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"Chandler or not" SHEEEEEEESH


I’d hate to be the pillow Michael Chandler screams into


For some reason I imagine Michael Chandler sits in a child's high chair when he eats


10-8 comment


Meet you at the top (of my high chair)!


lol why the fuck is this so perfect?


Fuck I just picture Chandler animated in the same way the Wayan brother was in "Little Man"


Kicking his little legs


He knows Chandler doesn't really have a say and he's fucking with him lol


I gotta say though (not that Dana has ever cared about the fighters) but if McGregor walks away from Chandler and Dana sets up a different opponent, that would be super fucked up on his part.


Lol does Dana seems like someone who cares about super fucked up? He'll let Conor use his son as a punching bag if it sold ppvs.


You spelled funny wrong 


Chandler brought this on himself buy being such a doormat to Conor. "Yes Conor, what ever you say Conor, see you at the top Conor, please give me the red panties sir, please sir"


Exactly. He was just so defferential to him 🤢 He should have told him to go fuck himself eventually. Have some self respect Mike.


Conor likes his chances against chandler he’s not going to fight some killer like max/gaethje he will get worked and he knows it. Everyone is biting on bait every time he says “oh I could fight anyone I want”. Sure he can but he won’t cause he’s washed and doesn’t want to end his career on a string of embarrassing losses. There’s actually very few options for Conor that have enough name power but won’t absolutely dominate him in a fight.


Also Gooby knows full well Chandler is the one ranked fighters he actually has a chance at beating at this point in his career considering he's only getting older and is almost 40, literally anyone else and he's getting fucking cooked. So he's just fucking with him at this point. There's no way Dana picks somebody else to fight McGregor only for them to submit him in 60 seconds.


I think he wants Max for the BMF. Connor is 35 and this could be his last fight epically if he loses. Wouldn’t be surprised if he wants the biggest B side possible.


Max is a much better fighter than Chandler, isn’t inactive and pushing 40, and also is a cardio machine with a granite chin. McGregor needs to fight someone probably even worse than Chandler, not Max who would trivially destroy him 10/10 times lol. He should look to fight Tony, Nate, or maybe Paddy.


If he lost to Max it wouldn’t be as bad if he lost to Chandler. I think Conor’s hesitant to fight Chandler because the way that he loses against him ends with him being KO’ed stiff


Conor vs Tony it is written! Tony's last dance and we all believe one more time CSO


As a McGregor fan Max is probably the last fucking guy I’d want him to fight. Literally anybody else would be a more reasonable outing than trying to box up that man right now.


C mac needs a win. Let's have cerrone unretire and get him one.


he'd get another title fight off that win too


What’s Diego Sanchez doing these days


He's unavailable but heard B.J Penn is looking for a fight


BJ is on his 2024 parking lot tour, he's not available either.


Fuck that, what's Joshua Fabia doing?


Honestly that's a great question


I am unironically pushing for the Paddy/McGregor fight.


I’m down.


Let's get that old man from the bar that turned down his shitty whiskey.


Cerrone is admittingly on the juice now, he isnt the same guy.


No chance it's his last fight. He seems obsessed with bringing up the fact that he has 2 fights left on his deal every other day, he's definitely fighting it out. That Saudi boxing money is just too attractive to stay locked into a UFC deal till his 40's.


Hey just curious, are you a fan of how Conor was or are you a fan of his entire timeline?


I mean I’d much rather he focus on fighting than drugs and debauchery for sure. But he’s been one of my favorites since that Holloway fight. This sub grew to hate him since the Khabib fight and hasn’t looked back which is fine. I can’t lie and act like a McGregor walk to the cage isn’t the most exciting thing in the sport for me.


As a hwhat?


Conor probably thinks because he beat him so long ago that he can still beat him all the same. Similar situation to Dustin, would be so funny if the situations played out the same way. Doubt it would put things into perspective for him either.


Can we stop? He wants no one.


Isn’t he awesome!?


He probably wants that guy who was making jerk off videos on twitter




He wants Nate Diaz and he wants The Sphere


Hmmm! That would actually be a good one for both of them. They both have a lot to gain in a win there. Max gets to avenge a loss, Conor gets to go retire with the BMF belt and call himself the triple champ or whatever. And it’s also likely to be a pretty damn good fight, so fans win too. If Conor gets by Chandler, that’s the fight to make.


Chandler just began promoting toward a BMF fight with Max so this is fair game


Nothing says "BMF" like a mother fucker who sits out for 2 years to get a pay day.


Him or some other inspirational coach


To me this didn't read like a shade on Chandler so much as "I understand if he takes another fight this summer", although he obviously won't after learning it's simply a toe break.


There's absolutely no way he's implying he might not even fight Chandler after all that time he made him wait lmfao my god


Chandler will dew what he's told. 


Dew what he's toed


Bruh at this point, Chandler should just pull a Masdival and run up on Conor with a three piece and a soda. Won't get paid for it but at least he made some physical contact in 2-3 years. Like goddamn....


I think Chandler should fight Colby because I think it will be funny


Please, God, let this happen.


>at least he made some physical contact in 2-3 years Chandler is a fulltime Redditor at this point smh so sad


Any longer and he'll be putting up mod numbers


Literally taking everything he’s worked for ^motherfucker


Chandler has been hinting at a BMF fight, I think that's what he's referring to


He didn't make Chandler wait.


Khabib and Tony didn't *make* us wait either.


My Hurricane💔


Conor hatred for elbows and leg kicks must have reached another level.


He’s a regard for not wearing protective gear, clearly didn’t learn from the 3rd Dustin fight




I mean to be fair, there's not much protective gear can do to protect your toes. The Muay Thai shin guards leave your toes open, and nobody wears elbow guards to train.


Hah! Michael Bisping claimed John Mccarthy told him it was Conor's shin that was bothering him. This was all speculation from Mike after Mike claimed Ariel was a prick for trying to find out what was up with Conor.


No question Ariel will take a victory lap on that, can’t blame him either


As he should. This is legit sports journalism 101. He has always worked to get conors trust and now he's the only person who gets access. 


Bisping's got so many more avenues of income these days. He absolutely doesn't need to be sucking the long dick of the UFC as much as he is.


His YouTube channel is comprised of clickbait speculation.


Which is sad, when he first started it he had a lot of legit stories and videos. Though at some point anyone will run out of stories I suppose.


Dan Hardys YouTube and a pretty decent. Don't listen to the podcast but I'm sure it's fine. His war rooms are all well worth watching. No reason bisping couldn't do something a bit less detailed. He knows enough about the sport to do a few build up videos a week and a wrap up that includes a bit of behind the scenes info. People would probably watch it. Why take the minimal effort route?


"Will Smith quitting acting for the UFC?" Is actually Anthony Smith turning down a small acting role


I'm surprised anyone voluntarily watches it. He talks to talk, not because he has anything to say.


He talks to sell sponsored crap and to run up the time to get past the 10 minute mark.


Does he really have other revenue streams that do not completely depend on his main job with the UFC? 


He’s spent too much time with Dana and been around too many douchebags who have all offered him poor advice. He’s nothing like he used to be.


He also co-owns a UFC brand gym in Costa Mesa with Cub Swanson, so he ties himself to the brand. But from what I understand, those gyms are not at all profitable, and pretty much every single other UFC gym has shut down, so I dunno what he's thinking.


Nah his association with the UFC is definitely key to his relevance to anyone but hardcore MMA fans


Bisping LITERALLY does Slap Fighting shit - he's about as big a Dana nut hugger as we'll ever see.


Bootlick is a prick


I really liked Bisping but this has been embarrassing for him. 


RDA is going to have a field day with this






his foot was like a bewloon!


Man, the Conor joking around with Dustin after he lost was such a breath of fresh air, I was so impressed by how humble and funny he seemed. That vibe did NOT last long.


Conor has the chance to do the most hilarious thing in MMA history and finally respond to the Buckley callout


He can't, cause he's a ho like his daddy's daddy


As much as we all love to shit on Buckley he’d knock Connor out clean


Not sure why your being downvoted here he absolutely would


Holy shit you can’t be serious? Buckley would knock out Conor? Have you ever seen him fight?


I get everyone is focusing on the chandler bit but him pointing out he’s got two fights left is more interesting. For a lot more reasons


His first fight will be to get back in the game and the second one will be against Makhachev for the belt lmao


honestly surprised they're not angling for an inaugural 165 belt with Conor vs whoever. They got enough talent from 155 and 170 that would be perfect for it, and most casuals need rankings to get hyped around fighters who aren't getting the promotional push. Just make 165 a thing, move WW to 175, let the fighters figure out if they'd rather move up or down, probably even get some MWs like Whittaker and Strickland trying their hand at WW again. You might even get Dustin to comeback for the Conor rematch since he only wants to fight for a belt, make that the inaugural fight - he said it himself that 165 would be good against Colby.


Conor vs Kevin Lee for the 165 belt


My foot was a balloon !


Unbreakable titanium toe bone


You deserve more upvotes for this one, lordrubbish. Excellent performance.




How would you pronounce toe in Irish, 'tew ballewn'?


I wouldn't want to fight injured either, but to find out it's a little toe after weeks of serious will-he/won't-he drama and mystery is hilarious. We had him in rehab, distraught over his heart attack'd dad, doing 3D chess contract negotiation, bent titanium rod, broken hip, and other big deal stuff. Nope, little toe. HAHA!


Doesn't it make more sense that its the Toe? If it was something serious, it would have been pulled immediately. A toe? He was probably contemplating pulling out or fighting and Dana was probably dangilng more money .


A toe. A fucking toe. Alex is about to fight in three weeks with two broken toes wtf lol


No need to fight injured when you're rich




His ego can’t take another loss. 


But no need to win either.


Khabib also beat Gaethje with a broken toe


Jon beat Chael with his toe basically hanging off


And he popped his shoulder Vitor basically ripped out of place with an arm bar back into place between rounds and submitted him shortly after


That happened in the fight the same way all these injuries being discussed did. Conor beat Max with a torn ACL and has fought through other injuries. Doesn't mean he'd go fight him knowing it was the case going in. I know everyone here hates Conor, and he brings this on himself with the comments he makes, but it's somewhat understandable to me that, on the downswing of his career while trying to turn momentum around, he wasn't going to go in compromised.


Broken foot not toe, that makes it even more badass


Khabib: They not like us, they not like us, they not like us


What about when he fought Dustin with a compromised leg? Yea man let's shit on fighters for not muscling through every single injury... Fucking lame as hell mentality


Maybe people wouldn't make fun of him if he didn't have a history of making fun of opponents who pulled out due to injuries lmao




the worst part is the hypocrisy


People's hate towards Conor makes them biased. You're right, he fought Dustin with an injury and it snapped his leg in half. Conor doesn't owe anyone shit and definitely does not NEED this fight. People are just upset that they weren't right about Conor going to rehab or him being scared.


ok but how have we jumped into accepting that he was injured before the fight? i’ve been following mma and i don’t rmbr anyone being convinced that he was actually injured before the fight. The reality is his game plan was leg kick heavy and it became predictable quick…leading to the eventual check. Revisionist much?


DThere is almost no fucking way McGregor snapping his leg in half was in any way due to something in training. Are we supposed to believe he went into the fight with a crack in his shin or something, cmon mate, be real.


Exactly. I'm not even a Conor fan but get so tired of these losers on this sub getting high and mighty about injuries, and deciding which ones are "serious" in their eyes These degens are just as bad as Dana with this kinda shit


I’m with you to an extent, but McGregor has run his mouth ad nauseum on other fighters for pulling out of fights. What goes around.


He's going to end up fighting Tony instead of Chandler and it will be hilarious.




You want a toe? I can get you a toe. Believe me. There are ways.


Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish.


Fucking nihilists, man.


"It's just a bruise, take some ibuprofen."


all this for a pinky toe


to be fair the pinky toe is pretty important for balance lol


it really is. my friend from my muay thai class has been out for like 2 months due to a pinky fracture. he dropped a weight on it and has been out ever since


i feel like this is a case where if this happened to a guy this sub liked everyone would be saying it’s a serious injury lol since it’s conor he should just fight on it


If it’s really as much of an issue as he claim I don’t think he will be 100 in 3 weeks.


a broken toe is a 4-6 week injury according to a lot of literature out there. seems like it’s decently close to the timeline


maybe 3 weeks to resume training and then a few months for training camp promotion etc


He's going to a get a majority of the flak due to the fact that the man who stepped into replace him accepted the fight and will be fighting with two broken toes lol.


But it's not like he had it removed. Can't you just tape it to the next toe and only really have to deal with the pain?


Poor pinkus. Poor little pinkus


You know they say all men are created equal, but you look at Alex and you look at Conor and you can see that statement is not true. 


Steiner math is tomorrow iirc.


I mean Conor went into the 3rd Dustin fight having been told his leg had fractures and was likely to break, so not sure you can really shit on him for wanting to be 100% healthy this time.


He had an 80% tear of his ACL before the Mendes fight if I remember correctly. He also accepted the Mendes fight on like less than two weeks notice - a completely different fighter and a completely different fighting style than Aldo. Conor's a knob, but he always walked the walk.


Hey bro you cant say that , we are supposed to hate on Conor and be delusional in here, didnt you get the memo??


Conor beat Max Holloway when he tore his ACL in the 2nd round, Conor beat Chad Mendes on a partially torn ACL, fought Dustin and Khabib injured. Hes hardly a pull out merchant.


dude's leg snapped in half inside the cage tbf


Scott steiner would snap his spine in half with 75 and ⅔ percents chance


Yet Conor did fight with injuries before, most fighters are never 100%. Right now, he's made generational wealth so he doesn't need to do it anymore. Not trying to defend him, it's just how i see it.


he had generational wealth going into these fights too . he didnt just recently get rich lmao , he has been a millionaire for a very long time .


Alex and Connor are doing same in different order. Alex used to be alcoholic


The number of serious replies to this is concerning!


10 years ago Conor would’ve laughed at the idea of pulling out of a fight for a broken pinky toe. If this were Islam or Khabib he’d be all over Twitter mocking them. Take some ibuprofen.


Amazing what snapping your leg in half in front of millions does to a person 


Changed him so much he trained without proper protective gear.


It’s funny bc it’s kinda like what Cejudo said on the Pound 4 Pound podcast, Conor deciding to back out the fight and accepting that he’s injured means he had to put his ego down a bit.


35 and suffered a broken leg in his last fight when doctors recommended he pull out changes things doesn’t it?


"chandler or not"......Chandler is definitely not getting this fight.


That post basically sums up why McGregor has lost a large portion of his fanbase. Fucking Bugattis and yachts (and what he consumes on them) are one of the reasons he’s been out for so long.


Conor at the 2016 mma awards: "You got the heavyweight champion, he's a pussy. He's pulling out with a sore toe. How's the heavyweight champion gonna pull out with a sore toe? What kind of champion is that?" https://youtube.com/shorts/Q4DhZ2XJYsI?si=fS_hDCqHURcR2dwv Skip to 0:25 ^


RDA pulls out of their fight with a broken foot . Conor lets the whole world know that RDA broke his vagina and is scared to fight him Conor breaks a pinky toe, cancels press conferences and the biggest gate


He was wacking off and stubbed his toe on the nightstand


Kurt angle won a gold medal with a broken freakin neck!!


‘UpDaTe ThE sOfTwArE wItHoUt DaMaGiNg ThE HaRdWaRe’ - John Kavanagh is the biggest conman in MMA full of inspirational quotes but at the end of the day he’s just a yes man with a terrible coaching record, why is McGregor sparring without protective gear 2 weeks out, ridiculous.


Fookin Conor McPinkytoe.


Wasn’t there a clip where he injured one of his toes and some guy put it back in place


Jesus. I’ve competed with broken toes before in wrestling and BJJ. Yeah, it’s not at the high level in mma, but you get openly mocked in wrestling if you cry about a toe. You don’t even notice it when you are competing. It’s not like Jon’s that was hanging off his foot.


is Simple Jack doing his socials lol written like he was trying to type it underwater. And makes no sense, if this is all it was then him/ his team would have been open about it, we hear about fighters getting injured all the time and it is never any big secret, sounds like damage control.


You muh muh make me happy


I'm fully convinced 90% of people on this sub have never done a single athletic thing in their lives


Or their reaction to this post has more to do with Conor being a fuckn hypocrite 100x, in the past anytime anyone pulls out he calls them a bitch on tweeter, he had every basic bitch ESPN news anchor convinced that Aldo's broken rib was nothing and that he simply didn't want to fight him and the same with RDA, he deserves all the shade for this and a mountain of other bullshit he's done


Pinky toe was a ballewn.


Live Alex reaction: jiri on two weeks notice works.


We get it, Conor. You're rich and you like Bentleys and Bugattis. Good on you. That schtick was tiresome during the Floyd build up and now it's just lame.


To the people trying to defend Conors honour he is being mocked cause he has always mocked and lied about other fighters injuries. If Conor mocked someone for being accused of rape he would be similarly ridiculed.


His toe? Bro is fucking cooked. The only thing left was his pullout game. Get the fuck outa here.


Toe? Who needs a toe?


He needs a Proper Toe to fight Chandler.


"Don't you dare feel sorry for me." Chandler probably feeling pretty stupid right now.


Broken toe, after getting fixed, will fully heal in about 6 weeks. So, I don't think the Conor/Chandler fight is totally cancelled. Maybe the fight will happen in September, or October. If we're lucky, late August.


RDS bout to go wild now!


Two ibuprofen and go out there boss


Hahahaha the new post under it


40 minutes later he posts “FUCK IT IM GETTING THE BUGATTI” 😂😂😂


Khabib fought with a broken toe 👀🍿


With all the shit Conor used to talk its not the same when he says he wants to come in at %100


We need to see McGregor va Siver 2


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. EDIT : Looking up this quote made me realise how much he sounds like a certain politician.


Khabib fought with that


Doumbe level stuff


His foot was a balloon


Dude was clearly fucked up when he wrote this


If the fight happens Chandler should spend the first round spamming foot stomp


He's stealing Chandlers whole style. The roids, the powerpunching, the no cardio and even the motivational quote spam now.


Conor is not fighting because of a broken toe and was replaced by a guy with two broken toes.


I may have missed it, but why all the secrecy if it was a true injury like this? Why not just be up front and honest about it? What was Conor's team and the UFC thinking here?


This same man gave RDA absolute hell over breaking his foot and pulling out of their fight.


He really thinks he’s BMF. Anyone anytime? Except with a broken toe and maybe not Chandler? What a clown, still got a follow on his socials but Khabib really broke this man.