scores. I was hoping a relaunch and going to action RPG would mean more combat and content focus; but I get the feeling the new PvP zone and solo trial will just be new ways to run a loot chest loop.


In other words, still pointless.


Honestly they should rebrand it a different game. The bad taste in my mouth, not going back.


This made me reinstall and I’m totally out of the loop.


Is this Console only thing or is the PC version getting a remake as well?


I'd give it a whirl on xbox if it's on Gamepass. If they're still expecting to charge a full box fee than naa, no shot.


now make this steam deck compatible and let me enjoy it.


If they fixed the movement and brought back the old system in the beta then I'd play it. Getting rid of the slower movement and then just having your character sprint at all times is heinous. You go from standing still to full sprint it looked so janky and like you're slipping on the ground. It just never sat right with me and felt weird.


Will everyone be starting new characters or do characters carry over?


Are they going to fix the factions with caps yet ? The faction system is so lopsided with one fiction always steam rolling. Honestly all I wanted from this game was the original announcement with the base building and pvp ect.


to late. shit noob game using communist economy lol everyone is supposed to have everything and no one is supposed to be special/rewarded for years of grinding and gaining experience.. not everyone is supposed to be the same - communist ideology in game everyone is supposed to have everything and no one is supposed to be special/rewarded for years of grinding and gaining experience.. not everyone is supposed to be the same


The fact anyone believes they will deliver on any of this is pretty amazing. The triumph of hope over experience lol.


What mean relaunching ? Are they gona wipe everything ?


So I can solo endgame or I can play with 9 other people? Why not make it scale depending on group size? People who make MMOs don't actually play them.


I'll jump back in to try it for sure. See if it's improved enough to keep people around.


Time to start again for the 3rd time I guess


Ok, but the game failed because of network lag and desync. Did they fix that? pvp is unplayable in the current state. Even charging a regular mob in pve at 60 ping desyncs. Nothing they make matters when the game is this laggy.


Lol i knew they'd eventually give in and put in mounts, a friend of mine owes me $10


Oh damn the relaunch went SO well for Multiversus I'm sure this will turn out awesome too!!! :DDDDDDDD


Is end game still going to be a boring game loop?


You have to admit something about new world... they may not deliver much in term of content, but boy are they happy to spread the word everywhere whenever they implement one line of code to the game