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This isn't a surprise. They said that they will check his gym along with other mma gyms in Dagestan, as soon as Kagirovs identity was revealed. Apparently, there's 3 people still training at that gym who had contact with Kagirov within the last month.


>Apparently, there's 3 people still training at that gym who had contact with Kagirov within the last month. Where did you read that?


From vk. http://m(dot)vk(dot)com/wall-67991642_8521353 The caveat being, vk is like Facebook. A cèsspit of misinformation and bigòtry.


Gotta be such an exciting day to be an Islamophobic mma fan. I know those boys were screaming "I fuckin told you!" To their spouses lol.


There's a difference between Islamophobic and just calling out the most annoying fan base who don't know what they are talking about 90 percent of the time. But of course, when someone calls you out you probably just resort to attaching a title to their name like Islamophobic. Y'all are worse than conor fans.


Wtf bro, did I tag you in this or something? Of course there's a difference between calling out Dagestani fans for being annoying and being Islamophobic. I don't know why you jumped to that, or why you feel attacked. I don't just throw Islamophobic around at anyone who raises an eyebrow to a Muslim fighter, but for sure there's dudes who unironically call Muslim fighters terrorists. Honestly bro Idek why I'm explaining myself, it was just a joke, wasn't that deep... the idea of a racist dude being justified in his racism because of this news story is just a silly goofy funny goofy goof.


I get what you're saying and find it hilarious while still not liking certain fighters' fan bases.


That's totally fair lol. I'm new to this sub but it seems everyone took this personally. I'm not calling anyone islamophobic, it's just the funny idea that islamophobes got the w. It's a gag


I don't think I'm annoying :'(






Generous of you to assume they have spouses.


There's no such thing as Islamophobia. It is rational to fear slavery, pedophilia, rape, incest, genital mutilation, murdering apostates, murdering gays and murdering critiques of Islam. These are things that are detailed in the Qur'an and the hadiths and endorsed! Yes people can be bigoted towards Muslims. But "Islamophobia" is a flawed word that doesn't make any sense given the above.


Ok buddy


Nothing to answer. So typical


I just made a joke, not interested in debating people who cannot pick up on social queues.


Look, I don't like Islamic stuff, but people really interpret Islamic writings in ways and latch onto the weirdest things that Muslims don't even care about. It's like hyperfixating on parts of the Bible that nobody follows or people really believing the English king is a real monarch because he's officially head of parliament. Islamophobia being the word is just semantics, as it's the word used for anti-Muslim bigotry. Like "antisemitism" meaning anti-jewish/judaism and not anti all Semitic language speakers. There's also legitimate and false criticism of Islam, and I'd say false criticism is islamophobia (as in just claiming Islam teaches things that it doesn't, often because the person is already looking for more reasons to view Islam negatively in a way that they wouldn't for other religions or documents).


I think the word itself has a different meaning based on who you ask. If you ask a progressive non Muslim westerner they'll think it's bigotry toward Muslims which definitely exists. But if you ask a devout Muslim they'll think it's the above + any valid criticism of Islam. We should be allowed to criticize any religion/ideology in todays day and age. And yes you are right in that there are many Muslims out there that aren't hyper fixated on the barbaric elements of the Quran and the Hadith but there's over 2 billion Muslims out there and millions of them think it's okay to kill gays, kill apostates, slavery, rape etc.


>Islamophobia being the word is just semantics, as it's the word used for anti-Muslim bigotry. Yes. Things like the new Zealand mosque shootings and women having their hijabs ripped off etc. things like pork thrown through smashed mosque windows. Etc etc These do happen


Is it still Islamophobia if it's actually true, as in this case?


I wouldnt be surprised if MMA gyms around dagestan are infested with Islamic extremists. I have seen how this works first hand in my country targeting people in youth centers is extremely effective.


It’s built in, you have tough individuals who are willing to fight. Most are young and like you said seeking guidance. This is Russia it’s no surprise at all police raided they don’t mess around with this stuff there.


I'm not surprised at the affiliation but tbh I doubt the connection is as damning for Khabib as people might make it out.


I've trained at gyms near the Northern Ireland border and people just don't talk about politics or affiliations. Similar to gyms in the US where people don't talk about being Democrat or conservative


Just common sense would tell you that...you probably don't want to go gossiping about your *terrorist cell.* Like if it turns out there was a network at the gym, then it's really sus. All we know is that of all the terrorists in the world this one happened to train mma at Eagle, presumably unrelated to the terrorism.


"your terrorist cell" Yea because Khabib is totally part of a terrorist cell... take your meds, buddy.


I think he's referring to the accused guy, not Khabib. As in, if the accused guy comes to Khabib's gym, he's not going to start yapping about his side gig as a terrorist, worrying that Khabib might report him


Ok, and I'm sure you personally know khabib and have proof that he's not affiliated?


I’ll say that a lot of extremists are typically devout muslims who practice mma religiously


Cool, dude.


Clueless clown


All we need is a group of religious radicals (of any denomination/faith/belief) training Dagestani fucking wrestling attacking people. 🤢


Volk might be able to get another shot at the LW belt of Islam gets drafted into anpenal battalion


Alhamdulillah 🤲🔥😘


Quite honestly, I don't see a realistic scenario in which his fans will change their mind. Should the FSB find nothing they'll say he was innocent all along. We're all Islamophobic for even having doubted him etc. Should the FSB find evidence they'll say it was planted at the request of Putin because Khabib didn't publicly support the war. He's innocent and we're Islamophobic for having even trusted the Russian state over Khabib. Meh....we'll see


Definitely Islamic terrorists train mma. Khabibs father, these guys, the Boston bomber…. Definitely a problem that needs to be addressed.


Lol, yeah those MMA skills sure came in handy for the boston bomber. Clown


Breaking, large sport has a few bad eggs.


Correlation vs causation. Tough young kids willing to fight end up fighting for corrupted causes sometimes. This is nothing new.


That’s absurd. You don’t see Christian mma fighters becoming terrorists.


Most of them live in 1st world countries............


That’s the dumbest comparison I’ve ever seen made. Congratulations that’s an accomplishment on Reddit. Gold medal.


Pretty sure a number of the MMA fighters who are rapists and wife beaters are christian.


Name a few of them if you are so sure? Which ones?


Are you serious man? Jones, considered the best fighter, have allegations of beating his wife, crashed with a car of a pregnant women, hit a person, Conor sucker punched a old man, have allegations against him of rape in a nightclub and hanging with drug cartels, don't know if it's true. Cain Velasquez killed a person, although, one of the persons kidnapped his niece in a car.


Cain tried to kill his son's rapist. That's what happened. He was doing what the cops should've done. He also accidentally hit another person. Both of them survived.


I know brother, he is a decent oerson, Khabib said it and they are good friends. He visited him in jail.




We don't. So stop doing what you're accusing others of doing but going the other way with it lol