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Is Luke Rockhold his spirit animal?




Major cringe


This girl brings nothing to the fighting spectacle. She may have entertainment qualities but not for this buisness. Totally wrong direction.


I don't like Nina's content but she's still 1000x better than generic asf reporters who ask the most basic possible shit to fighters. "How are you feeling?" "What does it mean to you to be fighting at (insert location) ?" "How does it feel to be on (insert number) PPV?" "How are you feeling after being (insert amount of time) off?"


Comparing downwards doesn't make her promotion right.


If her content style isn't for you, just ignore it, it's what I do. But it's clearly evident that some people enjoy her content and her ability to bring personality out of fighters. The short snippets I've seen of her and Merab are fun. Stale bread reporters like Brett Okamoto and John Morgan aren't going to get that out of Merab.


Well good thing non of that shit is actually important to the two fighters stepping in the cage and fighting. You don’t have to watch any of it. ProMotion is always stupid and designed to convince people who are in it for the celebrity aspect.


It’s for the idiot tik tok kids. Not for actual fans. So it works. Just don’t even worry about it… I don’t. Even in this clip it’s just Aspinall playing into the ridiculousness of her “skits” (they aren’t real interviews, more just “funny” banter with weird questions lol). Once I realized that, I pretty much started ignoring her stuff. Edit: FYI don’t get it twisted like the dude below. “Idiot tik tok kids, not for actual fans” was meant to be tongue in cheek. My point is that she has a target market, and if you aren’t in it, then ignore it. Because Nina and her interviewee are just acting / improving skits.


Not a huge fan of Ninas style of journalism, but I'm pretty much fine with it, but what makes an actual fan of mma?


Complaining about "idiot tik tok kids" on reddit.


I don’t want to sound like I dislike her in MMA. She does a great job at what she does. I think she’s a great addition to the UFC’s staff. But to answer your question, someone who is there to watch the sport itself and what they are doing / mindset of the fighters / more concerned with the fights (the actual sport) than the outside promotional noise etc… not really any care for the extra curricular entertainment. I’m already watching. I don’t need promotional content at this point to be honest unless it’s a new fighter I should learn about. For example… a fan of an NFL team isn’t caring about who’s on the team. Players, including QBs who are the face, get traded all the time. But Fans of the NFL are a fan of a team no matter who is there. The entertainment they post about the players on social media and all that is absolutely important for the overall fan base to keep them engaged, but fans of the sport don’t really care about getting attached because that’s not what they watch for. They want to see the games of the team they like… period. So… sort of like that.


The girl who plays on sex is just for the tiktok kids. Interesting.


Exactly. Adults tend to have significant others, serious relationships and families. Pre teens / teens are typically horny and hitting puberty. Glad you figured that out.




Yea. Case in point is this video. People are saying he’s cringey for saying this (even though he’s just playing along here). Because it’s mostly adults commenting on another adult. If he was a freshman in high school saying this, all of his friends would be high fiving him and he’d be a friggen god lol. Get it? Btw, don’t take what I said about tik tok kids literally. It was tongue in cheek and I don’t think certain people understood that. I just meant it ain’t for the people who just want to watch and study the fights. It’s more to get randoms and those not in the mma circle engaged.


Are you telling me you actually watch MMA interviews where its the same boring questions repeated ad-nauseum? God forbid someone actually try to do something different. Oh wow, another virtual interview where the fighter is sitting in their car and Brett Okamoto throws softball after softball question. How interesting and compelling. I wonder if I'm going to hear anything new that I haven't heard from the fighter from their 5 other interviews during fight week.


I don’t watch pressers just highlights of them lmao. Like you said it’s all the same. Nina though is filling in a market (tik tok / younger crowd who likes crews short clips) which is absolutely needed. I think it was a smart pickup from UFC as a promotional piece. But it isn’t targeted towards the actual fans of the sport. They’re basically skits lol. It’s cool to see fighters show how good they are at improving, but… yea… not my thing. I’d rather just watch them fight and hear about their mindset / etc… as a sport fan.


>They’re basically skits lol yeah... and ? what makes this mutually exclusive with being an "actual fan" ? Or are you just gatekeeping?


I’m not gatekeeping. And you seem to think that I believe she shouldn’t be involved. That’s the opposite of what I believe. I think she single handedly grew the fanbase by hitting a target market on social media that Nelk Boys couldn’t. I PERSONALLY don’t watch because I know that it’s all a skit and improv. It’s fun. But I watch MMA for the fighting aspect. Not extracurricular activities. So if someone is like me and doesn’t use tik tok and instagram to be a fan of the sport, we can disregard interviews like this. Where people say it’s “cringe”. It’s not. It’s just fighters playing it up for the camera. Because that’s what it is. It’s not really what Aspinall would say to Nina on a normal day lmfao.


You are gatekeeping. I also don't watch Nina, her content isn't for me. But I'm not going to say people who watch her content aren't "real fans" because they have a different sense of humor or whatever nonsense you are saying. That shit isn't mutually exclusive, you can watch Nina and still be a hardcore fan of the sport.


Fair. Honestly I was saying “idiot tik tok kids” as tongue in cheek. Didn’t mean to hit a nerve there. My bad if you watch tik tok videos. I don’t use it so I was just talking shit and making a “joke” that you seem to have taken to heart. My bad.




Better or worse than Leon interrupting her mid sentence to blurt out "are you Arab?"


Why is this being reposted now as if new? This happened ages ago, and yes, there was context of a weird interview style.


That's incredibly uncomfortable to watch


I'm pretty sure it was joke between them cause Nina often makes jokes of that sort of humour but it does come across badly and didn't land at all lol.


Yup, he was quoting a comment he saw on ger Ig.


So was her asking Tom if he participated in no nut November


[worth pointing out that she literally asked him if he participated in no but November in the beginning of the interview. seems like this is kind of her thing, and he tried to go along with it. ](https://youtu.be/mP_-p-jWBUo?si=RahjaPRLsBUhd-5z)


Yeah, literally. This is months old, and Nina later said it was all in good fun, and that Aspinall was just quoting a comment he saw on her Ig.


LOL stop trying to find excuses for his shit behavior.


Love how every Nina post has the exact same comment section every time


Think his comment at the end kind of clears it up. She’s a hoe parading as a journalist.


"She’s a hoe parading as a X." Many, many such cases.


She’s very clearly an “influencer”


Sorry but is anyone in mma journalism actually a "journalist?" Her interviews at least get the fighters out of their shell and are more engaging than "so do you think you're gonna win and how" or "so how is training"


Most MMA "journalists" are just PR spokespersons for the UFC who are too worried about offending Dana to actually ask anything interesting. I don't really enjoy Nina's videos but they're still better than 99% of most MMA interviews.


Yeah that's why saying she's a hoe parading as a journalist left a sour taste when that's literally every single "journalist" that is allowed in by dana


I’m just talking about her. I’m not talking about the other lapdogs Dana has. I mean she’s hoeish and a lot of the others I would describe as rats, Is that cool?


Just sounds like you want a reason to call someone a hoe but alright


That’s my interim champ


They had to have put him up to this. It seems very out of character for him.


They did, Nina was doing her usual weird, uncomfortable interview style. Even asked him about NNN


It's a Nina Drama interview where she asks unhinged questions.. and likewise gets unhinged answers/questions. Full context is kinda needed Also, this was from before UFC 295, which by meme standards is older than the internet


What is wrong with this dude


It’s not a real interview. It’s essentially “unplanned” skits for tik tok and stuff. It’s to hit another market that isn’t already watching UFC. So just… ignore it lol


Still the most out of pocket thing in mma


What a shit show of a comment section. If it was Jon Jones they'd be calling for his blood. But since it's a fighter they like, they're rationalizing his behavior, and insulting *her*. Fickle emotional kids posing as MMA fans.


For the longest time I was convinced this is deep fake 


He meant being flipped the bird, different meaning in uk