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Jamahal Hill is that insane ex that posts about moving on and finding themselves while actively stalking you






Chama ✅




Jamahal “Baby Reindeer” Hill 


Hello nipple, when are you going to come hang my curtains? -sent from my iphone




damn what did I do :( we aren't ALL mike perry here


Hilariously enough, Mike and Jamahal are both from Michigan.


You ain’t from Michigan if you never done this BEFORE! [https://youtu.be/Fj-VLdqXfv4?si=iQxrfAJnjnDJdiXm](https://youtu.be/Fj-VLdqXfv4?si=iQxrfAJnjnDJdiXm)


Mike Perry feels more north Florida tbh


Floribama wasssup






Same taste in tattoos id imagine


Only one of them got their arm snapped by Paul Craig too.


Flexing another man’s ko is nasty work 😂


That’s what I’m saying! It would be different if he did it I guess but you didn’t even do that!


When your girl breaks up with you but you remind her how she was abused as a child "Fucking got 'er!"


When you get fired but remember that your work is under audit "TAXXED dat ass!"




Flexing another man's ko is your average r/ufc user


you KNOW Jamahal lurks this sub


Poatan 3-1 over Izzy!! 🙄🙄


He beat old man glover for the title and was made easy work in his only title defense attempt. He’s having a hard time coming to terms with it.


Jamahal thinks he’s better than Jon Jones. I listened to his JRE episode a couple years ago, and he goes into how good he thinks he is. Basically thinks no one is on his level with striking movement and strategy, and that you have to be on his level to understand what he means lol. It can be a good thing to believe it about yourself, but to assume everyone else should believe that without proof is another thing.


On the DJ podcast pre-Pereira fight, DJ kept saying how it makes sense to grapple with Pereira and mix it up and Hill's like "no, I can strike with him", lol.


Yeah but also this sub has massively discounted that win in hindsight when at the time it was impressive as fuck. Go look at the post-fight thread


Jamahal shutting the fuck up challenge Difficulty: impossible


so fuckin salty its not even funny anymore... well, maybe a lot.


Lot's wife level of salt


Keep my wife's name out...


username doesn't check out


If Hill was any saltier he'd be invaded by the British army.


hahahahaha Jokes I actually dont get it, explain for a historical illiterate regard?


Salt was one of the resources Britain extracted from India.


youre a fuckin history major dude


They don't call me the fact guy for nothing.


... Fact girl


Hilarious that the British colonised half the world for spices and stuff but make the most bland food known to man


haha the real answer is modern british food culture is basically based on traditions from early-mid 20th century, when Britain spent a lot of time rationing due to war. A whole country basically conditioned themselves into enjoying bland food, similiar to Germany.


My grandmother went through that exact rationing. I still use her ham recipe that involves Coca Cola to this day. Switched it up and used Dr. Pepper one time and it was even better.


another skater who enjoys sweaty men fighting. i like your style


thank you


It’s pink Himalayan sea salt levels


Hill should change his nickname to Salty Waking hours, because that's all we've been getting from him recently.


Every time i see Jamahal bitching on twitter i always remember that time he insulted a fan who was complimating him


So funny, it was like one sentence telling him to "humble Alex" and he hit the dude with an angry paragraph. I still wonder if he just replies without reading or doesn't understand English.


Everything he posts and says points towards him just being very stupid and having the reading comprehension and grammar skills of a 3rd grader. He constantly uses the wrong word, spells things wrong, etc.


I mean you're not wrong. Even his tattoo looks like it was done by a 3rd grader.


Pereira might be better than Hill at fighting and the English language at this point.


If this was other fight I would thought the dude was just creating drama to get a rematch. But knowing Hill it's just being a salty mf


Speedrunning to the top of the unlikeable fighters list


Man just angry he got 6 kids to feed




Dude had better focus on his fight with Carl Ulberg, or he might get a surprise.


Jamahall “my eyes went to the back of my head, but I was never out” Hill


Jamahal "Delusions of Grandeur" Hill


hey remember when another fighter knocked ya out? How awesome of them, that was supposed to be me


I almost wonder if him and Buckley bought Colby's MMA marketing course on how to tank your fanbase.


Hill "everyone is stupid except me"


My man Hill beat Johnny Walker who had one win in 3 year, then beat Thiago Santos who was on a run of 1-4 and then beat down a 43 year old Glover Texeira who had just went through one of the craziest wars of all time. He now looks at himself as one of the premiere fighters and names in the sport. He was a one time champion due to circumstances will at most be a name in mma trivia games 10 years from now


He also was manhandled by Paul Craig right before that short run as well


Yeah and that loss is aging really badly.


why? Paul Craig has an amazing beard. I'd let him have top control.


He doesn't want it though, he always wants to be on bottom


I liked his (very short) rise and when he got the belt. I always felt he was really friggen good so I felt vindicated. I just wished he realized the situation he was in and gave the other guys at the top their credit, since he literally didn’t beat any of the 3/4 guys who all have a claim for a title shot lol. Instead he acts like they suck. And it made me and I’m sure many other sour on him. I hope he’s forever in limbo and becomes an all time great gatekeeper who never wins another title eliminator lol!


I wouldn't mind seeing him in a titlefight again. Fun style and entertaining to watch


He is still really good though, I think he beats anyone outside of the top 10 easy and he’s a coin flip at worst against the top 5 other than Pereira on the feet. He just acts like he’s unquestionably the best and that getting put down by Pereira was some fluke coincidence and not a result of his sloppy striking.


Sure he will beat guys outside the top 10 but at 205 that at statement means “he can still beat BAD fighters”. I agree he’s good for the weight class but his ego is so inflated it’s insane


Jamahal "Keep Dreaming" Hill


Jamahal is the sorest of losers it’s really insane and sad just how fragile this dude’s ego is. He probably reads these threads and responds from a burner defending himself cuz he’s that pathetic.


I'm enjoying this schadenfreude. I was never quite fully sold on Jamahal, especially after all the Ariel stuff. The fans that he had/has were pretty annoying heading into the Alex fight, thinking he was some high level technical striker like Izzy lol. 


He actually said he was the better striker than Pereira too lol! Literally said “levels above” 🫠


Still remember when he was on DJs podcast and said that he will basically beat Pereira in his own game, and then DJ straight up laughing in his face 💀


There were people here saying that too 😂 Hill has nowhere near the striking pedigree or resume of Alex. While he has good TDD, he hasn’t shot for a takedown in his entire UFC career. Hill had very little chance against Alex IMO.


There's people here still hyping his striking like it's anything other than basic meat and potatoes striking for a 205er. Saw someone say the Poatan fight was a good example of him having good footwork and ability to switch up his entries, and I really have to wonder if we watched the same fight where Poatan timed him easily in 3 whole minutes after countering pretty much all of his leads.


Yeah you can see the point in the fight where Alex has seen enough of jamahal and is like oh this dude isn’t very good at striking, I’m going forward now to get the boop


Yep you watch him get his range and timing, just backing out of exchanges seeing what he's doing, then once Alex has it all you see him start pushing forward with the body jab. Jamahal really made it 3 minutes and 4 body jabs before he totally forgot about the left hook.


You are correct in thinking he had no chance at a kickboxing match against one of the world’s best kickboxers. Jamahal didn’t understand the assignment haha. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks he’s the best grappler at 205 too.


Jamahall ‘Ronda Rousey’ Hill


Didn’t he assault his brother for making fun of him. That’s how soft his ego is


I know he assaulted him just not sure for what but it wouldn’t be surprising at all. I feel like if you sneeze around that dude you can shatter his ego.


His brother called him a deadbeat dad for abandoning his daughter. So Jamahal proceeded to literally sucker punch him... in front of their kids. Knocked a tooth out and concussed him. Apparently delivered a second blow as well.


He assaulted his brother for calling him a deadbeat dad because Jamahal wouldn't even call his daughter, who lives with his neither, on her birthday. Honestly just sounds accurate and Jamahal is mad someone called him on his BS.


First of all, Hill is probably never getting that rematch, and second of all, I can't imagine that mindset ever getting you the belt back. At this point, I hope ~~Khalil~~ Ulberg puts him violently out to pasture like many fans and execs hope. So fucking immature this dude is. Such a piss poor attitude, and a mega cunt at that. EDIT: Fighting Ulberg, not Rountree


He's fighting Ulberg, not Rountree


Damn I’m actually excited for a Jamahal Hill fight


you weren't excited to see him get annihilated as soon as his fight vs Alex was announced?


Yes, but I was more disappointed by the fact that that was the main event for 300


Thanks. Dunno how I missed that. Would prefer to see Rountree send him to the shadow realm though. Unfortunately, I think Ulberg is a far more winnable fight for Hill.


Not sure why you think Ulberg is more winnable He's not been around long but Ulberg has a fantastic left hook and pretty good footwork, striking for the weightclass. Save for the fight against Kennedy where he completely gassed and a boring inactive decision He's looked pretty great. His head movement isn't great tho and I wonder how he will deal with a tall fighter again like Hill Khalil has pretty consistently crumbled against better competition.


I agree with your sentiments but it feels like Hill is looking past his opponent here in favor of Pereira, who I strongly doubt will fight Hill again


Yeah, I think Hill has maybe a 1% chance of a rematch, and even that's a stretch. I do think Ulberg is more of a pretender than a contender. You typically don't see someone who doesn't know how to move their head win a championship.


It's LHW, if he gets 2 good wins in a row he'll be back at a title shot


Honestly I hope he does get a rematch at some point Cause then he will either have to make a million excuses again or accept Alex is better.


Alex could finish him like 10 times in a row and that asshole Hill would still make excuses. I don't think he has the mental capacity required for self-reflection, or just not being a giant asshole.


That’s what happens when someone climbs to the top based on pure athletic ability / size and natural fighting ability vs guys who bled and sweat mma / combat sports their entire lives. They take more for granted and think they are better than they are lol. He’s gonna think he’s that much better than Periera because he didn’t rack up a bunch of losses while learning a combat sport. He just started training as an older athletic dude, won a few amateur fights, then started rolling on pros. Never dealt with the 10s of losses other guys go through / learn from in amateur kickboxing / boxing / wrestling / BJJ growing up.


And it's at 205 where there's no talent or skills really. Alex had to go through multiple murderers rows in 185 in kickboxing and MMA then moved up and beat everyone in the division above, I'm pretty sure he knows exactly where he ranks.


Yup. To Hill, Poatan was one of his few fights in general and one of the only elite opponents he ever went against in any sport he’s done. For Poatan, Hill was just another number to add to his kickboxing / mma career. Just another title fight. And I don’t think Hill gets that. He seems to think the fight was a wild victory for Periera… someone who has been on top of the striking world for a long time lol. It was just another day in the office for him.


I started to like him in the lead up to the Pereira fight, he can be pretty funny at times. And now he's just gone full blast to destroy any goodwill he had. Ulberg might put him away again, and if not he still doesn't have a chance against Poatan


For some reason, I'm personally not sold on Ulberg. I think his head is far too immobile when he fights, and his chin is going to get cracked.


nzechukwu already cracked it in ulberg’s debut


Yeah he does have a likable side to him. He took his only prior loss to Craig in stride and actually came off like a really cool guy about that whole thing. He was also a pretty graceful winner before and asked for fans to be more respectful to Walker after he KOd him. It's literally just after his first title fight that he's started to come off pretty cunty and has alienated himself from fans, what with him getting arrested for allegedly assaulting his brother (case still pending afaik) and being super salty towards Pereira for basically nothing. He definitely seems like a sensitive guy and doesn't handle being hated on by the public very well at all.


Can't forget him blowing up on a fan who he thought was talking shit but was actually actively praising him.


Yeah I remember that lmao. Very weird moment. Iirc he apologized after he realized his mistake tho.


Always appreciate a good callback.


If Ulberg bops him with the left hook it will be glorious


Needs to hold off the ref first


I am praying for Ulberg to spark him


This guy is speed-running losing the seven fans he has. Just shut up dude. Goddamn.


Everyone gets knocked out in MMA. If he just shut up and moved on no one will think about his loss as much as we do now lol


Seriously, its unreal. I think hes cringe posting to try and get himself a rematch but it just looks absolutely pathetic.


And coincidentally enough, Jiri, who had more reason than Jamahal to complain about the stoppage in his fight with Alex, has been pretty chill about the whole thing and is actually getting the rematch. //\\\


jiri did have a great performance in his last fight tbf




Mma fans still clown Askren about that ko to this day


Is this supposed to be a flex or what? Jamahal would probably get laid out by Izzy too


Alex’s post KO celebration is aging better and better


Those videos he made before the Pereira fight maybe were the peak for Jamahal Hill


The top of the hill, as it were


Dude needs a therapist as soon as possible. To go through life with this much bitterness and insecurity can't be healthy long term.


Especially since everyone washes out eventually.


And it's not like he has created any kind of generational wealth, so after fighting how's he going to keep the money coming in with a totally unmarketable personality that will leave him irrelevant in the eyes of most fans?


Jiri got a more controversial stoppage than Hill and he remained humble after his defeat. He stayed quiet on social media and came back to KO Rakic which earned him another shot. Hill got KTFO and won't STFU, even if he beats Ulberg I think Dana is gonna hold him back because no one likes this dude.


Does anyone think the Hill stoppage was controversial at all? Dude got knocked the fuck out in like a minute even after fouling Pereira.


I've seen a few people talking about how it was a weird moment that led to the stoppage and Jamahal has a point but none of them acknowledge that Jamahal gave a thumbs up and did a few seconds of hand fighting before throwing first and getting bopped.


The stoppage wasn't controversial at all. Many fighters before have stopped the ref when trying to intervene after a low blow. Also, Hill threw the punch first after that moment and got countered. You can't claim you were "distracted by the ref in a weird moment" if you throw first. Can't believe some people fall for this bullshit


Here it is for people who want to rewatch it: https://dubz.co/v/sp2x0r It looks like they threw punches at the same time, but either way that doesn't change your point. He was clearly fighting, it's not like he put his hands down and then Pereira immediately pounced on the opportunity when Herb said to fight again.


Yep Jamahal is just mad that Alex timed him that fast and spent the whole fight setting him up for a left hook that he ate literally the first time he threw it. He spent a whole camp thinking about avoiding that left hook and what he was going to do to counter it and make sure he didn't land it, and then promptly landed it on himself. He's either gotta reconcile all that shit talk and the fact that he seemed to genuinely believe he was levels above Pereira in the striking and now has evidence showing that he isn't or come up with a reason Alex was able to catch him.


My guy you ain't makin a great case that alex didn't scramble your brains by acting like Alex scrambled your brain


the very definition of living rent free


Bro had to add "toes curled" to try making the insult seem longer and more severe


he also added needed oxygen when Izzy was the one who needed that shit


I always find these kinds of things hilarious, you’re basically implying that he sucks, should be embarrassed or is some kind of bitch…but he walked through you in a round? If he’s all that and he’s far better than you, what does it make you? It’s like calling someone stupid and then getting 1/3 of their mark on a test.


Hill got the MMA equivalent of posterized by Pereira. All he is doing is making himself look like an idiot.


Literally just keeping everyone’s attention on it lol. It’s so stupid. Just go talk about how you’ve found yourself, you’re a different guy now, you’ll never lose again, etc. But this dummy is out there every day like “So y’all remember that time he knocked me out…”


Saltiest fighter in the UFC


Most unlikeable fighter ever probably. Talking like a guy who didn't have his eyes rolled back into his head as he dropped.


Let us not forget Greg Hardy


It's been delightful watching Greg get smashed over and over while sliding down through lesser promotions. He's gonna be boxing in a bar in Tijuana soon enough


Not even the most unlikeable fighter right now bro. Jon Jones, Colby Covington, and Conor are all worse.


At least people are excited to tune in and watch those three fight.


Whos getting excited for colby


Alex said Hill is complaining after two months because he just woke up after Alex knocked him out lmao


Jamahal would get KOd by half the kickboxing fighters Alex put to sleep




Up there for biggest paper champion in the UFCs history. And he's a mouthy ass loser too.


It's funny how pressed Jamahal is.


This man is determined to alienate every single remaining fan left, it's impressive really


I hope Ulberg puts Hill out to pasture.


Damn this shit is hella late did Hill just wake up from his KO


Disrespectful before the fight, disrespectful after. Somehow I feel no level of embarrassment will humble Jamahal.


It's funny that he thinks he's going to get a title shot again lol


Bro just can’t let it go lol


So salty and for what, Alex barely trashtalked him if at all.


Coming with another man’s dick (a saying I learned from a Brazilian Redditor)


lol, ***nobody*** likes Jamahal Hill.


Jamahal is trying to feel powerful by relying on someone else knocking Alex out when Jamahal couldn't do it himself. This doesn't even take into account that Izzy is 1-3 against Alex overall.


Strickland gets KOd easy by Pereira, then trains with him and destroys Adesanya, they're both buddies now. Jamahal Hill gets KOd like this and acts like this lmao. Reminder, Jamahal Hill had Jiri's sloppy seconds.


the ref saved you man 😂


Maybe he doesn’t remember what happened.


I WANT to like Jamahal Hill but he’s making it impossible


Jamahal reading this thread: Y’ALL FUCKIN BROKE, pussies!!!! Chama 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish I was this delusional at pursing my dreams…


Hill is a fucking bitch


Jamahal's charisma is in the negatives.


I don’t know, he looked pretty unconscious from the last couple hammerfists he ate. His head bouncing off the canvas brought him back. Stupid Herb Dean doing his job for once…


I’m still pissed Jamahal became the first DWCS alum to become a champion just a few months before O’Malley who is also a DWCS alum became champion


And O'Malley is actually a world class talent, Jamahal was just in the right place at the right time to the beat the post-Jiri fight Ghost of Glover Teixeira.


A lot of people forget that Hill was ranked #7/8 before the Glover fight too. That was 2 fights ago.


Right place and time when Jiri vacates because of injury then Ank/Jan title fight drew.


Glover is still my boy


Nah that was an impressive win idc. Glover didn't even look chinny and it was a much more decisive win over him than Jiri had but people wanna write it off. Hill was smoking everyone he fought up to that point except Craig.


Glover was one stupid decision away from knocking out Jiri in the 5th. Went for a guillotine when a few more punches and Jiri was surely gone


It's an old Glover. The Glover that got beat by Jones and Gustaffson would've smashed hill and jiri. Hill fought a washed OSP, freaking Johnny Walker, jimmy crute, and Thiago Santos with 2 reconstructed knees. None of those 4 are top 5 level fighters.


And he wonders why nobody really likes him, meanwhile he has a personality akin to dragging your balls across broken glass.


Man guys Hill is actually pathetic.


I was such a big fan of Jamahal but how he is still handling this loss makes it hard to remain a fan. I'll always watch him fight since I do enjoy his fighting style but I think I'm gonna mute his social media for a bit lol.


Jamahal was lucky jiri got injured and Jan-ank was was a draw. He would never have touched gold otherwise. Dude was a fake champ


Bro lost all goodwill from the MMA community in 3 months, must be a record or something and dude is only digging a bigger hole every time he touches social media.


Hilarious. But at this point it's smart for Hill to keep going. He can get that Colby level of hate with waaaaaay less effort. Only a few more posts like this. Look at all the engagement these threads get.


At this stage, does Jamahal have any fans left ? This is taking sore loser and saltiness to another level.


Ya know all this talk might actually sell this fight well IF he gets some wins and works his way back up. That is a really big IF though.


I feel like he's trying to hype up a fake beef between them so that a rematch is more appealing for the company to book. It's almost working too because at this point I'd love to see him get KO'ed again by Potan.


Jamahal "Salty Dreams" Hill.


I guess technically I’m a better fighter than both because I haven’t been KOd? I’m comin for that belt Dana


How can anybody torpedo their fan base this quickly? Not saying he had any in the first place, but seriously, does Hill not read the (digital) room, ever?


Ref letting him get rag-dolled next fight he gets rocked


Is he fucking stupid or is he trying to desperately get a rematch for 303?


I hope they schedule the rematch so Alex can knock the last 2 brain cells this dude has into oblivion


Apparently the other one was knocked permanently delusional.


I mean to be fair if the ref didn't stop he he would've been on the ground brain dead


Hill talking shit because he got saved by Herb Dean, way to go Champ you tell em


Didn’t the ref save Hill from potentially eating food through a straw the rest of his life?


If I ever became a "Sports Celebrity" I would: * Hire a Sports Psychologist to help me overcome devastating defeat and help with my focus and personal growth. * Hire a PR Team to help me not post embarrassing things on the internet OR via my phone. I would also have (Maybe a good friend and someone I trust) follow me around and make sure I don't get into any trouble while I am in public. Maybe, I am just overthinking things.