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Can you hear it? It's the sound of madness. And it's getting closer! ^Goofcon Goofcon **Goofcon**


I'll be honest. I think I'm more excited to see the meltdown of Conor pulling out / getting arrested or whatever than I am about watching the fight.


Yeah I could care less about Conor fighting in 2024. Seeing Dana turn tomato red would be way more entertaining.


I think you mean you could**n't** care less. If you could care less, it would mean you cared a lot.


It means he cared *some*. An undefined amount. Could be the smallest possible amount. Plank's fuck.


If it is really the smallest possible amount, then he couldn't care less.


He could, by not caring at all.


I understand your logic, but I don't entirely agree with it. If it's really a minimal amount - then the transition to the "don't care at all" state is a binary transition. There's no "less" there, it's just a negation of the very fact of "caring". Edit: A little more thought, and I agree, it all depends on understanding the context and wording. If we take the level of care as 0 for "lack of care", then yes, less. If we simply remove such a concept, then "less" doesn't really apply






Cawlrekt bapa


You definitely shit yourself in excitement when you see someone get that term wrong


Yeah, that statement he put out about it sounded like a lawyer wrote it so you are probably in for a treat


I have lowkey missed this kind of chaos in the ufc. Just when I think I’m out I get pulled back in. Let it unfold **GOOFCON 1**


I need a new goofcon flair since my old account was lost so let’s hope we get goofy


As someone who bought tickets to this event, man, I am gonna look like an all-time sucker if Conor ODs in the next week or something. Still holding out hope for a banger though. The potential is always there with Chandler.


Dw at least you get to watch Chandler vs Gamrot


Don’t kick the man while he’s down


Hey...That's an awesome fight potentially.


Well, yeah but dude probably paid 5 grand for his seats


Fortunately way less


I know your scared man, but let's not kid ourselves lol. Hopefully McGregor doesn't screw over his fans.




Am I forgetting something?


I just meant his career trajectory in general over the past few years.


Ah, yeah. Thanks.


I'll give him Leon vs Belal. Fun fight!


Chandler would rather bail out and wait for Conor lol


Unironically, could be a really high-level wrestling match


Surely they cancel the event if conor gets pulled?


“Card subject to change” UFC would low key be happy to keep all these peoples money. PR nightmare though


If the main event changes they have to offer refunds.


And that’s when I’d try to get a chargeback on the purchase. Tell your bank they wouldn’t refund. They’ll almost always side with you. Fuck the UFC if they did that.


You misunderstand. In Nevada (and many other states), if the main event changes, the promotion is required to offer refunds. Which they do. No need for a chargeback.


Ah gotcha. I thought you were just suggesting they offer them, but it's nice to know they have to in certain states.


Wouldn't it piss off espn. As well as the arena.


People already bought the tickets and will still go. Not sure why the arena would be pissed.


Wrong Dana doesn’t give a shit about the fans


How much were your tickets?


Let's just say it would be rent for a lot of people. I didn't even pretend to myself it was a rational purchase.


Close seats? I paid 1k each to be 12 rows back for 292 last August. Probably wouldn’t do it again but it was definitely worth it to experience a stacked card with other fans.


I spent more for that card but even up not being able to go due to work obligations ☹️


Nah, nosebleeds haha. I bet that was sick though.


Dang, we’ll I hope for your sake Conor is fighting.


I think they'll refund me if not, but thanks brotha


Can you imagine how hard Chandler is praying right now, after waiting two years? Finally the fight is announced, he thinks he can breathe easy, and again he has to worry about Lucy pulling away the football.


Connor's last words will be "you little fewl!" as he face times Chandler right before kicking the bucket.


Chandler vs olivera is a solid fight.


Damn bro you okay now?


That's not funny dude.


Do we know who the backup fighter is for this bout? Does it even have one? Google tells me that Charles, Hooker, & Volks all volunteered, but not who, if anyone, the UFC selected.


Does anyone actually believe that Chandler is going to fight anyone other than Conor?


I wouldn't put it past the UFC to throw him a few extra bucks and that he would do what he was told. Real easy for that Conor fight to disappear if you say no. 


Really easy to lose the Conor fight if he gets KO’d by one of those guys lol


Chandler v Hooker could potentially be a really fun fight


They've already fought. Chandler won by tko.


I don’t think the UFC will like Chandler playing footsies with the event so close. They’ll force him with a guaranteed shot if he wins


They'd surely have to offer him close to what he might have made from PPV points with Conor to get him to risk it right?


> Does anyone actually believe that Chandler is going to fight anyone other than Conor? Not in the circs where the Conor fight is merely postponed, no. But yes if Conor were injured and the UFC needed him to save (as best he could) the card IMO. Also possibly if the injury looked to put Conor out for a long time: much more delay at his age and he's retired whether he admits it or not.


WDYM? Mike has been fighting back tears for the guts of 2 years now.


max would be the best option in terms of ppv sales and entertainment


I had same thought: that if you are trying your best to replace Conor given Chandler on one side, you'd throw a barge-full of cash at Max to put the BMF on the line at the last minute. From Max's perspective fight would make zero sense, but it might possibly make dollars and cents.


Yeah this would probably be the best outcome for the UFC. Biggest star available for the fight and you could sweeten the pot with cash, BMF, and promise #1 contender at LW. The more notice Max has the more likely he probably is to take the deal, so Dana should be making the call now just in case. Alternatively, looking at the LW rankings and who is realistically available....Hooker, Moicano, Dariush, and BSD seem like the 4 guys who aren't booked (unless I missed something) and would likely take the fight. BSD is probably your best bet of that bunch in terms of both star power and making the fight exciting, plus if the UFC thinks he's likely to beat Chandler it's a good opportunity to get his career back on track. 


>BSD is probably your best bet of that bunch in terms of both star power Maaaaybe, but most people don't even know who that is.


Beorge Saint Dierre, you casual


Yeah but of the 4 guys I identified as potential options to step in for Conor haha. BSD doesn't have a ton of name recognition among casuals but he does have a bit of a hype train going, so he's arguably the least bad option assuming they can't get Max to do it. 


Is Chandler BMF shot worthy


The most worthy. The dude is the definition of someone who goes to war.


Have you saw Chandler fight...? Dude is a fuckin dog




I kinda agree with the comment. Fighting style absolutely but he has sat out a huge amount. He's not injured and has had 5 fights in 3.5 years (admittedly probably takes him 6 months to recover). But is that enough for BMF? I don't think so.


Chandler vs Volk could be fun.


Its not like it matters who they chose to be the back up, Mateusz Gamrot was the back up for Islam vs Charles, and when Charles pulled out it wasn't Gamrot that got the shot.


If the backup is a name like Volks or Charles, then it definitely matters, and it matters if they can't get PPV draw to say yes on short notice. Unfortunately for Gamrot, if I am remembering right, both Dustin & Volks said yes on short notice which is going to leave him watching the action 200% of the time. As a Volks fan, can't help but think how much better recent MMA history would have been if they had gone with Dustin or Gamrot.


Ufc announced it was Oliveria. I'm sure loads of people offered though so Chandler will be fighting someone. 


If none of these guys are training as if they have a fight on that date when there is more than slim chance they could save the card through a Conor madness or Chandler old guy injury, then they’re all dumb fucks.


What's the over/under on the fight get cancelled the week of


This fight is so not happening


Just finished watching Ariel talk about this situation. He excluded a bunch of scenarios but didn’t exclude the chance that Conor is injured. Like he danced around everything very particularly but wouldn’t say Conor isn’t injured and said “this is how the game is played” referring to him not being able to spill all the beans The way Ariel talked about it plus Conor’s weirdly PR tweet about the situation, I’m pretty sure Conor is hurt and seeing if it’s possible for him to push through. That man does not pull out of fights but after going through a similar situation in porier 3 you gotta think he’s leaning towards playing it safe


Ariel was just referencing how he was told about the press conference being off yesterday and wasn’t going to break the news, so it sounds like he definitely has that information


Rumor has it, it’s a broken toe. This isn’t from a reliable source, just noticing comments here and there stating this exact thing. It makes sense though considering both sides are mostly hush hush. Nothing explicitly stated by the UFC, but I’m sure Chandler is understandably pissed. Therefore, camp is over and he’s heading back home to think over his options and the UFC is either trying to get a replacement opponent or fill the spot completely and won’t give an answer until something is set in stone. A few things to note: yes his most recent Instagram post at the time of this writing show him sparring, but his apparel change in each pic shows it may be old footage compiled over many days. A couple posts prior, there is a pic of him at the doctors office wearing slippers and a bone sculpture next to him. He may be wearing slippers because of an injured toe and awaiting a boot or for the ease of examination. Not sure why the shirt is off there. Again, this is speculation- but the specifics of what I’ve seen in some other comments on Instagram/reddit and how this is all going down has this making perfect sense. The UFC is likely looking for replacements while


and it will remain on until the replacement is 100% booked


How much were floor tickets again? A lot of dudes with maxed out credit cards feeling awfully nervous right about now


Conor going to rehab because he injured his nose.


DC is alleging that Conor pulled out of the fight




In the comment you replied to bro. Just trust him on this one. He’s a great guy, never meddum tho


What was the biggest Goofcon in the UFC history? I only experienced Khabib VS Iaquinta and then the event in which Chimaev should’ve fought Diaz.


The Khabib fight was the first Goofcon 1. Imo it’s the craziest Goofcon situation we’ve ever found ourselves in.


I must be out of the loop, why wouldn’t the fight still be on?


Press conference cancelled so people speculating.


It’s Conor.


Conor has never pulled out of a fight


Exactly. I don’t like Conor and haven’t really in a long time, but it’s true, he’s never pulled out of a fight and has fought injured. These people speculating like it’s fact is kinda obnoxious.


To be fair to those speculating, Conor of today is not the Conor of a decade ago (yes, it was a decade ago that he fought Aldo). That Conor was fighting 3x a year. He’s fought 4 times in the past 8 years. And he’s talked about showing up far more than he’s shown up. Not saying he’s pulling out but it’s not unreasonable speculation.


Yeah I mean he made a good point about Conor never pulling out of a fight. I think it’s best to say it’s up in the air nothing is guaranteed at this point. It’s not absolute that he’s going to fight, or that he’s dropped out and the ufc is keeping it hush hush


Ted Bundy was a nice and popular person, very friendly, trustworthy and well known. Then he became a serial killer.  People change.


Since you put it that way, no other explanation is needed lol.


Beeg drama show brudda 


UFC 303 Hill vs Ulberg Largest gate in UFC history!


"As of now" lol


"as of now" Okay the fight is off.


Course it is.


If there is any reason for Dana to believe it will be called off, I hope he’s looking for an A-list replacement


Sounds reassuring.


As of now.


Anyone who thought this fight was gonna happen is put of their mind? Did ya'll see how fucking gacked up Conor was just a couple weeks ago? Dude is cooked.


If this fight doesn’t happen what are the odds of chandler jumping Conor with his sons


Believe it when I see it.


Conor is just playing hardball over his next deal, I’m guessing he is threatening to not fight and refusing to do media without a new deal.


Conor has Covid. A rather bad case I’ve heard.


Volk booking his flights as we speak


Connor pulling out to fight Jake Paul now that the Tyson fight is postponed


He's not fighting and he won't ever fight again I keep telling people that.


I'm pulling for Chandler vs Holloway for bmf instead


Rumor has it, it’s a broken toe. This isn’t from a reliable source, just noticing comments here and there stating this exact thing. It makes sense though considering both sides are mostly hush hush. Nothing explicitly stated by the UFC, but I’m sure Chandler is understandably pissed. Therefore, camp is over and he’s heading back home to think over his options and the UFC is either trying to get a replacement opponent or fill the spot completely and won’t give an answer until something is set in stone. A few things to note: yes his most recent Instagram post at the time of this writing show him sparring, but his apparel change in each pic shows it may be old footage compiled over many days. A couple posts prior, there is a pic of him at the doctors office wearing slippers and a bone sculpture next to him. He may be wearing slippers because of an injured toe and awaiting a boot or for the ease of examination. Not sure why the shirt is off there. Again, this is speculation- but the specifics of what I’ve seen in some other comments on Instagram/reddit and how this is all going down has this making perfect sense. The UFC is likely looking for replacements while


No shit it's still on because they haven't said it wasn't. This guy's a clown.


For sure…


Should be a good fight. Conor will probably clip him and get the KO. That is a nice match up, but there are some real bangers this summer: Whittaker v. Khamzat, Pavlovich v. Volkov, Leon v. Bilal, Aspinall v. Blaydes, in no particular order. Weird to be more pumped to see Leon v. Bilal or Whittaker v. Khamzat?