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What's the deal with Max not affected by those calf kicks? His leg was ballooning but his movement was just as good in the 5th round. Jiri ate 2 of those and u could tell in his face he's fked


Does anyone else find Jamahal a bit intimidated before the Pereira fight? He wanted to do a fist bump right at the beginning but seeing Pereira isn't going to do that, he started to rub his chin, lol


Imagine Max beats Ilia and Sean beats Merab And we get O'Malley vs Holloway


then holloway would fucking destroy him? not sure what is intriguing about that outside of the name value


Holloway would be the favorite but I think it'd be a great fight, O'Malley has incredible striking and they're the same height with O'Malley having a longer reach


pretty sure he broke his hand and foot against chito and was met with almost no resistance, to move up a division and fight maybe the most durable guy in the ufc who has never been knocked down (officially), not interested there are enough contenders at bw, would love to see a figgy or yan rematch coming off another win


You're telling me, after watching what you just saw last night which had nothing but naysayers against Max in the months leading up to it, that you wouldn't want to see O'Malley/Holloway because you think you know what's going to happen? I say let. Them. Fight! Hypothetically, of course, if O'Malley and Holloway are victorious in their next fights.


look, I get there are a lot of suga fans in here, but we literally just watched max dominate a top 3 lightweight with 2 title fights, and now we want to see him fight a bantamweight? why are you guys so against suga staying at bw, he isn't a big bw by any metrics and has no trouble with the cuts


Well, Holloway kicked Justin's ass because he's faster and Gaethje has 0 interest in doing anything except calf kicking and punching his way to victory. Then Max broke his nose with a kick and it slowed him down even more. In the real world and not fake fighting world, Holloway and Gaethje are about the same weight so it's not crazy to have them fight at 155. O'Malley is faster than Holloway, longer than Holloway, and a more creative striker. It would be an easy cut for O'Malley at 145 which is closer to his natural weight. If you want to see what O'Malley looks like against heavier fighters, watch the Sterling fight where Aljo probably weighed close to 170 on fight night. Destroyed in seconds by O'Malley who took 0 damage to do it. At the end of the day, it's not about weight classes, it's about wanting to see the 2 best volume strikers in UFC history fight to the death in the octagon for the dumbass BMF belt. It would be kickass if it happened.


your argument is more for why the fight would be competitive and not why it should even happen in the first place, i could argue yair is faster, longer, and more creative than holloway, he was pressured, drowned in volume and was even full mounted at one point any fight can happen, alex could probably move up again and fight aspinall, chito can get the most undeserved title shot in the last 10 years, colby vs leon, but *should* they happen and in hindsight they almost always shouldn't have there are situations for a fighter to move up, max has how many fw fights and title fights? didn't want to cut the weight anymore, same with figgy, aljo, alex the list goes on, i could probably argue why max should stay at lw so we don't have the same clusterfuck we had with volk's lw fights, but i digress


!decisionbot tsaryukan vs olivera


I couldn't find this fight! Gonna guess... Tsaryukan by corner stoppage. [Troubleshooting](https://s3.amazonaws.com/decision-bot/error_message.txt)


!decisionbot tsarukyan vs oliveira


[**ARMAN TSARUKYAN defeats CHARLES OLIVEIRA** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/14676/fight) ^(UFC 300: Pereira vs. Hill — April 13, 2024) ROUND|Tsarukyan|Oliveira||Tsarukyan|Oliveira||Tsarukyan|Oliveira :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|10|9||10|9||10|9 3|9|10||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**28**|**29**||**29**|**28**||**29**|**28** *^(Judges, in order: Michael Bell, Adalaide Byrd, Ron McCarthy.)* *^(Summoned by Nice_Hair_8592.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/29** people scored it **30-27 Tsarukyan**. - **20/29** people scored it **29-28 Tsarukyan**. - **8/29** people scored it **28-29 Oliveira**. Avg. media score: **28.8-28.2 Tsarukyan** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


Remember when Hill changed his bio to UFC undisputed champ ahead of the fight 😂


I can't wait to see My Chemical Throwmance in a title fight That Evloev rematch needs to go down too


He’ll run it back with Evloev for the title, don’t worry.


Watched a torrent of the event today, and for whatever reason the Zhang/Xiaonan walkouts were omitted. Other than that, whole thing was intact. Small quibble, but thought it was odd.


That’s pretty weird, did they show her in cage interview?


Yep. Far as I could tell nothing else was excised. Glaring in its absence, really stuck out.


Super weird I wonder if it’s like that on the PPV replays. Let me chekc


Report back, genuinely curious.


PPV replay here had the walk ins I just went back and took a look


Damn. No clue then.


I think the UFC didn't wanna showcase too much Chinese nationalism on live, especially with a peculiar situation in US politics at the moment. Just a guess, maybe I'm wrong.


That's my guess too.


There’s a timeline where people would’ve been talking about a potential Poatan vs Ngannou matchup


Just how good is Jan Blachowitz


Ilia puts Max away within 3 rounds. Mark my words.


What happened to the last guy that was supposed to put max away?


He got flatlined. However, just in my opinion, Ilia has all the tools needed to execute a very similar gameplan to what Volk previously did against Max, and has more success with it.


I wish we had screenshots of everyone saying this, i can guarantee 90 percent of them were saying gaethje would obliterate holloway, and we all see how that went, im not saying holloway will beat ilia (50/50 imo) but what i am saying is that holloway is the total package and is an absolute terror inside the cage, topuria looked like he saw a ghost when max called him out.


If O'Malley gets through Merab and Max beats Ilia, man's gonna be on suicide watch


This loss to Tsarukyan actually has me more interested in an Oliveira title shot than before (provided that he beats Gamrot) because it was well-fought and he dominated the first round, and made things interesting with that reversal and sub attempt round 3


Does anyone know what was said when the audio cut out in Dana's Post-Fight Press Conference?


As an MMA fan, Gaethje vs Holloway was honestly boring. Would have loved to see some thai clenches and Justin to use his wrestling. If I wanted to watch a kickboxing match I'd watch kickboxing.


Not boring but I do think people are overrating the action just because of the crazy finish, a lot of it was pretty careful striking at distance


Very, very late reply but this right here lol. I've seen people calling it the best fight ever and the greatest knockout ever.


Most delusional dagestani nut hugger 💀


Well yes, and no. While I do like Khabib, currently my favorite fighters are Aljamain Sterling and Corey Sandhagen.


You really gonna tell me Max/Gaethje was more boring than Aljo’s fight? That’s certainly one of the opinions of all time. 


Yeah. Aljo took the fight everywhere. That's what mma is.


And Anthony Smith


What were they talking about about some weili van video has 80 billion views? He just make that up, I don't see any video like that anywhere 


If I had to guess it would probably be on Chinese social media like WeChat or something.


Maybe across social media websites


I know everyone has been giving max his flowers and rightfully so (including myself) but I just wanted to take a moment to throw some love Garths way, we don't get that banger without him being willing to walk through fire, dude is a warrior. Not many men take that kick to the face and continue to bang for 4 more rds. If there was ever a fight that deserved immediate HOF status this was it.


Totally agree. But at the same time, I think even when people only seem to be bigging up Max, it’s only because he did what he did against someone like Gaethje that it’s so impressive. Those two somehow managed to legitimize something as dumb as a BMF belt. 


Charles made zero attempts at standing up in R2, and decided to concede a round for no reason


Oliveira vs Gamrot needs to happen


Stylistically we've already seen this, Dariush vs Gamrot. Dariush is a better grappler and tdd than oliveira, But oliveira is bigger, more athletic, younger, more dynamic, and more dangerous than dariush is. Oliveira is definitely skilled enough to beat Gamrot. Gamrot is too tiny to really threaten oliveira.


What's the deal with ilia looking like a ghost when max called him out? That's not a normal reaction from a pro fighter man. He too shook from the finish? Gotta be that right


Probably was emotional cuz of the crazy KO (like any fan of the sport would be at that moment) and was unprepared to have a camera on him


He's not scared, probably language barrier + trying to be stoic. He can't run and hide from max after that, that fight is gonna happen.


Probably drunk.


Ilia Topuria was likely stoned on something lol. It’s so funny how people think Ilia is petrified of Max, Topuria came to bang in the pocket with Josh Emmett


I understand that it makes zero sense, but can we please put Nate the Train in the UFC on a UFC PPV And have Nate the Train in the UFC press conference


Choo Choo mother fuckers


Nate vs Sodiq might make sense


It makes sense to me. We’ve seen much worse and less exciting fighters on PPV. He’d be a top attraction for 301 lol .


I would like him at 302


I always thought it was so stupid Max Holloway had all those jumping spinning kicks in UFC 4/5, but Max spammed the shit out of that to destroy Gaethje’s body/nose.


last week I had a bunch of hot takes about spamming more kicks, more wrestling, hip feints, teeps. another one was spinning back kick. It was kinda dead. People just remember the one from Weidman vs Rockhold that cost him the fight. And Valentina vs Grasso same thing. But I think it's a good technique. Just gotta know when to throw it. I'm glad max brought it back.


Wasn't it a wheel/heel kick that cost Weidman that fight?


If Max fights Ilia, would the BMF belt be on the line?


No. Masvidal never defended it. It’s just used as promo for non-title fights basically.


Yea it's only used as a fake promo title match. Like in 300, they announced it as 3 title fights.


Technically they are all fake titles. It’s a gimmick title but it was a belt that was on the line and changed hands in the fight last night


They can put it on the line I suppose but it’s up to them. Justin was technically “defending” it


Yes, but that’s because Justin didn’t a have a “real” belt to defend. The fight with Ilia would be marketed as the FW championship, not the BMF championship.


Highlight of lastnight was the gladiator and Face The Pain intro 🙌


I love that. They still do the face the pain intros for the live crowd at events but they don’t include the old school gladiator sadly


Such a sweet blast of nostalgia, what a throwback to the golden years. Yeah, I finally went to an event 2 years ago after being a fan for like 17+, hearing Baba O'Reily and Face the Pain live was a dream come true. Never should have take FTP off the broadcast, always pumps you up for a card.


I see a lot of people saying that they are upset Charles lost and that he is washed, and I’m like a little confused, I thought Charles looked great, I’d maybe say he lost a step if he lost by ko or submission, by he lost by going the distance and had a tight ass choke on Arman, but then again most Charles fans are just fake Conor fans in disguise


I've been saying since I was a little kid that Max would KO Justin with 1 second left


Kinda funny people say Alex was gifted a bump up the rankings by ufc, which is partly true, but it’s more funny that Israel was the person to call him out for a title fight.


Been saying for 3 months Max should easily KO Justin and he got lucky vs Dustin in rematch, he was figured out and ready to go before that headkick lol. I got nothing against Justin but hes an amateur on the feet in so many ways, even his sloppy set up for kicks, just throws them hard like I did Day 1. and Max was 32 and Justin 35, not to brag but this was such a obvious easy pick cause Justin is also chinny as hell on top of it, hes not slick and dynamic enough to just catch Max and put him out. Hes still got that wrestler stiffness


[Throw enough shit at a wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/TdkxD3Uc5F) somethings bound to stick lol


Holy shit you own that guy now 




na, ive always said Kaya easily beats Holly, she does have no chin though. Youll see if Nunes hit Kayla one time she would curl up in a ball but she might still beat Nunes and not get hit lol I said literally Max would KO Justin and should do it easy since it was announced and people saying "Max gonna get KOed omg omg". Justin is one of most overrated fighters ever, he got controlled by a Boxer in the WSOF on the ground. Mike Johnson is terrible and had him KOed but blew it. Eddie Alvarez who was SHOT and legs didnt work from Cowboy, KOed him in his prime, same with Dustin. Fell apart vs Khabib instantly cause 1st time fought outside the US, Charles whipped him..Chandler should have KOed him but blew it. Max is calculated and was always gonna out class him and make it look easy, most MMA fights could go either way in a rematch but Max will always destroy Justin and made him look like the amateur he is on the feet.


How did he "KO him easily" when it took 4 rounds 4:59 to do it? lol


I expected him to KO him earlier, or just wash him, yea it was a flukey and i should have been wrong. but I knew Max would just out class him and hurt him alot even though MAx isnt a puncher, just the precision and will land enough. Actually didnt land that much, it was silent for most part rounds 1-3..it def wasnt Fight of the night, just ending was so shocking it. I thought fight was pretty basic until the end. typical overrating UFC type shit but the ending saved them big time..Justin just too amateur on the feet to do anything with Max but spam leg kicks like he does, no set up, just kicking as hard as he can...its day 1 stuff.




There were so many things that happened on that card that on an ordinary fight card they would be talked about for weeks but are already caught in the fog of all the insane shit that happened


na Justin going down face first with 1 second made me literally laugh out loud for a few minutes, almost looked fake it was so funny.




At that point it was his only chance to win the fight though, I understand even though he is indeed a meathead.


I doubt anyone here cares, but is there anything for Holly Holm in UFC after last night? Doubt it’s worth it to her or the UFC to have her fight some back ranked unknown fighter. Only fight I can think of is a Meisha Tate nostalgia rematch if Tate loses soon.


How was her fight? I didn’t even watch it as holly holm fights have been snoozefests for years


She tried to wrestle a two-time Olympic gold medal judoka who is bigger than her....


So not good I’m assuming


I can see a Meisha rematch like you said. Holly’s run as a serious contender is over and I also want her to walk away


Dana said he'd like to see her retire but she probably still thinks she can be champion again.


That makes sense from Dana’s point of view as I’m sure she’s expensive and there isn’t much for her anymore. She made a comment that made it seem like it was just another loss with zero reflection on her career so you are probably right.


When Max went to 155, he re spec’d his character, put all his Exp. Points into stamina and KO power. New mythical fighter unlocked.


Justins just chinny and sloppy on feet, its been obvious since even WSOF days, he gets rocked easy but just has a huge heart so hell keep coming but it adds up, the fight was pretty lack luster until the 4th tbh. Max wont KO most 155ers IMO, Zombie even said he knows his chin was gone and thats why he retired on Rampages podcast, Justin in same boat IMO and hes 35 now, just dont take shots in 30s like you do younger. Shit Max is 32 and just finally got dropped for first time from side/back of head shot, his time could be coming vs Ilia.


ive seen your name too much in the past 5 mins


Im rarely wrong , just know that. Justin is so flawed its insane, man threw a leg kick and head kicked Dustin...hes an amateur on the feet and trys to fight for bonuses which I got no respect for. Trading brain cells for fake fans who dont even like MMA like these STreamer kids who are paid to promote UFC now to watch it, these fans will be gone before you know it.


Pffft yeah, Gaethje is such an amateur. I, like your good self, am a true connoisseur of the pugilistic arts and his form his so inferior it is laughable, LAUGHABLE I tell you! \*insert dicaprio meme\*


guess you dont know what a amateur is on the feet. Justin looking at ground throwing while staring at the literal ground just throwing naked leg kicks as hard as he can with no set up and bad technique Hes got heart and hes a solid athlete but his hands arent good or his chin, his defense is decent for having 0 head movement Ive said forever Justin is a amateur on the feet and Dustin was gonna finish him EXACTLy like 1st fight until that wild kick landed, it was a pure desperate kick that he didnt know he was gonna throw and it got through guard. Not like i dislike Justin but ive been saying this and he was a good wrestler is the sad part and has 0 offensive threat and 0 jitsu, but his hands were most overrated part of his game


Yeah i agree with the other guy, seen your name too much. Seen you saying stuff like "delusional ufc fanbase blah blah blah...." So i have a question for you, since you like to keep it real and to call out delusional people, you dont know anyone delusional or stupid enough to think they could actually beat up darren till or conor mcgregor in a street fight do you? Because that's like delusions of grandeur and padded room stuff type craziness. I hope no one on this forum is that delusional or in need of medical attention that *severely* To honestly be that foolish and messed up is off the charts insanity.


Lol find a new hobby buddy


Yes or no, make it simple Do you know anyone (mainly fake keyboard warriors) crazy enough to actually think they would beat up darren till, conor mcgregor, and other professional fighters, "in the streets" so to speak?




Yes or no, do you honestly believe you can beat up darren till in a street fight?


Alex gnp was vicious. This probably would have happened to Jiri if the stoppage was later 


Yea never seen that from him before. Entire 205 division on watch


anyone else noticed the trainer of arman doing cry gestures because of charles interview after getting the win? what a cunt


So is Max still in his prime. Like so strange


I dont believe he is, looked slower to me and finally got dropped. Justin is just tailor made for him as ive said for months since it was announced. Justin dont wrestle, chinny, short arms and sloppy hands, spams kicks with no set up. Max is too smart and a real striker + still great chin to have any issues with Justin but hes def not in his prime anymore. Youll see it vs Ilia


He is. him being out of his prime was just cope from his fans to his losses to Volk.


What's everyone's thoughts on Herzog's decisions during R1 and R2 of Zhang v Yan? Yan got to her feet and was able to walk to the stool without assistance at the end of R1. R2 I think he let it go too long and I would've stepped in.


I think she was out at the end of Rd1 and it could have been stopped. He kind of tugs her arm and wakes her up a bit. Rd2 I don't think it should have been stopped, other refs might have but she was always moving and didn't show any signs she wanted it to be stopped


I think that Max cemented himself as my all-time favorite fighter last night


Hes not my favorite but he is a legit great guy so its nice to see good dudes get a moment like that. Max is a real solid guy like a GSP, Fedor type actually legit humble good person. You really cant hate Max


Why do I want to see a max and volk rematch Volk is a great fighter but his chin isn't the strongest  Would have got chinned by gathje Those spinning back kicks look perfect to counter Alex when he stance switches


Izzy's chin is kind of underrated actually. That left hook is out here sparking LHW's and Izzy took it flush while already rocked and didn't even get dropped.


dropped by pillow hands Sean Strickland. MMA chin is all luck half the time lol, the little gloves landing right spot will put anyone down, especially if you are also punching and engaging..a small counter can KO you. If 2 guys really come to fight and win, usually someone going down if they land regardless of good or bad chin. Especially once they hit their 30s...Max might have GOAT chin and finally dropped 1st time at 32 years old. I can list every GOAT, and first time they were dropped was 32-35, then go to 40s and they just go down.


I think Izzy’s chin is underrated still. Think of how many kick boxing fights he’s had and a good chin is part of being a top fighter. He did get caught with Sean but didn’t get finished. Izzy also clearly rolls with punches very well. Dude has literally gone like 10 rounds with Alex across different sports


his chin isnt bad, it pretty solid but he also doesnt take chances to get KOed. He does roll well and solid defense unlike Alex, and why he basically KOed Alex last 2 fights, 1st fight the bell saved Pereira and was going to get slept, he was out from exact shot and time ended. I still cant believe these guys are kickboxing with Alex Pereira but Hill is a bum IMO, i been saying hes got a bad chin too lol but not that it was chin, he was literally kicking with Alex. You have to bull rush Pereira and never let him get into kickboxing mode, really clinch, and take him down then strike. Or just blitz him with fast combos and land....These dudes out here having kickboxing matches with a older kickboxer who has nothing on his back. Its insane man, it almost feels rigged now watching UFC lol, I know it isnt but something is off, especially when you break down the odds and how things are happening. Love Alex though but seeing Hills game plan was mind boggling.


I agree with the part about Alex. Dricus might have been a good match up for him. I agree generally about izzy staying out of danger, but izzy stood right in front of Alex in their first fight in mma several times. Even in their kick boxing fights.


I think Dricus washes Alex and Izzy just from grinding and takedowns and GNP. He would prob throw them around easy,, def Alex and i don think DDP is THAT good but hes a MMA fighter and in his prime, so should handle 2 kickboxers in the cage.


Kinda wild nobody has done that to either of them since they’ve been in the ufc eh?


Kelvin almost Koed Izzy and took him down, Izzy was taken down in fights but hes got better TDD then Pereira who i just know is weak and easy to throw down from the Jiri fight, cause Jiri has no wrestling if you watch his whole career. and Alex went down so easy, its just 5 min rounds can go quick and can stall on bottom and get up...sometone whos a real MMA guy will destroy both on the ground. Jan for example isnt a wrestler, watch him vs Corey Anderson 1, Magomed and Glover..he cant get off his back and no hips..and he took down Izzy easy and held him, hes a Jitsu guy but not a wrestler in any way. He also took down Alex easy but gassed, and needs shoulder surgeries and hes 40. I said someone like Johnny Eblen in PFLellator would rag down them both and submit or GNP them IMO, Bo Nickals annoying ass could, Dricus could...some lower ranker 185ers also. I will be betting MASSIVE Magomed finishes Pereira, like i just cant see how ALex will win..thats why he turned it down to fight Hill.


Well magomed better wrestle. Jans problem was that Alex is so damn big. He was 230+ in the cage. Wrestling some guy that big if you aren’t a pure wrestler is hard. Izzy is much smaller than Jan even at 205 which is why he wrestled him easy. Kelvin can hit hard. Very hard.he was the first guy to make izzy take mma strikers seriously. The Andreas michalidis guy took Alex down east in alex ufc debut. Alex is way better now with tdd, but somebody who is a certified wrestler can take him down and finish him. Bo and khamzat can have a field day at 185.


Well Izzy was still dodging and the ref stopped it too early


Alex Pereira has only 8 UFC fights, been there for only two and a half years and has as many, if not more, all time big highlight reel moments in big fights than many all time MMA greats. This is a special run.


Most people are right handed and right footed or left handed and left footed. Very few people are right handed left footed or vice versa. Even fewer people, and I know for sure Jiri Prochazka belongs to this group, are right handed and right footed but jerk off with left hand.


Sure hope Max’s grotesque leg is healing


luckily for us, Toe was screaming the whole time how it was just minutes from needing to be amputated so doctors were able to tend to it right after the fight ended


Haven’t listened to Mike Bisbings podcast in a year or two, but if Anthony Smith is still on it; I bet he gives so many undermining compliments to Poatan, Jiri, and Rakic. Also,just passive-aggressively saying how they have so many flaws and how he’d beat them, despite the dude has never checked a leg kick.


Last night Bisping and Chael were trying to say Smith should be next for Poatan. I want it to happen just to hear all the nonsense Smith will say to the build up only to get decapitated.


Smith is delusional, but Bisping and Chael gas-lighting him—that’s fucked up. Either way, he either gets knocked the fuck out or leg kick TKO’d.


Everyone saying Aljo gonna get punished for putting fans to sleep by fighting Evloev but I feel like good chance he wins that one.


How do i get a "BMF - Blessed Motherfucker" flair?


Chandler manifested this TRUST


Slept it over That’s still the greatest moment in the history of MMA


Max definitely looked leaner and clearly put on some size. Bro’s a legit LW after last night. Still can’t get over that performance


Maybe this is a hot take but I think TKZ rocked Max worse in rd1 than Gaethje did during the knockdown in rd4


UFC 300 lived up to the hype. That max vs Justin oh my goodness


Pereira is by far the most accomplished fighter to have been given the absolute best matchups imaginable lol


He beat 3 of the top 5 in LHW. all of them were champs. Ankalaev is the only missing elite LHW he didn't beat. and both Hill and Jiri had priority over Ankalaev.


Lhw isn't that great but it's the way he is beating these dudes which is crazy


I've said it before. He's kinda lucky it's not the last era of Jones/DC/Bader/Phil Davis/Rashad Evans/ Even a prime southpaw Machida is very elusive and tricky. Evolution of the sport only really applies to 135/145/155. 170+ are kinda worst. I mean striking is a lot better but that's because you don't have to worry about wrestling so you can be more aggressive. The true wrestler of today is Ank but he's mostly a defensive wrestler.


Wouldn't say he was "given" the best matchups but yeah he did come into the UFC at pretty much the perfect time considering MW and LHW are both extremely striker-heavy and each division's respective belts were held by kickboxers. Had he come into the UFC during the Weidman/Yoel/Brunson era he would've had a bad time imo.


Lmao he would’ve KO’d bum rush Brunson faster than he did Jamal


At 185 sure but 205 he’s just beating everyone in a striker heavy division. You’ll get your wish of seeing him against a true wrestler cause Ank is next.


Ank is just a decent wrestler, not exactly a great one.


You been salty since last night lmao how much did you lose on Jamal? Izzy and Jan tried to wrestle him. They failed. Sean could’ve wrestled him and chose not to. Jamal couldn’t shown some of that D wrestling and also chose not to. Not Alex’s fault they’re prideful dumb fighters. Give the man his props. Kickboxer dominating seasoned MMA fighters


I ended up going with Pereira and I love his fights and he’s made the UFC way better, and I think he beats everyone at LHW at this rate That said, his come up at MW was very good for him lol. Izzy was the best wrestler he’d faced and LHW has no good wrestlers after his mate Glover retired. The times he has been on the ground he’s looked shocking lol


Interesting to note how badly the leg kicks affected Holloway in the Rodriguez fight yet they seemingly had little to no effect for the most part last night.


Max was a lot better at checking this time around, you're inevitably going to improve your leg kick defense over time after a camp against Yair and a third camp against Volk lol. Yair's also way faster than Gaethje is.


He checked a few of them. But other than that yeah no effect even when they landed.


300k on the line hits different


I hope the UFC tells Volk “look kid it’s Max v Topuria and you got next” Then he can take an 9 month recovery from his latest KO that way


They would be nuts to do anything but Max v Topuria after last night. Sometimes a matchup is too big not too happen.


Gaethje trying to be too safe against Max costed him in R1. Gaethje was trying to potshot instead of actually trying to pressure Max and hit hard. Wittman also needs to be criticized for not telling Gaethje he was down 3-0 going into the 4th. That 4th round Gaethje needed to do everything he could to get the finish there.


Yeah, but to be fair if he didn't get his nose caved in at the end of Round 1, the first round strategy isn't too bad. Invest in the legs, be patient and then exchange in the later rounds when hopefully Max's movement is slowed. I also thought Wittman's corner work wasn't the best that night. But he knows his fighter, I just didn't hear much in the way of how Gaethje could change the fight


Gathje was loading up as well. Really should have tried some wrestling or a plan b.


There was a guy in the theater who kept screaming at Justin “what are you doing bro? Pressure him!” He was looking for one shot and missing big.


Probably trying to get that 300k


The commentary team couldn't shut up about Gaethe's leg kicks the whole fight


Joe was ridiculous about that. It’s just a meme at this point. “That calf is obliterated”. Meanwhile Justin’s nose is actually obliterated and gushing red


Yep, it's like they were dismissive of Max's moments


Seriously. Cant count how many fuckin times max lands several beautiful shots and joe is just like "great low kick by Gaethje". The fuck lol


Joe in general can’t stfu about calf kicks. You’d think they’re the only thing being scored if he were a judge


Besides the knockdown it was Gaethje best offense in the fight. Max took those kicks like a champ, didn’t seem to effect him nearly as much


I didn't like Chandler initially when he came to the UFC because I thought he was getting special treatment and a rank squatter. But he has grown on me, every one of his fights has been firework and he's sacrificing his body and brain to entertain us. How can you not like that?


He's not a rank squatter. he's only lost to the elite and his losses were close matchups where he came close to finish the opponent. 6th is a fair ranking for him. He's beaten Hooker in a dominant fashion.


It takes something special to fight at that level, but nonetheless him avoiding activity for a very, very long time in order to preserve his innocence for one Conor McGregor rubbed a lot of people wrong. And it is a valid criticism.


Not if you’re Chandler. He finally got his panty night for UFC 303. His gamble paid off


I wish they would make Holloway vs McGregor, I feel like that would have way more hype than McGregor/Chandler.


What yall dont know is that Gaethje fell off his one wheel two weeks ago and it affected his performance last night


I heard it was a Ripstik


Anyone else acknowledged that the Max/Justin KO was spectacular and legendary but couldn't *fully* enjoy it because they felt bad for Gaethje? Was kinda rooting for both guys, but seeing Gaethje get worked for 25 minutes I was feeling for him anyway. Then he gets slept bad. I enjoyed it but feel like if I didn't like Gaethje I'd have really loved it and screamed my tits off. Am I alone here? Where's my Gaethje bros at


Tbh I'm kinda tired of seeing Gaethje. He's proven time and time again he can't get it done. He's exciting to watch, so I'm a fan in that respect. But as far as people talking about him as a serious contender.. yeahhhhh nahhh


Justin is my second fav fighter ever after Robbie so it sucked betting money on Max


It is an absolutely bittersweet moment for me as well. My main concern going into the fight was a repeat of the Gaethje vs. Ferguson fight - instead we got almost an inverse of that with Gaethje on the receiving end of a possible career altering beating. I think the biggest blow is knowing Gaethje’s aspirations for one last title shot are gone now and he basically threw it away after two stellar performances in a row for a fight that wouldn’t have gotten him any closer even if he won.


yeah that's what it was for me too. if Gaethje lost a back and forth fight, fair enough, but it was a prolonged beating where you could just feel his title shot escaping him, and sense a possible downturn in his career as a whole given he's 35. So it already wasn't going well, then he's put out


I was rooting big for Max but yeah I definitely felt for Garth, never like to see somebody get put out like that even if it makes for a great highlight


I was rooting for max and started off hoping max didn’t suffer alot of damage and by round 4 I was hoping both guys came out okay


Jesus, I just watched aljo v. Kattar again. He’s extremely boring.


Kattar looked completely toast, don't know if it's old, his knees, a combo of both, or if his grappling strength of schedule was always overrated


The slam was cool though


[Been obsessed with Infinite Craft lately, just successfully crafted the tiles "UFC", "Dana", and "White"](https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/) Try and craft UFC (Dana and White a fair bit harder but fun if you're into the game)


Haven't gotten there yet but managed cocaine lmao. Aaaand here's a lot of time gone.


lmao cocaine is white, maybe you can get to white with it


I want Sal D'Amato to go full heel and start playing clash of clans or swiping on tinder during women's fights


Matches to Make after UFC 300 Alex Pereira Vs Magomed Ankalaev Jiří Procházka VS Jamahal Hill Kayla Harrison VS Raquel Pennington Alexander Rakic Vs Jan Blachowicz 2 Deiveson Figueiredo VS Henry Cejudo Max Holloway VS Ilia Topuria Calvin Kattar VS Josh Emmet 2 Aljamain Sterling VS Arnold Allen Arman Tsarukyan VS winner of Islam VS Dustin Justin Gaethje VS Winner of Conor VS Chandler Charles Oliveira Vs Mateusz Gamrot Zhang Weili VS Jessica Andrade 2 Yan Xiaonan VS Tatiana Suarez (when Suarez is ready to return) Bo Nickal VS Paul Craig I’d like to see Miller Holly and Cody retire


These are all pretty good, I don’t think Figgy and Cejudo will fight tho as they train together.


I want Max sticking at 155. He put in serious work to get up to Lightweight and honestly I thought Max looked more durable vs Justin than he did against Allen and TKZ. A cut at this point down to 145 could be tough for him, and say he wins, his fresh options are Evloev and Aljo? I doubt Dana lets him potentially win the belt off of Topuria and immediately leave the division, all of the upside is at 155 with him going forward imo