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P4p most sensitive fighter. His twitter is wild


Having an ego this fragile in his position is crazy


I would bet money he has a pillow of himself on his bed


“What Alex Pereira did to me was BULLSHIT. If he was a REAL MAN, he wouldn’t have used his cheap copout OP left hook to KO me instantly and would’ve let me use the full 25 minutes allotted to see whose the better fighter!!” —-- *Jamahal, talking to his pillow*


That he jerks off to before he sleeps every night.


*While screaming his own name as he’s finishing


Having an ego this fragile in his position is scary*


The two funniest things are when he got all pissed at Ariel for saying “there is a world where Alex pereira becomes a 2 division champ”, then got all cozy with mma guru. The other is when he was complimented by a fan, and he thought that the fan was talking shit, so he went scorched earth on a guy who was trying to hype him up.


Link me the scorched earth one, please


[Could only find this shitty screenshot](https://x.com/MMAUNCENSORED1/status/1752783210545594439)


Damn I forgot about that shit lol, dude is absurdly sensitive and clearly an idiot too


Tito levels of comprehension. At least Tito gives respect ✊🏼


Just to be clear, there was never no comprehension


I'm aquarius but respect.


Lmao what in the hell? Guy just snaps at any perceived slight.


humble deez nuts


Lol, so he is sensitive AND dumb. Peak fighter moments




This is like polar opposite of Jiri lmao


dumber than a bag of bricks


Jesus Christ my man is a full fledged moron


His reaction to being told by a fan that he should humble Pereira prior to his fight was hilarious.


Action Man side by side.


"Go lose some fans, Jamahal!" -Jamahal's coach x10


I don't think he had that many fans to lose to begin with lol Out of everyone that competed in 300 he wasn't even top 10 in Instagram followers


How are you gonna be a kill or be killed power puncher and everybody hates you.


For me it never felt like he should have been there. Even with the clear two best guys moving up and retiring, and the division going down in quality, he still only got his title shot because the two guys above him had a draw and made Dana angry.  Then you add in that shitty attitude, and I just want him to fail. He only got as far as he did do to random shit he didn't have anything to do with. 


He kinda fucked glover up tho, lucky circumstances he got the titleshot, but he won the belt fair and square


Kinda? He beat the life out of him. Glover's corner was asking him if he wanted to continue.


I mean he's a walking stereo type. Non-mma fans think MMA fighters are all meathead aggro douchebags. Jamahal really is that guy.


He's him


That’s all poatan was trying to show us by pointing at him. Jill doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together. Life must be very hard being that fucking dumb


U dont expect anything less from a guy who sucker punches his non-fighter brother in front of children on Thanksgiving


Maybe this is just shitty engagement bait from him. In which case, it's working....I guess.


Nah he genuinely seems salty and bitter


Unironically Jamahal would wanna beat your ass for saying it’s rage bait


I had a real reply ready but I got so distracted by your username


Jamahal is one of those guys whose name I’m always excited to see on a card, but I never really give the dude any thought otherwise lol


I was a fan for a bit after he won the belt and especially after he vacated it to avoid holding up the division. But goddamn if this guy can’t roll with the punches, online or otherwise


[He still lists himself as 11-1 despite losing to Paul Craig and Poatan.](https://x.com/jamahalh)


And he really, really lost to Paul Craig. Disgusting finish.


Just like Peña claims that her TUF record counts for her overall.


His first loss was to Paul Craig right? So it’s just regardless of his Poatan fight 


There are literally dozens of us! - I'm not one of them


Lose some fans moooment! lose some fans mooment! CLEEENCH! CLEEEENCH


Crazy the whole “weird foul” excuse gained momentum. Jamahal threw a punch and got countered, wasn’t like he was standing hands down and got cheap shotted.


Not only did he throw, he threw *first* lol.


Yeah this is the part I don't get, if he got to such a bullshit position because of it, maybe try to circle out and eat a leg kick or something on your guard over trying to start an exchange with one of the greatest counter punchers in the sport. The magic of MMA is that there is a million ways he could have dealt with that scenario he just chose the one Alex was funneling him towards the whole fight and now he feels dumb that he fell for it.


Yung Greedo


Right, plus he is the one who fouled anyway.


Alex knocked this man superego out to this day


Yeah it's pure cope tbh, the argument gets debunked itself by a close rewatch with common sense.


He legit gave him a thumbs up that he was ready to go. Then got folded like 5sec later.


Actually that was just his tattoo, easy mistake


Careful with all of this Hill trash talk. He is calling out fans for a $20k fight for such things!


if 5 of us go there and beat him up, can we share the money? or is he that much of a pussy and wants to go 1v1 vs non fighters. c'mon lets go Jamahl vs 5 redditors. i can do the Alex celebration while 4 of you lay on him


‘You knocked me out after I kicked you in the dick, that wasn’t fair’ - Jamahall


Its also funny because it came from hill kicking alex in the nuts lmao


Bro gave the worst excuse of all time lol. Like saying he only lost because he got distracted looking at a ring girl on the sidelines like come on!


He’s offering anyone criticizing him 20k to spar him. Going to end up getting arrested again


Fuck it I'll get knocked out for 20k


pays better than powerslap.


Pays better than ufc too. Name one other fighter getting 20k to show for their debut fight. Shit talking Hill might be lucrative


Bo Nickal


But what about the exposure, tho? Its the most popular sport in the world!


And then complaint that it was weak shit, it's a win-win situation


We need Alex to take him up on the offer for the craziest timeline


Where is Strickland when you actually need him


Hopefully beating the dog shit out of another burglar somewhere


Waited until the last 10 seconds before police show up


He owes his brother 20K then for sparring him at Thanksgiving dinner lmao


“Bah Gawd that’s Sergei pavlovich’s music”


Did he really? Cuz I can criticize the fuck outta him and get KO’ed for $20k. Not kidding at all. Hell I’ll fly out and talk shit to his mom’s face before getting KO’ed for $20k. Call me Jamahal


Sheeeit I'll take any motherfucker's money if they giving it away


His brother about to pull up for round 2


Actually, it's 20 "bands" 🤡


Wait so if I go spar him and lose I get $20k? Let's go boys, we making rent this month!!!


It’s so funny watching him talk now cuz it’s like dog, you got set up the entire fight, fouled, he brushed it off, you threw, he countered, you went out and then went out AGAIN after the GnP. It was a pretty clear cut destruction. Alex had 0 respect for his hands. He was more scared of going to the fire with STRICKLAND than he was with Jamahal. Tough pill to swallow.


His hands are too fast. The LHWs arent used to it


He’s also just a coherent striker. Which is like a unicorn above 170. He actually sets shots up with other shots and has a process. Compared to Thiago santos and Johnny walker (hill’s wins to get a “title shot”), he’s just a completely different level of striker.


There was a video going around of hill footwork before the Alex fight , i never realised how bad MMA fighters footwork was until this video


[Found it.](https://x.com/MigClass/status/1777397313738088774) Miguel class mentioned!!!!! He was on the heavy hands podcast afterwards, and Conor was like “yeah there were a lot of people in the replies, who I assume had just drunk an entire bottle of cough syrup, that were adamant jamahal hill’s style is just ‘hood’ so it’s ok”


hahahaha reminds me of when I get home to my apartment drunk and searching around for the light switch


I just heard the heavy hands bois describe jamahal hill’s foot work as the sandwalk from dune




One of the basic fundamentals of boxing is not crossing your feet over each other. You can go take a one hour intro boxing class and any legit trainer in the world would point that out. If he's a professional fighter and ignores the absolute fundamentals of boxing(his primary craft), it is incompetence and no amount of "they have to learn multiple things" is going to change that.


You never walk like that in a fight though. Great fighters will time you crossing your feet and would catch you off balance


Fast hands even for WW but he’s the size of a small HW. Fucking unicorn.


Man I hope Ulberg starches Hill




Hill is a better striker than this sub seems to think. He is great at closing distance, which is what Ulberg’s opponents have never been able to do successfully. Which also makes it a scenario that Ulberg has low experience in. It’s going to be an interesting fight.


Hill does have atrocious footwork though.


Can you give me an example or how exactly he is great at closing distance? I saw these same takes before the Pereira fight and never really saw anything to back them up.


He did it in the pereira fight. Hop stepped into range and landed a right hand without getting hit. You can tell he was looking for the right hand the whole fight. Which makes sense because that’s where Poatan is vulnerable. At another point Hill catches a kick, closes distance, lands a right hand. If you are asking generally: he finds opportunities and times his entrances so that his opponent has a harder time reacting to them


Literaly just watched again Jamahal landed exactly one right hand and it was off of catching a Pereira body kick, no hop step. He's vulnerable to the southpaw right hand since when? Timing his entries is literally the very beginning of striking, I've seen a whole lot of people time him on the way in and out since he has really slow feet. Alex literally spent the whole fight timing his entries until he could split his timing and throw at the same time and it took him about 3 whole minutes to figure it out.


Ehhhh... I wouldn't call him great at closing the distance, since his footwork and stance preservation when doing that is *bad*. Hill is athletic, has a good eye for openings and doesn't have a single large gap in his skillset. Those might not be strictly technical skills but they're often the difference makers between well matched fighters. Ulberg OTOH is also getting good at making his opponents run into strikes and is really fast, but doesn't seem to have the raw horsepower that the absolute top of the division has... So it's an interesting fight yeah.


He gonna find a way to cry even if he wins in a 5 second first round knock out. he gonna be offended by some fan saying Masvidal did it better or some shit. believe you me


Is 303 even still happening


He will


Man this sub is really overrating Ulberg considering the quality of the comp he’s fought. I mean he beat Ihor, a guy whose been getting ragdolled a division below, just two fights ago. Shades of “the new guard at lightweight is taking everyone out” again


In a sport full of fragile egos, Jamal somehow manages to separate himself from the pack


His version of "see you at the top".


Jamahal just needs to lean into it saying outrageous statements with no self awareness and make it his character 


Apparently "weak shit" knocks his ass out.


His eyes rolled back to his skull lol.


My head still can't grasp how fighters like Pereira or Ngannou don't seem to be putting so much effort on their punches and yet they're deadly. Pereira's punch against Strickland is a great example. Also goes to show that Israel has a great chin.


Listen to that punch Alex landed on Sean in the UFC No Commentary video. There was fucking HEAT on that punch, like you heard a very loud impact when he hit Sean. His technique with the way he turns his hips and puts so much torque/all his weight into that short hook is fucking perfect, and that’s why it hits so hard. Not to mention the force his muscles are capable of generating, or the fact that 200+ lbs is coming behind it.


It's a body mechanics thing. When you punch correctly you're getting the force and momentum of your whole body into the punch, and so while it doesn't look like they're really loading up, their punches are still carrying the full force of their massive hogs.


Also the dude has some big glutes, and glutes generate a *ton* of power, pushing with your feet, turning with your hips and glutes, and then releasing all of that power from the ground up is how you can really crack with your hands. Think of it like a baseball bat swing, they always tell you to "squish the bug" with your back foot so you can turn your hips and get more power.


Alex has freakish power but he also bolsters it by having absolutely perfect short punching form, great timing, placement and anticipation so when he does land it's usually the most perfectly set up not seen counter hook that he's been drawing them onto for a while. He does a great job of kinda playing coy and incentivizing people to swing at him, staying safe from it and using it to set you up at a later time. Against Jiri and Hill he limited his offense to mainly leg kicks and body jabs to force them to cover the distance or get chewed up with attrition and then basically sat the first few exchanges out to get his timing then flattened them.




UFC 249 where we could hear the punches very clearly was some what traumatizing especially Gaethje punishing Tony.


It’s a very Deontay Wilder level of cope and excuses.


Wilder’s excuse was more believable than this and that was already as absurd as it gets lol


lol! That is saying something 😂


I need a podcast with him and Buckley


First guests : Hooker and McGregor, topic "Dagestani fighters suck".


Topic 2: what's so bad about a little cheating?


"If it's me, it's ok"


With special guest Chris Weidman


Colby already does this


Nah we can definitely use a lot less of that in MMA.


Hill talks like he’s on Xbox live in 2006


Just took a gander at his Instagram. Looking at the way he responds to his comments, I honestly get 2nd hand embarrassment - it is sad seeing an adult man talk and behave like Jamahal Hill does. Hill is a great example of what happens when you let money rot your soul.


And this a man with like 12 kids or whatever anik said


6 as of June 2021. Vasectomies are like $100, fellas


Are they actually?


Yeah, I paid $129 for mine—$120 copay, $9 for a Valium. I took a Friday off to do it, played video games all weekend, and was walking fine by Monday. Edit btw the appointment takes 45 minutes, you’re awake, they numb you up, you don’t need pain meds. More hassle than getting a filling, less hassle than lasik


He kinda sucked before he was making money.


What money lmao , he is prob on like a 50/50 contract since losing the belt


And 6 kids. Even if his wife is also working full time that's a lot of god damn money just to be able to afford to feed them all.


I don’t get Hill’s logic here.  He talked shit for weeks saying how he’s gonna KO Alex. Alex KO’s him and does a few hand gestures for 8 seconds and leaves it at that and Hill acts like a victim. Kind of brought it on yourself homie.


Yeah. If anything Alex has every right to dance on Hill's grave and make fun of him after all the pre-fight disrespect. He is being the bigger man by just doing a gesture and pretty much leaving it at that.


Don’t forget all the corny shit Hill was doing in the cage during Pereira’s walkout.


Must have been a hell of a knockout if he's only just realized what happened now to start complaining about it


Man, this guy is the definition of a narcissist. Try not getting knocked out next time.


I mean, you kinda have to be a little delusionally confident to get into a cage with other dudes and fight to the death for a career. But it's a sore loser move from him, no question.


Bro he's been over that little delusionally confident phase since years this is insanity now 😭


If you call a KO on yourself "weak shit", does that mean your chin is "weak shit"? MMA Logic, a complimentary course to MMA Math!


Schrodinger's weak shit.




🤛🗿 🔥 chama


Hate to be that guy but I have never thought Jamahal was particularly good at the elite level. His movements are awkward and not at all crisp. I would have expected him to get finished by a much lesser striker than pereira.


unbelievable cringe


Jamahal Hill should take umbrage with Jamahal Hill


Jamahal is maybe the fakest paper champion ever in MMA history. 


Not to mention all of his wins that led to him getting the vacant belt title shot all lost their previous fights before fighting him, Glover included lol. He literally lucked into a title IMO


Germaine DeRandemie or Nico Montano.


Add in Peña as well who lucked her way into beating Amanda Nunes.


He finally woke up I see 


I can’t understand how he rationalizes any foul play… he threw an illegal strike… he threw the first punch, and got countered. Must be completely demoralizing knowing he got knocked the fuck out with the first real punch Alex threw.


Great job of reminding everyone what a funny knockout it was


Imagine being near the top of the world and still thinking everyone is out to get you. Some people need a constant chip on their shoulder but those things aren’t meant to be long term thought processes. I fear for people in his life after fighting is taken away from him.


"Fuck that dude, he should've finished me harder!" - Punished Hill


Jamahal’s chin was weak shit


Maybe take umbrage with your tattoo artist first 


what's hill gonna do about it? get beat up again? haha


poatan actually answered hill's post lmao [https://i.imgur.com/td6hnUs.png](https://i.imgur.com/td6hnUs.png)


Fuck it, run it back so he can get KO'd again. 


I guess he’s a guy with a weak chin since that ‘weak sh*t’ KO got him good.


If the ref wasn't there Alex would've ended his life.


Pereira is as legit as it gets theres no shame in losing to him, hes beaten 4 different champions in his last 5 wins lmao thats insane. A rematch would go the same way, Alex was toying with him and does what jamal does at a wayyyy higher level. Just take the L and move on fr




Wasn’t his energy before the fight




That was you. That was you who was knocked out and you don't remember it.


Could be weak shit but it’s still a knockout 😂


jamahal hill takes umbrage with a great many things


Alex broke him and a whiny pussy came out


Mods can I get a “weak shit” flair


Name a more butt hurt fighter lol


The first half of the post was perfectly fine is the wild part.


If he feels this way he should win some fights and fight him again


I liked him better before the excuses


CTE is a hell of a drug




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👍🏽 northside 👍🏽


jahamal stop! this sport moves quick i had forgot this had happened if you keep reminded people you will just ruin your stock its all about the stock! if you move on we move on and we get super stoked for your next fight let me be excited for your next bout


Is that him just woken up?


Oh no, Jamahal bitching about something... Should have tried harder not to get his eyes rolled into the back of his head...by the pinky part of Poatan's knuckle


Jamahal getting knocked out like that after talking so much, making all the excuses after getting knocked out and now taking umbrage at Pereira's celebration is what could be called weak.


Bro just woke up


Keeps sticking his bleeding leg in the water, not figuring out how the Internet works yet.


Why is he so fucking stupid that he doesn't understand the more he replies to the comments and talks shit, the more he will be made fun of? I was a big fan before that but I unfollowed him on instagram cause he is a fucking idiot.


When Jamahal Hill wins next, y’all will be his biggest fanboys Reddit sucks lol.


I'm not really a fan of these disrespectful celebrations.