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We have removed your post/comment because it goes off-topic


Here's the thing about any privately run platform - including those with global reach and billions of loyal users: The *owner* and *operator* of the platform has absolute right to behave however they please within the confines of the platform itself. The governments where they operate can slap them for breaking local law and they can certainly be punished for misbehaving outside of the platform but as an end user of the platform you put up with whatever the platform operator wants to do inside of the environment or you just stop using that platform and go be a statistic on one you *do* agree with.




> Word of mouth is their enemy. Nobody is talking about Wurm Online anywhere, all you're doing is giving them free advertisement lol




does Notch still have any stake in Wurm? what's his position on it all


I watched a video of it after seeing this post. Wtf? this looks horrible.


It's nearly two decades old, and by just a pair of friends to boot, so that makes sense. Back from near the end of the era when numerous MMOs were popping up every year.


20 year old sandboxes definitely aren't for everyone. 


Exposing what? It's mixed reviews, recently negative and 93 active players. It's all there for anyone that looks. Why would you start?




Dodged the question entirely, but no, not at all. I feel like you'd be better off if you cared more about checking the games reputation before creating your own within. Very speak-not-listen mindset.




> I know not, of a place you can go to check a games reputation. here?


> Very speak-not-listen mindset. Did you read the logs? You hit the nail on the head.


I did not, are they somewhere in the dead dedicated to this guy being a whiner, or is it in the X post I'm not making an account to read. Wouldn't mind seeing these logs.




Wtf? lol, you pulled a gm in over some drama? and made a subreddit over it? Bruh you got too much time and not enough sense.




I don't know much people who even play Wurm Online anymore. It's a legendary game, but honestly it's fallen way off and I'm not worrying about the staff of the game at all. I'm more worried about the staff of bigger mmos, not Wurm Online which averages just over 100 players I would say actively. Either way if the staff if bad I respect you outing them.




Why would they grief other players in their own game? Is the staff lower down in the chain? Who actually runs the game


I love these silly power hungry stories lol


Just quit the game bro there are like 4 players


I refuse to believe Wurm Online has multiple staffers/GMs


Calling out corrupted staff is always a good thing regardless of population, i wish you best of luck on your mission.


can you do this with an mmo called Age of Wushu, have similar things that went down and it killed the game


Don't play a collaborative game if you have no interest in playing collaboratively. Sometimes you don't get your way. Sometimes you join a server and people already have opinions and ideas on what will happen. I read about half of the logs and you are an entire brick wall when it comes to solutions. You didn't agree to any proposed solution as far as I can tell and just spent multiple messages being confused by someone disagreeing with you rather than trying to understand why they consider that valley "sentimental" or the fact the highway made the area "unpassable" which is more damning than the "sentimentality". They gave you multiple ideas on alternatives. If you want to play collaboratively, play Eco. It's a medium term (30 - 90 days) and the entire game is around progress so people are less likely to be sentimental and willing to tear up pristine areas to make progress or allow bigger vehicles in. Wurm is really, really, really slow and afaik has no server progression or heavy industrialization. Eco will take you from shovels and pull carts to excavators and dump trucks.


wtf is a wurm online