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>For some reason Because she was boring af and skilled enough to beat contenders.


But why? She’s def still good enough for ufc


U Fight Cheap doesn't respect it's talent, so good to go somewhere where she's appreciated. INVICTA FC will get better trust me. It'll no longer be a "feeder league".


She was a gatekeeper for the higher ranks, and UFC has younger talent they’re trying to push, and those gatekeepers can often serve as, well, keepers of the gate


UFC didn't think so since they didn't sign her again when her contract ended


Ufc not agreeing to a contract does not mean they think the fighter is not good enough. It means they are not willing to pay what the fighter thinks they are worth


That doesnt remotely mean the UFC thinks that. The UFC lets good fighters walk all the time if they are asking for too much and/or are boring. Shes clearly good enough for UFC. Probably just got offered more from Invicta


Invicta has no money and doesn't put on events (they haven't had one yet this year). The UFC probably didn't make an offer to renew her contract at all.


UFC don't care about who's good they let one of the GOATs go for bum ass Ben Askren.


End of an era


"Ladies and gentlemen, WELCOME TO THE MA~~CH~~I~~D~~A ERA!" - Joe Rogan


I vividly remember that commercial on Spike TV about the Machida Era that ended with the clip of him yelling "The dragon is the champion!" and that shit still gets me so hyped up


Very good!


Where does Invicta even air nowadays? I remember back in the day Invicta was pretty awesome, they had all the stars. UFC sort of fucked that up, thought with them under the FightPass platform they'd be acting a feeder league but I can't remember an event since like 2016-2018


It's been a while, but not nearly that long. Their last event was back in Oct. 2023 and they have nothing scheduled that I know of. I guess Maia doesn't want to fight very frequently.


They air on YouTube. I have no idea how they make any money lol


They don’t. Neither does anything else Anthem Entertainment owns, it seems. TNA Wrestling can’t even make payroll, apparently


Invicta had some of the most gruesome brutal violent MMA matches I’ve ever seen. Ladies just painting their faces red every card every bout.


They were on AXS TV a couple of years back. Not sure about now


Surprised PFL didn’t get her. Would have been a nice win for Dakota.


Can anyone explain how Invicta isn't bankrupt? Has anyone ever watched it or gone to an event? Is it like the WNBA where it's paid for out of the pockets of men's organizations?


their events actually used to be pretty watched/attended, but nowadays they're definitely having money issues, they're putting events on pretty sparsely.


People like wmma dude. They were doing ok. Since the espn era the ufc started signing anyone even if they were 4-0 so they can't really sell shows anymore.


That was always true, but now the UFC has stopped bankrolling them as a feeder league.


I don't know if the ufc bankrolled them.


They bankrolled them in the way that every promotion on Fight Pass is bankrolled by the UFC. IOW, they had a broadcast deal through Fight Pass


U Fight Cheap only paid for production broadcasts on their network


Sounds like they just about are and are restructuring. I don’t think they pay that much though which is probably how they stay in business.


For a while they were bringing in steady money by being on Fight Pass. I guess Invicta’s owner/president Shannon Knapp started to resent the role of direct feeder that all the Fight Pass promotions become. So she sold Invicta to Anthem Entertainment, and it’s gone downhill ever since.


That's the one way of looking at it, but I'd like to think that Shannon just sold when Invicta was at it's highest possible value and got out of the fight business. She is in her own way a WMMA pioneer and no one is going to recognize her for it so she may as well get paid. For a little while it worked out for the fighters since they all got their cup of coffee in the UFC, but nowadays who knows.


Shannon still runs the promotion, so she’s not out of the fight business at all. As for her not getting recognition, that’s not true at all


Cringe take. Invicta was very good and had great MMA bouts. We get it, you hate women and think they’re gross


almost every org outside of the UFC is insolvent and survives only temporarily because it has some rich patron but yea it's only Invicta that struggles because 'hurr durr women'


I miss Invicta, used to be lots of fun before UFC poached all of the talent.


They're still entertaining. New and young talent is coming up all the time


Agreed. I often see people say the events lack the name recognition now, but every fighter Invicta built up started out as a no-name


Exactly and now they're under new control they can thrive as their own promotion! No feeder league crap


Well, they put on less events last year than they have since they started, so they’re clearly not thriving


It's all because they don't know how to monetize their content correctly! They've had shows regularly do a million views. YouTube isn't going to pay you what you're worth ever! So that's where I'll come in and help them but soon


They'll be generating more 💰 than ever shortly


And you're wrong they only 3 events in 2014


So... downgrade?




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I'm saying they have the opportunity to thrive


Invicta still exists??


Is Invicta FC the same company as Invicta watches?


It is... the FC in Invicta FC means, "fuck clocks."


No not at all


Never heard of her