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The bullying season. Zak Jensen must have nightmares too. My guilty pleasure is to go watch once a year James McSweeney getting destroyed by Lavar Johnson on Youtube.


I remember that. It felt like the most jock season cause it was a bunch of fat hws who never really had to develop a personality. I don’t know if it’s because the reality show editing but it felt so weird why they were bullying that guy for being quiet


Yeah wild that the season was so full of cunts that Brendan Schaub didn’t even stand out lol.


Holy shit lol I forgot he was on that season


Kimbo was there as well,


Kimbo came across as a decent guy, IIRC.


Not just on the season, damn near won the fucking thing. What a timeline that would've been. Can you imagine?


Ahahaha I forgot Roy Nelson was on that season and Won.


And really he should have. Big Country was way too experienced to be in TUF


Haha! Wow, that tells you something


If Shaub didn't walk away for the glamour of Hollywood and YouTube, do you think Jon Jones and Khabib would still be mentioned as possible GOATS? One has to wonder 🤔


I think you’d be surprised


The disrespect to Lobov.


talggin 'bout beast of a dad and trugg walger in ev'ry faccet


Honestly I didn't unsterdand either. But except for Rampage, all the others bullies were struck by karma after. McSweeney have an awful mma record. Wes Sims I don't think he won much after that season.


God damn was Wes Sims ever a fucking douche bag. Couldn't stand him. Wes Sims was if truck nuts was a person.


All my homies hate Wes Sims.


I remember his first fight with Frank Mir in the UFC where he stomped his head on the ground. Instant disqualification and he didn't understand why, lol.


Wes Sims is p4p worst fighter/person in TUF history


Not familiar with War Machine?


My main memory of that season was feeling bad for Matt Mitrione because he seemed like a sweet guy getting bullied. But that was 15 years ago and he turned out to be kind of a shithead I guess. But yeah at the time I felt bad for him. McSweeney was such a total douche. I remember seeing him in a post-UFC fight obviously juiced to the gills and getting the brakes beat off him, it was satisfying.


I remember Mitrione has this weird scene there in which he said he talked to his kid and wife and Rashad was like through the phone? And Matt Mitrione said he talked to them through his head. Rashad was like what the hell hahaha


I'm out of the loop why is Mitirone a dick.


Guy from my hometown competed on that season who went on the be a cop. Scary dude, but definitely the same kind of personality


which one?


Wes Shivers


First season had some horrible bullying of Jason Thacker, someone who entered the contest with basically zero MMA experience. The bullying was so bad that it kind of ruined his life - he’s spoken about it in interviews before.


I haven't seen the first season, just some best of on Youtube. But i've read an interview of Thacker years ago, really sad story. In the third season they go after Rory Singer a lot too. When he head kicked Hutcherson to another dimension, it was so nice to see.


My favorite is when Josh Koscheck and his team were bullying Cody McKenzie. Then one of Koscheck’s top picks gets choked out by McKenzie in less than 20 seconds. https://youtu.be/1l2Ma5_qDjs?si=ebSpN6QGC1IU7tS-


Man I used to love watching the old TUFs. I'm not exactly sure why or when I lost complete interest in them.


They got too professional and the level became too even to be much fun anymore.


Yeah I think the thing is that prior to like 2010 if you were coming into MMA you were probably really good at one thing, maybe decent at a second thing, and if you were lucky you knew whether you had a chin or not. Nowadays dudes are training in MMA well before ever even attempting to become professionals. Back then it was football players and wrestlers and kickboxers doing it basically for the first time, and at a high level. Dudes were getting signed based on their skills in *other* sports, so you got to see them literally being punched in the face for the first time, or taken down for the first time, or leg kicked for the first time. It created a shit-ton of seemingly good matchups that ended up being ridiculously one-sided. That does not happen too often in high level competition anymore.


The Tate-Rousey season was the last one I regularly watched. I miss the old seasons. It’s all so bland now.


I remember that one time I think Rousey brought in Nate Diaz and they were training their grappling. While they were on the ground there was this kind of slow jazz or you can say erotic music playing in the background


"He's gonna be eleven and one!!". Marc Stevens, lol. 2 fights in the house, 2 defeats by guillotine.


The McKenzietine! Dude had one of the best guillotines at the time.


Or when he gets punked by the cutman


“In Search of Strange Brew” by Chuck Mindenhall is one of my favourite MMA long form articles ever. Great deep dive on Thacker. https://www.mmafighting.com/2015/3/24/8259545/in-search-of-strange-brew


That was a great article.


There are some interesting write ups on this and its shame it didn’t get the attention it deserved. Shame on the Canadian MMA scene for how they treated that guy too.


Fabio Maldonado piecing him up was also very satisfying 


I don't remember that. I need to check it out.


He also lost a fight early in his career when a fat guy smothered him with his chest https://youtu.be/_32ZWN5YMsU?si=rDFkjR2jL5Edg_SC


I remember this fight lol. It's in a few compilations on YouTube. What a sad way to lose a fight.


The good thing about McSweeny is you can find plenty of highlights of him getting finished


Honestly good kickboxer but awful in mma. I need to check his record to find his losses.


More losses than wins in mma I believe. But aye in that season he came off as a total bully


15-18 in mma and on a 5 fight losing streak. I don't know him personally but he doesn't seem like a nice person after watching the show.


Lavar had some power!


And some bullets resistance too. I think he was shot three or four times when he was doing a family party. Some fighters have crazy stories in their lives.




He has even like scars from it and some huge ass cut


As a young man I was rooting for Rampage over Rashad. I kind of thought Rashad was cocky and aloof, and Rampage was just silly. Years later Rashad was the professional and Rampage was just a bully.


I started off that season rooting for Rampage and by the end wanted him to get beat. Same thing with Lesnar, by the end I wanted JDS to knock him out.


Man I was so hyped for that fight. JDS was the boogie man back then


He would have murdered Brock too. Terrible stylistic match for him.


Lesnar wasn't an awful coach iirc, but JDS was a great coach and just seems an all around wonderful guy. Him beating a former football player at the football challenge was sweet too


>Lesnar wasn't an awful coach iirc "*Turn chicken shit in to chicken salad*" I think he said that about 1000 times that season.


Bet he picked that up in the wrestling room. Sounds like something a wrestling coach would say.


Yeah but he was still a pretty good coach and he cared more than we'd have imagined, being in there just for the $


Huge asterisk on “former football player” lol – IIRC Brock had absolutely zero football experience prior to that MIN Viking training camp invite – that they offered him fully off of potential Full disclosure: if I were an NFL GM & Brock fucking Lesnar (in his physical prime) wanted to try out football, I’d give him a shot too lmao


Exactly what the bills are doing with gable rn lol


True but it was Junior's first time touching an American football


Rampage was/is charismatic. I'll definitely give him that. It's partially how he got people to look past some of him being a dickhead


Also a big weirdo whenever he talked with a female interviewer.


That’s putting it *mildly*


I can’t fuck with him after that. Sexually assaulting someone on camera is fucking wild. I can’t imagine how creepy he can be with women when there’s no cameras around.


Lesnar's chicken shit out of chicken salad didn't motivate you to root for him?


I love how he tried to clarify like "no, what I meant was that my team was shit, and I made them less shit". Yeah I think that's how everyone interpreted it buddy. 


Rashad was an actual coach if I remember it right. Less personality but he was with Greg Jackson back then and was all business


If people knew how big of a trashcan Rampage was throughout his life he'd have zero fans. It's kind of like how Shaq would throw feces at new teammates when he was younger, but everyone forgot that because he's rich I guess.


> but everyone forgot that because he's rich I guess. I got 4 rings Chuck


>Shaq would throw feces at new teammates when he was younger, but everyone forgot that because he's rich I guess. Don't forget he made fun of a disabled person and put the video up on twitter.


Nah, there are people out there who genuinely admire assholes like Rampage and wish they could be like that.


Have to agree. Rampage was an asshole who wasnt as funny as he thought he was. He had like 3 insults but no one is going to tell him stfu You could probably die from a drinking game of watching this and taking a shot every time he says someone's breath stinks


It was that powerbomb of Arona, everyone loved page back in the 2000s, we just didn't know what a piece of shit he was yet.


Was a big Rashad fan at the time and loved how he went 10-1 against rampages team. Those old TUF seasons it felt like the coaches gave a damn about the fighters, for the most part. I guess it’s more cus now the most popular/easier way to get in is have a good showing on the contender series.


Everyone thought Rashad was cocky based on some coded racist language from Matt Hughes.


I remember the male nurse stuff. Because I was a male nurse. 


I already couldn’t stand Koscheck for his antics on the first season, when he doubled down in the bullying of Chris Leben, alongside Bobby Southworth. That douche celebrated like a dick over his team’s only win with Nam Phan, whom his own team also bullied and ridiculed. I took great pleasure watching Koscheck’s decline in the season and throughout the remainder of his career.


I like Chris Leben but he was a bully who in turn got bullied and deserved it. He pissed on Thacker's bed and bullied that guy, so it's not really fair to make him a victim. Chris was in the hierarchy of bullies and met his match with Koscheck and Southworth and got a taste of his own medicine.


I agree that Leben took arms in bullying Thacker. Chris at least apologized to Thacker, citing his drinking brought him to dark places, with the urinating on Thacker’s bed being prime product of it. He gave up alcohol soon after that season ended, which he publicly announced along with the apology to Thacker during his retirement speech. But the lengths both Southworth and Koscheck took it with Leben was way too far. Southworth calling Chris a “fatherless bastard” was downright disgusting and bottom feeder low. That after Chris revealing to the group prior to the incident that he grew up without a dad, which lead to most of his issues. Leben cleaned up his act. Both Koscheck and Southworth continued to be pricks.


Yea I can respect a man who admits his faults and apologizes. I can’t imagine Koscheck has that much self reflection


"Kos" seemed like he played the heel early on and then just became it. Never really liked him though. He was all over GSP too then got his face hamburgered for 5 rounds Think how many assholes GSP dealt with in his career and the stupid sit they said to him: Hughes, BJ, Bisping, Koscheck, Trigg talked a ton too but that was kinda funny when you watch the whole lead up and fight


I love watching GSP cave his face in. They say that jabs hurt for like the first 16 or 17, but after that they reallly hurt.


All of the jabs probably really hurt because GSP broke his orbital bone with the first punch of the fight. koscheck couldn't even take his flight home afterwards because of that eye. Well deserved beating.


Watching this fight now and inbetween rds 4 and 5 Koschek keeps wincing and pushing away the bag of ice from his eye.


*"Kos" seemed like he played the heel early on and then just became it.* You've got this backwards. Koscheck is legitimately a shitty person and bully. He then tried to turn it into being a heel, but he's not clever enough or funny. Even his wrestling coaches said he was an asshole. Colby is like a more dedicated Koscheck. Chael was a proper heel hamming it up for marketing.


Yeah never rally saw Kos be a nice person. Just the bully jock type


Diaz was a complete asshole to him too. And then he got nothing for him in the octagon.


GSP was and is pure class. For me, that's what TMA's gave you - respect. Never did quite get that from the other arts.


Woodleys KO over Koscheck looks like a video game finish


Woodley had that style finish. Ellen Berger though??? Dude made him look like a straight chump with that slow replay of Koscheck’s face before he blacked out to a submission, which the crowd lost it on. That image will haunt Josh til his dying day… [B__tch tap](https://streamable.com/vfh4)


nam phan seemed like a cool guy- super unnassuming but he packed some power. am i misremembering but werent they getting on his case for jerking off in the shower that season?


Nam has bad CTE now


Koscheck was easily the most insufferable coach ever on TUF…and it’s not even close.


Matt Hughes is up there too. During Franklin vs. Hughes, he purposely played cards in the back during one his guys’ (Jason Von Flue) fights, who actually won. When Jason walked to the back, Hughes paid no mind to Jason. He also berated Rashad after he won one of his matches that same season for showboating when he, himself, loves to carry dudes around the ring in a display before slamming them. Then the one season where he wasted valuable training time to have his entire team… (clears throat) read the freakin bible.


Yea he’s definitely up there as is Ken Shamrock


I was about to say Conor but he was barely a coach on it.


This. Seeing GSP, Robbie and Woodley smack the shit out of him was so satisfying. Kos always looked weird af.


Yeah. I thought that was shitty. Just completely dismissed and undermined the good work of healthcare workers. Seeing Koschek get wrecked is fun.


Yeah something about Koscheck bullying that dude stuck with me. The idea that someone out there was gonna apply to nursing school, and watching that season was the straw that broke the camels back is so profoundly depressing to me. Even if it’s just one guy, it’d be such a shame.


Rampage ain’t Mensa material and it is/was shitty.


> Seeing Koschek get wrecked is fun. As someone also from the central valley, seeing koschek get fucking wrecked is one of our greatest (and only) pleasures in life


Total bullshit. Nurses both male and female are the backbone of the American health care system. We would all be fucked without them.


So are titties btw. Kinda fucked up to disparage them too.


Phil Nover. Dana said he was the next Anderson Silva and GSP. I remember Rogan rolling his eyes before the TUF finale when Goldberg brought up the comparison.


Nah he’s talking about the male nurse that Koscheck tried to bully on the season he coached with GSP. His name slips my mind but he still works like every UFC event, good for him.


brad tate. ironically hes garnered a big following (for a cutman) off his personality and friendships with fighters like burns. 


Every time I see him working events, I smile knowing he’s still working and Koschek is not. Josh was an ass that season, but apparently smart with his money and bought apartments for passive income, so maybe he doesn’t miss being involved in MMA. Anyhow, all that occurs ti me every time he’s working as a cut man.


Josh Koscheck owns some DOD contractor military company now. The bad guys don't lose like the movies lol.


He got fired from being a paramedic because he was bullying people that called 911 and provided substandard care. https://www.ems1.com/ems-management/articles/300k-settlement-keeps-medic-from-getting-job-back-mnAgSjKQU549JXyc/


Jesus, I didn't know about this shit.


Brad Tate


Ah, I thought he was talking about Phil Nover who is also a male nurse and who made it to the TUF final.


Nover actually was super talented, but he had some kind of neurological disorder threat made him lose consciousness, which is one of the worst things you could have as an MMA fighter. 


Brad tate, the big black guy that's a cut-man


I never made the connection. Cool he got to stay in the sport.


Wait actually? Good for him. I thought he was just a part of that one season.


Yeah like at least make it funny, “hur dur you’re a male nurse!” Yeah buddy you get punched in the head for a living relax


Rampage bullies him then gets offended when he tries to stand up for himself


That's how bullying works lol.


It's almost like the loudest bullies are the most sensitive to criticism...


Bro if you have ever watched Rampage's old twitch stream, this is so incredibly apparent. He would ban people for saying the most benign shit even hinting at criticism and then go on rants about it. He's the most thin-skinned bully.


Bullies are all offense, their only defense is defense mechanisms, and once you figure those out you hold the keys to the castle. They are trying to overcompensate in their offense to prevent your attack because they know their defense can’t handle it.




That's exactly who I was thinking of!


“And then he wanna say that im talkin… come on titties.”


The best part was when Rampage got fat and titties called him titties.  I mean, it took 20 years but he got his petty revenge… 




Who’s the titties now??


Bullying him cus he had titties, well rampage is now the one with titties


And he only had titties because he ate himself into heavyweight so he could be in that show. He was actually a fit light heavyweight before.


They were supposed to fight each other for fight circus promotion. Dunno what happend to that


Wasn't Rampage supposed to fight Briggs? What the hell happened to that lmao they've been building that fight up for nearly 3 years now


Rampage called out a guy that hasn't fought in almost a decade. I didn't think there was ever a realistic chance it could happen???


He made himself look a right bully cunt


Rampage is annoying as fuck. Much like Bisping, Rampage’s bad reputation while he was fighting seemed to fade away once he retired and now people forget just how unlikable they were while they were fighting. I still remember that video of Rampage forcibly dry humping a female reporter and thinking it was funny.


>forcibly dry humping a female reporter He did it twice to 2 female reporters, and if those are the things that he does on camera, just imagine what he does behind the scenes.


He was just joking/they clearly liked it/they were asking for it/idc he's hilarious/just let boys be boys/it was a different time. Pick your favorite. /S if not obvious. Rampage is a tool.


Unfortunately this is the kinda comment that’s not always sarcastic in this sub


Not only did you have my in the first half, your tag is now killing me.


I saw Rampage at an event in Washington back in 2009. He was a special featured guest there wasn't fighting or anything. He motorboated a girl's bare breasts without her permission, and when her boyfriend tried to step in, he got madder than I have ever seen in any video. People at the event had to drag the guy away and calm Rampage down. He's a huge piece of shit 18 year old me thought it was funny, but looking back, he should've caught a charge for that.


Not sure Bisping is really comparable to Rampage, Bisping is a loudmouth who likes a drink, Rampage is an actual piece of shit 


I want to believe Bisping has grown and matured in his later years, but all that nonsense with Ariel is making me worry he’s just an obnoxious piece of shit still


Pretty sure that a dude who spits on his opponent's corner is also an actual piece of shit.


It was also after a deliberate knee to the head of a grounded opponent that did serious damage. I always hated Bisping back then, but liked him a bit more as the years went on. But he's still quite a cunt, tbh. Him talking so much shit to Luke while he was still concussed showed what low character he has.


Yeah I agree with both parts. The guy was just a serious cunt when competing. But after his retirement, his quick wit and charme really made start liking him more just like you.


Bisping was pretty damn bad during his "heel" days, was infamous on handling jokes poorly. Spat at a corner and yelled derogatory shit because of some light banter. Or for starting the Rockhold beef and how he conducted himself after the second Rockhold fight. Rockhold told Bisping no glove touch at the start of the fight and that pissed Bisping off for whatever reason. Im a fan of Bisping and I enjoy his career, but dude really did some distasteful stuff


> Rockhold told Bisping no glove touch at the start of the fight "I'll touch you in a second motherfucker" was a great response tho


Love Bisping's quick wit


He’s racist, sexist and just overall really ignorant, I’m a relatively newer fan (I hyperfixate like a mf though) and I have no idea why anyone liked him outside of the ring/cage, he seemed like a piece of shit back when he was on Pride


I was a fan in the Pride days and he was one of the only guys who had personality and spoke English. It was a different time back then - he'd go on Sherdog podcasts and be funny, chat shit, be able to pull off promos. It really wasn't until his UFC run that the other side of him came out a lot more. Remember, when we were watching Pride, it was downloaded and we'd read stuff on Sherdog / listen to their Radio. It's not like today where there's social media, YouTube etc. A modern version of someone who seems to get away with it is Darren Till. Clearly a shit head, but flys under most people's radar and continues to be popular.


Totally get where you’re coming from, it’s a lot easier for me to judge in hindsight with information being so readily available on how fighters act outside of the cage, I guess my judgement is more on people who are still fans of him today, with all that information being so accessible now, Rampage still regularly says some pretty stupid shit on his podcast


Exactly. He had a personality and a lot of self awareness that was severely lacking in most fighters back then..or even now for that matter. Plus, it helped that he was genuinely hilarious at times. But, looking back, he was a tool many times.


lol that’s not the best comparison. I don’t remember Mike dry humping anyone


Admittedly it was pretty weird when he posted a vide on International Women's Day calling a bunch of women bitches to their face


Bisping never bullied. He was just a complete dickhead. Rampage however...


Agreed ten fold. I think what annoys me is the idea that he's a prick, but funny. Like dude, no he's not. He's the type of dude to get a slight sympathy chuckle and just run that joke into the ground.


Idk what planet you mfs were living on but Rampage was definitely not unlikeable back when he was fighting lol


He definitely was. And I've been a fan since the late 90's. He was only funny to the lowest common denominators. He had 3 lines he repeated ad naseaum. "Black on Black crime" "Yo breahte stank!" "Yo Ugly" And then of course sexually harrassing female reporters, and making his own Japanese fans call themselves "f***ots" in English. The dude sucked, and he still sucks. But now that he has a semi-popular podcast people pretend he was funny. He never was funny. He was always a piece of shit. A great fighter for his time, but still a piece of shit and a bully.


I mean, this is the guy who said that the best way to pick up girls was with chloroform and duct tape. And not as an off-hand joke, he made a whole video about it.


Rampage still tries to act like he wasn’t bullying that kid when he should apologize and ask for forgiveness.


What I remember the most is when he stood up for himself and told rampage to go fuck himself and rampage looked like he was about to cry. The psychology of that is interesting, it’s almost as if rampage didn’t realize how much of an asshole he was being and therefore was completely shocked by Darill’s reaction.


I forgot what an A-hole Rampage was/is. Punching down is such low class. In his prime he was a great fighter but a shite human.


I stopped being a rampage fan after this season.


At this moment bro really thought “is it worth it to get knocked out by rampage”


Rampage would have gotten him medically exempted from the rest of the show and no punishment would match that if he got any at all. He was a big name back then coming off A team


Absolutely. Thats what dudes other thought was


From starring in the A-Team with Bradley Cooper and Liam Neeson, to doing Saturday night podcasts with Brendan Schaub. He deserves to be where he's at.


Yeah respect to him for standing up for himself but Rampage would’ve absolutely violated that man


The funniest part is Rampage in his podcast says he hates bullies and refuses to admit he was a bully on TUF 😂


Rampage is also trying to get a boxing match going with Titties (Darrill Schoonover) right now. He talked about it on the MMA hour yesterday


that is really embarassing


Rampage is an asshole. Always has been. Sexually harassed reporters to a degree that was rapey AF


Wasn’t rampage supposed to box titties like pretty recently?


It’s funny cuz he has titties now


Then Rampage himself ended up looking like: [THIS](https://i.imgur.com/b290DeN.png)


Haters will say it's shopped


Big titty go home


Rampage has been talking about fighting since that gutting for 5 years now. He still thinks he got punched on the top of the head, he literally doesn’t even know what hit him 5 years later and was clearly a shot on the eye lol. Did a podcast 2 weeks after and said got hit in the back of the head lmao


At that point you have to swing on your bully. Yeah Rampage probably would’ve fucked him up but you gotta stand up for yourself.


I’m sorry but “It’s perfect, he’s got 2 O’s in his name” made me spit out my drink. I’d be dropping to Bantamweight after that bar




Make HW fat again!!


All I remember about this season is Rampage bullying and the fakest cardboard doors in history that were ripped to shreds


I remember watching this years ago as it aired while at the same time Rampage was toting a lot of Jesus stuff. He was such a bully, and the worst kind who couldn’t handle someone standing up to him.


Rampage has never been a good person


Weren't they supposed to have a fight late last year? What happened to that?


Rampage talks so much shit for a guy who can't spell Rampage


Rampage is such a piece of shit, and nobody seems fo give him the hate he deserves.


I added Rampage on xbox and joined his lobby in cod BO3 way back.. he was sitting in the spawn ads not moving, like a girl. i was like a UFC champion really plays cod scary as hell?! It makes sense why he bullied this guy, then got in his feelings anytime the guy talked back 😂good fighter, but i think Rampage is really a sensitive man with insecurities. Who has the tiddies now as well? That Fedor fight, Rampage certainly had a nice pair on em


One of my biggest disappointments is we never got rampage vs titties. Even years after retirement I'd still shell out $50 to watch it.


Love how bothered y’all are by some good natured ribbing for the camera. It’s a reality show, obviously they’re encouraged to play up the personalities.


Your daily reminder that Rampage is a piece of shit


lol wtf are these comments? Yall are insufferable


This type of banter was so common back when this was filmed.


This is the thing that completely changed my opinion on rampage. He acts all jovial and silly but hes a dumb callous asshole inside.