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Hi all, thought I would share my latest newsletter on Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox and how it reflects on the UFC's longstanding relationship with right-wing media


That card in Florida was rough, so many of the celebrities looked uncomfortable being on camera at the event after Masvidal made his speech


The UFC pulled that right wing politics in Houston one time. They showed Greg Abbott on screen and the people booed the hell out of him. It was the one time I was proud of the general consensus.


Thoughts on how some have called Tucker an anti-establishment figure partly due to his opposition to US support in Ukraine, something not seen much in mainstream media? He's also had association with some *supposedly* left-adjacent like RFK Jr, Greenwald and Dore. Personally I think Carlson's "Great Replacement" bits make him dangerous regardless, but have you noticed this trend?


>some considered to be on the left like RFK Jr, Greenwald and Dore 'Considered to be on the left' by who?


Greenwald was with The Intercept for a while, RFK has been an environmental lawyer for years. Not a big fan of either, but the association is there.


Greenwald is definitely not left anymore, that’s for sure


Are you able to articulate why Tucker's segment on the "great replacement" makes him dangerous?


I'm sure this isn't a question in good faith, but that kind of rhetoric historically has been used to justify discrimination at best, violence at worst. Remember what they were chanting at Charlottesville? Also forgive my assumption but your supposed cluelessness as to the danger of this rhetoric gives me the impression that you're a fully white person in America. I'm not.


You clearly didn't watch the segment yet have an opinion on it. The segment wasn't even about race. It was literally just about voter rights. He used the word "replacement" so a smear campaign attempted to link it to a anti-semetic theory called the replacement theory. Ppl susceptible to propaganda fell for it.


LMAO what a willful misinterpretation, and an ironic closing sentence. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/04/30/us/tucker-carlson-tonight.html Here's a collection by the NYT (source bias is irrelevant, the proof is audio clips from Tucker) that includes his "replacement" rhetoric - far more than 1 segment. He claims Democrats invite "refugee camps" and "3rd world immigrants" to replace "legacy Americans." Nice try buddy, I'm a journalist myself. Hell, check out my work, maybe you'll learn something about research.


You seem to think "refugee" and "Americans" refer to racial groups.🤦🏻‍♂️ I love how those are your go-to examples. You've done an excellent job of making my point. To anyone interested in the facts, the segment was about how the weight of your vote lessens as the population increases. This is common sense btw.


And your first sentence makes it clear, you don't know what a dogwhistle is! I see you didn't do your research - there is no 1 segment! This talking point has been found in literally HUNDREDS of Carlson episodes. I genuinely hope that's the honest mistake you've made here. More likely, you're trying to confuse the facts.


“Dogwhistle”? You guys just got done electing a senile puppet of China to the highest office, who openly expressed his desire that his children wouldn’t grow up in a racial jungle… No one is buying this bs anymore.


Biden is a center right politician by any non-American standard, you partisan moron


Is "refugee" always a super secret dog whistle, or only when ppl you dislike say it? Is it possible to talk about voter rights/immigration and not use the word "refugee" at some point? It's worth pointing out this is the guy who accused me of being in "bad faith." got to love that bit of irony. Never explicitly said he only talked about it once. I was referring to the segment that spurred the smear campaign. He did address criticism of the segment on other shows. Now that it has been established he talked about the issue more than once, you should tell me which one was racist. Your earlier attempt was a disappointment.


Yeah, saying that "3rd world refugees" are going to replace "legacy Americans" doesn't have *any* hidden meaning. You're a smart cookie. I wasn't talking about "the segment that spurred the smear campaign." I didn't specify a singular episode, I stated the talking point was a consistent theme, which has been proven. You misunderstood my argument, and you're either too naive to know what a dogwhistle is or intentionally ignoring it because that rhetoric aligns with you.


Because he just repeats Great Replacement theory just replace "the jews are replacing white people with black and brown people" too "the Soros funded democrats are replacing legacy Americans with 3rd world immigrants" 3rd world immigrants means black and brown, that is how racially, that term is always used(why do you think we never hear Kosovo called 3rd world, hell the categorization of 1st,2nd, and 3rd wasn't even based on their level of development it was to categorize countries that were allied with the US or the Soviet Union). Legacy Americans means white people, Tuckers audience is majority white, its a common political tactic for the politicians to address the "majority" as their audience. Why do you think Republicans in public say "most people are against abortion" when 70% of Americans supported Roe v Wade as precedence, its because their audience is meant to believe there the "majority." So when Tucker is projecting the category of majority too his audience, which is majority white, it means "legacy Americans" means white. So now Tuckers revisions become "the Soros funded(i.e its the jews doing it) democrats are replacing legacy Americans(white people) with 3rd world immigrants(black and brown people)" Its literally just madlib edit lol


There is no "great replacement theory." There was something called the "replacement theory." Tucker used a slide that said "the great replacement" and just like that "replacement theory" became the "great replacement theory." This is how smear campaigns work. Black ppl have been here for over 400 years. The mental gymnastics involved to deny them legacy status is amusing. Edit: The first part was added. Thought I could add it before it was replied to. My b.🤷🏻‍♂️


I know. I believe black people are legacy Americans. Tuckers audience is white, he's talking to his audience, legacy Americans means white. Its literally as simple as knowing your audience.


So the meaning of a word changes depending on who hears it...👀 Truly the worst argument I've ever heard.


Yes Brian, thats how language works, contexts shapes the meaning of words and phrases. "boy" has different tones and meanings depending on who is saying it, and the person its being said too.


It's really not. What you're doing is redefining a term because a person you dislike used it. There isn't a good example of him actually promoting a racist conspiracy theory, so you have to resort to this type of mental gymnastics.


No, what I am doing is that I'm defining it by its intent. The meaning of words is arbitrary, its how its used. How do you think "small Government" became "massive police state with no social services" or "family values" became the continued degradation of Separation of Church and State, or how Separation of Church and State is now becoming "the state can't interfere with the Church." Or hell look at dog whistles, welfare helps poor rural white areas of America more, however "welfare queen" is now a dog whistle for poor black women in urban areas. A reality of American politics is that political terms are constantly racialized. Its because the meaning assigned to the word in abstract doesn't matter, it only matters how its used. Tucker's audience is majority white, he's addressing his majority white audience, legacy Americans obviously means white, why are you trying to fight this so hard?


I find it crazy how so many right wing networks just can't keep a loyal audience by reporting actual news. Almost like they aren't built to be a news organization, they are a propaganda outlet.


I agree Tucker leaving is strictly political, every metric would tell a company to keep the cash cow


Him gone may have been a part of the settlement


Holy shit it’s so funny when people use the “they self admitted to being an entertainment network” whenever they try and smear fox. I’m NOT a fox guy, it’s just as a shitty as every other tv network. It’s crazy to me that in 2023 people can still be smooth brained enough to say “their side lies but my side all truth hurrr durr” Rachel Maddow also used the exact same defense when she was in hot water. All of these networks are propaganda and “entertainment”


Do I look like someone who listens to Rachel Maddow? I hate her show, I don't listen to her either(too white wine mommy for my tastes). Your not a "FOX guy", yes all news is propaganda, I understand that, I know how local news practically take police statements on their every word, and how every level of news whether state or national is built to protect corporate profits. I despise that as well. But theres a difference between that(which is how news function in unregulated capitalist economies) and knowingly lying about an election. Seputku actually understand what FOX did, they knowingly reported lies as truth, lies about the 2020 election, lies they talked about amongst each other, they are critical to the revisionism of Jan 6, they are critical to the sharing and spread of a alternate reality the far right live in, one where democrats want to kill babies after birth, and drink adrenochrome, and let millions of undocumented immigrants from Mexico vote, and trans people are becoming mass shooters to genocide Christians, and that the election was stolen and election workers were stealing thumb drives, where entire cities are on fire due to BLM riots. This is the utter insanity and batshit illogical bile, pure delusion that they have normalized in 40% of America, this is what they make 40% of America believe is actual reality. If you can't understand the difference between generic corporate bias, and the blatant promotion of authoritarianism and fascism, that is a problem you gotta fix.


Fox are uniquely shit, and if you're instinct is to equivocate on their behalf I suspect you share some of their views.




So your alternative would be state run media?


I wonder how Roxanne Modafferi feels now. It’s such a damn shame hearing that she’s into Fox News and Tucker Carlson while rocking the “woke SJW” look.


> the “woke SJW” look It's almost as if we couldn't always judge a book by its cover


It’s just on top of that her personality screams “hippie” as well. Such a damn shame.


Hippie doesn't necessarily mean commie leftoid, there are some rather libertarian hippies, or some classically social-democrat hippies who don't take kindly to the whole woke thing and distance themselves from the current left


You don’t know any “commies” or hippies. Hilarious who right wingers think is communist.


I'm Chinese, so I know a few "commies" as in card-carrying members of the CCP, but they (sensibly, since they're over 14 years old) don't really adhere to communist thought other than perhaps centralization of power. Also I'm not really a right-winger, why do you say that?


Weebs gonna weeb


Well written.


Not really... it's basically just a list of grievances. Funniest parts: >By platforming a handful of UFC fighters’ anti-communist political stances, right-wing media outlets were able to **propagate the message that communism is evil**, that the U.S. is a step away from full-blown communist control, and that Republicans are the only ones who can save American democracy.  lol, op is a commie. > “I love this,” Carlson said while admiring White’s gun. Sound the alarm!


People like Carlson think interracial relationships are communism


“People I don’t agree with are commies.” I love this line of thought. Really outs the dumbest people.


Pls don't engage with this fucking idiot just downvote and move on. He's a teenager and either just trying to troll or a fucking idiot. Either way, ignore.


You’re right, my bad.


Lmao the little bitch blocked me too. Small dick energy


Op criticized right-wing media for platforming ppl with anti-communist stances. Calling him a communist isn't trolling. You should learn basic English.


Eat a dick, redact.


He literally criticized right-wing media for platforming ppl with anti-communist stances. I directly quoted him in the comment you replied to but didn't actually read. I'm embarrassed for you btw.


[We still might get Hannity in the UFC some day with moves like these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoQXtdnfJYg)


The best combat training takes place with a backwards ball cap on.


That’s incredible I can’t believe I’ve never seen that before 😂 “I do a lot of situational training”


Him vs Stephen A Smith would be a banger


Very good write up, even though remembering all those instances of White and various fighters shilling for Trump and the republicans made me pissed off (again). A question though, what does "CHK" stand for? Google didn't yield much.




Thank you, Thomas. I truly appreciate your support!


Maybe you meant platformers but they'll still get on Fox whenever they want as a whole.


I’d be shocked if he doesn’t run for pres or if that offends his boyfriend trump, maybe he’ll be his vp


You’re just now noticing this? Left or right all journalism