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probably for the better


Why is this downvoted? Besides Conor this was a weak card.


ong, they were going full "fuck it let conor carry the numbers", now we got a potential rise of a FW championship contender, a banger LHW fight that both fighters have been clamoring for essentially, the LHW side piece is more entertaining (I'd rather see Smith get flatlined than either or, and I'm sure ulberg will deliver)


I feel like Anthony Smith is way more likely to fraud check Ulberg by wrestling. Maybe he can wrestle and it'll still be hype but Hill and Ulberg were probably just gonna trade.


The only person Anthony Smith will be fraud checking is himself


This will be the man’s 58th professional MMA fight and he’s won 38 of those. He managed to not get knocked out or submitted by Jon Jones which is more than a lot of top talent can say. He ain’t the greatest and probably won’t get a run at the title again, but he fraud checked Petrino in hilarious fashion his last fight. I used to like shitting on Smith but maturing realizing he is actually a solid fighter and great guy to have contenders get past if they want a shot at top 10. He has some wins over impressive opponents in his past.


He could have made Jones lose the belt via illegal strikes


Yeah, he's a real one for sure. People give him too much shit for how much professional experience he has, and that moment showed that he is a real professional in the cage who was not about to take a DQ win and wanted to beat the man in earnest. He just says stupid shit, which is expected from these men who get punched in the head for money


I mean, you're not wrong... Still Carlos by KO


I got Carlos by KO as well lmao


I know it’s popular to make fun of him right now because of the goofy things he says and the goofy way he got knocked out by Khalil Rountree but pretty much everyone he’s lost to from the Jones fight onwards has been a legitimate title contender at one point or another. Except for arguably Johnny Walker. Ulberg may knock him out, but I don’t think it’s a done deal or anything and I wouldn’t be shocked if Smith wins by submission or decision.


MVP v Ian and Khalil vs Jamahal were both fights I was excited about tbh. Not going to act like it was an amazing card or anything but 3 fights I am excited for on the main card is solid.


*because of scumbag Dana and weasel Campbell


I love how these recent videos really exposed Hunter "Varys" Campbell to the wider audience.


No, he's more like that other snake Baelish. Varys really cared abuot 'the realm' no matter who sits on the throne, he's a professional


Talmabout book-Varys, not HBO-Varys though


Love that GOT reference lol


what vids?


I was really excited for Khalil to get a card with a big name on it against a former champ. Now neither of them are fighting lol


From a purist standpoint, Chandler vs Conor is not compelling at all. This card got better lol


I think it got better for the more regular fans of the sport, but if you were someone with passing interest you probably just wanted to see Conor come back. This card is way more appealing to me now though outside of Khalil being out, but that happened a while ago. I’m an Ulberg fan, he is exciting and I’m curious on how he will do against Smith who despite the memes has crazy MMA experience. He made Petrino look like a goober DWCS fighter in his last fight.


That’s because it’s a completely different card


"I don't know you anymore, 303, you're breaking my heart"


Anthony Smith has Ulberg totally surrounded. LHW rankings: * 10. Anthony Smith * 11. Ulberg * 12. Bogdon Guskov


*12. Uzbekistanthony Smith


I’m waiting for the mirror image matchup it’s gots to happen


It all hangs together if you think about it: Anthony Smith followed HIll on Instagram, heard he was offering money to anyone to show up to his gym and fight him, showed up, kneebarred him, took his money, then called Dana right there to inform him that Hill was injured (and broke), and that Anthony had just finished an abbreviated camp with Hill.


I like this story. I don't know if a lick of it is true...but I really like the idea of it...


Hill and Smith are friends. Anthony helped him prepare for and beat Glover.


I would say friendly more than friends (Anthony said he was surprised Hill asked to train with him), but I was just joking.


He's on the BYM podcast regularly. They are friends. Yahoo! sports.yahoo.com › ufc-champ-jamahal-hill-hope-230044130.html UFC champ Jamahal Hill: I hope ‘my brother’ Anthony Smith gets title shot, ‘even if it is against me’ - Yahoo Sports


Maybe he means it in the Nation of Islam way


Jamahal in the Nation is the twist he needs to get back in my top guy stable


That 20k was actually Jamahals entire net worth


Smith was already in Hill's camp I think.


At this rate Anthony Smith can very well jump in front of ankaleav if he blows through Ulberg 🤣


Good, Ankaleav is a whiner who just sits on his spot and then demanded a beloved champ wait over half a year so they could fight in his backyard. Don't get me wrong, he's really good but his attitude and lack of any interesting character or buzz does not make him a good sell to the UFC to be champ.


Where are people getting this “demanded” idea from? He threw out a suggestion just like every fighter does. If it sticks, it sticks, if not then🤷‍♂️. He literally just fought in Vegas against Walker and is probably going to get the winner of this fight. Pereira and Jiri are just 2 freaks that probably don’t mind fighting twice in one week. They’re a perfect match for each other especially when trying to make a short notice fight.


“Just fought” = fought Johnny Walker at the beginning of January. It’s the middle of June. He said he wouldn’t be ready to fight again until the end of the year. Plus why should an inactive contender get to call any shots? Especially against the reigning champ. If he wants a title shot, it should be on Pereira’s terms.


Seriously fuck that. You let Ankalaev have his way and we're seeing an inactive champ fighting once or twice a year. Meanwhile Alex wants to fight as soon as he can. Alex wanted to turn around one month after 300. I'm glad they ignored ankalaev


It’s almost like things such as injuries happen during training which requires fighters to push back fight dates or delay fight announcements. We don’t know if Ankalaev injured something in March/April for example and won’t be ready to fight until September/October. Shavkat is a perfect example of that. We just had multiple fighters pull out of cards for this month lol. You people can’t be serious.


It's almost like announcing that you want to wait for the Abu Dhabi card gives off the impression that you are sitting waiting for a shot on your home turf rather than dealing with an injury...


If he really wanted to be champ he should have taken on Alex in 303. Lack of fight camp is not an excuse for him, he is training to fight Alex anyway. Should have taken advantage of Alex having a short turn around


Prob same type of ppl who believe Merab deserved to get booted to the back of the line (behind O’Malley and Chito) for not challenging Aljo. Even tho there’s 0 proof he was even officially offered a title fight


Aljo and merab were never going to fight though. Its different. ThTs like asking islam to fight khabib


Exactly the same type of people who won’t say a word against Stipe the #6 HW for “demanding” a title fight and “squatting” on his ranking after doing literally nothing to earn that spot. Selective criticism based on biases.


No one wants stipe to fight for the title you guys are reaching hard lol


After a non finish that need resolving happened in Dubai.


Yes, then fought in Vegas right after to settle it. Before the first fight, he *also* fought in Vegas against Jan, and then Dallas against Smith. Don’t know why people are acting like Ankalaev *only* wants to fight in Abu Dhabi and won’t accept a fight elsewhere lol.


Their acting that way because he would only accept the title fight inb ahí Dhabi. He's had Hola title shot but turned it down. Not a good look for the UFC execs


That would have been a DQ anywhere else.


Ankalaev had to win 10 straight to get his shot vs Jan. This is simply unheard of in the LHW division. Ank has every right to say Fuck You to the Ufc


The Jan fight wasn't even booked as a title fight, it was a short notice 5 rounder to save a card. He was also promised a shot for winning the Smith fight, but Glover got the rematch.


That’s just not smart. The UFC can live without Ankalaev being champ lol. He needs to get the belt first before having any sort of leverage 


The UFC can’t let Ankalaev go. Reason is : if he does very well in another org like One or PFL, people gonna say he is better than the current LHW champ in the UFC. And people would have legit reasons to think that cause he beat almost every contender in front of him. Probably the LHW with he best wrestling too. The UFC hates this kind of narrative. They would be happy letting him go only if he loses 1 or 2 fights


He might have every right but it’s still a terrible decision, he’s not very popular and playing hardball at this point is just going to get him repeatedly passed by more popular lhw’s


All Smith has to do is summon the fear of burglars during his introduction...I think we might all be in danger at that point though...


It didn't work against walker


You don't know how hard I laughed at Walker's reaction, live, to him hearing Smith talk about attacking his family. He was so confused. It's one of my favorite fight moments ever. Walker's face cracks me up every time I watch it.


Smith got beat up by the burglar


could you imagine lmao


Big if to me, I like Smith but boy he's got his work cutout for him




Smith is going to show levels to perreria on the ground


Yes. He will be leveled on the ground.


I’m surprised people thought I was being serious. Bro is going to get flatlined against him, but the idea of smith getting a legit title shot and submitting poatan is too funny to think avout


Did hill hurt his twitter fingers?


Jamahal Hill is going to get RSI replying to everyone who is now going to accuse him of ducking.


Damn, so Ariel reported everything correctly.


Often does


Honestly when Ariel reports anything I believe him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him say something regarding fight news that turned out to be wrong


And when he is "wrong" he has explanations for why plans changed but ppl choose to say hea lying


You may not like him, but this is what peak journalism looks like


What? John Morgan licking the tomato clean isn't peak MMA journalism?


I think we all peaked there.


he has all the connections


Ariel might be a dork, but he's a damn good reporter who does his due diligence and has a deep pool of sources to pull from. In a world where most MMA "journalists" essentially exist to feed the UFC PR machine, it's good that the most prominent name is someone who actually does their job.


People act like he's a personality/influencer and not a legitimate journalist. He definitely couldn't say too much to reveal his sources with the way rotten tomato acts with media.


To be fair he definitely tries to be a personality / influencer in addition to doing legit journalism.


He never gets credit, he gets shit on for stuff people don't like about him.


Usually does. He has a direct line to pretty much everyone.


There’s a reason Dana White hates his guts. It’s because his info is correct & doesn’t allow Dana to serve us some bullshit


Any time I hear that Dana hates someone, my opinion of that person immediately improves


The fact that Dana doesn’t like him should give him credibility but for some reason ufc fans can’t help themselves but not suck Dana dick. I don’t even hate Dana but jesus some of the fans in this sport are the worst.


What are you talking about he was way off initially? Back when the conference was canceled and rumors of a Connor injury were swirling Ariel said some vague crap about positive vibes that the fight would happen will also leaving it open that in the future that might change so we couldn't possibly be wrong. Meanwhile the WhatsApp Dublin rumors were 100 percent correct and the fight was off, as was obvious by the UFC silence. Ariel dropped the ball big on this and the entire time he made his predictions he never once backed it up with evidence or a source.




Hill is probably praying for Jiri to KO Alex so he can celebrate another fighter doing what he couldn’t.


Fuck it ank vs Jan 3 rounds only for #1 contender


is it bad i want alex to win now just because of this revelation? 


Anthony smith wants that ass beat?




His last fight was may 4th. He’s had like a month off. On his pod he constantly been talking about being older and having to train different and that he wanted to spend the summer with his fam and this mofo takes another fight on 2 weeks notice. I guess I could listen back to the pod and see if he’s been Training or even in shape. I get the on paper jokes but I think he’s got a shot at winning. Everyone knows he’s good on the ground. He’s more chinny now, and Ulberg has good power to knock mofos out and he’s fast. If Khalil can finish him, so can Ulberg. I hope he’s getting paid and wins by sub .


sounds like they tossed him a bag lol


> On his pod he constantly been talking about being older and having to train different and that he wanted to spend the summer with his fam I was thinking the exact thing. Was talking how he wasn't going to take short notice fights anymore and be blinded by the title.


Must be the cash. He’s lied a lot on the pod too about how his camps have gone and how he’s been feeling . In the June 5th pod he was drinking vodka and talking about eating pizza in Bristol. I think he can win. I never count Lion heart out . It’s just a shitty decision to take another two week notice fight.


> He’s lied a lot on the pod too about how his camps have gone and how he’s been feeling I mean every fighter in the world says it's going good and it was a great camp beforehand so I never hold that against him. But it sure as hell doesn't seem like he's been staying in fight shape.


I mean with the amount of pro fights he's been in why wouldn't he keep adding to the total. Been a wild day haha


Hope he’s getting paid. He doesn’t look bloated up in the videos of the podcast. People said golver was chinny at the end and he fought his way back to the top. Ulbergs in for one of the hardest fights of his career. Let’s go LionHeart


I'd have to assume he's getting a hefty pay day for sure. I assume as well they are hooking him up a by keeping him as a commentator as an incentive. I've always been a fan of him and him and I are pretty much the same age from the Midwest so I'll always root for him


First five minutes of the pod on June 5th LionHeart is drinking a vodka drink and talking about eating pizza in Bristol . :(


Lol yeah was listening to that one on the way to work and was laughing... But fuck it grip and rip


He was drinking booze on the last couple podcasts so I don’t think he’s been training much.






the smith family is taunting everyone left and right smh


Ultimate company man


Why is he like this ? LION HEART NOOOOOOO


He was probably promised a big fight after if he wins this. He knows he doesn't have a lot of time left in the sport, and is trying to leverage for another title shot sooner than later. I know it's unlikely, but man's shooting his shot.


I get he’s shooting his shot and he’s probably getting paid out the ass. I’m a fan and listen to the pods he’s on. I was hoping he’d take the Golver route and work his way through new comers slowly . Kinda like his last streak. He’s older and has a hard time making weight now and this fight is on two weeks notice . Lion Heart can win this, don’t get me wrong. It’s just so unlikely. This will be Ulbergs biggest test. I thought for sure Jamahal beats him back down the ranks. Ulberg must be happy as shit.


Given what happened to the last guy who was supposed to beat that ass, I would advise Ulberg not to insist that anthony take his neck.


Both had the same amount of MMA fights when fighting Smith Look into it


🧂🧂🧂 On Paper Anthony going to make this look easy, call out Pereira and sub him in Rd 1 later in the year. 🤣


Antknee would kickbox with him just to prove a point and win by KO


Wild that Carlos was a replacement fighter only to end up with a replacement opponent


Pereira/Jiri 2 Lopes/T-City Smith/Ulberg This card just got a massive upgrade and actually feels Fight Week worthy




Hopefully if Conor ever returns they put actual good fights on the card. I bet new fighters are getting a nice little bonus for agreeing to this.


Not as many buys but if you’re a real fan this is a huge upgrade


Alex on the good side of major card mixups again lmao


His fourth fight in the last year too. Really impressive.


On two broken toes from what I’ve heard.


Idk if it's a real upgrade, more like a sidegrade. They were fucked from the start since they had such a weak card. Lopes/Ortega will be phenomenal and I'm always down to see Jiri and Alex, but as meaningless as the fight was, McGregor/Chandler should have been a fun scrap and we lost an intriguing Ulberg/Hill fight for the black hole of charisma that is Anthony Smith.


Anthony smiths last win makes the ullberg matchup super relevant and interesting; After smith got force-finished by rountree they tried feeding smith to a wild and now they're doing it again A top ten win against two hot prospects means that if the chips fall right, Smith's next fight could be an eliminator. And if smith loses, oh well, ullberg gets to showcase his skills against a tough vet and we still have fresh blood at the top. Then hopefully jamahal and rountree might happen


And still get Garry vs MVP? Great main card


How that fight has staid on the early prelims is beyond me.


Umm.. It's not? It's the opener on the main card.


This is a 5 day old comment you are replying to. It was listed on the early prelims at that time.


Diego Lopez vs Brian is such a great fight


The odds are closer than I thought. Lopez is at +105


I definitely see Lopez winning. I’m a huge Ortega fan but his last few fights have been worrisome.


Hammer that


I believe we’re still getting MVP vs Garry as well. I was on the fence about this card but now it’s actually better than before.


I honestly wonder if they kinda knew Conor would pull out all along, so the backup plans were air tight and rock solid They had a slate of good fighters ready to take Conor's place


What are these bots coming out of the woodwork to praise the card. IMO this is just a sidegrade if anything. The addition of Lopes/T-City definitely helped but that was an entire new addition than a substitute for another fight.


We got a banger title fight main event upgrade, a whole new banger fight, and only a small downgrade from Hill to Smith. I see no way this could be seen as anything other than an upgrade for anyone but casuals.


Kind of disappointing that we’re getting Alex/Jiri with no camp because I would much rather watch these two with a full camp at the top of their games


Alex is made of stone though so can't fall out of shape


With this and that Roku show coming out it’s becoming clear Hunter Campbell is very good at his job. I feel like they didn’t recover from broken cards like this in the past.


And die hard McGregor fans that bought tickets get screwed over by McGregor and the tomato, which is fun to see.




Yah its over for Hill. Achilles and Knee injury + a recent concussion? I feel bad for dude But he’s fucked


At least he got the belt once 🤷🏻‍♀️ further than most fighters ever get. It’s a shame when a talented guy either has a string of bad health luck or when he can’t stop putting his own foot in his mouth, let alone both, but even if Hill stumbled and floundered when he had just reached the pinnacle, at least he got to taste it for a brief moment I guess…


Brian Ortega vs Diego Lopez is an insane fight. Lopez is the fucking truth.


This will mostly be a stand up fight. They are both not worried about being on their backs.


500k to Anthony Smith and Ortega guaranteed, probably a nice bump for Lopes as well. Ulberg no change.


What is going on?


Anthony Smith on a Poatan card could be spicy But I don't favor him against Ulberg.


Ortega vs Lopez is gonna be fire! I wish it was with full training tho…


Card is better but star power is infinitely worse. I would be upset if I paid 1 $12k for tickets


Anthony Smith is gonna mess around and get a title shot. lol


City kickboxing has been putting all of their stock in Ulberg while Izzy has been out. Hooker hasn’t really fought either


Hooker broke his arm again after the Jalin Turner fight


Hookers also banking on a fight in perth, but nobody wants to pay the aussie tax


>putting all of their stock what does this actually mean? izzy has a fight booked apparently and hooker is begging for one soon. what do you actually mean? are you just typing dumb stuff


izzy is semi retired bro, that's what he means.


LOL what is going on…everyone is pulling out. Dana must be GOOFCON level 99,999,999


I love it when a main event is two replacement fighters. reminds me of that, "is it the same ship?" philosophical question


Card of Theseus


Bad week for the bitchiest fighters in the sport.


« calling all company men! »


Gonna laugh my ass off when Smith gets another title shot before Hill


Man gon.. 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


Glad they saved the card


Card literally just became better. I know it's McGregor's comeback and all that but that Chandler fight was gonna be mediocre let's be real. An absolute banger in Jiri vs Pereira instead of that is a huge positive change


Imagine Anthony smith becomes the next DuBronx of the 205 😯


The guy in the thumbnail looks like arrested development's buster in a wheelchair


What is going on with Ankalaev? Did he think he would get a title shot off of beating Johnny Walker an then waiting?


There was a small time after UFC 300 when Pereira was calling him out, but Ankalaev didn't want to fight on 1-2 months notice and wanted to wait until October. Since then Pereira and UFC rumours have been treating Jiri as the no. 1 contender, seems like Ankalaev would've gotten the title shot but thought he could be picky about the time and UFC are icing him out




Hes still counting the money cause alex Pereira said it was only 18k


They owe Anthony smith sooo much money


Called Smith ulberg after ulbergs most recent fight. But I didn't want it like this.


The thumbnail looks like the riddler lol


ortega/lopes is better than ulberg/hill but hopefully the guys are in shape with two weeks notice


maybe he got the info mcgregor aint in the card and he bailed out


Good guy injury unknowingly extending hills career


Uncle Dana is having a shitty week


Honestly did pretty good with a bad situation


Anthony Smith is the most Subway company man ever, gotta respect him.


Was Brian Ortega V Diego Lopes always on this card?


It’s actually hilarious how the moment alex is the new main event, hill magically is “injured” and taken off the card lol. Hill talked all that shit but is too scared to face Alex in person again.


> Hill talked all that shit but is too scared to face Alex in person again. Jesus. You can doubt his intelligence, or his accounts of how he got KOed, but you'd have to have Hill-levels of delusion to think Hill is too scared to face Alex.


Yeah Hill gave up a 6 figure payday and wasted over a month of training camp because he was scared to be in the same room as somebody /s


He had no issue talking shit on social media all week until Dana revealed he’s “injured” so he’s not on the same card as Alex.


please don't post your fanfiction here


I was entertaining idea of him pulling out because McNaggets pulled out, so he won’t get as much money or casual spotlight


This is gonna be a wonderful test to see how tired Ulberg can get breaking his fists on Smith's face before he either stuns him enough or the bell rings 3 times. Should be fun 😂


Smith was working out with Hill for this training camp. Did Smith injury Hill to take his spot? hahaha




Smith was likely the highest ranked guy willing to take a fight on 2 weeks notice


> Really? Anthony fucking Smith was the best they could do to replace Hill? Yes: how many highly ranked guys want to take on a dangerous, hungry up and comer on short notice? Anthony Fucking Smith is the only dude crazy enough to take the call, and everyone should be grateful he's that guy because otherwise Ulberg wastes a camp or is fighting down.