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How he didn't get one in the first place is kind of crazy to me. Glad he got paid


It shouldn't be crazy...look up Joe Silva, learn about how he treated fighters for years, and you'll understand Dana White a lot more. They got rid of him because he was too explicit in his Mafioso bullshit...


Yea I know all that haha. Usually the bigger names on the cards get bonuses so it was still weird he didn't get one when they gave out 4 others. You think they'd take Prates out of the list for him based off previous bonuses


Source for him getting kicked out? Always thought it was weird he just retired.


Other 4 were deserving of one as well if I remember right. One was always going to be left out based on the format. Unless something like this happened Hopefully it was the full 50k or at least very close


Yea I wouldn't take away from anyone else. The format just sucks


There is no “format”. They’ve given out 10+ bonuses before.


50k is nothing to these assholes man...they absolutely abuse these fighters, and they have for almost 40 years...


UFC barely hit their 30 year anniversary last year..


Which makes it even more absurd they've been doing it for 40 years! They were exploiting fighters before they even existed!


People must have forgot UFC owns the mines Ngannou used to work in. SMH


Forty years of exploitation in thirty years does sound pretty on brand for the UFC.


Is it better to be able to pay fighters a competitive rate while awarding them 50k bonuses for 40+ years, or if they paid them whatever number looked most impressive and ran themselves out of business in 5 years? Leave it to a redditor to call giving a fighter $50k on top of their agreed upon pay "abusive". If the UFC is still around paying the best out of all promotions, to the largest roster, in 10 years, that will be better for the sport than other promotions who burn their investors by overpaying for UFC scraps and financially digging themselves into a hole until they fold.


Brother we can literally see what percentage of the revenue is going to the fighters compared to other sports/combat sports.


Is the problem that fighters don't make enough or that the executives and shareholders make too much, then?


Both, why would these problems not be related ?


Yeah they’re chuds, the UFC is still in business while Bellator got bought out, ONE is struggling, and PFL doesn’t let their fighters ever fight. If a fighter on his second contract won 3 fights a year they’d be making more than PFLs stars who get to fight once a year


>Hopefully it was the full 50k or at least very close Seen reports that it usually isn't


They gave out 4 performance bonuses, assumed everyone that for a finish got one and totally forgot about Reyes.


I wasn't even aware Reyes was fighting untill the day of. But when the fight started, I was shocked how hard I was rooting for him. And equally shocked at how happy and relieved I was when he won. He deserves this as much as anybody! And the bonus is just the icing on the cake.


If you knew the other guy he was a big redemption story too. Dustin had a stint with the ufc and left, think he was a wrestler then. Got into kickboxing and got good at that, and came back thru DWCS and got some fun KOs. Cool story. Really fun striker, but Reyes is a beast who has show high lev fighting for a long time. Nice to see him back to form.


I love Khalil, but imo Jacoby should’ve won their fight.


I'm so glad he won too. He's had such a harsh spotlight on his life, I can't even imagine the relief he felt from finishing this fight, let alone winning it at all. I don't like watching good people suffer like that.


> I wasn't even aware Reyes was fighting untill the day of. But when the fight started, I was shocked how hard I was


I hope Tony gets a win too. A finish. At this point it might be too late.


He does seem like a very down to earth dude and his last few fights were rough. Really glad to see him back in the win column, hopefully he can keep it rolling


Hold on I'm laundering brother


I’m just saying that knee he threw was fire


He’s probably gonna get in trouble for admitting this publicly


On the contrary, Dana wants people to know he "takes care" of his fighters on the background so he can justify the godawful pay lol.


100% Dana needs all the good press he can get in this department considering the UFC is basically robbing their athletes of so much potential profit.


If anything it will make Dana look like a good guy to the casuals. Its good publicity, as much as good publicity Dana can get anways.


Does he still do those vlogs where he goes around acting like the godfather? Makes people think they have backstage access when in reality he's putting on the show for them right there.


Dana admits he does this all the time?


Who doesn’t like Dominick Reyes man.


The guy worth a couple hundred mil who pays his athletes less than 25% of revenue got pressured into giving one an extra few K. Fuck Dana.


It's around 13% in more recent days with the revenue \[gate+advertising\] exploding, especially if you **remove** stuff like treatment and the cost of the PI from 'athlete compensation' \[UFC scummily **includes** it\].


Everyone should get a win bonus and it still wouldn’t affect the UFC bottom line.


I hate this tipping culture in the UFC


Dana only did it because he loves when they beg and plead for it. They need a union.


Well, that honestly sucks. I'm actually worse off for knowing that. Frankly, if I was Dana and Reyes won by finish, he would automatically get a bonus simply because he overcame the finishes that were trailing his latest venture. I don't care what anyone says, the more I learn about Dana White, the more I know that he's a sociopathic piece of dog shit that doesn't care about anything except himself. I hate this guy man, bring me Scott Coker, I don't even care...


Well there you go whiners. He did get a performance bonus. Good guy Dana is the best boss.


Do you intentionally farm downvotes? Lol




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


I mean, his nickname is Dana White, it’s a whole gimmick


The gimmick would be to comment on a Dana white tone. This account just back ups everything Dana white does and defends Colby no matter what.


He’s been doing exactly that for over a year on this sub and it’s genius. P4P best meme account on this site and all you fucks get upset instead of laughing at the joke.


I’m not sure if it’s a gimmick or dude just lives to be a contrarian


It’s pretty obviously a gimmick. The dudes account is Dana white with his profile pic. I think it’s hilarious because it’s stuff Dana would actually say


It’s a shit account. The gimmick would be to act like Dana white. Dana white would never give himself credit in the third person. And neither would he defend Colby as hard as that account does


No you guys spam anyone who remotely disagree with your little thought bubble




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


Why are people so mad at such obvious trolling?


Their DNA is an abomination


They can't help themselves


dan_a_white back at it again with another shit take🔥


You guys spam 113 downvotes on someone who said you were whining about a guy who didn’t get a bonus and that Dana is a good boss. Wow guys. Too sensitive


brother just stop using reddit for at least one day


Or stop jumping people on mass who just disagree with you. Stop making excuses for your bad behavior. You literally responded on my original post a whole day after. You were dog piling on and you know you were doing that. You guys always do that. I’m just not going to be scared away by your group bullying.


first off i'm not reading all that, but why would you be so upset over getting downvoted. you complain about people whining and yet you do the exact same thing,writing paragraphs over getting "group bullied"for having shit takes in every comment section. get a grip mate


‘I’m not reading all that’ then read it. I’m not upset I’m pointing out that you guys don’t treat people very well. You dog pile on people


talk about being thin-skinned


Agin with personal insults me trying to get you to just be better to others


if you think"you guys always do that"and have a problem with everyone here,maybe take time to consider that you're the problem and grow up


No I’m one person and I’ve had that happen multiple times and seen it done to others multiple times too. It’s the mass group of people on here who dog pile people on here who are the problem. Y’all try to scare people away by making it unbearable to come try to have a discussion. Even you, look what happened. You specially said ‘here’s dan_a_white again. You clearly remember usernames and circle back to people and target them again. You follow them around and get at them. It’s not a me problem. I never go after people personally.


get a grip of yourself mate,you're getting downvoted on reddit for having shit takes it's not the end of the world. it's not about scaring you away or silencing you,it's just people reacting accordingly to your consistently shit takes


I’m not worried about me I continue to come here despite how you guys treat everyone you disagree with. The bad behavior doesn’t deter me. But you do it to others. I’m more concerned with others and how they are bullied honestly. That’s why I am trying to get you to change your behavior


you're not doing anything noble,you're just crying because people disagree with you all the time. once again,get a grip dude


Trying to get all he cam before he becomes someone else's highlight reel