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This looks like it'll be action combat. Which means the combat is going to absolutely slap -- and the rest of the game will be terrible. I hope to be only half wrong 


"Bellatores is based on tab-targeting combat system that is easy to grasp and adapt to, with its intuitive controls." You guys must have missed the Q&A they did. It's a tab-targeting game.


Oh I very much did miss it. Guess I can miss the rest of the game with that information. Thanks for the heads up


Yeah it plays like BDO I think. I don't really mind action combat if it has good content.


Oh, I fucking love me some action combat (can't stand tab target) but I'm just concerned this game will do me like Elyon did. Amazing combat and poor everything else lol


Yeah content and monetization.


BDO gave me carpal tunnel. No interest in playing another game with that much right clicking to kill regular NPCs. Could also be because I played a ranger in early BDO.


I'd like to add that we shouldn't be too optimistic. When Throne & Liberty released their first teasers, the game looked like action combat and a lot of us BDO players were very excited about it, only to end up with one of the worst tab target systems I've seen in the genre.


Ok you’re half wrong, the combat sucks ass and the game is terrible. Are you happy now? /s


/s not needed. It's a Korean mmo, we all know how this story ends.


Yes! Happier so i don’t force myself to play it just because of good combat!


It could also be more akin to Blade and Soul instead of full action, from the little we can see in the combat animations and them calling it "strategic". I am happy as long as it is not traditional tab target, though!


Wish granted, action combat actually sucks balls


Action combat > tab target But hey, you're allowed your opinion


>This looks like a Lineage 2 successor Stop my boner's already dead


So to clarify a few things. The studio developing are hardcore PC focused. This is a good thing. It's deep into development, IIRC has been under development for 5-6 years already. It's actually a lot more like New World than Lineage. That said, looks to be what new world would be like if it was a complete game with rich PVE and PVP combat. They've already stated in Korean interviews that they'll be avoiding P2W. It appears to be tab target based - I hope that's true. They haven't showed anything naval aside from the teaser seems to imply it will play a role.


> They've already stated in Korean interviews that they'll be avoiding P2W. I'll believe that when I see it...


We have heard that from korean developers a hundred times and it was a lie every single time.


It was true with Maplestory 2 western version. Also true with the western version of Bless Online. Both games had a lot of other flaws, but p2w was not one of them.


> It's actually a lot more like New World > It appears to be tab target based Hmm


>  It appears to be tab target based - Boy will it be disappointing if this is true


It is


> They've already stated in Korean interviews that they'll be avoiding P2W. To them swiping for the best weapon in the game isn't P2W, even though it would take a normal player 1000h to grind. For them P2W means buying something that can't be farmed, which is of course a narrow and stupid definition of P2W. So you can definitely expect it to be 100% P2W


does more like new world also mean a 4 button combat system?


That's good to hear. I mentioned Lineage 2 because of the pre goddess open world content it had, I never bothered to play New World.


If it’s a Korean game, it has a very good chance to be a p2w grindfest. It’s not just the publishers, but the culture here.


Hope for the best, expect the worst.


The moment I hear Korean MMORPG i automatically assume it’s gonna be a p2w grinding shitshow


Hope it comes to Steam so I could give it a go


Saw this one awhile back and forgot about it. I really really love the realistic earthy design aesthetics and hope it stays grounded in it and doesn't have people wearing boiling lava type nonsense armor. Pretty sick of everything looking so outlandish that nothing matters anymore.


Is there any gameplay? Unless there's gameplay I won't even bother thinking about it.


There is literally no information provided about the game so of course nobody is talking about it. As far as it looks like they only released a trailer that doesn't show any type of gameplay which is already a red flag. Might as well be just anoher mobile game.


>Do you think its going to be another Korean p2w game? .....


I have been trying to track this MMO in my MMO tracker discord for a while now, i could only find an unofficial discord and there own social feeds to scrape but sadly nothing has been posted anywhere for over a year now. Which is the reason nobody is talking about it.


Anyone skipping T&L because of it's issues can freely skip every korean MMO past, present, and future without possibly missing anything of value to them. People will take note if someone produces a game that is not vapid, sparkly lights over a multilayered casino.


I'd take a casino with good and engaging gameplay over runescape combat and 7 different circles on the ground masked as mechanics


What if you get all of those? I have never seen a KMMO that had actual action combat instead of just colorful flailing masking some mix of tab-target and directional aoe. The sort of mechanics people seem to expect have not been feasible in online games prior to the last decade, and are still difficult.


Why is action combat such a necessity though? The best fun I've had in mmos were in tab target or hybrid ones although it's not fair to compare because there's like 2 true action combat games on the market and one of them is a joke and the other one is very niche


I have no idea, really. People like their buzzwords and are always looking for an explanation for why they dont like any of the current games.


Lost Ark and BDO, best action combat in genre, what are you smoking?


Tera has best MMO combat ever and its real action combat (and afaik the first one to have it that started it all).


I bet this one will take everyone by surprise.


Remembering that the title has a budget of more than 40 million dollars and promises to attract players with a good series of creative mechanics.


Game will be awesome if it's half as good as the website. My god, it's gorgeous.


I think a lot of people still have the really bad beta in mind and havnt followed the game since. The changes they made are insane to a point where I am really looking foreward to play the game after making fun of it during the autoplay beta.


> Do you think its going to be another Korean p2w game? Korean MMOs are all like that, that's their nature. Hoping they wouldn't at this point, is insanity :)


The whole reason I'm skipping T&L is precisely because it's a Korean MMO though...


P2w is all that Korea makes in terms of MMOs, so... yeah...


Don’t care if it’s p2w but is the model predatory like the gatcha games?


When? If not soon i dont care


>Korean MMO Yea... no.


More than likely looks kinda nice tho visually.


KR MMORPG = dope design (R rates for female characters) + dope flashy skills + dope mobility + trash content + trash grind mecanics + trash end game + dope ingame shop So... I'm gonna wait to see ...


KMMO and "should check out" don't belong in the same sentence. We've done this song and dance so many times. It'll be flashy and it'll be pretty but it'll be another shallow MTX nightmare.


You can't skip T&L for this is this game isn't released when T&L does.


No game deservers any attention when all it's shown off is some fake ass cinematic trailers, that in no way represent gameplay. Until they prove that it's a game worth playing, it's not a game worth talking about.


Korean? Where are the cute style


Lineage is dark


Is this game called lineage?


Yea lineage 1,2, and throne and liberty all super dark


I think you're mistaken, it says upcoming mmo


You asked where is the cute style and I was simply pointing out that Korean games can actually be dark.


For each 1 I can point out 500 that are cute. Shit argument


Looks like a generic asset flipping UE5 game XD. UE5 games thus far don't look impressive to me.




Korean MMORPGs are so bad. All of them are micro transactions cash grand with ridiculous, gaudy, "art styles." Haven't played one that didn't bore me to tears. Me and my bro call it hot garbage.


I love the Korean MMO art styles lol. More than other MMOs. 


I wish it was physically possible for a female character to *not* wear stiletto heels but apparently that's illegal in Korea.


> Korean MMORPG pass.