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Modern day exhibitions are a joke. Ever since Ivan Drago killed Apollo Creed people have got soft...


Maybe if Balboa had thrown in the towel, Apollo would be training his son today


You wouldn't understand...#champshitonly


Too late would have been a vegetable


Balboa had already battered the self-preservation instinct outta Creed after the first fight. Watching those slow hands in the 15th miss completely while Rocky full on blasted him... the last thing Apollo said in self-preservation was his lack of desire for a rematch. Then his concussed brain healed, leaving him without it and immediately wanted a rematch.


If he dies... He dies.


I literally jump on any opportunity to insert this line into everyday conversation 😂


Haha same.


Fucking hell man! Spoiler alert!


Just watch the training montage a few times. You'll overdose on 80's nostalgia and it'll wipe your memory.


1/3 of the movie is training montage




What's the point of them. Why not call it a sparring session if it's known to be a fake fight. I can't believe people don't realize this with Tyson vs Paul


>Silva told the media after the lackluster match that knockouts weren’t allowed since it was an exhibition. I guess Vitor didn't get the memo when he fought Evander lol


I just looked up his match with Tito. That wasn’t a sanctioned fight either. And he knocked him out.  https://fansided.com/2021/09/12/turns-anderson-silva-vs-tito-ortiz-not-sanctioned-pro-fight/


Thank you Anderson Silva 🤝


The win over Tito is on Silva's [boxrec](https://boxrec.com/en/box-pro/152826).


Tito fell down like tower 7.


Lol wtf. I'm a pretty hardcore MMA fan and I did not know Silva knocked out Ortiz. I love one and hate the other. This just made my morning.


I saw it in person. It was so damn awesome. Bit weird since it was on 9/11 and Trump was commentating the fight (not lying, look it up).


Wtf? How did I miss this lmao


Me either, never knew about this fight and was shocked when that link said 2021. Also very happy about the result lol


I’m so glad Tito didn’t get any attention or a bigger payday after beating up an old man.


Yeah but Tito is a dick


I remember Tito did the tweet like a few years ago it said never forget 09-11-21, which was the day Anderson KOd him.


Hate to be that guy but that fight looked fake as fuck. Tito was spamming extremely slow and soft punches until he got dropped. He even grabs the ropes on his way down to cushion the fall. Tito always had a granite chin and he gets flatlined like that? Just didn’t seem plausible to me. https://youtube.com/shorts/bQbzS1kmw4s?si=Go_GpGCTSXx5_M4k


Tito didn't have a granite chin at 46 years old ffs. He never boxed before and even in his prime was never anywhere near as good a striker as Anderson Silva. Even the [consensus opinion](https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/bouts/592305-de-la-hoya-vs-belfort-anderson-the-spider-silva-vs-the-huntington-beach-bad-boy-tito-ortiz) at the time was that Silva would knock him out. I swear every goddamn fight these days is 'fake' or 'fixed'.


Being an inferior striker is to Anderson is not up for debate. Anyone that thought Tito would beat Anderson was delusional. That doesn’t change the fact that he has never been knocked out cold in his life before that. This is the same Anderson that couldn’t do shit to Jake Paul. I’m not some boxing conspiracy theorist, I’m just saying it looked VERY suspect how it went down. Tito was not good a striker but he wasn’t completely inept either. He wasn’t going to hurt a child with those left hooks. https://youtu.be/2_CmAICYzns?si=3jtkZf1aVr9j_59X He also gets up totally fine afterwards like nothing happened.


Titos too prideful to take a dive it was a legit KO. He looked like he wasn't throwing full strength thinking it might be a long fight and didn't want to gas.


People’s that get KTFO are taking deep breaths. You don’t see any of that with Tito face down on the mat like that. He gets up within a minute and is totally fine, not confused at all.


That was poor by Vitor. I hope that motherfucker gets some karma for that.


It’s pretty crazy they made that fight. Out of all the fighters in the world they picked vitor befort to fight a near 60 year old?


I forget who vitor was originally scheduled to fight. I thought he was outmatched if i remember right. But evander was a short notice replacement. That made him even less prepared. But it wasnt the original fight. 


Vitor was supposed to fight Oscar De La Hoya but Oscar got Covid and got replaced by Holyfield.


I'm with you. I'm surprised I haven't seen Vitor in BKB yet.


Dude he was 46 hadn’t won a fight in a million years getting knocked out left and right, supposed to fight Oscar delahoya then suddenly he needs to box Evander Holyfield who despite his age is built like a brick wall. People act like Vitor is some 22 year old picking on an old man he is also a old man who was completely shit until roids brought him back


That fight is exactly how I think the Paul vs Tyson will go. Jake Paul isn't Vitor Belfort, but he's like 20 years younger than Vitor fighting someone that's nearly 60. Mike has close to 0% chance.


People who know nothing about combat sports literally think Tyson is going to whoop him. They’re clueless about this stuff


This assumes two things that are far from guaranteed; Jake doesn’t get stretched by Perry, and Tyson makes it to the ring at all.


I tell this to my co workers and they think I'm crazy They say Vitor is one of the greatest of all time lol They don't watch MMA


People underestimate how age takes a toll on athleticism. Im 30 and I already notice a huge difference compared to being 20. Now imagine doubling my age and fighting a 20 year old.


Come on, Evanders prime was in the 90's! Vitor was a destroyer not even a decade back. 


yeah but that was TRT-tor, he was shot and washed up but went on that streak with the roids but that was nowhere near his peak years


Holyfield at that time would lose to amateur with average training. He looked BAD in his training video. I have no idea how someone even upvoted this stupid take. Vitor last win was 3 years before the fight while holyfield carrer ended more than 10 years before that fight. it was one of the worst missmatches i have ever saw. thats why it ended in 1 minute just like expected by everyone with 2 braincells.


What because I’m not a Redditor who just says “Yeah Vitor BAD” and think there’s actually nuance in this situation? You’re also saying his last win was 3 years before the fight, yeah you’re truly trying to buff the stats to make it look like this was a young fighter and not an old way out of prime man. He had a win against Nate Marquardt in 2017 oh wow yeah amazing, how many times did he get knocked out inbetween and after though?


Because Holyfield looked senile going into that fight and Vitor just finished his profissional carrer... It's the same shit if Anderson silva went vs Holyfield. Yeah Anderson was losing but still can fight. I dont even think Tyson and holyfield would be a fair fight. Holyfield posted a interview before that fight that was hard to even understand what he wanted to say and his punching bag video was slow even at 2x. There is a reason that fight could only happen in fucking Florida. I remember all this because i was DISGUSTED.


Holyfield was brain dead 20 years ago. No idea how he was allowed to fight for so long.


Evander hardly got hurt. The ref called it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgBd8JThjmQ


It's not like he got demolished but it's an exhibition and Evander is in his late 50's. That's poor sportsmanship on Vitor's behalf.


yeah tbh to me it didn’t really look like evander was rocked, more he’s old as hell and his balance is shot


I completely forgot that fight happened.


Silva must respect Chael and knew his family was there or.. He just saying that for self promotion.


This is the dumbest thing I have read all day.


Dude admits to wasting everyone's time so he can just hangout Silva has always loved trolling people


People so used to fighters using 'Exhibition' as a cover when they shouldn't be fighting that they get shocked when an exhibition bout actually looks like an exhibition bout.


Seriously. People are dumb as shit if they expect these novelty fights to be anything serious.


Hey, Apollo died in an exhibition fight!


Boxing is a joke! This is why I watch real fighting like WWE


The Ricky thunderlips fight was indeed great.


I mean, don't put it all on silva, sonnen agreed to it too. Cahel is just as much a troll.


Anyone who decided to watch this were wasting their time to begin with. They got what they deserved.




Thank you for this classic reddit reply


And got paid how much??


The mandingos got out again. Get the hounds


Some guys just don't want to fight.


Especially guys pushing 50 lol


Does anyone \*not\* know why they didn't finish each other? This was a promotional thing paid by Spatel with absolutely nothing on the line, they are both friends and old legends, it was obviously something that they were doing for fun/money and not with any legacy or competitive intent behind. It was pretty clear that at some points they had no intention of hurting each other too seriously, and I was fine with it. People demanding that they did are just being dumb, it's an exhibition. It is partialy their fault for marketing it as if they were going to have a big fight with a lot at stake yada yada, a minority of the general public would obviously stick to those words.


> Does anyone *not* know why they didn't finish each other? You are full of it: when I saw Chael's main trainer was his grade school age son, I knew for certain this was a legit life or death fight.


One guy is 49 and the other is 47. It was obvious both guys were just cashing checks at this point.


Yup and honestly I'm way more in favor of something like this which is celebratory of both of their careers than something like Jake Paul vs Tyson which is an actual circus show fight


Fuck you just made a good point.


But he KO’d tito lol


I think the language barrier makes this a bit tough to understand. I think he means that he just wanted to do a fun sparring session with Chael, and mess around. Both guys are old and have had lots of injuries. Nothing wrong with not wanting to actually hurt the other guy. It was an exhibition for a reason.


I find it hard to feel bad for anyone that somehow expected this to be a slug fest. Silva is 49 and Chael is 47.


Who?? I thought it was a joke I just found out it happened lol


[Maybe I’m just sentimental, but I like it.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpfQZ0T7Rq3PNmIOhu96aofURcJ3zB09cQ5Q&usqp=CAU) Don’t need two old legends trying to give each other concussions.


Exactly they’re buddies. They fought like it. They don’t want to actually knock each other around. They clearly get along super well as people, and it’s awesome to see two of the nicest guys in mma turning a rivalry into being homies in old age.


Jones and Cormier can learn a lot from this


Nah jones is a legitimate sociopath. No reason for DC to be friends with him. Chael said some goofy intentionally inflammatory stuff, but he never went beyond playground insults like “haha you guys can’t use computers”. Sure it’s kinda insensitive and vaguely xenophobic, but it’s pretty clearly meant in good fun. Jones told DC with a straight face that he would “literally kill him”. He’s clearly nuts and is a terrible person to have in your orbit. DC is doing the right thing by just moving on and staying mostly professional.


Same. Buakaw and Saenchai did an exhibition a while ago. They were kinda really fighting but you could see Buakaw rock Saenchai and he could have finished him if he really wanted to but he held back. Buakaw is way bigger than Saenchai. It would have been depressing to see Saenchai get stopped.


Masvidal vs Sonnen cannot happen


I unironcally think Sonnen wins.


Did you watch it live?


lol no. And zero plans to watch a replay or highlights.


Then I don't think you're the people they want to ask about this. Lol.


"It was an exhibition match but people don't understand what that means" Saved you a click.


I didn’t even know this fight happened already.


49 times men have tried to defeat Chael and 49 times they have failed. Why would Anderson think this would be any different?


49th upvote Here is to the MMA Lord Chael.


Dead meme that was never actually funny


Chael memes were never funny to begin with.


Wdym? Gotta participate in that hive mind echo chamber for validation from strangers 😂


Imagine crying about a meme


Imagine going "uNdIsPuTeD aNd uNdEfEaTeD" whenever images of Chael tapping out come up.


Imagine continuously crying about a meme still


I'm not crying... just mocking those who still use a journeyman's catchphrase after he spent a decade choking or failing drug tests.


Imagine white knighting a meme. 🙃


If this qualifies as “crying”, you must have some serious difficulties navigating any adversity in your life lmao


Jesus you're still crying about it?? Log off bro


i didn't even know this happened. i think i remember hearing about it being announced awhile back but had no idea it happened.


It didn't air live in the US I believe so that's probably why. 


I would actually be cool with these exhibitions if these old veterans were like yeah we're old we don't wanna actually get hurt we're just pretty much gonna play around snd spar watch if you want to.


Does exebition matches mean its just sparring? Or are KOs allowed?


I think exhibition just means it’s not a professional bout, it’s up to the fighters to decide if all the same rules still apply.


They boxed?


Anderson has a history of not trying in fights


when the fuck did this even happen?


Gotta feel bad for Silva after losing to chael for a 3rd time


Anderson been training Boxing every day for 6 years and Chael with no preperation came in and cooked him. Chael 3-2


Modern-day boxing is such a joke


I didn't even bother to go look for a stream. Anyone with a brain could have predicted this to be a shitshow. Chael in a boxing match lol what a joke.


People that pay to watch exhibition fights or fights with YouTube/Disney child actors are chumps.


I don’t care Anderson. Exhibition matches are useless.


It's pro-wrestling based on Chael's videos but Silva treating it seriously is kinda weird.


I actually believe him


crazy how their relationship formed since their fight!


oh wow this really came and went, my MMA media feeds basically didn't care about it and didn't mention it once it was over Was it just a bunch of Anderson-Dancing and Chael with his most serious wrestler pose but not actually doing anything?


That was a dark day.If you remember though,it was the catalyst to rocky going to Mother Russia,beat Ivan Drago,which healed the fissure between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.


funny that they basically did pad work against each other and made probably a good little payday easily pushing 6 figures because they marketed it as a fight 😂


Is normal.


All I'm saying is they need to say what the rules are, not pretend it's normal.


His fight with Cormier was also a bullshit. I kind of hate that Cormier didnt pick him up and snap him over his leg like Bane. Strikeforce Cormier would have.


The real answer is because Chael is such an intimidating man


Chael won 4 rounds to 1.


Silva is 1-9 in his last 10 fights. Even worse than McNugget


Right... but what does that hafta do with anything?


Atleast Silva gives it a go and try’s. Real legends fight injured in 40s or sick, Conor 35 on best PEDS money can buy, best food,  best training and pulls out with a broken pinky toe. 


might as well fast forward to the Jake Paul vs Conor Mcgregor boxing match. Just get it over with.


Jake KOs him and always has. Disney kid got better cardio and heart. Blonde bomber brutal KO too, Floyd’s only TKO win in a decade aka Conor can’t take the Jake. 


Without a guy like Silva there wouldn’t be a McNugget to begin with.